Domenico Bossi (1767-1853)Miniature. Portrait of the Emperor Alexander I signed and dated ‘D.Bossi pinxit 1807’ (lower left)gouache, watercolour o...
?OPOV ALEXEY (1858-1918)Portrait of a French officer signed ‘A.Popov’ (lower right)watercolor on paper34 x 25 cmexecuted during the artist’s stay ...
NICHOLAS II (1894-1917) The Emperor surrounded by officers of His Majesty’s 13th Life Grenadier Regiment during the regimental holiday on June 29,...
TRETYAKOV V. (1897-1975), AUTOGRAPHFaithful to duty 1941-1961 / [comp. by V. Tretyakov]. Nyack, New York: Publishing house ‘Unification’ of the 1s...
PIONEERS OF YURI GAGARIN’S DETACHMENT TO FORMER SACHSENHAUSEN FRENCH PRISONERS Photo album. Moscow, Memorial museum former Sachsenhausen prisoners...