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Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
A pair of late 19th century Japanese blue and white chargers Decorated with birds flying amongst chrysanthemum flowers above a fence.41cm diameter...
An Indian carved-marble panel
An Indian carved-marble panel With pierced ornament and pietra dura inlay in the form of a single tulip. 38cm wide x 83.5cm high Qty: 1 Minor ...
A collection of English and Continental porcelain To include two Meissen coffee cans, one with blue hand-painted dragon decoration, one with magne...
A George III toilet mirror
A George III toilet mirror The swing mirror with a shaped frame and gilt slip, the plain support with turned urn finials, all on a base with three...
A 19th century Italian marble bust of a young girl On a marble socle.48cm highQty: 1In generally good condition. Slight losses and abrasion to the...
A contemporary bronze sculpture
A contemporary bronze sculpture After the 18th or 19th century French original depicting Cupid blinded, the sculpture mounted on a turned marble s...
Soldiers and uniforms of the First Empire compiled by Dr Hourtoule A collection of approximately seventy-five lithographs together with descriptio...
A mid-century six-branch electrolier The chromed curving arms having scrolling decoration, with candlestick-style light fittings.66cm diameterQty:...
An early 19th century Continental hoop and spike wall clock With a pewter dial and cast pewter spandrels. The birdcage movement striking the hours...
A George III mahogany bow-front chest of drawers With two short over four long graduated drawers with brass ring handles and outswept bracket fron...
A group of three etchings after François de Troy (French 1645-1730) A composed pair: the first J. B. Scotin (French 1698-1755), 'Vincentius à Reg...
A dressing table stool
A dressing table stool The inset serpentine seat set into the ebonised base with parcel gilt decoration to the cabriole legs terminating in shaped...
A group of three furniture mounts Consisting of a pair of gilt mounts of winged classical Victory figures; together with a further French mount wi...
A George III small-sized chest of drawers The chest with a brushing slide over four long graduated drawers, beneath a crossbanded top and standing...
A George III mahogany tripod table The circular tilt-top on a bird cage support with a baluster column, the calves tongue-carved legs terminating ...
A pair of painted wooden plinths
A pair of painted wooden plinths With square tops.46cm wide x 79cm highQty: 2Some wear to the paintwork particularly to the upper corners, otherwi...
A console table
A console table The travertine-topped table with a wrought iron base.154cm wide x 45cm deep x 79cm highQty: 1In good condition but for some very m...
A 20th-century Russian Icon
A 20th-century Russian Icon The Mother of God of the Burning Bush, framed in a silver and gold painted moulded frame, within a black lacquered cas...
A pair of Anglo-Chinese armchairs With relief-carved dragon decoration, and scratch-carved dragon decoration to the seat.61cm wide x 102cm highQty...
Alexandre Chaponnier after Jules Antoine Vauthier (French 1774-1832) Louis XVIII, a quarter-length portrait, mezzotint on paper, published by C. B...
Late 19th/early 20th century Neoclassical satinwood column stand Of tapered form with inlaid decoration to the body.27cm wide x 25cm deep x 114.5c...
A side table, an occasional table and a basin stand The side table with a single drawer and square tapering legs united by an undertier; the rosew...
A black-painted wrought iron fire guard The fire guard decorated with a tree; together with various fire irons including a set of three steel iron...
A group of six various antique brass candlesticks Mainly in the French style, some with signs of silver plating.The largest 28cm highQty: 6Oxidisa...
A French Louis XVI mahogany D-shaped fold-over card table C.1780. Standing on turned tapering legs.98cm wide x 48.5cm deep x 76cm highQty: 1Minor ...
A collection of five maps and elevations From 'An Account of the Voyages undertaken by the order of His Present Majesty for Making Discoveries in ...
A collection of twenty glass storm lantern shades and three further glass light shades The storm lanterns of various sizes, designs and styles to ...
A pair of Regency ormolu and bronze candlesticks The sconces supported on fruiting baskets and all over three winged scaled birds standing on trif...
A Middle Eastern stamped copper coffee or water jug With a hinged lid and cast brass handle.Approximately 17cm diameter x 30cm highQty: 1Minor mar...
A green cast resin lamp standard
A green cast resin lamp standard The lamp standard decorated with eagle masks and with a fluted column and scrolling feet.170cm highQty: 1Chips, m...
British 19th Century School
British 19th Century School An early 19th-century portrait of a lady, oil on canvas, unsigned. 69cm x 59cm (87cm x 76cm framed)Qty: 1The canvas is...
Two antique coal buckets and a low nursery fender One coal bucket with bands of copper flowers on a silvered ground; the second in the Art Nouveau...
A 19th century mahogany framed armchair With green button-upholstery, stamped to front right leg 'W D'.78cm x 96cmQty: 1Stretchers have been later...
After Antoine-Jean Gros (French 1771-1835) ‘Napoleon on the Battlefield of Eylau’, etching, dated ‘July 1833’, with an ink stamp to the margin.57c...
A late 19th/early 20th century Capodimonte trinket box With moulded hand-painted decoration of classical scenes of children frolicking fawns and g...
A collection of six pictures
A collection of six pictures Gindreda Brooke, a portrait of J. M. Buxton, watercolour and bodycolour on paper, signed and dated to the margin 'Gin...
A 19th century Empire-style yew wood bedside cupboard The top covered with a sliding recessed door and the second cupboard opening on hinges enclo...
An early 19th century French mahogany secrétaire à abattant With a single frieze drawer over a fall-front enclosing a mirror-backed recess above s...
A Victorian burr walnut fold-over card table With a circular green baize inset, raised on trumpet form supports united by a shaped stretcher, rais...
A French, possibly late 18th century, faux marble sculpture stand Of trifrom with waisted sides. 62cm wide x 72cm deep x 31cm highQty: 1Minor mark...
A George III mahogany Pembroke table With drawers to each end, raised on tapering square section legs with brass caps and castors.51cm (98.5cm unf...
A French circular marble-topped occasional table The drum table with brass edging to the marble top and marquetry inlay, all standing on square ta...
A Georgian-style ebonised Canterbury The four dividers over two shallow drawers and standing on turned tapering legs.47cm wide x 38cm deep x 53.5c...
Two 19th century pole screens and a further pole screen stand The first with a painted screen depicting cherubs on a splayed tripod base united by...
A 19th century mahogany Empire-style dressing table mirror The rectangular mirror on a turned support standing on a base with a flame veneered mah...
A Rococo-style gilt metal girandole With a foliate and scrolling frame around an oval mirror in front of three-branch electrolyzed wall lights.52c...
A late 19th century Aesthetic Movement dressing table With an Italian Majolica inset tile to the top and an inlaid geometric border, the hinged li...
A George III mahogany hanging corner cupboard The astragal-glazed single door enclosing shelves.83.5cm wide x 100cm highQty: 1Minor marks, dents, ...
A pair of George III mahogany knife boxes Each with serpentine fronts and with fitted interiors, on brass ball feet.Each 21cm wide x 30cm deep x 3...
David James (British 1853-1904)
David James (British 1853-1904) Boats in a stormy sea near Scarborough, oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right 'D. James 79'.75cm x 126cmQty:...
A group of four Regency dining chairs Each with lyre splats, overstuffed upholstered seats and standing on square tapering legs united by H- stret...
A decorative tapestry picture of Rome The machine-made tapestry in brown, stained material within an oak and parcel gilt frame.The frame 149cm x 6...
A 19th century Sheraton-style satinwood book stand The shaped gallery with a shelf over a single drawer above a drop-leaf, all raised on tapered ...
A pair of framed pictures depicting a floral alphabet C.1900, the watercolour alphabet depicting various flowers including bindweed, iris etc.Each...
A George III mahogany cellarette on stand The lid with decorative rose inlay, with carrying handles to the sides and on square tapering legs termi...
A large vase
A large vase The glass trumpet-shaped vase on a gilt plaster circular plinth base with rope-moulded edging.27cm diameter x 80.5cm highQty: 1The gl...
Three tea caddies
Three tea caddies The first a mahogany tea caddy of sarcophagus form with brass mounts and boxwood banding; the second in mahogany of sarcophagus ...
A small group of glassware
A small group of glassware Consisting of two bohemian red flash glass large goblets, one decorated with a horse jumping a fence with twin coloured...
A pair of Chinese dogs of fo and a pair of famille rose porcelain plates The dogs of fo of jade and standing on wooden bases, the famille rose pla...
An early 19th century Dutch painted fold-over tea table With a fluted frieze and standing on square legs.89.5cm wide x 42.5cm deep x 73cm highQty:...