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Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
A green glass tazza together with two silver plated bonbon dishes The tazza with gilt ornament and Greek key banding. The bonbon dishes with pier...
Late 20th Century European School Seated nude, ceramic, indistinctly signed and numbered '42/100', mounted on an oak plinth base.The plinth 41cm w...
A French brass table lamp
A French brass table lamp In the form of a vase on a circular spreading base and a tapering black shade.16cm diameter at the base x 64cm high incl...
A French Empire buffet
A French Empire buffet The painted cabinet with a single frieze drawer over panelled doors flanked by pilaster columns, all on block feet. The pai...
A group of four side chairs
A group of four side chairs Consisting of a pair of French chestnut rush seated kitchen chairs with horizontal splats; a painted side chair with o...
An antique, naive Folk Art wrought iron model of a rocking horse Possibly Continental.41cm wide x 36.5cm high overallQty: 1
Ehanno (20th Century Naive School) Fishing boats moored by a jetty, oil on canvas, signed (lower right) 'Ehano'.40cm x 49.5cmQty: 1Unframed. Some ...
A pair of George III silver plated candlesticks Of marquise section with removable drip pans, tapering stems, and reeded stepped bases. 17cm wid...
A Victorian brass and steel fender The ball finials united by a bar and with bacchanalian finials and on a stepped plinth base.106cm wide x 12.5cm...
Two wash stands
Two wash stands The lot to consist of a George III mahogany wash stand with a square galleried top, blind fretwork decoration, and an undertier wi...
20th Century School
20th Century School A plaster bust of a female.31cm wide x 36cm highQty: 1Minor marks and chips. In generally good condition.
A large Ochre 'Arctic Pear' chandelier With concentric rings of heavy glass drops on a steel frame, suspended by delicate wires.120cm diameter and...
A large Ochre 'Arctic Pear' chandelier With concentric rings of heavy glass drops on a steel frame, suspended by delicate wires.120cm diameter and...
A group of various assorted items The lot to consist of a 19th century French ormolu mounted two-branch wall light; together with a modern carved ...
A group of four birdseye maple photograph frames The pair with oval apertures, together with a double frame, and a large single frame.The largest ...
A hanging lantern
A hanging lantern Of typical street light form with a turned finial and square tapering glazed sides.42cm wide x 98cm highQty: 1In good oxidised c...
An antique wrought iron stand
An antique wrought iron stand With a shaped top and a tripod base.17cm wide at the top x 106.5cm highQty: 1In oxidised condition overall.
Two brass table lamps
Two brass table lamps The two lamps likely previously oil lamp bases, now converted for electric use.Both approximately 64cm high to the fittingQt...
A George III, possibly Irish, mahogany drop-leaf occasional table With turned tapering legs terminating in pad feet. 76cm wide x 34cm deep x 68....
Two similar Regency rosewood and burr walnut veneered dining chairs With carved cresting rails, horizontal scrolling splats, inset seats and stand...
A George III mahogany gentleman's chest In the Gillows style, the interior fitted as a wash chest and writing chest. With a hinged lid opening to ...
A Chippendale-style mahogany-framed dressing table stool The blue upholstered inset seat over a stool with blind fretwork decorated legs united by...
Walter J. Watson (1879-1937)
Walter J. Watson (1879-1937) 'The Meeting of the Hodder and Ribble', oil on canvas, signed lower left and indistinctly dated 'Walter Watson'. 44...
An 18th century Chinese lacquer cabinet on stand The cabinet with engraved brass mounts and strapwork hinges, and with panels and drawer fronts de...
A George III mahogany fold-over tea table With concertina-action supports and square tapering legs.89cm wide x 44cm deep x 72cm highQty: 1
A 19th century mahogany plate bucket With a rope-twist and ceramic handle, complete with a group of nine Worcester dinner plates decorated with a ...
A large antique gilt gesso mirror frame The distressed mirror frame around a rectangular mirror plate.115cm wide x 138.5cm highQty: 1Minor marks, ...
A George III circular tilt-top tripod table With a turned column support and tripod base.60cm diameter x 70cm highQty: 1In generally good conditio...
A pair of modern white pottery table lamps Of baluster form.19cm diameter x 46cm high to the fittingQty: 2In good condition, possibly in need of r...
A collection of glassware
A collection of glassware Consisting of six blue glass finger bowls; two blue glass rinsers; and three decanters.The finger bowls 13cm diameterQty...
A Victorian walnut taxidermy fire screen The two-sided case of exotic taxidermy birds resting on branches, the case with barley-twist supports to ...
A Maltese wall clock
A Maltese wall clock The carved red-painted and parcel gilt clock with a decoratively painted dial and visible pendulum, the movement and clock co...
A pair of 19th century English parcel gilt, cream-painted open armchairs In the 18th century French style with needlework upholstered backs, arms ...
Robert Bonnart (French 1652-1729) after Adam Franz van der Meulen (Flemish 1632-1690) A pair of engravings. ‘Entrée de la Reine dans Arras, en l'a...
A large antique rectangular wall mirror With distressed gilt gesso moulded frame around a rectangular mirror plate.120cm wide x 145cm highQty: 1Si...
A mid 19th century mahogany Empire cabinet The marble top above a frieze drawer with gilt brass mounts, the fall-front opening to reveal a green t...
A contemporary wall mirror
A contemporary wall mirror The scrolling frame around a shaped mirror plate.103cm wide x 124cm highQty: 1In generally good condition, with minor m...
A Victorian burr satin birch workbox The inset brass plaque to the top with an inset carry handle, and with the initials 'W. D. G', the lid openin...
Kennedy for Harrods military chest of drawers The chest with an arrangement of three short over four long drawers with brass mounts and inset hand...
A pair of 20th century Chinese style glass vases Decorated with storks amongst prunus blossom, on a green ground.Each approximately 15cm diameter ...
Two 19th century French stick barometers The first with a stained faux rosewood case signed 'Colombi Optician a St Malo', with a pen-written main ...
A Victorian rosewood games and work table The table with a chessboard inlaid top lifting to reveal a veneered interior over a single drawer and a ...
A Minton Parian figure of Lady Constance Grosvenor, c.1854 On a circular base, impressed to the underside 'Minton', with makers marks.52cm highQty...
A pair of Coromandel pyramid bookcases Each with five shelves to the tops and the base with two shelves enclosed by cupboard doors, all raised on ...
A large mahogany oval dressing table mirror With shaped supports raised on a bow-fronted base with four drawers and bracket feet.85.5cm wide x 20....
A pair of Chinese cloisonne sheep With white bodies, and black heads and legs.Each approximately 42cm long nose to tail x 31cm highQty: 2Some sign...
An extensive Davenport dinner service The service decorated in Imari colours with gilt highlights, in pattern number 135. Consisting of thirty-fou...
A group of four engravings
A group of four engravings Two after François Boucher (French 1703-1770), the first René Gaillard (French 1722-1790), 'L'Obéissance récompensée',...
A pair of mid-century German ceramic table lamps The bodies of undulating form with a dark glaze, with later tall lemon-decorated shades.36cm high...
A small group of copper kitchenware Consisting of two pans; a chestnut roast; a strainer; and two ladles.The largest copper pan 42cm diameter x 16...
A 19th century Empire marble-topped circular centre table With a baluster-shaped hexagonal support, a triform base with gilt metal mounts, and sta...
A collection of art and antiques interest books To include subjects on furniture, clocks & watches, William and John Linnell, together with a sma...
A cast iron umbrella stand
A cast iron umbrella stand In the form of a dog holding a whip in its mouth and on a shell-shaped base with a liner.59cm wide x 22cm deep x 59.5cm...
A pair of 19th century French Rococo-style gilt wood side chairs The shaped backs with a foliate cresting above shaped seats raised on cabriole le...
A group of antique kitchen metalware The lot to comprise a large pan; a trivet; a pot hanger; and three chimney jacks.Qty: 6All in used condition ...
A Regency gilt gesso pier glass
A Regency gilt gesso pier glass With pilaster columns to either side beneath an inverted breakfront cornice.58cm wide x 92cm highQty: 1Minor marks...
A Grand Tour bronze, after the antique, of Spinario The 19th century bronze after the Roman copy of the sculpture now in the Capitoline Museum, Th...
A pair of table lamps
A pair of table lamps The brass bodies modelled as Ionic columns on marble plinth bases with brass mounts.63cm high to the fittingQty: 2In general...
A George III mahogany Chippendale-style Pembroke table The table with drop-leaves to either side on carved, fluted, tapering legs terminating in b...
Two modern checked Kilims
Two modern checked Kilims Each sewn together from two panels.267cm x 207cm and 293cm x 187cmQty: 2The first in generally good condition with light...