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Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
A super king size bed base by And So To Bed The grey-painted bed in the French style with outset columns and turned finials.197cm wide x 219cm lon...
Two velum-covered hat cases.
Two velum-covered hat cases. One square, the other round.The square hat case 46cm wide x 39cm wide x 29cm high.Qty: 2In used condition with minor ...
Gerard Campbell
Gerard Campbell 'Pin Mill - low tide', oil on board, signed with initials lower left 'G.C'. 59.5cm x 59.5cm Qty: 1 Purchased from Richard Ha...
A cut glass light fitting
A cut glass light fitting With shaped glass drops within a decorative frame.Approximately 35cm wide x 68cm high overallQty: 1Some minor marks and ...
Late 20th Century School
Late 20th Century School A nude woman in an extravagant headdress, oil on canvas, inscribed to the reverse 'Greender'.89cm x 74cmQty: 1In generall...
A painted dressing table
A painted dressing table The kidney-shaped dressing table with floral decoration, a single drawer to the front, and standing on parcel gilt cabrio...
A Royal British Canadian ensign flag Block printed on a red ground, set within a distressed white-painted frame.25cm high x 38cm wide (56cm high x...
Jane Corsellis NEAC, RWS, RWA (British 1940-) 'Evening, Brighton Pier', oil on canvas laid on board, unsigned. 19cm x 39cm Qty: 1 Purchased f...
Two pairs of Ralph Lauren purple velvet cushions together with another The two pairs of Ralph Lauren cushions with 'RL' initialled buttons; the si...
18th Century School
18th Century School Joseph and Potiphar's Wife, oil on canvas, unsigned. 40cm x 50.5cm Qty: 1 Purchased from the estate of the fashion des...
An Art Deco-style sofa and a matching armchair Originally purchased from Sweetpea & Willow. The cream upholstery with grey corded cushions and orn...
A decorative wall mirror
A decorative wall mirror The decorative rectangular mirror plate around a frame with moulded decoration.112cm wide x 93cm highQty: 1Losses to the ...
Peregrine Heathcote (British 1973-) 'Supercharged', oil on canvas, signed lower left 'Peregrine Heathcote'.78.5cm x 114cmQty: 1In generally good c...
A pair of adjustable table lamps
A pair of adjustable table lamps With cream-painted shades and bases, and steel supports.The bases 16cm diameter. The lamps approximately 48cm hig...
Mid-20th Century English School
Mid-20th Century English School Still life of roses within a blue vase, oil on canvas, unsigned.44cm x 37cmQty: 1The painting in reasonable condit...
A group of six various Versace cushions The cushions of different designs typical of Atelier Versace.The largest approximately 45cm squareQty: 6In...
An OKA chest of drawers
An OKA chest of drawers The four grey-painted long drawers with moulded fronts.112.5cm wide x 58.5cm deep x 86cm highQty: 1Some minor marks and lo...
A pair of wicker baskets
A pair of wicker baskets The baskets with leather straps and used as bedside tables.56cm wide x 45cm deep x 50cm highQty: 2In reasonable condition...
A large purple velvet button-upholstered Chesterfield sofa With scrolling button upholstered arms and back, all raised on turned legs.260cm wide x...
Peter Wileman (British 1946-)
Peter Wileman (British 1946-) 'From The Rialto, Winter Fog', oil on board, signed lower left 'Wileman'.39cm x 49xmQty: 1Sold by W H Patterson Gall...
20th-century European School
20th-century European School Woman in a head scarf and blue necklace, oil on canvas, signed lower left 'A. V. Falrin Du Faun'.50cm high x 40cm wid...
Frances Watt (British 1926-2009)
Frances Watt (British 1926-2009) 'Bank Rate', ink on paper, with certificate of authenticity to verso.10cm high x 9cm wide to the mountQty: 1In go...
Edwin C. Slater (1884-)
Edwin C. Slater (1884-) Head and shoulder portrait of a young woman with red lipstick, signed and dated upper right 'Slater 34'.34cm x 44cmQty: 1I...
Kate Garner (British 1954-)
Kate Garner (British 1954-) Kate Moss with a teddy bear (1991), a later photographic reproduction, unsigned.25cm high x 18cm wideQty: 1In generall...
C. H. Meiser (20th Century School) A portrait of a ballerina, oil on board, signed lower right 'C H Meiser'.50cm x 39cmQty: 1In generally good con...
A pair of cylindrical green-glazed pottery table lamps. The lamps with brushed steel mounts.Each 19cm diameter x 51cm high to the fittingQty: 2In ...
A leather linen box
A leather linen box The square linen box with strap handles to the side.30cm wide x 30cm deep x 68cm highQty: 1In good condition. Some scuffing an...
A wood-framed footstool
A wood-framed footstool With an overstuffed cream seat, striped upholstery and turned tapering legs.86cm wide x 36cm deep x 32cm highQty: 1In good...
A decorative oval hardwood centre table With a carved scrolling foliate frieze on a column support, each of the four legs mounted with a winged be...
Dan Wrightson (British)
Dan Wrightson (British) Bedroom in San Francesco di Paola, sepia on paper, signed and dated lower right 'Dan Wrightson 1994'.34cm x 48cmQty: 1In g...
Contemporary European School
Contemporary European School Two collages: 'By Air I', collage, titled, initialled and dated 'By Air I MC 2015'; and 'By Air IV'; collage, titled,...
Mid-20th Century European School
Mid-20th Century European School A portrait of a gentleman in a shaped hat, oil on board, indistinctly signed lower right.31.5cm x 25cmQty: 1Minor...
Mid-20th Century School
Mid-20th Century School Portrait of a young man wearing a brown jacket and a lilac tie, oil on board, unsigned.45cm x 37cmQty: 1In reasonable cond...
A. Reel (Mid-20th Century Parisian School) A portrait of a young woman on a Parisian street, oil on canvas, signed lower right 'M. Reel'.54cm x 45...
Denis Mitchell (Mid-20th Century School) A seated portrait of a young man, oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right 'Dennis Mitchell 49'.59.5cm...
Mid-20th Century School
Mid-20th Century School Portrait of a young woman in blue, oil on canvas, signed to verso 'Y Goldberg'.61cm x 51cmQty: 1Losses to the painted surf...
A bronzed terracotta bust
A bronzed terracotta bust After the Capitoline Antonius as Apollo35cm wide x 51cm highQty: 1come rubbing to the extremities, otherwise in good con...
A large antique oak Scandinavian blue-painted chest of drawers With four long drawers standing on delicate bracket feet and with iron carrying ha...
An antique overmantel mirror
An antique overmantel mirror The gilt frame with moulded decoration.84cm x 125cmQty: 1Foxing and marks to the mirror plate. The frame later painte...
A copper table lamp
A copper table lamp Of urn form with ring handles on a square spreading base with bun feet, with verdigris patination. Possibly converted from a h...
Jimi Jugio (Contemporary British) '3 Sum', depicting the Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Yves Saint Laurant logos, screenprint on paper, numbered, titl...
After Andy Warhol (1928-1987)
After Andy Warhol (1928-1987) Two flower screenprints, behind Perspex frames.91cm x 91cmQty: 2In generally good condition, with light surface dirt...
Keith Haring (American 1958-1990) Untitled, 1981, a three-eyed smile, screenprint on paper, a later reproduction.49cm x 49cmQty: 1In good conditio...
Pakpoom Silaphan CV (Thai 1972-)
Pakpoom Silaphan CV (Thai 1972-) Andy Warhol on a Pepsi sign, screenprint with silver leaf colours, numbered and signed to the margin '23/50'.53cm...
A pair of contemporary painted-toleware table lamps Each in the form of a cylindrical tea tin and cover, and with painted line decoration to the g...
Ryan Callanan (British 1981-)
Ryan Callanan (British 1981-) 'Love and Happiness', screenprint, numbered and signed to the margin '5/45 RYCA'.47cm x 47cmQty: 1Generally good con...
Ryan Callanan (British 1981-)
Ryan Callanan (British 1981-) 'Cash Rules Everything Around Me', screenprint and glitter, signed, dated, and numbered 'RYCA 2012 3/15'.71cm x 50cm...
A decorative reproduction of an 'Enjoy Ibiza' poster Lithograph on paper. 75cm x 49.5cm Qty: 1 Generally good condition.
Shepard Fairey (American 1970-) and Jamie Reid (British 1947-2023) 'This decade only; shoplifters welcome!' screen print in colours, numbered and ...
Speedy Graphito (French 1961-)
Speedy Graphito (French 1961-) 'Home Street Home', silkscreen, signed, dated, and numbered 'Speedy 2011 7/30'.100cm x 70cmQty: 1Generally good con...
After Roy Lichtenstein (American 1923-1997) 'As I Opened Fire', triptych, 1991, a set of three offset lithographs on paper.64cm x 52cmQty: 3All wi...
A ‘PARIS’ tiara and collection of further items To include the paste-set 'Paris' tiara of pressed brass; a Ralph Lauren whisky glass; a mid-centur...
A Louis Vuitton Dauphine handbag
A Louis Vuitton Dauphine handbag By Nicolas Ghesquière.20cm wide x 9cm deep x 15cm highQty: 1In excellent condition.
Acrylic and brass sign letters
Acrylic and brass sign letters Spelling 'WOL' from the Abingdon Woolworths building.38cm x 72cmQty: 3Losses to the gold painted trim, some cracks ...
A pair of 20th century Italian armchairs With steel frames and grey upholstery, in the style of Gaston Rinaldi for RIMA.65cm x 75cmQty: 2Notible o...
A group of three neon Perspex trays Each marked 'Dio Davies'.The largest 50cm wide x 40m deep x 5cm highQty: 3In good condition with very minor ma...
A Nordlux adjustable standard lamp In black and chrome.128cm high (fully extended)Qty: 1The lamp recesses with difficulty. Some losses to the pain...
Michelle Gairdner
Michelle Gairdner 'Morning Mist', abstract composition, acrylic on canvas, labelled to the back with artist, title and medium.106cm x 166cmQty: 1S...
A pair of brass and glass-drop two-branch wall lights In the manner of Maison Baguès.Approximately 29cm highQty: 2In generally good condition, som...
A group of eight various scatter cushions Two in brown velvet; three in linen with a black ordered edge; and othersThe largest 57cm squareQty: 8Mi...