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Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
An antique French walnut bureau de dame With a pierced galleried top, a shaped floral-marquetry inlaid slope, and cabriole legs with cast brass mo...
A Victorian walnut Canterbury
A Victorian walnut Canterbury With turned supports, single drawer beneath and on turned legs on ceramic castors.51cm wide x 37cm deep x 52cm highQ...
An early 19th century games counter box and a glove case The 20th century Continental box with painted decoration of pastoral scenes and containin...
Four circular trays by Michele Baconnier The first in brass with a shaped and pierced rim; two further in chrome; and the fourth in brass with sta...
A collection of five stainless steel ceiling lights by Andrea Lazzari for Morosini Two pairs and a single light, with spring roundel decoration. ...
A Regency Scottish mahogany desk chair The reeded bar-back and scrolling arms above a drop in seat raised on reeded sabre legs.52cm x 89cmQty: 1Si...
19th/20th century school
19th/20th century school Head and shoulder portrait of a man wearing a cap, pencil, indistinctly signed.21cm x 14.5cmQty: 1Minor mark to the top o...
An early 20th century Japanese hand-painted paper parasol With floral decoration.85cm diameter when unfurledQty: 1Some holes in the paper, particu...
A 19th century ebonised Canterbury With three-section divisions above and a single drawer with turned brass handles and square legs.148.5cm wide x...
A French Neoclassical brass-framed oval wall mirror In the manner of Maison Jansen, Paris. Stamped with a registration mark to the back.49cm x 63c...
A 19th century Chantilly bisque porcelain figure The figure of an Arabic gentleman with a floral cloak, a knife in his belt and holding a carved w...
A George III mahogany fold-over demi-lune card table With rosewood crossbanded decoration and all standing on square tapering legs terminating in ...
A group of ornaments and ceramics To include a part Derby-style dessert service decoration in Imari colours; an Indian model of an oxen pulling a ...
Simon Whitfield (21st Century English School) 'Round bales and trees', oil on board, signed, inscribed and dated to the verso '2003'.5.8cm x 9.8cm...
A group of three French toleware hanging lampshades Of similar design, to include one painted green with a floral ornament.The largest 26.5cm diam...
A pair of Georgian brass and wrought iron fire dogs The column fronts surmounted by acorn finials and all on scroll feet.34cm wide x 54cm deep x 6...
A T Goode & Co 19th century porcelain bowl With bocage decoration.25cm wide x 17cm deep x 10cm highQty: 1Both handles missing with notable damage ...
Two Georgian satinwood tea caddies Of oval form, with kingwood cross-banded decoration to the lids, each with a painted cartouche with dancing fi...
A group of eight various sculpture or vase stands Of various sizes and styles. The rectangular marble plinths 18cm wide x 13.5cm deep x 11cm highQ...
A pair of Italian faux marble and gilt metal table lamps Of classical urn form on spreading bases with paw feet. 39cm highQty: 2Some losses to the...
007 poster for Ian Fleming’s James Bond For Your Eyes Only/Moonraker (double bill) Printed in England by Lonsdale & Bartholemew Ltd, Nottingham.75...
A Regency rosewood tea caddy
A Regency rosewood tea caddy Of sarcophagus form, the brass ring handles with moulded foliate mounts, the lid lifting to reveal a fitted interior,...
A marble sculpture plinth
A marble sculpture plinth The rectangular sculpture plinth of stepped form.34.5cm wide x 18cm deep x 10.5cm highQty: 1Minor marks and chips due to...
A set of Georgian-style corner alcove shelves Of architectural form with fluted pilaster columns to either side of the shaped barrel-backed shelve...
A George III mahogany small Pembroke or drop-leaf occasional table With a single frieze drawer to one end, pierced brackets, and standing on squar...
A group of Waterford and other glassware The lot consisting of a group of six Waterford crystal wine glasses with hobnail cut decoration; together...
A 19th century English burr maple dial barometer With silvered barometer and thermometer dials and a turned bone setting knob.26cm wide x 95cm hig...
Two pairs of cream lined curtains With raised twisting stripe decoration.One pair 237cm long x 314cm wide at the bottom. The other pair 240cm long...
A carved and pierced shell
A carved and pierced shell On a brass and stepped steel plinth.18cm high overallQty: 1In good condition.
A cast plaster plinth or torchère With an octagonal top, writhen fluted column and a spreading conforming base.34cm wide x 118cm highQty: 1With a ...
A late 19th century Aesthetic Movement ebonised nursing chair With blue upholstery.45cm x 74cmQty: 1Some fading and staining to the upholstery. We...
A late 19th century French side cabinet With a pierced brass gallery around the marble top over two Kingwood-veneered, marquetry-decorated doors e...
A George III mahogany plate bucket The pierced plate bucket with brass banding and looping handle, and on three ball feet.30cm diameter x 37cm hig...
A French porcelain cup, possibly of military provenance The yellow ground cup in the Neoclassical taste with a cartouche enclosing the motto 'Vive...
A pair of porcelain table lamps
A pair of porcelain table lamps The table lamps of ginger jar form with a yellow ground and cobalt blue foliate decoration.20cm wide x 30cm high o...
A modern two-tier fifteen-light electrolier In two tiers with cut glass drops, and a central knopped stem. The serpentine lamp supports each surmo...
An assortment of wooden items
An assortment of wooden items The lot to comprise of an Indian four-sectional octagonal spice box; an Indian box with a sliding lid; an Indian car...
A Georgian mahogany bow-fronted dressing table With a long drawer above two short drawers around a kneehole, raised on tapered square section legs...
Roger Inman (British 1948-2016)
Roger Inman (British 1948-2016) A Yorkshire seaside view, pastels, signed and dated lower right 'Roger Inman '89'.41.5cm x 62cmQty: 1In good condi...
Four French plates
Four French plates The first Darte Frères, Empire-style pattern with gilt decoration on an orange ground lip; the second a 19th century plate deco...
A pair of George III-style mahogany candlesticks With brass mounts, on circular bases.40cm highQty: 2Generally good condition with some dents nick...
A George III mahogany fold-over tea table The rectangular table with boxwood stringing to the edges and a fluted frieze decorated with paterae, al...
A Georgian mahogany three-tier dumbwaiter Raised on cabriole legs.65cm diameter x 110cm highQty: 1Scuffing to the lips of the tiers, notable parti...
A mahogany framed footstool
A mahogany framed footstool The shaped top with damask button upholstery, raised on cabriole legs with scrolling feet and brass castors.140cm wide...
A Victorian walnut small size bookcase The glazed top enclosing velvet covered adjustable shelves, the base with arching panelled doors and all on...
20th Century School
20th Century School An Arabic scene of figures in a riverbed, oil on canvas, indistinctly signed lower right.32.5cm x 55cmQty: 1Notable losses to ...
A 19th century oak tripod table and mahogany torchère The tilt-top circular tripod table with a turned column support. The torchère with a hexagon...
A 19th century French plaster mould Decorated with an Anthemion and numbered '5031'.39cm wide x 23cm highQty: 1Wear and marks due to use, otherwis...
A 19th century French cherrywood buffet du corps The glazed upper section with two doors enclosing a shelf above two drawers and two panelled door...
A group of eight filing boxes
A group of eight filing boxes Each in the form of faux books with leather spines and each inscribed 'Journal de Chirurgie'Each 18cm wide x 29cm de...
A painted plaster roundel after the antique The roundel depicting a profile portrait of a classical male wearing a laurel wreath.32cm diameterQty:...
19th century Continental School
19th century Continental School John the Baptist gathering water from the rock, oil on canvas, unsigned.40cm x 31cmQty: 1Notable craquelure across...
A pair of 19th century old Sheffield Plate, Adam's Style candlesticks Each with a removable drip pan over fluted and Greek key decorated sockets, ...
An antique rectangular wall mirror With a painted moulded frame and an antique mirror plate.55cm wide x 73cm highQty: 1Minor marks, dents, and scr...
A pair of onyx ornaments in the Egyptian Revival style Each representing obelisks on shaped bases with brass feet.18cm wide x 11cm deep x 46cm hig...
A small group of classical-style ornaments and others To include two terracotta oil lamps; a further brass roman-style tiple oil lamp; two small v...
A French Empire-style open armchair The mahogany-framed chair with scroll decorated overstuffed upholstered back and seat, and classical Egyptian-...
A group of three prints
A group of three prints Two framed engravings presented as a pair: the first Nicolas De Launay (French 1739-1792) after Nicolas Lavreince (Swedish...
A museum copy of an ancient Egyptian porphyry head The cast resin sculpture mounted on a brass post and a stepped steel plinth base.15cm wide x 27...
The Louvre Museum copy bust of King Amenhotep II The terracotta-coloured cast resin bust mounted on a stained wooden plinth.19cm wide x 26cm highQ...