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Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
Mary Thornbery (20th Century British School) 'Aldeburgh', oil on canvas, signed lower left 'M. Thornbery'.30cm x 36cmQty: 1In generally good condi...
A rectangular dining table
A rectangular dining table The oak top on a cream-painted base with fluted square tapering legs.181cm wide x 98cm deep x 79cm highQty: 1
A brass name plaque for "Agnes Davis. Costumier." The brass plate mounted on an oak backboard. the brass plate 27cm wide x 15.5cm high. The back b...
A 19th century French-style carved wooden stool With black upholstery and stripped paintwork, all standing on six legs.130cm long x 38cm deep x 48...
A pair of painted pine doorstops Each with tapering tops and rope handles.12cm wide x 30cm highQty: 2Wear to the paintwork overall.
A grey-painted wrought iron hat, coat, and umbrella stand With coat hooks on a central post and a circular stick stand beneath with outswept feet....
Phylis Bray (British 1911-1991) Three children, oil on canvas laid on panel, labelled to verso.59cm high x 49cm wideSome craquelure to the painted...
Clive McCartney (British 1960-) 'Berlin Station', oil on board, signed lower left 'Clive McCartney'.28cm x 19cmQty: 1Purchased from W. H. Patterso...
20th Century American School
20th Century American School Portrait of a lady seated in a railway carriage, oil on canvas, unsigned.49cm high x 39cm wideQty: 1Notable losses to...
A rectangular, painted kitchen table The three-plank top on a plain base of pegged construction.202cm wide x 76cm deep x 77cm highQty: 1In general...
Margaret Dietrich (20th Century School) A portrait of a lady seated on a stool with a book, oil on canvas, signed lower right 'Margaret Dietrich'....
A steel kitchen larder cupboard The cupboard with a polished finish, two cupboard doors over a fall front two drawers and two further cupboards.88...
20th-century School
20th-century School A still life of a blue jug, a green bottle, and fruit, oil on canvas, unsigned.39.5cm x 49cmQty: 1In generally good condition ...
A pair of three-tier shelves
A pair of three-tier shelves The shelves in stained pine and of simple construction.Each 119.5cm wide x 39cm deep x 80cm highQty: 2In good conditi...
A black-framed wall mirror
A black-framed wall mirror The moulded frame with a gilt slip.47cm x 57cmQty: 1Minor marks, and dents. In generally good condition overall.
Three mounted and framed pressed plants Each mounted on printed paper and set within glass.58cm high x 40cm wideQty: 3In generally good condition.
Stephen Mangan (Scottish 1964-) 'Onwards', oil on canvas, unsigned.59.5cm x 59.5cmQty: 1Purchased from The Richard Hagen Gallery, Broadway, Worces...
Stephen Mangan (Scottish 1964-) 'Flying', oil on board, unsigned.50cm x 42cmQty: 1Purchased from The Richard Hagen Gallery, Broadway, Worcestershi...
Fabio Hurtado (Spanish 1960-) 'Puerto', oil on canvas laid on board, signed and dated lower left 'F. Hurtado 06'.55cm x 46.5cmQty: 1Purchased from...
Stephen Mangan (Scottish 1964-) 'Beach Girl-07', oil on board, unsigned.36cm x 27.5cmPurchased from The Richard Hagen Gallery, Broadway, Worcester...
Fabio Hurtado (Spanish 1960-) 'Mi Aviadora', oil on canvas laid on board, signed and dated lower right 'F. Hurtado 06', signed inscribed and dated...
Fabio Hurtado (Spanish 1960-) 'Teatro de la Opera', oil on canvas laid on board, signed and dated lower left 'F Hurtado 06'.46cm x 38cmQty: 1Purch...
Mid-20th Century European School A portrait of a woman wearing a red blouse and a pink scarf in her hair, oil on canvas, signed lower left 'Bartol...
A large grey-painted rectangular wall mirror With moulded gesso shell corners.113cm wide x 150cm highQty: 1Later painted. Minor marks and losses t...
A group of decoratively framed botanical prints The twenty-four prints mounted in three frames with each print surrounded by gilt slips and a silv...
18th Century British School
18th Century British School Two gentlemen fighting on horseback, oil on canvas, unsigned.19.5cm x 15cmQty: 1Notable repainting and cleaning throug...
A pair of Venetian wall lights together with a pair of Art Deco-style wall lights The lights in clear and gold-coloured glass with twin cable-twis...
Two pairs of curtains
Two pairs of curtains Each decorated with red and pink roses on a linen ground and with a red silk lining.Each 122cm wide x 180cm longQty: 4Each c...
A late 19th century gilt pier glass With an arching top and acanthus scroll brackets at the lower corners, the frame enclosing a bevelled mirror p...
A pair of 19th century brass candelabra The two-branch candelabra with glass lustres, and brass and gilt metal mounts.55cm highQty: 2Some of the l...
A pair of decorative table lamps The cast resin green-painted table lamps with copper-coloured linings and complete with pleated shades.Each 16cm ...
A faux shagreen-covered desk set Consisting of a correspondence stand and a matching pen potThe correspondence stand 25cm wideQty: 2In generally g...
A rectangular wall mirror
A rectangular wall mirror With a bevelled mirror plate and parcel gilt frame.63.5cm x 97cmQty: 1Losses to the painted surface. Somewhat shabby ch...
20th Century British School
20th Century British School Picnic by the river, oil on canvas laid on board, signed lower right 'H. Harvey'.59cm x 75cmQty: 1Losses to the painte...
A pair of painted bedside tables Each table with a single drawer over mirrored cupboard doors.50cm wide x 30cm deep x 70cm highQty: 2In generally ...
A large Chanel No.5 advertising poster Set within a Perspex frame.120cm x 176cmQty: 1Minor marks to the frame. In generally good condition overall.
Ken Adams (German-British 1921-2016) Design for the set of Dr Strangelove, lithograph, numbered, signed and dated margin '241/250 Ken Adams 2000'....
Late 20th Century School
Late 20th Century School Portrait of a young woman with a broad-brimmed hat, oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right 'P Hinden 73'.44cm x 34cm...
Two similar bag-type ceiling lights The cast brass 'crown' fittings with acanthus leaf ornament and with cut glass drops hanging beneath.The large...
A white-painted console table
A white-painted console table The table with carved cabriole legs terminating in claw and ball feet.106cm wide x 42cm deep x 75cm highQty: 1Minor ...
A 19th century French plasterwork fragment Depicting a hunting scene beneath trees and within a rocaille scroll cartouche and with floral swags wi...
A pair of French Rococo-style, gold-painted wingback armchairs With caned backs, and overstuffed upholstery to the arms and the seats.68cm x 111cm...
20th Century British School
20th Century British School Woman in an interior wearing a black dress with pink trim, pastel and charcoal on paper, indistinctly signed and dated...
E. Brandard after J.M.W. Turner
E. Brandard after J.M.W. Turner 'The Grand Canal, Venice', etching on paper with embossed dolphin mark to the lower right.42cm x 60cm to the plate...
A pair of table lamps
A pair of table lamps Each lamp with oval wickerwork bases.24cm diameter x 36cm high to the fittingQty: 2In good condition.
A pair of table lamps
A pair of table lamps The lamps of square section with mirrored sides and plinth bases.12cm wide x 54cm high to the fittingQty: 2Minor marks. In g...
A Japanese flower-decorated silk coat Possibly early to mid-20th century.148cm long overallQty: 1Some minor marks and stains to the material, insi...
A painted bookcase with glazed doors The bookcase with carved ornament and doors enclosing adjustable shelves, all on plain square feet.101.5cm wi...
A grey-painted bookcase
A grey-painted bookcase The top with three open shelves on a base with two slides above twin panelled cupboard doors opening to reveal a fitted sh...
Early 18th Century Dutch School, c.1700 'An allegory, vertue weighed', oil on canvas, unsigned.46cm x 106.5cmQty: 1This painting was sold as part ...
A pair of faux shagreen bedside chests Each with three drawers.50cm wide x 35cm deep x 68cm highQty: 2In generally good condition with some minor ...
An eight-branch hanging chandelier or electrolier With acanthus-leaf-decorated scrolling branches with cut glass drops, all suspended from four ch...
Marc Dalessio (American 1972-)
Marc Dalessio (American 1972-) 'The Skelligs Sunset', oil on canvas, signed lower right 'Delessio'.18.5cm x 28.5cmQty: 1In generally good conditio...
J. Houbraken after Godfrey Kneller (German-British 1646-1723) Two engravings: William III, and George I, published in the Heads of Illustrious Per...
A French day bed
A French day bed The light green-painted carved frame with plain upholstery and standing on short cabriole legs.218cm wide x 101cm deep x 87cm hig...
Mid-20th-Century English School
Mid-20th-Century English School 'February 1941 just before a shower', oil on board, unsigned, titled to the reverse.39cm x 49cmQty: 1In good condi...
A pair of OKA hardwood console tables Each with carved decoration to the frieze and on scrolling supports united by a stretcher with a central fin...
Mid-20th Century French School
Mid-20th Century French School A portrait of a young woman with flowers in her orange hair, wearing a green jacket and a lace ruff, signed lower r...
A table lamp
A table lamp The body of the lamp decorated with a ballerina's dress. 71cm high overall Qty: 1 In generally good condition overall. Some minor...
20th Century Continental School
20th Century Continental School Still life with red flowers in a terracotta pot, oil on canvas, signed indistinctly lower right 'J Toch'.49cm x 39...