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- List
- Grid
A Victorian architectural corbel The buff terracotta corbel with a white painted surface.17cm wide x 15cm deep x 45cm highQty: 1Minor marks and ch...
A French tin pannier
A French tin pannier A grape harvester pannier painted with 'Châteauneuf-du-Pape'.61cm wide x 38cm deep x 62cm highQty: 1Wear to the paint and sur...
20th Century British School A lady resting on a sofa with a still life of flowers behind, oil on canvas, unsigned.68cm high x 112cm wideQty: 1Sign...
A large contemporary sofa by Loaf With scrolling arms and turned tapering front legs.248cm wide x approximately 109cm deep x 90cm highQty: 1In gen...
A pair of large rustic, ceramic table lamps The table lamps of writhen urn form and with pleated shades.22cm diameter x 68cm highQty: 2In good con...
A pair of modern yellow-lacquered Chinese boxes as side tables With brass lock plates and paper-lined interiors.45cm wide x 45cm deep x 45.5cm hig...
A Chinese red-lacquered box decorated with dragons The box containing a group of acid bottles and an antique iron padlock.The box 36cm wide x 20cm...
A nest of three brass occasional tables The tables with rectangular tops and mirrored inserts, delicate reeded legs united by stretchers, and on t...
Norman R. Hepple (British 1908-1994) 'Myrtle by the Fire', oil on canvas, unsigned, with Fosse Gallery John Lindsay Fine Art Ltd label to verso.75...
A wicker log basket
A wicker log basket Of circular form with a cane lip.66cm diameter x 53cmQty: 1In generally used but good condition.
A pair of contemporary hardwood stools and a pair of trays The stools with overstuffed upholstered seats and Oriental-style cabriole legs; the two...
Alexander Saint-Paull (1903-1974) Portrait of a woman with flowers on her lap, oil on canvas, signed and dated lower left 'Saint-Paull 38', with a...
A three-section fireguard
A three-section fireguard With scrolling ornament.59cm wide across the front (116cm wide fully extended) x 89cm highQty: 1In generally good condit...
A plaited-rush circular log basket With carry handles.60cm diameter x 48cm highQty: 1In generally good condition. Slight fraying. One of the handl...
Victor Hume Moody (British 1896-1990) Reclining nude on a red blanket, oil on canvas, labelled to verso.34.5cm x 39cmQty: 1In generally good condi...
Victor Hume Moody (British 1896-1990) A portrait head of a young woman, oil on canvas, labelled to verso.40cm x 29cmQty: 1In generally good condit...
A contemporary candle holder or lantern Of cylindrical form with a series of Perspex rods around a chromed frame.26cm diameter x 32cm highQty: 1Mi...
A white-painted bookcase
A white-painted bookcase With four open shelves raised on a base with two brushing slides above two cupboard doors, the doors open to reveal singl...
A plaster bust after the antique Of a lady wearing a headband.43cm highQty: 1Some scratching to the plasterwork, notable to the nose, the forehead...
20th Century Continental School A woman reclining next to a fish bowl, oil on canvas, signed lower right 'Legueult'.52cm x 72cmQty: 1Surface dirt ...
A grey upholstered contemporary armchair With turned front legs and castors. 90cm wide x 90cm deep x 84cm highQty: 1In good condition with very mi...
A terracotta sculpture signed 'Musetti' (possibly Auguste Mustetti-Faivre) Depicting a naked woman holding fruit with a draped piece of cloth over...
20th Century British School
20th Century British School A nude portrait of a young woman seated in a chair looking out of a window, oil on board, unsigned.35cm x 47cmQty: 1So...
A deep armchair by Loaf
A deep armchair by Loaf With turned tapering front legs and floral upholstery.81cm wide x 100cm deep x 95cm highQty: 1In generally good condition....
A mirrored coffee table
A mirrored coffee table The square top with canted corners and square tapering legs.97cm square x 48.5cm highQty: 1Generally good with minor losse...
Two pairs of floral curtains
Two pairs of floral curtains All on a linen coloured ground and decorated with roses and other flowers.One pair approximately 206cm wide x 240cm l...
A Pirkenhammer Czechoslovakian porcelain part dinner tea and coffee service The service consisting of five various serving dishes; a sauce tureen,...
A Ralph Lauren tray and box together with a coffee set and seven glasses The Ralph Lauren circular tray with scrolling handles, together with a si...
An elm-topped cream-painted side table The Oka table with a decorative frieze, three drawers, and an undertier uniting the fluted legs.145cm wide ...
Late-19th or Early-20th Century School Portrait of a lady seated in a chair, oil on canvas, unsigned.71cm x 59cmQty: 1Some signs of craquelurte to...
An 18th century Italian tabella from a nunnery in Paciano The board with an architectural cornice and with lists of names and beside responsibilit...
20th Century British School
20th Century British School A portrait of a female golfer, oil on canvas, signed to verso 'A Spooner'.74.5cm x 61cmQty: 1In good condition. Slight...
James Hague (British 1970-)
James Hague (British 1970-) 'The Pink Chair', oil on board, signed lower right 'J H'.47cm x 36cmQty: 1In good condition. Minor marks to the frame.
Charles Gerrard (British 1892-1964) A still life of a melon, apples and a bottle on a tray, oil on canvas, signed lower right 'Charles Gerrard'.61...
A circular dining table
A circular dining table The wooden top with an iron-banded rim, and with scroll supports to the base, purchased from Oka.150cm diameter x 78cm hig...
A set of six French-style open-arm dining chairs With caned backs and overstuffed upholstered seats.58cm wide x 60cm deep x 96.5cm highQty: 6In ge...
A pair of ceramic table lamps The table lamps in the form of rusticated, fluted urns, complete with pleated shades.18cm diameter x 60cm high to th...
An antique armchair
An antique armchair With turned front legs and upholstered in grey and white striped material.93cm wide x approximately 85cm deep x 90cm highQty: ...
An early/mid 20th century armchair With bun-shaped front feet and with grey, red, and white striped upholstery.Approximately 88cm wide x 90cm deep...
A square wicker log basket
A square wicker log basket With carrying handles and on castors. 50cm square at the top x 53cm high (including handles)Qty: 1
A grey-painted side table
A grey-painted side table With two bi-directional drawers to the frieze above two open shelves raised on a plinth base.160cm wide x 43cm deep x 90...
A pair of decorative table lamps Each lamp with cable-twist Perspex stems on spreading bases decorated with scrolling foliage and complete with de...
A Scandinavian painted side table With a single frieze drawer, pegs holding the top to the base, and standing on square tapering legs.86cm wide x ...
A contemporary cast brass table lamp Of classical form with a patinated finish and cast acanthus leaf decorated stem over a triform base with horn...
A pair of wicker log baskets
A pair of wicker log baskets Of rectangular form with two high sides and a rope carry handle.41cm wide x 50cm deep x 51cm highQty: 1In generally g...
A three-section fireguard
A three-section fireguard The fireguard with scrolling ornament.120cm wide x 103cm high overallQty: 1Signs of use. In good condition.
An old telephone
An old telephone With Bell Telephone MFG Company label, RTT monogram to the front, and converted for contemporary use.The receiver 22cm wide. The ...
A pair of contemporary table lamps of rectangular section The chrome and glass lamps each on a rectangular plinth base and complete with conformin...
After Sir Peter Paul Rubens
After Sir Peter Paul Rubens 'The Abduction of Persephone' and oil on panel, unsigned. 53.5cm x 93cmQty: 1Ex Lot 71 in the Christie's Sale, 28th ...
Peter Brown (British 1967-)
Peter Brown (British 1967-) 'Blackpool Sands, The River 2012'. oil on board, signed and dated lower left 'Peter Brown 12'.19cm x 19.5cmQty: 1Purch...
A cast iron doorstop
A cast iron doorstop In the form of a military gentleman.16cm wide x 38cm highQty: 1In good condition but for minor marks due to use.
Franklin White (Australian 1892-1975) Portrait of a woman seated in a chair wearing a black dress, oil on board, signed upper right 'Franklin Whit...
A cocktail set and an Art Deco serving tray The lot to include four cocktail glasses; a cocktail shaker; and a tray with a hammered effect to the ...
Ivy Shepperd (British)
Ivy Shepperd (British) Portrait of a lady in white wearing red lipstick, oil on canvas, signed lower right 'Ivy Shepherd'.50cm x 39cmQty: 1In gene...
Cyril Joshua Ross (1891-1973) Still life of a statuette and flowers with an apple and knife in the foreground, oil on board, signed lower left 'Cy...
20th Century European School
20th Century European School Langen Am Arlberg, an alpine hut in the snow, oil on card, indistinctly signed to the mount 'FR. Wiess'13cm x 18cmQty...
A collection of eight modern oil paintings Dwellings on the shoreline, oil on canvas, 34cm x 45cm; Contemporary School, still life with flowers an...
A group of six hampers
A group of six hampers The largest of blue-painted wicker; three from Fortnum & Mason; and two others.The largest 72cm wide x 51cm deep x 49cm hig...
20th-Century Continental School Still life with apples on a dish, oil on canvas, signed upper left 'Juriansz'.49.5cm x 74cmQty: 1Some craquelure t...
Two wicker armchairs
Two wicker armchairs With out-splayed arms and cream squab cushions.61cm wide x 62cm deep x 82cm highQty: 2In generally good condition overall. Mi...