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A Regency-style oak bookcase,
A Regency-style oak bookcase, second half of the 19th century, with a stepped dentil-moulded cornice above open shelves and a pair of panelled cup...
A scumbled pine chest,
A scumbled pine chest, 19th century, the hinged top enclosing a storage space with a candle box and a drawer, with a moulded base and later handle...
An Oushak wool carpet,
An Oushak wool carpet, early 20th century, Turkish, the vacant red field within a stepped border woven with geometric foliate motifs, 446 x 340cmP...
A pair of George III-style painted oak hall chairs, 20th century, each with a pierced tracery back and quatrefoil detail to the arms, one with a s...
A polished nickel 'Eydon' ceiling light by Charles Edwards, of recent manufacture, based on an 1880s English design, with a rise-and-fall action, ...
A blonde oak refectory table,
A blonde oak refectory table, 20th century, decorated in the Gothic taste, the rectangular top with a moulded edge, above square supports united b...
A cotton rag rug,
A cotton rag rug, early 20th century, Northern European, stitched with individual strands of varying fabrics in a polychrome striped design, with ...
A late Victorian ebonised wooden chaise longue, c.1890, with buttoned upholstery and ring-turned supports, terminating in ceramic castors, 195cm l...
A painted wooden mirror,
A painted wooden mirror, early 18th century and later, the arched mirror plate engraved with a sunburst, within a shaped frame, adapted,41cm wide3...
A set of three etched glass lamps by Charles Edwards, of recent manufacture, each of urn form with nickel satyr mask handles and decorated with st...
A near pair of painted wooden pier mirrors, early 19th century, each rectangular frame with red decoration surrounding a mercury glass plate,the s...
A Black Forest carved wooden model of an owl, early 20th century, Swiss, with glass eyes, modelled seated on a rocky base,23cm wide14cm deep37cm h...
Nine various owl prints,
Nine various owl prints, 18th/19th century, to include Jean Guillaume Blanchon, after Jacques Eustache de Sève, 'La Chouette',largest 40 x 53cm (9...
A group of carved and painted decoy birds, first half of the 20th century, two examples mounted on wrought-iron poles, mounted 25cm long10cm wide8...
Three sailors' shellwork valentines, of recent manufacture, two larger, each with a 10½-inch panel decorated with concentric bands and blocks of m...
A wire and silk chenille picture, 19th century, French, depicting a basket of flowers, housed in a shadow box frame,62cm wide18cm deep55cm highPro...
A large cow trophy skull,
A large cow trophy skull, early 20th century, French, with a shield-shaped oak mount, inscribed 'souvenir du duc de Montrenser…mars 1911',138cm wi...
A neoclassical Siena marble and patinated bronze table lamp, late 19th/early 20th century, the Ionic capital over a stepped square base, on ball f...
A patinated bronze model of a horse, 20th century, modelled on a naturalistic base, 18cm wide5.5cm deep11cm highProvenance: The collection of Char...
A large bronze and nickel 'Fearon' lantern by Charles Edwards, of recent manufacture, based on a 1930s American design, of octagonal shape with a ...
Ten various menswear advertising pictures, 20th century, to include 'Itshide Rubber Co. Ltd.', 'Brown & Sons...Gaiters and Leggings', and the 'Fel...
Nineteen various food and drink advertising pictures, 20th century, to include 'Manders's Dublin Porter', 'Ernest Cox Finnan Haddocks' and 'Openin...
Twelve various advertising signs, 20th century, to include 'David Gillies/Net Manufacturer', 'Burgon & Wilkinson/Sheep Shears' and 'Franz Schneide...
A large lacquered wooden convex mirror by Charles Edwards, of recent manufacture, with a moulded frame, 123cm diameterProvenance: Charles Edwards,...
A Victorian polished brass double bed, c.1880, with large tubular supports and ceramic castors,175cm wide215cm long152cm highProvenance: The colle...
A matched pair of late Victorian ‘Bridgewater’ armchairs by Howard & Sons, c.1890, each with scroll arms, and turned walnut front supports termina...
A painted pine cupboard,
A painted pine cupboard, late 18th/early 19th century, the rectangular top above a pair of panelled doors enclosing shelves, raised on bracket fee...
A Bukhara embroidered suzani,
A Bukhara embroidered suzani, late 19th/early 20th century, Uzbek, worked in multicoloured silk threads on six cotton panels, with an ikat border ...
A pair of fruitwood urns,
A pair of fruitwood urns, early 20th century, each constructed from alternating timbers, with an everted rim and bulbous body, raised on a waisted...
An Oudenaarde-style tapestry,
An Oudenaarde-style tapestry, of recent manufacture, woven with a verdure design,189 x 250cmCondition ReportIntentionally faded with minor wear. S...
A pair of Victorian simulated rosewood side chairs, 19th century, each with bobbin and spiral-turned detail, and with a caned seat, 44cm wide49cm ...
A primitive gnarled elm pig bench, 19th century, the rectangular top raised on spreading supports, 152cm wide 42cm deep 37cm highCondition ReportT...
A George III 3½-inch terrestrial globe by Charles Smith & Son (fl.1803-1862), early 19th century, titled 'Smith's Terrestrial Globe exhibiting the...
An oak and woven seagrass Orkney chair, c.1920, Scottish, with an arched hooded top, above a pair of open arms and a drop-in seat, raised on taper...
A turned beech tazza,
A turned beech tazza, 20th century, with a gadrooned body over a plain stem and circular foot,26cm diameter20cm highCondition ReportGood condition...
An export camphor wood travel chest, late 19th century, Chinese, with a hinged lid and brass mounts, raised on bracket feet,170cm wide 50cm deep 5...
A kilim flat-weave wool rug,
A kilim flat-weave wool rug, of recent manufacture, woven with polychrome geometric motifs, 250 x 178cmCondition ReportUnused, therefore appears i...
A Hollywood Regency painted toleware chandelier, mid/late 20th century, French or Italian, modelled as a palm tree with five branches,49cm diamete...
A zinc window frame,
A zinc window frame, early 20th century, French, of baroque form with scrolling decoration,117cm wide122cm highCondition ReportKnocks, wear, and s...
A taxidermy giraffe shoulder mount (Giraffa giraffa), early 20th century, 79cm wide72cm deep280cm highIMPORTANT NOTEThis lot is subject to CITES r...
A painted and carved mango wood model, 20th century, Indian, possibly Rajasthan, of an elephant's rump, decorated throughout with floral sprays, 5...
A Louis XV-style painted and parcel-gilt overmantel mirror, late 19th century, French, with an elaborately scrolling crest decorated with grapes, ...
A pair of Empire-style gilt and patinated bronze table lamps, first half of the 20th century, French, each with a fluted column with scrolling aca...
A vargueno or bargueño-style cabinet on stand, 20th century, Spanish, the studded and leather-covered cabinet with an arrangement of compartments ...
A George II red and gilt-japanned bureau, second quarter of the 18th century and later, with a fall front enclosing a fitted interior, above two s...
A silvered-metal wall sconce,
A silvered-metal wall sconce, late 19th/early 20th century, Northern European, of elongated octagonal form, with repoussé decoration, domed convex...
A composed pair of gilt-metal table lamps, 20th century, each with a reeded column and raised on a plinth base,larger 14cm wide81cm high including...
A pair of Louis XV-style ormolu candlesticks, late 19th century, French, in the manner of Juste-Aurèle Meissonier (French, 1695-1750), each cast i...
A pair of lamps from Southend Pier, each of circular shape, iron, copper, galvanised, with St George's flag finial and 'rigging', over windows wit...
A Victorian walnut partners' desk by Robert Strahan & Co. of Dublin, c.1860, Irish, with an embossed leather top with a carved edge, each corner m...
A reverse glass painting,
A reverse glass painting, 18th/19th century, Chinese export, in the manner of François Boucher (French, 1703-1770), depicting Leda and the Swan se...
A Louis XV-style tortoiseshell and brass bracket clock in the style of André-Charles Boulle,
A Louis XV-style tortoiseshell and brass bracket clock in the style of André-Charles Boulle, 19th century, French, surmounted by a seated figure o...
A black and red lacquered wooden occasional table, early 20th century, Burmese, the octagonal top raised on a folding base with arched detail, 66c...
A Queen Anne scarlet and gilt-japanned side chair, c.1710, with a scrolled crest rail flanking a figural vignette, over a curved back with a centr...
A Regency lacquered chest on stand, 19th century, the top and front decorated with chinoiserie scenes, the single panelled door opening to reveal ...
A pair of Imari porcelain jardinières, 20th century, Japanese, each decorated with flowers, foliage, and pagodas with gilt decoration, and raised ...
A mahogany blanket chest-on-stand in the George II Irish taste, early 20th century, the hinged lid, with a moulded edge, enclosing storage space, ...
A large George IV-style mahogany footstool, of recent manufacture but incorporating earlier elements, the rectangular seat with hessian upholstery...
A gilt-metal valet,
A gilt-metal valet, 19th century, raised on cast trestle ends,37.5cm wide41cm deep112cm highCondition ReportThere is wear to the metal, some wobbl...
A George III mahogany wing armchair, late 18th century and later, upholstered in silk damask and raised on square supports united by stretchers, t...