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A large Louis XVI-style carved giltwood and gesso pier mirror, 19th century, French, with a scrolling foliate-carved frame surrounding a split mer...
A collection of brass lamps by Palmer & Co., 19th century, each of column form with variously cast decoration, each with a glass shade,largest 18c...
An oak cupboard,
An oak cupboard, late 19th century, with a lead-clad top above a pair of panelled doors, raised on a plinth base,115cm wide 59cm deep 85cm highPro...
A group of metal buckets,
A group of metal buckets, 19th century, of various sizes, including two stamped 'NARANG',largest 25cm diameter27cm high,together with an iron-moun...
A Victorian toleware tea canister table lamp, second half of the 19th century and later, decorated with traces of gilt, initialled 'J', and with a...
A large nickel and painted drum shade ceiling light by Charles Edwards, of recent manufacture, the round shade painted with Farrow & Ball black eg...
A Victorian golden oak side table, c.1850, the rounded rectangular top with a moulded edge, on square supports and outswept feet with bull’s-eye r...
A pair of painted oak table lamps, 20th century, each with a turned wooden column on a square stepped base, 41cm diameter67cm high including shade...
An Empire-style painted oak guéridon, 19th century, French, the white marble top raised on a hexagonal baluster column and scrolling tripod base, ...
A small painted and leaded glass panel, 19th century, painted to the centre with a robin perched on a branch,21cm diameterProvenance: The collect...
A Victorian brass hanging rail, second half of the 19th century, each end with an anthemion finial and six pegs,154cm wide 12cm highProvenance: Th...
A pair of Regency-style mahogany étagères, 20th century, each of oval form with three tiers and tubular brass supports terminating in peg feet, on...
A Regency black and gilt-japanned oval mirror, c.1810, the frame with pierced fretwork scrolls and all-over chinoiserie decoration, enclosing a me...
A teak bench in the George III taste, of recent manufacture, with a high back and sides with slatted detail, raised on tapering square stretchers,...
A provincial oak drop-leaf dining table, late 18th/early 19th century, French, the folding oval top above end drawers and chamfered square support...
A provincial pine cricket table, 19th century, the circular top raised on three supports united by an undertier, 65cm diameter 76cm highProvenance...
An upholstered 'Bridgewater' armchair by Howard Chairs Ltd., 20th century, upholstered in cream suede, with scrolling arms and tapering front supp...
An Art Deco-style patinated metal and glass mirror, of recent manufacture but incorporating earlier 20th-century elements, centred with an image o...
A pair of Art Deco chrome and marble bookends, c.1930, each in the form of an aeroplane, on a veined marble base, 20cm wide12cm deep18cm high (2)P...
A large brass hanging porch lantern by Charles Edwards, of recent manufacture, based on an 1870s English design, with six panels and anthemion scr...
A pair of Victorian golden oak library bookcases, c.1880, each of inverted breakfront form, with a central section flanked by a pair of cupboard d...
A Federal cherrywood tea table, c.1830, American, with a shaped folding top with a moulded edge, raised on tapering fluted supports, terminating i...
A late Victorian painted wooden metamorphic snooker and dining table, c.1900, with scumbled decoration and a panelled rounded rectangular top conc...
A pair of silvered-metal 'Palmer' table lamps by Charles Edwards, of recent manufacture, after a Regency design, each with foliate decoration, on ...
A set of three silvered-metal 'Palmer' table lamps by Charles Edwards, of recent manufacture, after a Regency design, each with foliate decoration...
A composed set of ten Victorian golden oak dining chairs, second half of the 19th century and later, each with a chamfered bar back, buttoned sued...
A pair of brass ship's lanterns by Davey & Co., London, 19th century, each with a domed top over a pierced border and three rectangular and bevell...
Two export lacquered camphor wood trunks, late 19th/early 20th century, Chinese, each with a hinged lid above a painted façade decorated with figu...
Two export lacquered camphor wood chests, late 19th/early 20th century, Chinese, each painted with figures and floral motifs,slightly larger examp...
An export porcelain baluster vase and cover, 20th century, Chinese, painted in enamels with lotus flowers and calligraphy, 24cm diameter40cm high ...
A giltwood pier mirror,
A giltwood pier mirror, 19th century, with a plain frame and a moulded slip surrounding a rectangular glass plate,94cm wide 125cm highProvenance: ...
A Victorian Gothic Revival painted wooden cupboard, c.1860, of inverted breakfront outline surmounted by a pair of brass candle sconces, above a p...
Two similar wooden stools,
Two similar wooden stools, late 19th/early 20th century, each with a slender rectangular top above a moulded frieze, and tapering faceted supports...
A set of seven ebonised bentwood bistro chairs by Thonet, early 20th century, comprising an elbow chair and six singles, each with a scrolling bac...
A large polished nickel 'Corinthian' lantern by Charles Edwards, of recent manufacture, based on a 1920s French design, fitted with clear glass ro...
A painted wooden bench in the Georgian style, of recent manufacture, the high back, sides, and seat with lattice detail, raised on tapering square...
A William IV mahogany pier mirror, c.1830, the moulded rectangular frame with applied floral roundels, surrounding a mercury glass plate,50cm wide...
An oak torchère,
An oak torchère, 19th century, French, with a fluted column stem and square base,31cm wide31cm deep 98cm high Provenance: from the collection of ...
A neoclassical fruitwood commode, late 18th/early 19th century, Continental, the rectangular marble top above three long drawers, set between colu...
A carved sycamore shipbuilder's model, early 20th century, French, in the form of a yacht, raised on iron supports and a canted oak base,121cm lon...
A copper ship's hull model,
A copper ship's hull model, early 20th century, with an articulated propeller and rudder, 118cm long27cm wide21cm highProvenance: The collection o...
A pair of George III-style birch single beds, early 20th century, each with ball finials and square supports terminating in castors,204cm long 95c...
A Victorian oak hall bench,
A Victorian oak hall bench, c.1880, with a slatted back and seat raised on ring-turned supports,108cm wide 52cm deep 91cm highProvenance: The coll...
A patinated metal 'Pineapple' lantern by Charles Edwards, of recent manufacture, based on an English design of the 1830s, with a tapered roof and ...
A beech folding stepladder,
A beech folding stepladder, early 20th century, with five steps,37cm wide 63cm deep 116cm highProvenance: The collection of Charles Edwards and Ju...
Two Victorian stools,
Two Victorian stools, c.1890, each with a needlework seat, raised on ring-turned supports, larger 32cm wide 32cm deep 54cm high (2)Provenance: The...
A Regency mahogany bootjack,
A Regency mahogany bootjack, early 19th century, with turned detail,39cm wide 37cm deep 76cm highProvenance: The collection of Charles Edwards and...
An ebonised wooden convex mirror, 19th century, with a plain rectangular frame, 35cm wide48cm highProvenance: The collection of Charles Edwards an...
A fruitwood and elm Windsor single chair, early 19th century, Thames Valley, with a pierced urn-shaped splat above a dished seat, raised on single...
A painted wooden luggage stand,
A painted wooden luggage stand, 20th century, with a rounded rectangular top, above tapering turned supports terminating in peg feet, 78cm wide44c...
A collection of six bronze doorstops, late 19th/early 20th century, comprising:a silvered-metal example of a stylised dolphin, with foundry initia...
Two Regency red lacquer wine coasters, early 19th century, each with banded decoration, one example with looped handles, 13cm diameter5cm high (2)...
A large Victorian mahogany luggage rack, c.1890, with a high back and moulded rectangular top with chamfered slats, raised on ring-turned tapering...
A George III scumbled oak tripod occasional table, early 19th century, the circular top raised on a baluster column and scrolling supports, 59cm d...
A painted wooden shield of the coat of arms of Ireland, 19th century, centred with a harp, 49.5 x 43cmProvenance: The collection of Charles Edward...
A provincial sycamore tavern table, 19th century, the circular fruitwood top raised on moulded supports united by stretchers, and on outswept feet...
An Oushak wool rug,
An Oushak wool rug, early 20th century, Turkish, woven with geometric foliate motifs to a pale ground, 237 x 130cmProvenance: The collection of Ch...
A carved fruitwood model,
A carved fruitwood model, 20th century, in the form of an open palm holding an apple, initialled 'RB' to the slate base,23cm wide16cm deep9cm high...
A William IV mahogany cupboard,
A William IV mahogany cupboard, c.1830, with an arched superstructure, above a rounded rectangular top and a pair of cupboard doors enclosing shel...
A large nickel and ebonised 'Clover' lantern by Charles Edwards, of recent manufacture, based on an 1840s English design, with pierced decoration ...