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A Bauhaus-inspired flat-weave wool carpet, of recent manufacture, woven in polychrome colours with various stripes, 304 x 252cmCondition ReportUnu...
An oak tripod table,
An oak tripod table, second half of the 18th century, the circular snap top raised on a turned baluster column and three scrolling supports, 69cm ...
A carved oak overmantel mirror,
A carved oak overmantel mirror, 19th century, but possibly incorporating earlier elements, the frame decorated with 17th-century putti, birds and ...
A Regency patinated bronze sideboard back rail in the manner of Thomas Hope, c.1820, centred with a wreath and crossed bars with a central 'knot',...
An oak coffer,
An oak coffer, late 17th/ early 18th century, the plank top over three panels, the centre inscribed '1695' and 'FSL(?)' below a rail carved with s...
A large Victorian burr maple and bois durci cabinet, c.1860, the shaped top with a leather inset, over a frieze with moulded panels and stringing,...
A late Victorian fruitwood occasional table, c.1900, in the manner of E W Godwin, with a square top, raised on tapering supports with turned bobbi...
A set of four Louis XVI-style walnut and parcel-gilt side chairs, late 19th/early 20th century, French, each with an arched back, stop-fluted tape...
A George IV amboyna side cabinet, c.1825, the raised back with a gilt-brass three-quarter gallery and supports, the base with a central panelled d...
A Regency mahogany sofa table,
A Regency mahogany sofa table, c.1810, the rectangular top with drop ends and with inset leather surfaces, above two drawers and ring-turned suppo...
An Oushak wool carpet,
An Oushak wool carpet, of recent manufacture, woven in tones of blue with floral and foliate motifs, 369 x 284cmCondition ReportUnused, therefore ...
A George IV rosewood centre table in the manner of Gillows, c.1825, with a rounded rectangular top with a beaded lower edge, raised on twin reeded...
A provincial elm child's correction chair, 19th century, painted in green with an 'X' frame splat above a caned seat, raised on tapering square su...
A provincial Louis XV limed walnut commode, second quarter of the 18th century and later, French, of serpentine outline with a moulded rectangular...
A large steel and beech library stepladder, 20th century, with nine steps and tubular supports,86cm wide 170cm deep 286cm highCondition ReportOne ...
A pair of Sutton & Sons grass samplers, early 20th century, marked 'Sutton & Sons, Reading, England', each containing various meadow grass specime...
A grass sampler display by Sutton & Sons, c.1930, titled 'Useful Grasses/Useless Grasses', inscribed to the reverse 'Presented to the Royal Veteri...
A George III mahogany chest-on-chest, c.1760, with a Greek key moulded cornice, above a foliate blind fret-carved frieze and two short over three...
A carved and painted wooden cart panel, early 19th century, Sicilian, depicting a scene from 'Orlando Furioso' by Ludovico Ariosto,72cm wide5cm de...
A modernist flat-weave wool runner, of recent manufacture, woven with alternating black and white stripes, 301 x 76cmCondition ReportUnused, there...
A Louis XVI ebonised wooden commode, late 18th century and later, French, the grey marble top above three long drawers, raised on tapering turned ...
A pair of George II-style mahogany tripod occasional tables, late 19th/early 20th century, each pie-crust top above a turned column and knee-carve...
A William IV rosewood low library bookcase, c.1830, of inverted breakfront outline with a later sectional marble top, above open shelves set betwe...
A Persian Mashad Amoghli wool carpet, first half of the 20th century, woven with densely scrolling floral and foliate motifs,328 x 230cmCondition ...
A painted ash and elm child's Windsor chair, 19th century, painted green with bow-back saddle seat,32cm wide27cm deep47cm high Provenance: York's ...
Two models of recumbent lions,
Two models of recumbent lions, early 19th century and later, comprising a glazed terracotta example on a castellated plinth base and a carved schi...
A set of three glazed earthenware storage jars and covers, 19th century, Scottish, probably by Morrison and Crawford, Rosslyn Pottery, Kirkcaldy, ...
A pair of large glazed earthenware storage jars and covers, 19th century, Scottish, probably Seaton Pottery, Aberdeen, each of ribbed barrel form ...
A collection of glazed earthenware jars and covers, 19th century, Scottish, comprising a large barrel shaped example, inscribed 'Lentils', probabl...
A treacle-glazed earthenware stirrup cup, 19th century, modelled as a fox mask, 6cm diameter 10cm highProvenance: York's Tenement, Yoxford, Suffol...
A slip-glazed terracotta figure of a seated fox, 19th century, decorated in a honey colour, on a plinth base relief-decorated with running hounds,...
A Charles II-style carved pine overdoor, c.1900, of two figures supporting a crown, 51cm wide13cm highProvenance: York's Tenement, Yoxford, Suffol...
A pair of glazed earthenware spaniels, 19th century, Scottish, probably Morrison and Crawford, Rosslyn Pottery, Kirkcaldy, each with a mottled Whi...
A glazed earthenware bread bin and cover, late 19th century, Scottish, probably Morrison and Crawford, Rosslyn Pottery, Kirkcaldy, of square shape...
A pair of George II provincial ash and elm side chairs, mid-18th century, each with a vase-shaped splat, panel seat, and on stretchered legs,46cm ...
A George III vernacular oak and ash armchair, late 18th century, with a panelled back and slab seat, raised on stick legs,57cm wide59cm deep99cm h...
A carved wooden box,
A carved wooden box, 20th century, in the form of a fish,26cm wide11cm deep6cm highProvenance: York's Tenement, Yoxford, Suffolk.Condition ReportS...
A pair of large terracotta models of lions, early 19th century, each recumbent, with traces of black paint,25cm wide15cm deep23cm high (2)Provenan...
An oak and bone seafarer's keepsake, 19th century, with a pegged sliding lid, decorated with fish, symbols and a crucifix to all sides,17cm wide9c...
A burr wood circular apothecary patch box, 19th century, relief-decorated and inscribed 'Cranologie du Docteur Calu', with a tortoiseshell lining...
A slip-glazed terracotta money bank, late 18th century, with a bird finial and further birds, inscribed 'Save thou in me and i may save thee', 11c...
A polychrome-painted marriage box, 19th century, French, with floral decoration to the domed cover, finished in blue with a yellow lined border,24...
A primitive oak, ash and elm yoke-back Windsor armchair, late 18th century, the single-piece back above a slab seat, raised on three branch legs,8...
A powder horn,
A powder horn, 19th century, with incised decoration, 48cm longProvenance: York's Tenement, Yoxford, Suffolk.Condition Reportchip losses to rim of...
A provincial toleware cockerel weathervane, 19th century, French, with pressed tin roundel eyes, comb and tail, on an iron spike and steel stand,7...
A naïve painted toleware model of an American partridge, 19th century, with cold-painted decoration, on a steel and log stand,32cm wide60cm highPr...
A treen caricature walnut money bank, late 19th century, of a woman wearing a bonnet, 12.5cm diameter27cm highProvenance: York's Tenement, Yoxford...
A pair of glazed terracotta stoneware lions, early 19th century, each with incised decoration and raised on a fluted plinth base,16cm wide7cm deep...
An architectural treen spice jar, late 19th century, Continental, modelled as a tower, with traces of painted decoration,6cm diameter16cm highProv...
A naïve treen cottage money bank, early 20th century, painted as a thatched 'pepper pot' cottage,9.75cm diameter13.5cm highProvenance: York's Tene...
A pair of carved wooden door panels, 16th century, probably from a marriage cabinet, depicting a male and female figure in robes,51 x 33cm (2)Prov...
English Naive School, mid-19th century Study of three dogsoil on canvas33 x 40cmProvenance: York's Tenement, Yoxford, Suffolk.Condition ReportSome...
English Naive School, early 19th century A tradesman selling bulls' eyesoil on panel22 x 18cm, in a painted frameProvenance: York's Tenement, Yoxf...
English Naive School, early 19th century A gentleman in top hat seated at a tavern tableoil on canvas46 x 36cmProvenance: York's Tenement, Yoxford...
English Naive School, 19th century A lurcher and other dogs stealing from a tableoil on panel22 x 32cmProvenance: York's Tenement, Yoxford, Suffol...
English Naive School, early 19th century 'Nathaniel Dawson, Esq of Otley with the Butcher buying the Great Farnley Ox 1802 Weight 192 stone 11 lbs...
A Victorian needlepoint panel,
A Victorian needlepoint panel, c.1840, of a still life subject,31 x 38cm, in a glazed maple frameProvenance: York's Tenement, Yoxford, Suffolk.Con...
English Naive School, early 19th century Study of a piglet feedingoil on canvas23 x 40cm, and a study of a pigoil on panel28 x 36cm, unframed (2)P...
A naive painted wood toy sailor figure, c.1880, with pull-string automaton limbs,18cm wide24cm high, and, another, similar,of a figure wearing a b...
A matched pair of early Victorian club armchairs by Howard & Sons, c.1850, each button-upholstered in blue and white H&S factory ticking, raised o...