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A Sèvres-style porcelain pocket watch case, late 19th century, the front with an imitation watch face decorated in enamels with lovers in a river ...
A brass carriage clock,
A brass carriage clock, early 20th century, with an enamel face, the repeating movement striking the hours and half hours on a gong, the backplate...
A Victorian satinwood and walnut three-tier étagère, c.1890, decorated in the French taste, each graduated oval shelf with a marquetry border of f...
A George III ebonised table timepiece, with a 4½-inch enamel dial, inscribed 'Grant, Fleet Street, London', in a square case with a stepped top, o...
Jean-François-Théodore Gechter (French, 1795-1844), a draught horse in full harness, patinated bronze, on a naturalistic base signed and dated 'T...
A cut-glass decanter,
A cut-glass decanter, late 18th century, of slender mallet shape, engraved 'Sheriff of London 1793' with initials within foliate swags, below a ri...
A Regency-style kingwood and brass étagère, early 20th century, each shelf quarter-veneered with a strung and crossbanded border, on turned suppor...
A brass carriage clock by Jules of Paris, late 19th century, French, the ornately cast case enclosing an enamel face inscribed 'Jules Paris', the ...
A George III mahogany longcase clock by Benjamin Grey of London (1676-1764), mid-18th century, the arched brass dial with a rocking figure of Old ...
A Queen Anne brass lantern clock by William Wood, Nailsworth, the 6½-inch brass dial engraved with tulips and signed 'Wm Wood, Nailsworth, fecit, ...
A Napoleonic bone prisoner-of-war ship model, early 19th century, the 5-inch long ship with three masts, a St George's flag, rigging, a figurehead...
A Napoleonic prisoner-of-war straw-work picture, early 19th century, depicting sailing ships beside a castle and before a setting sun, inscribed v...
A Napoleonic bone prisoner-of-war cribbage board, early 19th century, with carved and pierced decoration, and a pivoted 'pocket' to the underside,...
Three George III inlaid tea caddies, the first in satinwood, with inset oval paterae to the top and side each enclosing a shell, with an ivory esc...
A silvered-metal 'Aviary' chandelier by Bella Figura, of recent manufacture, 75cm diameter 104cm highCondition ReportLacking ball terminal, now wi...
A velvet upholstered ‘Song’ two-seater sofa by Maker & Son, of recent manufacture, with short arms and loose cushions, raised on short turned beec...
A kilim flat-weave wool carpet,
A kilim flat-weave wool carpet, of recent manufacture, woven with geometric motifs in tones of turquoise and cream, 385 x 310cmCondition ReportUnu...
A pair of Gothic Revival silvered-metal altar candlesticks, 19th century, each of stepped column form with a castellated rim,28cm diameter77cm hig...
A pair of Empire-style patinated and gilt-metal jardinières, 20th century, French, each of neoclassical torch shape, with a circular bowl raised o...
A Herend 'Chinese Bouquet Rust' porcelain part dinner service, 20th century, Hungarian, decorated with floral sprays and lemon-shaped finials, blu...
A Herend 'Queen Victoria' porcelain part dinner service, 20th century, Hungarian, each with painted and gilt-heightened decoration with stylised p...
A Herend 'Rothschild Bird' pattern part dinner service, 20th century, Hungarian, with hand-painted polychrome decoration of birds and insects, wit...
An oak hanging plate rack,
An oak hanging plate rack, 18th century, set with three turned finials and ring-turned supports, with three shelves,161cm wide 21cm deep 92cm high...
A Napoleon II ormolu and patinated bronze mantel clock, c.1820, French, the silvered dial with Roman numerals, the ormolu-mounted case surmounted ...
A Persian Heriz wool runner,
A Persian Heriz wool runner, 20th century, with geometric motifs to a dark-red ground, 473 x 93cm
A gilt-brass, champlevé enamel and porcelain-mounted mantel clock, late 19th/early 20th century, French, the porcelain dial with Roman chapter rin...
William John Marriner (1881-1967) for Fulham Pottery, c.1930s, an earthenware urn of fluted twin-loop form on a spreading foot, with an unglazed e...
A Minton glazed earthenware snake, c.1870, the coiled body naturalistically modelled with scales,51cm long24cm wide19cm highProvenance: Bonhams, '...
Two pottery cow creamers,
Two pottery cow creamers, early 19th century, the first with a wafer-thin base with a maid, the second with a dog to the base, with Prattware pale...
A pair of painted and parcel-gilt window seats, 20th century, Italian, each with upholstered seat and sides, flanked by cabriole supports, and rai...
A flat-weave wool rug of Scandinavian design, of recent manufacture, woven with geometric motifs to a pale-blue ground, 300 x 249cmCondition Repor...
A baroque rosewood and ebonised cabinet on stand, late 17th/early 18th century and later, North Italian, with a pierced brass gallery set with fla...
A near pair of painted and parcel-gilt mirrors 19th century and later, Italian, each with foliate motifs enclosing a bevelled mirror plate,168cm w...
A pair of Regency-style ebonised and coromandel side tables, of recent manufacture, each with two shelves, between ring-turned and square supports...
An Arts and Crafts oak side table, late 19th/early 20th century, with a rectangular top, raised on chamfered square supports united by a stretcher...
A Charles X walnut stool,
A Charles X walnut stool, c.1830, French, of 'X' frame form with a pair of high open arms with foliate supports, raised on faceted legs united by ...
A Victorian-style needlepoint rug, 20th century, decorated with repeating rose medallions to a monochrome ground, interspersed by sage-green motif...
A George III mahogany side chair, c.1760, in the Gothic taste, with an acanthus-carved rail and a pierced tracery splat, the velvet-upholstered se...
A pressed brass-clad pier mirror, mid-20th century, Spanish, in the manner of Rodolfo Dubarry, with a canted top and border frame enclosing a glas...
An export lacquered wooden pagoda, 20th century, Chinese, with a pointed roof above a pair of panelled cupboard doors, the panel sides painted wit...
A set of six lacquer panels,
A set of six lacquer panels, early 20th century, Japanese, with mother-of-pearl decoration,each panel 31cm wide 95cm high (6)Condition ReportGener...
A pair of neoclassical giltwood table lamps, 19th century, Italian, each with Greek key motifs and laurel leaf garlands, with an 18-inch flared si...
A small provincial oak cupboard,
A small provincial oak cupboard, mid-18th century, North German, the canted rectangular top above a pair of panelled doors enclosing shelves, rais...
A George II-style carved pine fire surround, 20th century, with a moulded cornice, above a floral and foliate-carved frieze with egg-and-dart deta...
A pair of giltwood convex mirrors, 19th century and later, each mirror with an eagle surmount with foliate scrolls, the frame decorated with balls...
A pair of Louis XV-style giltwood salon chairs, late 19th century, French, each with a caned back and seat, with all-over scrolling rococo decorat...
A Louis XVI-style kingwood, tulipwood and satinwood parquetry bouillotte table, late 19th/early 20th century, French, the circular marble top with...
A pair of chinoiserie verre églomisé glass console tables, of recent manufacture, Italian, each of canted outline, raised on stylised supports, an...
A Victorian shell-encrusted framed display, mid-19th century, the centre with an arrangement of seaweed specimens and a handwritten poem, signed '...
A scratch-built painted wooden live steam ship model, 20th century, in the form of an ocean liner, on a wooden base, 122cm wide19cm deep35cm high ...
A scratch-built painted wooden model of a steam ship, 20th century, on a wooden stand, 126cm wide17cm deep37cm high (2)Condition ReportSome small ...
A collection of framed algae specimens, 19th century, each with a handwritten inscription, various sizes, largest 32 x 16.5cm, framed and glazed, ...
Two giant clamshell halves,
Two giant clamshell halves, the larger 87cm wide 60cm deep 40cm high (2)Provenance: Sandford Orcas Manor, Dorset. Condition Report Both with wear...
A pair of shell-encrusted composition stone baskets, first quarter of the 20th century, French, each of tapering ovoid shape with a swing handle, ...
A large serpentine lighthouse,
A large serpentine lighthouse, c.1920s, Cornish, representing the Lizard Peninsula Lighthouse, on a naturalistically modelled carved stone base,29...
An Oushak wool carpet of Ziegler design, of recent manufacture, woven with bold foliate motifs to a pale-blue ground, 321 x 242cmCondition ReportU...
An export red and gilt-lacquered cabinet, 19th century, Chinese, decorated all over with figures, pagodas and rockwork, amongst floral and foliate...
A George III-style giltwood and gesso oval mirror, 19th century, with a sectional glass plate and foliate detail,82cm wide 114cm high Condition ...
A Louis XIV-style marquetry commode, of recent manufacture, French, the shaped black marble top over three long drawers, with gilt-metal mask escu...