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Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
A set of four George III brass castors, late 18th/early 19th century, each worked as a claw and ball projecting from a stylised foliate mount,13cm...
A mother-of-pearl fan,
A mother-of-pearl fan, 18th/19th century, painted with classical scenes, decorated with a gilt border, with mother-of-pearl sticks and guards,35.5...
A large Louis XVI-style painted and parcel-gilt wooden pier mirror, 19th century, French, the frame with neoclassical decoration surrounding a mer...
A Kashan wool carpet,
A Kashan wool carpet, c.1930s, the pale field decorated with stylised foliate scrolls, within banded foliate borders,392 x 275cm
A George I-style carved giltwood and gesso mirror, probably late 19th/early 20th century, incorporating some earlier elements, with a scrolling mo...
A William and Mary walnut and panelled seaweed marquetry longcase clock, c.1700, with an eight-day movement striking on a bell, the 11-inch engrav...
A Regency rosewood, satinwood, and brass sofa table, c.1820, with a canted rectangular top with drop ends, a pair of frieze drawers, raised on an ...
A Victorian brass skeleton clock, second half of the 19th century, the silvered chapter ring with Roman numerals, with a single chain-driven fusee...
A George II walnut stool,
A George II walnut stool, c.1730, with an oval tapestry seat above a plain frieze, and raised on cabriole supports terminating in claw and ball fe...
A Regency rosewood side cabinet,
A Regency rosewood side cabinet, c.1820, with a rectangular top, above a pair of brass grille doors with pleated silk liners enclosing a fitted in...
A carved giltwood and gesso pier mirror, late 19th/early 20th century, French, the arched top with a foliate crest flanked by putti, above a shape...
A late Victorian tub chair in the manner of Howard and Sons, c.1890, upholstered in foliate fabric and raised on ring-turned walnut front supports...
A Victorian brass skeleton clock by Beha, Lickert & Schwerer of Norwich, c.1870, the pierced silvered dial with Roman numerals, with a single chai...
A George III mahogany wake table, second half of the 18th century and later, the folding oval top raised on square supports,205cm long 141cm wide ...
A pair of Louis XV-style ebonised wooden card tables, late 19th/early 20th century, French, each of serpentine outline with ormolu mounts, 90cm wi...
An ebonised oak bookcase,
An ebonised oak bookcase, 19th century, French, of breakfront form with three glazed doors flanked by reeded pilasters, raised on a base with thre...
A reindeer antler chandelier,
A reindeer antler chandelier, 20th century, of interlocking form with eight lights,105cm diameter100cm highCondition ReportGeneral dirt, dust, kno...
A wool stone tablecloth,
A wool stone tablecloth, c.1930s-40s, Swedish, Scania, with alternating bands of red within a green border,127 x 136cmCondition ReportOverall the ...
Two flamskväv carriage cushion covers, c.1920s-30s, Swedish, Scania, worked in multicoloured wools with interlocking squares surrounded by tulip h...
A rug fragment,
A rug fragment, 18th century, Anatolian, mounted on a linen backing,fragment 134 x 168cmwith backing 145 x 215cm
Two flamskväv carriage cushion covers, late 19th/early 20th century, Swedish, Scania, worked in polychrome wools, the first with a red lion to the...
A Persian wool carpet,
A Persian wool carpet, 20th century, woven with geometric floral and foliate motifs to a red ground, 408 x 302cmCondition ReportGeneral wear to pi...
Three flamskväv carriage cushion covers, late 19th/early 20th century, Swedish, Scania, worked in polychrome wools with birds and floral motifs,la...
An antler suite,
An antler suite, 20th century, comprising a two-seater settee and a pair of armchairs with interlocking frames,settee 216cm wide 90cm deep 122cm h...
A Victorian mahogany, horn and antler hall stand, second half of the 19th century, with a shield-shaped crest set with a pair of stag antlers, abo...
A Regency steel Gothic fender,
A Regency steel Gothic fender, c.1815, by W & S Summers, the design possibly attributable to George Bullock or a member of his circle, the quatre...
A set of three Regency brass and steel fire tools, 19th century, each with rococo handles, comprising a shovel, poker and tongs,78cm long (3)Condi...
A set of three Regency brass and steel fire tools, 19th century, comprising a shovel, poker and tongs,78cm long (3)Condition ReportThe tools are i...
A pair of painted wooden pyramid bookcases in the George II taste, of recent manufacture, each with five graduated shelves, above a pair of cupbo...
A carved and polychrome-painted wooden figure of St Roche, 18th century, Northern European, standing holding a staff with an attendant dog, 98cm h...
A Louis XVI-style patinated bronze and ormolu mantel clock, 19th century, French, the white enamel dial signed 'Denière à Paris', with a Roman cha...
A William IV giltwood pier table, second quarter of the 19th century and later, the rouge marble top raised on scrolling rococo supports and a mer...
A pair of George III oak bergères, c.1810, in the manner of Gillows, each with a moulded frame, and tapering fluted supports terminating in peg f...
A George III-style satinwood occasional table, c.1900, with two graduated tiers, raised on slender square supports united by an 'X' stretcher, wit...
A composite standing figure,
A composite standing figure, of recent manufacture, in the form of Diana holding a book, raised on a canted rectangular base,49cm wide 49cm deep 1...
A wool carpet,
A wool carpet, early 20th century, Persian, Kirman or Isfahan,495 x 328cm
A Black Forest carved wooden bench, late 19th/early 20th century, Swiss, with a pierced back decorated with oak leaves, and a rectangular seat sup...
A giltwood and gesso picture-frame mirror, late 19th century, of shaped rectangular outline, the pierced rococo frame decorated with floral and fo...
A Louis XVI tulipwood, amaranth and kingwood marquetry commode, late 18th century, French, with a rouge marble top, above two long drawers, raised...
A Persian Qashqai wool carpet,
A Persian Qashqai wool carpet, mid-20th century, woven with repeating motifs to a red ground,295 x 204cm
A pair of Louis XVI-style gilt-metal torchères, of recent manufacture, each with a rouge marble top, raised on scrolling supports and a triform ba...
A mahogany cased bracket clock,
A mahogany cased bracket clock, 19th century, the 8-inch white enamelled dial with Roman numerals, fitted single fusee movement, inscribed 'W M Do...
An oak waterfall bookcase,
An oak waterfall bookcase, early 20th century, with pierced scrolling decoration to the back and sides, set with four graduated open shelves with ...
A George III mahogany serpentine tea table, c.1760, the folding top above a frieze drawer and moulded square supports with fret-carved Gothic deco...
An oak and specimen wood parquetry centre table, late 19th/early 20th century, with an octagonal top with a central star and radiating veneers, ra...
After Isidore-Jules Bonheur
After Isidore-Jules Bonheur 'Le Grand Jockey', patinated bronze, marked 'I BONHEUR to the base', mounted on a stone base,58cm wide16cm deep64cm hi...
A set of eight George III mahogany dining chairs, c.1800, each with a bar back with red and ebony strung decoration, above a square seat and taper...
A large Buckingham Palace garden party table, 20th century, the sectional top with a limed finish on ring-turned tapering legs, 308cm diameter ...
A Colefax and Fowler-inspired flat-weave wool carpet, of recent manufacture, woven in tones of green, red and brown with poppies to a pale ground,...
A Victorian rosewood library table, c.1840, the moulded rectangular top with lobed ends above a pair of frieze drawers, the fluted end supports un...
An upholstered chair-back chaise longue in the style of Howard & Sons, 20th century, by Kingcome, with a high back and scroll arms, raised on squa...
A pair of Regency-style mahogany and ebonised side tables, of recent manufacture, each rectangular top with a shallow three-quarter gallery, above...
A composition stone lion-mask boss, first quarter of the 20th century, modelled with an oak branch in its jaws,46cm wide 22cm deep 34cm highCondit...
A set of four carved marble sarcophagus feet, 20th century, Italian, each in the form of a lion's paw,18cm wide 18cm deep32cm high (4)Condition Re...
A pair of Empire maple fauteuils, second quarter of the 19th century, Northern European, each with inlaid neoclassical decoration and complementar...
A Louis XVI-style giltwood and painted trumeau mirror, early 20th century, French, the arched top with a floral crest, above an image of a courtin...
A papier mâché tray-top occasional table, 19th century, with a shaped edge, decorated with a ruined folly and inlaid with mother-of-pearl, raised ...
A flat-weave wool rug,
A flat-weave wool rug, of recent manufacture, woven with geometric red decoration to a blue ground, 249 x 182cmCondition ReportOverall appears in ...
A George II-style oak and pollard oak tripod table, 19th century, the circular top above a gun-barrel turned column, raised on foliate-carved supp...