The Silich Collection of Historical and Art Medals

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The Silich Collection of Historical and Art Medals

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Adams, George Gammon (British, 1821-1898); b. Staines, and Baily, Edward Hodges (British, 1788-1867); b. Bristol ENGLAND, Thomas Lawrence, 1860,...

Affer, Costantino (Italian, 1906-1987); b. Milan, and F.M. Lorioli & Castelli (Milan, 1919-present) ITALY, Giornata Mondiale dell’Alimentazione ...

Akimuschkina, Vladimir M. (Russian, fl. 1950-1970) RUSSIA, 40 Rem Bakcm [40th Anniversary of the Komsomol], 1958, a bronze medal by W.M. Akimusc...

Allen & Moore (Birmingham, fl. 1844-1855), specifically John Allen (British, fl. 1840-1862), and Joseph Moore (British, 1817-1892); b. Birmingham ...

Ames, Blanche, later Ames Ames, Blanche (American, 1878-1969); b. Lowell, MA U.S.A., American Orchid Society, a gold award medal by Blanche Ames...

Andrew, John (Australian, 1948-present); b. Geelong NEW ZEALAND, Goodbye Soldier, 2015, a cast bronze high-relief medal by J. Andrew, head of so...

Andrieu, Bertrand (French, 1761-1822); b. Bordeaux, and Brenet, Nicolas-Guy-Antoine (French, 1773-1846); b. Paris, and Denon, Dominique-Vivant (Fr...

Aragoncillo, J. (presumed Spanish) SPAIN, Exposición Regional Leonesa [Léon Regional Exhibition], 1892, a gold award medal by J. Aragoncillo, co...

Armel-Beaufils, Zannic, formerly Suzanne Duvivier (French, 1892-1978); b. not known FRANCE, Edmond Lesné, 1937, a bronze plaque by Zannic Armel-...

Arnau y Mascot, Eusebio (Spanish, 1863-1933); b. Barcelona, and Bernardo Castells (Barcelona, fl. 1834-1980), specifically Genaro Castells y Reig ...

Ashby, Robin (British, 1968-present); b. Southport ENGLAND, Medal Lover, 1991, a cast bronze medal by R. Ashby [Tallix Morris Singer] for the Br...

Aubé, Jean-Paul (French, 1837-1916); b. Longwy FRANCE, Henri Dor, 1911, a plated bronze plaque by J.-P. Aubé, bust left, rev. standing robed fem...

Auffret, Charles (French, 1929-2001); b. Paris FRANCE, Théodore Géricault, 1966, a bronze medal by C. Auffret, bust right, rev. young man tied n...

Auguste, Henri (French, 1759-1816); b. Paris FRANCE, Attentat à la vie de Napoléon [Attempt on the Life of Napoléon], 1800 [struck 1801], a copp...

Aurélio, José Manuel (Portuguese, 1938-present); b. Alcobaça PORTUGAL, Centenario Calouste Gulbenkian, Abertura da Fundação, Lisbon [Centenary o...

Baetes, Jules (Belgian, 1861-1937); b. Antwerp BELGIAN CONGO, La Mutuelle Congolaise, 1922, 25 Years of Service, a bronze award plaque by J. Bae...

Bandura, Jerzy (Polish, 1915-1987); b. Chabówka POLAND, Budowa Kopca Józefa PiÅ‚sudskiego Sowiniec, Krakow [Construction of Józef PiÅ‚sudski's M...

Barillet, Louis (French, 1890-1948); b. Alençon FRANCE, Philippe Ledemé, 1906, a uniface cast bronze plaque by L. Barillet, half-length bust of ...

Barre, Jean-Jacques (French, 1793-1855); b. Paris FRANCE, La famille royale visite la Monnaie de Paris [Visit of the Royal Family to the Mint], ...

Batista, Helder (Portuguese, 1932-2015); b. Vendas Novas, and Gravarte, now Indugrave-Indústria de Gravura (Lisbon, 1952-present) ENGLAND, Eve a...

Baudichon, René-Adrien-Anatole-Joseph (French, 1878-1963); b. Tours FRANCE, Société Anonyme des Pneumatiques Dunlop, 40e Anniversaire de la Fond...

Bayes, Gilbert (British, 1872-1953); b. London, and John Pinches Medallists (London, fl. 1840-1969) ENGLAND, Centenary of the Stockton & Darling...

Bazor, Lucien-Georges (French, 1889-1974); b. Paris FRANCE, Coupe-Papier, 1928, an Art Déco bronze paper knife by L.-G. Bazor, standing naked fe...

Becker, Edmund-Henri (French, 1871-1971); b. Mulhouse FRANCE, Club des Cent, c. 1935, an Art Déco light bronze plaque by E.-H. Becker, female fi...

Beetz-Charpentier, Élisa (French, 1875-1949); b. Schaerbeek FRANCE, Maurice Ravel, 1930, a bronze medal by Élisa Beetz-Charpentier, bust right, ...

Beguet, Georges-Pierre-Louis (Algerian, 1884-1952); b. Algiers ALGERIA, Centenaire de l’Algerié [Centenary of the French Administration of Alger...

Bellaigue, Jean-Camille (French, 1893-1931); b. Paris FRANCE, Congrès International d'Aviation, Reims [International Aviation Congress], 1928, a...

Belmondo, Paul (Algerian, 1898-1982); b. Algiers, moved to France 1920 FRANCE, Belmondo à la Monnaie de Paris [Belmondo at the Paris Mint], 1976...

Bénard, Raoul-René-Alphonse (French, 1881-1961); b. Elbeuf FRANCE, Reconnaissance, 1933, a large uniface Art Déco bronze maquette by R.-R.-A. Bé...

Bernstein, Boris (French, 1907-1978); b. Lyon FRANCE, Union Française, 1946 [struck 1950], a bronze medal by B. Bernstein, six reclining females...

Bétannier, Roger-Alphonse (French, 1920-1999); b. Paris FRANCE, IXe Jeux Universitaires Mondiaux d’Été, Paris [World Summer University Games], 1...

Bezombes, Roger (French, 1913-1994); b. Paris FRANCE, Phénix, 1967, a uniface cast bronze maquette by R. Bezombes for the Club français de la Mé...

Bija, Auguste (Lithuanian, 1872-1957); b. Schlockschen, moved to Belgium 1897, and Fisch & Cie (Brussels, 1853-present) BELGIUM, Baron Eugène La...

Bistolfi, Leonardo (Italian, 1859-1933); b. Casale Monferrato, and Medallic Art Co (Dayton, OH, then Danbury, CT, Sioux Falls, SD, and Dayton, NV,...

Bladon, Henry (London, 1867-1948); b. London ENGLAND, The Practical Photographer, c. 1905, a silver award plaque by H. Bladon, robed female supp...

Blöcher, L. (presumed German) BELGIUM, Saint Hubert avec des chiens et des cerfs [St Hubert with Dogs and Deer], c. 1925, a uniface cast bronze ...

Bolygó, Bálint (Hungarian, 1976-present); b. Pécs, moved to England 1985 ENGLAND, Perpetual Mechanic Composition I, 2001, a cast bronze plaque b...

Bonnetain, Armand (Belgian, 1883-1973); b. Brussels, and Établissements Jules Fonson (Brussels, fl. 1848-1973), specifically Jean Fonson (1871-193...

Bonnetan, L. (presumed French), and Alphonse Augis (French, fl. 1894-1929); b. Lyon FRANCE, Association des Anciens Élèves de l’École Centrale L...

Borgeaud-Strenz, Jeanne-Charlotte-Eugénie, formerly Jeanne Aumont-Strenz (French, 1873-1962); b. Paris FRANCE, Méditation, 1904, an Art Nouveau ...

Borrel, Alfred (French, 1836-1927); b. Paris FRANCE, Pêche à la Ligne [Fishing Line], 1905, a silver plaque by A. Borrel, naked female perched o...

Bosselt, Rudolf (German, 1871-1938); b. Perleberg, and Carl Poëllath, Schrobenhausen (1778-present) BELGIUM, Exposition Universelle et Internati...

Bouchard, Louis-Henri (French, 1875-1960); b. Dijon FRANCE, Le Semeur [The Sower], c. 1925, a uniface cast bronze medal by L.-H. Bouchard, man w...

Boudon, Émile (French, fl. 1885-1935); b. Lyon FRANCE, Centenaire de l’Imprimerie Administrative Paul Dupont [Centenary of the Printing House of...

Bouniol, E. (presumed French, fl. 1930-1950) FRANCE, Coupe-Papier, c. 1945, a uniface openwork Art Déco gilt-bronze paper knife by E. Bouniol, n...

Bourgouin, Marie-Joseph-Eugène (French, 1880-1924); b. Reims FRANCE, Maurice Letulle, 1923, a bronze plaque by M.-J.-E. Bourgouin, bust right, r...

Bouvier, Paul (Swiss, 1857-1940); b. Neuchâtel FRANCE, Léon Jouhaux, c. 1935, a bronze medal by P. Bouvier, bust right, rev. male artisan breaki...

Bovy, Hugues (Swiss, 1841-1903); b. Geneva SWITZERLAND, Antoine Bovy, 1863, a uniface cast bronze maquette by H. Bovy, bust left, 142mm, 270.15g...

Braecke, Pieter-Jan (Belgian, 1859-1938); b. Nieuwpoort, and Wolfers Frès (Brussels, 1812-present) BELGIUM, 1er Execution de la version français...

Brehmer, Friedrich (German, 1815-1889); b. Hanover GERMANY, Eröffnung der Neuen Börse, Bremen [Opening of the New Bourse], 1864, a silver medall...

Breker, Arno (German, 1900-1991); b. Elberfeld, moved to France 1927, returned to Germany 1934, and Buderus (Wetzlar, fl. 1731-2003) GERMANY, Ne...

Bremaecker, Eugène-Jean de (Belgian, 1879-1963); b. Brussels, and Établissements Jules Fonson (Brussels, fl. 1848-1973), specifically Jean Fonson ...

Bret, Sylvain (French, 1937-present); b. Paris FRANCE, L’Hirondelle [The Swallow], 1976 [struck 1977], a bronze medal by S. Bret, swallow perche...

Brock, Sir Thomas (British, 1847-1922); b. Worcester ENGLAND, Royal Academy of Arts, 1901, a silver award medal by T. Brock, draped bust of Edwa...

Brouwer, Ruth (Belgian, 1930-2020); b. Antwerp, moved to Holland 1953 NETHERLANDS, Duifje van Noach [Noah’s Pigeon], 1986, a cast bronze medal b...

Bruneau, Georges (French, fl. 1920-1940); b. Paris FRENCH INDO-CHINA, Pousse-pousse sous la pluie [Rickshaw in the Rain], c. 1925, a uniface bro...

Bulling, Hans (German), fl. 1890-1910; and M.H. Wilkens & Söhn (Bremen, fl. 1810-2024) GERMANY, Bremen Phililogentag [Bremen Philology Day], 189...

Burger, Laurent-Marcel (French, 1898-1969); b. Le Havre FRANCE, Construction, or Tailleurs de Pierre [Stonemasons], 1934, a uniface bronze plaqu...

Busato, Gualtiero (Italian, 1941-present); b. Civitavecchia, moved to France 1949 FRANCE, Isaïe [Isaiah], 1971 [struck 1972], a cast bronze meda...
