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Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
Eric Reynolds (Australian), oil on board, ‘St. Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne, Australia’, signed, 35 x
Eric Reynolds (Australian), oil on board, ‘St. Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne, Australia’, signed, 35 x 45cm. Condition - chips to the edge
A pair of George V Sabbath Day silver candlesticks, by Joseph Zweig, London, 1914, 38cm, 31.7oz.
A pair of George V Sabbath Day silver candlesticks, by Joseph Zweig, London, 1914, 38cm, 31.7oz. Condition - poor to fair
A late Victorian embossed silver bowl, on tripod supports, London, 1890, lacking glass insert?,
A late Victorian embossed silver bowl, on tripod supports, London, 1890, lacking glass insert?, diameter 12.2cm, together with a Middle Eastern wh...
A George V embossed silver serpentine tea caddy, by HF, Chester, 1911, height 98mm, 6.3oz. Condition
A George V embossed silver serpentine tea caddy, by HF, Chester, 1911, height 98mm, 6.3oz. Condition - fair
An Edwardian silver and enamel octagonal pill box retailed by Asprey, London, maker William
An Edwardian silver and enamel octagonal pill box retailed by Asprey, London, maker William Hornby, London, 1904, length 38mm. Condition - fair
A set of six Victorian silver fiddle pattern teaspoons, by George Adams, London, 1873, together with
A set of six Victorian silver fiddle pattern teaspoons, by George Adams, London, 1873, together with a later cased silver spoon and pusher. Condit...
A George III fob watch shaped engine turned silver vinaigrette, Ledsam & Vale, Birmingham, 1818,
A George III fob watch shaped engine turned silver vinaigrette, Ledsam & Vale, Birmingham, 1818, 32mm. Condition - poor to fair
A Victorian engraved silver cream jug, by Hayne & Cater, London, 1855, 15.7cm, 9.3oz. Condition -
A Victorian engraved silver cream jug, by Hayne & Cater, London, 1855, 15.7cm, 9.3oz. Condition - poor to fair
A set of six Edwardian silver coffee spoons, by John Round, Sheffield, 1903 and a small group of
A set of six Edwardian silver coffee spoons, by John Round, Sheffield, 1903 and a small group of other assorted silver tea and coffee spoons, 13.9...
An Elizabeth II planished silver bowl, by Pruden & Smith, Sheffield, 2002, diameter 10cm, together
An Elizabeth II planished silver bowl, by Pruden & Smith, Sheffield, 2002, diameter 10cm, together with a similar silver wine coaster by Pruden & ...
A set of six Elizabeth II Arts & Crafts silver Guild of Handicraft spoons, with planished pear
A set of six Elizabeth II Arts & Crafts silver Guild of Handicraft spoons, with planished pear shaped bowls, turned stems and hexagonal terminals,...
An Edwardian/George V silver cream jug and two handled sugar bowl, by William Barnard & Sons, London
An Edwardian/George V silver cream jug and two handled sugar bowl, by William Barnard & Sons, London 1909/10, a pair of late Victorian silver cond...
An Edwardian silver cased carriage timepiece, with Arabic dial, on bun feet, by Goldsmiths &
An Edwardian silver cased carriage timepiece, with Arabic dial, on bun feet, by Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co Ltd, London, 1904, 85mm excluding the...
An engraved white metal cigarette case, engraved with a monogram and with a faux tortoiseshell lined
An engraved white metal cigarette case, engraved with a monogram and with a faux tortoiseshell lined interior, 88mm. Condition - fair
A set of six William IV silver fiddle pattern table forks, maker's mark rubbed or missing, London,
A set of six William IV silver fiddle pattern table forks, maker's mark rubbed or missing, London, 1832/33, 12.7oz. Condition - poor
A set six Victorian silver fiddle pattern dessert forks, A.B. Savory & Sons, London, 1856, 9.6oz.
A set six Victorian silver fiddle pattern dessert forks, A.B. Savory & Sons, London, 1856, 9.6oz. Condition - poor
Three assorted George III silver fiddle pattern table spoons, a modern silver spirit label, ‘’
Three assorted George III silver fiddle pattern table spoons, a modern silver spirit label, ‘’Brandy’’, two silver letter openers and a heavy silv...
Ten George V Georg Jensen sterling acorn pattern dessert knives and nine matching forks, import
Ten George V Georg Jensen sterling acorn pattern dessert knives and nine matching forks, import marks for George Stockwell, London, 1931, 21.2oz. ...
Small silver including a mug, Collingwood & Co, London, 1946, 87mm, a late Victorian mustard pot,
Small silver including a mug, Collingwood & Co, London, 1946, 87mm, a late Victorian mustard pot, toast rack, egg cup and an 830 standard white me...
A quantity of assorted 19th century and later silver small spoons, including tea, coffee, caddy
A quantity of assorted 19th century and later silver small spoons, including tea, coffee, caddy and condiment spoons, various dates, makers and pa...
A set of four George III silver Old English pattern dessert spoons, Mary & Eliza Sumner, London
A set of four George III silver Old English pattern dessert spoons, Mary & Eliza Sumner, London 1810, seven other items of silver flatware includi...
A cased Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee commemorative silver paper knife, by Stuart Devlin, London,
A cased Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee commemorative silver paper knife, by Stuart Devlin, London, 1977, 17.3cm, 66 grams. Condition - fair to good
An Edwardian silver cased miniature carriage timepiece, with Roman dial, on four bun feet, the front
An Edwardian silver cased miniature carriage timepiece, with Roman dial, on four bun feet, the front engraved 'Bunny', by Henry Clifford Davis, Bi...
Two Chinese white metal figural groups, including figures on boat, length 15.4cm, together with a
Two Chinese white metal figural groups, including figures on boat, length 15.4cm, together with a small sterling mounted glass decanter, a base me...
A cased set of four engine turned white metal (stamped 925) and enamel propelling bridge pencils,
A cased set of four engine turned white metal (stamped 925) and enamel propelling bridge pencils, each stem enamelled with the four card suites, 1...
A George V engine turned silver bedside timepiece, lacking fixings, Birmingham, 1928, base 10.6cm.
A George V engine turned silver bedside timepiece, lacking fixings, Birmingham, 1928, base 10.6cm. Condition - poor to fair
A George V silver mounted photograph frame, by A & J Zimmerman, Birmingham, 1923, 25.7cm, one
A George V silver mounted photograph frame, by A & J Zimmerman, Birmingham, 1923, 25.7cm, one other modern silver mounted photograph frame and a c...
A George III silver two handled oval sugar bowl, of butter pail design, with reeded bands, maker S?,
A George III silver two handled oval sugar bowl, of butter pail design, with reeded bands, maker S?, London, 1802, length 13.4cm, 7.3oz. Condition...
A late Victorian silver mounted cut glass pepper grinder, John Grinsell & Sons, Birmingham, 1886,
A late Victorian silver mounted cut glass pepper grinder, John Grinsell & Sons, Birmingham, 1886, 89mm, a silver mounted inkwell and seven assort...
A quantity of costume jewellery and other items including Dunhill gilt metal quartz travelling
A quantity of costume jewellery and other items including Dunhill gilt metal quartz travelling timepiece and a graduated simulated cherry amber be...
Assorted jewellery and other items including a silver charm bracelet, shoe buckles, etc. Condition -
Assorted jewellery and other items including a silver charm bracelet, shoe buckles, etc. Condition - poor to fair to good.
Three assorted silver 19th and 20th century silver open faced pocket watches including two keywind. Condition - poor
A small quantity of 925 and white metal jewellery including rings, bracelets and pendants. Condition
A small quantity of 925 and white metal jewellery including rings, bracelets and pendants. Condition - fair
Assorted jewellery including a silver belcher link necklace, Scottish white metal brooch, marcasite necklace, pair of adventurine drop earrings, e...
A Victorian engraved yellow metal mounted hardstone bracelet, with padlock clasp(a,f,). Condition - poor
An Edwardian 18ct gold and graduated five stone diamond set half hoop ring, size P, gross weight 3.5
An Edwardian 18ct gold and graduated five stone diamond set half hoop ring, size P, gross weight 3.5 grams. Condition - fair to good
A ruby and diamond cluster set yellow metal horseshoe stick pin, 73mm (stone missing), a 9ct mounted
A ruby and diamond cluster set yellow metal horseshoe stick pin, 73mm (stone missing), a 9ct mounted hardstone cross pendant and a pair of yellow ...
A small group of assorted silver and white metal items including medallion, rings, pendants, etc.
A small group of assorted silver and white metal items including medallion, rings, pendants, etc. Condition - poor to fair
A quantity of assorted costume jewellery. Condition - poor to fair
A diamond eternity ring, channel-set with a continuous band of brilliant-cut diamonds totalling
A diamond eternity ring, channel-set with a continuous band of brilliant-cut diamonds totalling approximately 1.20 carats, mounted in platinum, si...
Two bar brooches, early 20th century, comprising: one set with a circular-cut garnet, accented by
Two bar brooches, early 20th century, comprising: one set with a circular-cut garnet, accented by seed pearls, mounted in 9ct gold, length 4.4cm, ...
A single strand graduated oval simulated cherry amber bead necklace, 94cm, gross 63 grams. Condition
A single strand graduated oval simulated cherry amber bead necklace, 94cm, gross 63 grams. Condition - fair
An opal and diamond brooch, early 20th century, designed as a crescent moon, set with opal cabochons
An opal and diamond brooch, early 20th century, designed as a crescent moon, set with opal cabochons and rose-cut diamonds, mounted in gold, lengt...
A 9ct gold and jadeite brooch, set with a cabochon jadeite, within a curb link outer border in 9ct
A 9ct gold and jadeite brooch, set with a cabochon jadeite, within a curb link outer border in 9ct gold, length 4.9cm, British hallmarks. Conditio...
A diamond dress ring, designed as a pear-shaped cluster of brilliant-cut diamonds within a border of
A diamond dress ring, designed as a pear-shaped cluster of brilliant-cut diamonds within a border of baguette diamonds, totalling approximately 2....
A diamond solitaire ring, claw-set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.60
A diamond solitaire ring, claw-set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.60 carats, mounted in platinum, size P, British hallmarks...
A gentleman's 9ct gold Accurist manual wind wrist watch, with dot and quarterly Arabic numerals,
A gentleman's 9ct gold Accurist manual wind wrist watch, with dot and quarterly Arabic numerals, case diameter 33mm, on an associated leather stra...
A collection of silver and gem-set jewellery, comprising: a necklace, spectacle-set with variously
A collection of silver and gem-set jewellery, comprising: a necklace, spectacle-set with variously cut and coloured gemstones including tourmaline...
Charles Horner, an Arts and Crafts silver and enamel pendant and pin, early 20th century, the
Charles Horner, an Arts and Crafts silver and enamel pendant and pin, early 20th century, the pendant of abstract design, applied with blue and gr...
A sapphire and diamond ring, the wide band set to the front with oval and circular-cut sapphires
A sapphire and diamond ring, the wide band set to the front with oval and circular-cut sapphires spaced by lines of single-cut diamonds, between r...
A 9ct gold bracelet, composed of engraved linking, length 21.5cm, British hallmarks, gross weight 13
A 9ct gold bracelet, composed of engraved linking, length 21.5cm, British hallmarks, gross weight 13 gramsCondition: fair
A 9ct gold double curb link bracelet, with white gold details, length 23cm, British hallmarks, gross
A 9ct gold double curb link bracelet, with white gold details, length 23cm, British hallmarks, gross weight 7 gramsCondition: good
A lady's Swiss yellow metal, enamel and gem set dress fob watch, with Roman dial, case diameter
A lady's Swiss yellow metal, enamel and gem set dress fob watch, with Roman dial, case diameter 36mm, gross weight 28.3 grams. Condition - poor.
A garnet ring, set with a step-cut garnet, to a textured gold mount, size U1/2, stamped 9ct, gross
A garnet ring, set with a step-cut garnet, to a textured gold mount, size U1/2, stamped 9ct, gross weight approximately 5 gramsCondition: good
An 18th century pocket verge pocket watch movement, by Barton of Manchester, together with a
An 18th century pocket verge pocket watch movement, by Barton of Manchester, together with a silver open faced pocket watch. Condition - poor
A contemporary silver and amethyst bangle, of abstract, Cubist-inspired design, to a textured
A contemporary silver and amethyst bangle, of abstract, Cubist-inspired design, to a textured band, set with a circular-cut amethyst and a culture...
A ruby and diamond brooch, designed as a ring of alternating circular-cut rubies and brilliant-cut
A ruby and diamond brooch, designed as a ring of alternating circular-cut rubies and brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in gold, 2.2cm diameter. Cond...