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Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
A George III and later octagonal brass bound mahogany cellarette, width 48cm, height 64cm. Condition
A George III and later octagonal brass bound mahogany cellarette, width 48cm, height 64cm. Condition - good
A 17th century and later carved oak settle with hinged box seat, width 139cm, depth 58cm, height
A 17th century and later carved oak settle with hinged box seat, width 139cm, depth 58cm, height 116cm. Condition - fair
A 17th century and later rectangular oak refectory dining table, width 187cm, depth 79cm, height
A 17th century and later rectangular oak refectory dining table, width 187cm, depth 79cm, height 83cm. Condition - fair
Three (two plus one) 17th / 18th century carved oak back stools, largest width 48cm, depth 38cm,
Three (two plus one) 17th / 18th century carved oak back stools, largest width 48cm, depth 38cm, height 97cm. Condition - fair
A set of four composition stone planters, modern, each of flowering cylindrical form, moulded with
A set of four composition stone planters, modern, each of flowering cylindrical form, moulded with trellis work and flowerheads, diameter 62cm, he...
A set of four composition stone planters, modern, each of flowering cylindrical form, moulded with
A set of four composition stone planters, modern, each of flowering cylindrical form, moulded with trellis work and flowerheads, diameter 62cm, he...
A pair of composition stone planters, diameter 60cm, height 42cm. Condition - fair
A Gothic sculpted limestone crocheted finial, height 38cm. Condition - fair
A pair of 18th century sandstone urns, each of oval form with thistle moulded bodies, on pedestal
A pair of 18th century sandstone urns, each of oval form with thistle moulded bodies, on pedestal bases, diameter 37cm, height 76cm. Condition - f...
A Hamadan blue ground hall ground carpet, 430 x 160cm. Condition - good
A large reproduction 18th century style rectangular oak refectory dining table, width 305, depth
A large reproduction 18th century style rectangular oak refectory dining table, width 305, depth 115cm, height 78cm together with a set of twelve ...
An 18th century style rectangular oak draw leaf refectory dining table, width 244cm extended,
An 18th century style rectangular oak draw leaf refectory dining table, width 244cm extended, depth 85cm, height 79cm together with seven caned oa...
A Victorian upholstered chaise longue, later painted, length 176cm, depth 66cm, height 66cm.
A Victorian upholstered chaise longue, later painted, length 176cm, depth 66cm, height 66cm. Condition - fair to good
A 19th century French ebonised boulle bonheur du jour, width 75cm, depth 49cm, height 129cm.
A 19th century French ebonised boulle bonheur du jour, width 75cm, depth 49cm, height 129cm. Condition - poor to fair
A George III and later mahogany corner cabinet, width 86cm, depth 45cm, height 123cm. Condition -
A George III and later mahogany corner cabinet, width 86cm, depth 45cm, height 123cm. Condition - fair, lacks some moulding to door
A Louis XVI style giltwood and composition three piece salon suite with tapestry upholstery,
A Louis XVI style giltwood and composition three piece salon suite with tapestry upholstery, settee width 120cm, depth 54cm, height 102cm. Conditi...
An Edwardian marquetry inlaid satinwood vitrine, bears Maple & Co. trade label, width 73cm, depth
An Edwardian marquetry inlaid satinwood vitrine, bears Maple & Co. trade label, width 73cm, depth 36cm, height 148cm. Condition - good, locked, no...
A 19th century Continental pine three drawer chest, width 126cm, depth 59cm, height 104cm. Condition
A 19th century Continental pine three drawer chest, width 126cm, depth 59cm, height 104cm. Condition - fair
A Louis XVI style gilt metal mounted walnut and mahogany side cabinet, width 80cm, depth 37cm,
A Louis XVI style gilt metal mounted walnut and mahogany side cabinet, width 80cm, depth 37cm, height 142cm. Condition - fair to good
A mid 18th century North Wales oak mule chest, width 136cm, depth 53cm, height 84cm. Condition -
A mid 18th century North Wales oak mule chest, width 136cm, depth 53cm, height 84cm. Condition - poor
A 19th century satinwood banded brass mounted vitrine, width 110cm, depth 36cm, height 182cm.
A 19th century satinwood banded brass mounted vitrine, width 110cm, depth 36cm, height 182cm. Condition - good
A reproduction 17th century style rectangular oak refectory dining table, width 210cm, depth 92cm,
A reproduction 17th century style rectangular oak refectory dining table, width 210cm, depth 92cm, height 75cm together with a set of eight oak wo...
A pair of William IV brass and mahogany pole screens with circular tapestry banners, height 134cm.
A pair of William IV brass and mahogany pole screens with circular tapestry banners, height 134cm. Condition - fair
A Victorian circular painted slate top games table with undertier, diameter 49cm, height 65cm.
A Victorian circular painted slate top games table with undertier, diameter 49cm, height 65cm. Condition - fair
A set of eight Regency mahogany dining chairs, two with arms. Condition - good
An early 20th century French cherry draw leaf kitchen table, width 358cm extended, depth 90cm,
An early 20th century French cherry draw leaf kitchen table, width 358cm extended, depth 90cm, height 75cm. Condition - fair to goodVery large spl...
A Bokhara green ground carpet, 330 x 244cm. Condition - good
An early 20th century circular Fulham pottery birdbath modelled with a sleeping child, diameter
An early 20th century circular Fulham pottery birdbath modelled with a sleeping child, diameter 50cm. Condition good but weathered.
A reproduction Empire style upholstered mahogany window seat, width 90cm, depth 43cm, height 60cm.
A reproduction Empire style upholstered mahogany window seat, width 90cm, depth 43cm, height 60cm. Condition - good
A Victorian mahogany console table, stamped Taylor Bros., York, width 136cm, depth 52cm, height
A Victorian mahogany console table, stamped Taylor Bros., York, width 136cm, depth 52cm, height 87cm. Condition - fair to good
A large gilt framed map from the Gordon Hotel, Tomintoul "Fishing beats, River Avon and River Livet,
A large gilt framed map from the Gordon Hotel, Tomintoul "Fishing beats, River Avon and River Livet, width 270cm, height 106cm. Condition - good
An early 20th century Vienna style oak regulator wall clock, height 122cm. Condition - good
An early 20th century Vienna style oak regulator wall clock, height 122cm. Condition - good
A French Vernis Martin mantel clock, 24cm tall. Condition - fair
Two Swedish glass candlestands, largest 16.5cm diameter. Condition - good
A sealed box of fifty King Edward Imperial Cigars. Condition - sealed
A Whitefriars ‘bark’ effect clear glass decanter with stopper and six other items of glassware,
A Whitefriars ‘bark’ effect clear glass decanter with stopper and six other items of glassware, tallest 33cm. Condition - fair to good
A Meissen pot pourri vase and cover, c.1760, 18cm. Condition - fair
° ° Six various Evelyn Waugh books and another by George Orwell to include Put Out More Flags, Men
° ° Six various Evelyn Waugh books and another by George Orwell to include Put Out More Flags, Men At Arms, Officers and Gentlemen, Unconditional ...
John Searle (contemporary), a carved and painted wood decoy lapwing, 25cm long. Condition - good
John Searle (contemporary), a carved and painted wood decoy lapwing, 25cm long. Condition - good
A group of Ruby overlaid glassware (5) and a silver-overlaid liqueur part set, tallest 25cm.
A group of Ruby overlaid glassware (5) and a silver-overlaid liqueur part set, tallest 25cm. Condition - fair to good
A George III mahogany six bottle apothecary box, 23cm wide
A group of modern iridescent glass vases and paperweights, tallest 14cm. Condition - mostly good
A group of modern iridescent glass vases and paperweights, tallest 14cm. Condition - mostly good
A Daum Nancy Art Deco glass vase, 18.5cm. Condition - good
A Royal Copenhagen 'fish' vase and a Schau Bach Kunst of Germany white porcelain group of horses,
A Royal Copenhagen 'fish' vase and a Schau Bach Kunst of Germany white porcelain group of horses, 23cm. Condition - good
A collection of antique green glassware to include two mid 19th century decanters, roemers etc.
A collection of antique green glassware to include two mid 19th century decanters, roemers etc. largest 23cm high. Condition - one glass broken an...
A quantity of Chinese ceramics to include a famille rose pot and cover, four similar dishes and
A quantity of Chinese ceramics to include a famille rose pot and cover, four similar dishes and two blue and white dishes together with a Japanese...
° ° A 16th century German bible with embossed leather binding. Condition - poor
A T. Harris & Sons London, day or night telescope. Condition - fair
A late 19th century brass and glass oil lamp with later shade, 56cm high. Condition - chip to base
A late 19th century brass and glass oil lamp with later shade, 56cm high. Condition - chip to base and shade cut down
Three pieces of 19th century Sunderland pink lustre pottery including a bowl and two jugs, all
Three pieces of 19th century Sunderland pink lustre pottery including a bowl and two jugs, all decorated with Views of the Iron Bridge and shippin...
A group of treen including South African candlewood vases etc. Condition - mostly good
A Japanese bronze vase, converted to a lamp on carved wooden stand, 34.5cm high not including
A Japanese bronze vase, converted to a lamp on carved wooden stand, 34.5cm high not including fitting. Condition - drilled to base
An R. Lalique Poissons opalescent glass dish, 30cm diameter. Condition - good
A Japanese famille rose porcelain dish, 30cm diameter. Condition - small chip to rim
A 19th century brass handled figured mahogany writing slope, 42cm wide, 16cm high. Condition - brass
A 19th century brass handled figured mahogany writing slope, 42cm wide, 16cm high. Condition - brass inset plaque to top missing
A Wedgwood black basalt bowl with relief decoration, 25.5cm. Condition - good
A pair of Adam style gilt two branch wall lights, 54cm high overall. Condition - poor
A Paris porcelain coffee pot and cover, 29cm high. Condition - cover cracked
A Jeff Koons signed limited edition of 50 screen printed bag, in Perspex display box, Yoshimitsu
A Jeff Koons signed limited edition of 50 screen printed bag, in Perspex display box, Yoshimitsu Hijikata Gallery label to underside Good conditio...
A Victorian black slate mantel clock, 39.5cm wide. Condition- fair to good