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A group of African metalware to include a pair of figures, candlestand, etc, largest 86cm high.
A group of African metalware to include a pair of figures, candlestand, etc, largest 86cm high. Condition - fair
Elizabeth Anna Clapp (1885-1974), a bronze study of children climbing a rock, signed and dated 1919,
Elizabeth Anna Clapp (1885-1974), a bronze study of children climbing a rock, signed and dated 1919, 52cm high. Condition - good
° ° An unbound atlas, published William Blackwood & Son. Condition - fair
A Chinese flambé teapot and cover, seal mark to base, together with a similar blue and white
A Chinese flambé teapot and cover, seal mark to base, together with a similar blue and white stand, Xuande mark to base but later. Condition - goo...
David Leach (1911-2005), a stoneware lidded teapot, with decorated cream glaze and an interior cream
David Leach (1911-2005), a stoneware lidded teapot, with decorated cream glaze and an interior cream glazed stoneware bowl (2). Condition - good
A Chinese octagonal crackleware bowl and another. Condition - good
A George IV brass inlaid rosewood watercolourist's box dated 1825, 30cm wide. Condition - poor
A George IV brass inlaid rosewood watercolourist's box dated 1825, 30cm wide. Condition - poor
St. Ives Leach pottery - a three-piece celadon glazed cruet set and a similar small dish three
St. Ives Leach pottery - a three-piece celadon glazed cruet set and a similar small dish three jugs a small pot and a beaker, tallest 11cm. Condit...
A Chinese cream monochrome ‘elephant head’ handled jar, 22cm. Condition - good
Bernard Rooke (1938-), a studio pottery stoneware lamp base, 30cm. Condition - good Ceramic body structurally food but needs a clean. Wiring and ...
A Chinese celadon glazed vase, 26.5cm. Condition - good
A group of various studio ceramics and domestic stoneware vessels and dishes, including an Arabia
A group of various studio ceramics and domestic stoneware vessels and dishes, including an Arabia black glazed teapot and cover, Condition - good
A brass cased carriage clock together with a similar timepiece, both with cases, one with key.
A brass cased carriage clock together with a similar timepiece, both with cases, one with key. Condition - fair, untested
St. Ives Leach pottery – four partially glazed bowls and a similar jug, all with St. Ives impress
St. Ives Leach pottery – four partially glazed bowls and a similar jug, all with St. Ives impress Mark and England, 15cm in diameter. Condition - ...
A Whitefriars kingfisher blue banjo vase, 32cm high. Condition - chipped to top rim
A group of studio ceramic jugs, mugs and pots, various makers, largest 22cm high. Condition -
A group of studio ceramic jugs, mugs and pots, various makers, largest 22cm high. Condition - varies Egg cup at front that appears “battered” is i...
A pair of cold cast resin bronze swans, raised on ebonised bases, 29cm wide. Condition - good, minor
A pair of cold cast resin bronze swans, raised on ebonised bases, 29cm wide. Condition - good, minor nibbles to the base
St. Ives Leach pottery, two stoneware bowls, one with dashed decoration to the exterior, 23cm in
St. Ives Leach pottery, two stoneware bowls, one with dashed decoration to the exterior, 23cm in diameter. Condition - good
A Chinese hongmu and mother of pearl stand inlaid stand, 39cm wide. Condition - fair/good
A Spanish gilt framed mirror housing an oil on board, crowned Madonna and Child, overall 57cm
A Spanish gilt framed mirror housing an oil on board, crowned Madonna and Child, overall 57cm high. Condition - fair
Elly Strobach for Royal Dux, a nude figure of a woman, no.212, 37cm high. Condition - good
Ernst Wenck for Rosenthal, a figure of Fortuna, no.796, 30cm high. Condition - good
E. Kwasnitschka for Royal Dux, an Art Deco group of a woman and a terrier, no.3086, 37cm. Condition-
E. Kwasnitschka for Royal Dux, an Art Deco group of a woman and a terrier, no.3086, 37cm. Condition- good
A Copeland parian gilt highlighted bust 'Lesbia' modelled by W.G. Marshall, 40cm. Condition -
A Copeland parian gilt highlighted bust 'Lesbia' modelled by W.G. Marshall, 40cm. Condition - minor chips to base rim
An art glass bottle vase and similar oval dish, manner of Sam Herman, tallest 39.5cm. Condition -
An art glass bottle vase and similar oval dish, manner of Sam Herman, tallest 39.5cm. Condition - good
A Royal Dux Art Deco figure group of a lady and two greyhounds, no.3046, 38cm high. Condition -
A Royal Dux Art Deco figure group of a lady and two greyhounds, no.3046, 38cm high. Condition - good, minor paint flaking
A Royal Dux Art Nouveau figure of a maiden reading, no.2374, 38cm high. Condition - good
J.G., a studio stoneware model of a bird, another model of a bird and a terracotta group of mother
J.G., a studio stoneware model of a bird, another model of a bird and a terracotta group of mother and child with candle fitting signed JAME, larg...
A Chinese Canton enamel box, and a Nepalese Gurkha white metal mounted trophy, 15cm high. Condition - poor
Two early 18th century tin-glazed earthenware inkwells, one in the form of a heart, 12cm. Condition - some chipping and crazing
A Chinese jade blade and a jade dagger mount, largest 27cm wide. Condition - some chipping
A small Chinese blue and white vase, Kangxi, c.1680, with cover and hardwood stand, 16cm high
A small Chinese blue and white vase, Kangxi, c.1680, with cover and hardwood stand, 16cm high overall. Condition - chips to foot rim, crack to neck
A 19th century Italian Grand Tour souvenir relief plaque carved with the bust of a Roman Emperor,
A 19th century Italian Grand Tour souvenir relief plaque carved with the bust of a Roman Emperor, 12cm high. Condition - fair/good The carving is ...
A Shona Batakwa knife, chip-carved. Condition - good The total length of this knife when the blade is in the sheath is 31cm.
A late 19th century Chinese famille rose brushpot, 11.5cm. Condition- good Structurally good; minor rub alongside the head of the female’s head; g...
Four Chinese sang de boeuf tea bowls, each approximately 6cm in diameter. Condition - good One damaged and repaired, see 9th and 10th images; othe...
Two carriage timepieces with keys, an antique silver pocket watch with subsidiary dial and an
Two carriage timepieces with keys, an antique silver pocket watch with subsidiary dial and an Omega watch face and movement. Condition - varies, u...
A Victorian walnut sewing box with silk lining, containing accessories, buttons, fabric trims and
A Victorian walnut sewing box with silk lining, containing accessories, buttons, fabric trims and thread, 34cm wide. Condition - fair/good
A pair of Chinese porcelain ‘dragon’ saucer dishes, Yongzheng mark but Republic period, 16cm in
A pair of Chinese porcelain ‘dragon’ saucer dishes, Yongzheng mark but Republic period, 16cm in diameter. Condition - good One dish with series of...
A Royal Worcester blush Ivory figure of an Irishman, a similar monk candle extinguisher and a
A Royal Worcester blush Ivory figure of an Irishman, a similar monk candle extinguisher and a Royal Doulton figure of a bulldog, largest 17cm high...
A late 18th century Chinese export puce painted teapot and cover, 21cm wide. Condition - fair/
A late 18th century Chinese export puce painted teapot and cover, 21cm wide. Condition - fair/good, chip to top rim
A Royal Worcester Millenium timepiece box and a pill box, each with original cases, largest 5cm in
A Royal Worcester Millenium timepiece box and a pill box, each with original cases, largest 5cm in diameter. Condition - good
A Chinese jade bangle and bead necklace. Condition - good
A 19th century German shoulder china doll wearing a silk trimmed dress, 26cm high. Condition - good,
A 19th century German shoulder china doll wearing a silk trimmed dress, 26cm high. Condition - good, dress worn
Two 9ct gold mounted Sheaffer pens and a similar propelling pencil. Condition - good
A collection of antique and later shoe buckles, base metal jewellery and a hair ornament. Condition - varies
Two ‘White’s plane spherical globe’, plans of The Northern and Southern hemispheres, one published
Two ‘White’s plane spherical globe’, plans of The Northern and Southern hemispheres, one published W. Whick, 1839, one published J. H. Franks, 26c...
A quantity of Chinese resin figures, two stained, tallest 10cm. Condition - varies
A Hardy's telescopic fishing gaff. Condition - fair to good
A Japanese ovoid floral vase, 33cm high. Condition - good
St. Ives Leach pottery, a pair of large stoneware wave pattern plates, 32cm in diameter. Condition -
St. Ives Leach pottery, a pair of large stoneware wave pattern plates, 32cm in diameter. Condition - good
Two Armand Marseille My Dream Baby bisque dolls. Condition - poor
° ° A 19th century book of architectural plates, together with a set of prints, composers to include
° ° A 19th century book of architectural plates, together with a set of prints, composers to include Mozart and Beethoven. Condition - fair
A Chinese carved hongmu garniture stand, 41cm. Condition - fair
A collection of Chinese and Japanese wood stands, various sizes. Condition - varies
Three Chinese embroidered silk pictures to include a pair depicting flowers and insects. Condition -
Three Chinese embroidered silk pictures to include a pair depicting flowers and insects. Condition - poor/fair
A group of large Chinese hardwood stands. Condition - varies
A suite of Danish glasses, largest 22cm high. Condition - good
Two woven textile panels, and a framed copper overlaid panel largest 75cm high. Condition - fair
Two woven textile panels, and a framed copper overlaid panel largest 75cm high. Condition - fair