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Lot 4064

Taschenuhr: goldene Louis XV Spindeluhr, Dutertre Paris um 1770: Ca. Ø 44mm, ca. 55g, 18K Gold, Gehäusemacher-Punze PBC mit Krone, signiertes Spindelwerk, Louis XV Emaillezifferblatt, originale Goldzeiger, Werk läuft an, ist aber überholungsbedürftig (Reinigung, Zeigerjustierung). Die Uhrmacherfamilie Dutertre gehörte zu den bedeutendsten Pariser Uhrmachern des 18. Jh..

Lot 2277

Prunkvolle Spindeltaschenuhr à trois couleursvon Jean Baptiste Dutertre (1684-1734)Frankreich. Paris. Um 1730. Gold, 18 k. Üppig punziertes und dekoriertes Gehäuse mit zentralem Rosenkorbmotiv, umrahmt von Girlandenornamenten. Weißes Emailzifferblatt mit römischen Stunden und arabischer Minuterie, vergoldeten Louis VI-Zeigern und Herstellersignet. Vergoldetes Vollplatinenwerk mit Schlüsselaufzug, Spindelhemmung, dreiarmiger Messingunruh unter fein dekorierter Unruhbrücke in Ajour. Platine sign. und num. 2868. D. ca. 45 mm. Gew. ca. 81,58 g. In einer Uhrmacherfamilie in Rennes geboren, ging Jean Baptiste Dutertre um 1701 nach Paris und lernet dort bei Jean-Baptiste Le Noir, deren Tochter er 1706 heiratete. Das Paar bekam 6 Kinder, deren Söhne alle das Uhrmacherhandwerk erlernten. Schnell machte sich Jean Baptiste Dutertre einen ausgezeichneten Namen als Uhrmacher in Paris und entwickelte bedeutende Neuerungen seines Handwerks. Er verstarb 1734 mit nur 49 Jahren in Paris. Provenienz: aus der über Generationen gewachsenen Sammlung Michahelles, Hamburg.A fine verge pocket watch by Jean Baptiste Dutertre, Paris, circa 1730. Case in 18 k gold. Mechanical movement with key wind.

Lot 491

† PIERRE DUTERTRE (born 1956); a stoneware bowl covered in white glaze with copper red, green and cobalt decoration, painted signature, diameter 14.5cm, and a Poterie du Don salt glazed cup, height 6.5cm (2).Provenance: Estate of Chris Jensen.Condition Report: Appears good with no obvious signs of faults, damage or restoration.

Lot 4154

Einzigartige, historisch bedeutende goldene Taschenuhr mit Porträt von Katharina II. von Russland, ca. 1770: Ca. Ø 44mm, ca. 66g, 18K Gold, gearbeitet in 4 verschiedenen Goldtönen, Gehäuseform Louis XV, rückseitig erhabenes Porträt der Kaiserin von Russland, schauseitig Diamantbesatz, No.7480, Spindelwerk signiert Dutertre Paris, äußerst seltenes, originales Emaillezifferblatt mit Diamantbesatz, Zeiger ebenfalls mit Diamanten besetzt, Werk läuft an, braucht aber dringend Service, optisch hervorragender Zustand. Die Uhr ist vermutlich um 1770 für den russischen Zarenhof gefertigt worden, entweder direkt für die Kaiserin, oder als Präsentuhr des Zarenhofes, extrem selten.

Lot 4086

Taschenuhr: exquisite goldene Spindeluhr mit Repetition und Reliefgehäuse, Duterte Paris um 1750: Ca. Ø 45mm, ca. 88g, 18K Gold, ganz besondere Gehäusequalität, erhabenes Blütenrelief, Spindelwerk signiert und nummeriert Jean Baptiste Duterte No. 2572, Repetition der Stunden und Viertelstunden, wahlweise auf das Gehäuse oder als stille Repetition auf einen Knopf im Gehäuserand, signiertes Emaillezifferblatt, goldene Zeiger, sehr schöner Zustand, gangbar. Jean Baptiste Dutertre gehörte zu den bedeutendsten Pariser Uhrmachern des 18. Jahrhunderts. Seine Familie fertigte sehr feine Uhren von ca. 1715-1758. Ein Video für dieses Los finden Sie auf unserer Website.

Lot 3696

Die Tollen Hefte. Herausgegeben von Armin Abmeier. 20 Hefte der Reihe (von 50). 20,5 x 13,5 cm. OKarton mit farbig illustrierten OSchutzumschlägen. Augsburg u.a., Maro und Büchergilde Gutenberg, 1991-2012. Vorhanden sind folgende Hefte: Nummer 1-2, 5-6, 9, 11, 13-17, 19-24, 33-34, 37.Umfangreiche Folge der reizvoll illustrierten Reihe mit Texten u.a. von Walter Serner ("Wong Fun"), T. C. Boyle ("Mein Abend mit Jane Austen" und "Der Hardrock-Himmel"). Peter Wawerzinek ("Skorbut"), Julio Cortázar ("Erzählung mit einem tiefen Wasser"), Anselm Glück ("Melken bis Blut kommt") und Illustrationen von Sophie Dutertre, Axel Scheffler, Franziska Neubert, Volker Pfüller, Stefanie Schilling und vielen weiteren. Heft Nr. 17 ("Die Zukunft gehört den Mutigen") liegt in der Vorzugsausgabe vor, dieser liegt eine signierte Originalgraphik von Yvonne Kuschel bei. - Nahezu verlagsfrisch.

Lot 7563

R. Dutertre, frz. Maler 1. H. 20. Jh., Figuren an einer Kaimauer eines bretonischen Hafenstädtchens, Öl auf Lwd., u. re. sign., 48 x 69 cm

Lot 642

Two bottles of Dutertre 2005 Margaux

Lot 33

Außergewöhnlich seltene französische Pendule von Louis Montjoyé in Gehäuse von Osmond (1712 – 1789)Höhe: 47 cm.Breite: 27 cm.Tiefe: 23 cm.Typisch für seine Signatur das spiegelverkehrte „N“ in „OSMOND“, so auch hier an der Rückseite des Sockels.Werk: Das Werk sowie der Drehmechanismus der Sphären mit zwei senkrechten Stahlachsen hinter einer herausnehmbaren Klappe, verso einsehbar. Pendel an Fadenaufhängung, Schlossscheiben-Schlagwerk mit Halb- und Stundenschlag auf Glocke. Mit mehreren Komplikationen.Gehäuse: Ferdinand-Berthoud-Robert Osmond war französischer Designer und Uhrengehäuse-Hersteller, in der Literatur genannt als Maître Fondeur, Ciseleur, Graveur, Doreur. Geboren 1712 in Canisy, Normandie als Sohn des Gabriel Osmond. Er lernte in der Werkstatt von Louis Regnard, wurde 1746 Meister und unterhielt sein Atelier in der Rue de Canette, Gemeinde Saint-Sulpice. Aufgrund der guten Auftragslage verlegte er seine Werkstatt in die Rue Macon. 1756 Geschworener der Gilde, was ihm ermöglichte, als Erfinder und Gestalter seine Arbeiten schützen zu lassen. Zusammen mit seinem Bruder Jean-Baptiste Osmond lieferte er Gehäuse für namhafte Uhrmacher wie Berthoud, Dutertre, Imbert, Gille, Olin oder Robin. Seine letzten Arbeiten datieren zwischen 1770 und 1774. Er starb 1789 im Rue Macon, Paris. Das Gehäuse in feuervergoldeter Bronze in figürlich bereichertem Aufbau: Der große Rechtecksockel mit halbrunden Vorsprüngen an den Ecken trägt einen hohen kannelierten Säulenstumpf. Er wird seitlich flankiert von zwei an den Ecken sitzenden Putten mit Zirkel und Schriftrolle, dahinter zwei große Deckelvasen. An der Sockelfront tiefe Nischenöffnung in Art eines Bücherregals, mit darin liegenden Büchern und Winkelmaß. Werk-Rückplatine in Messing, darauf in Gravur signiert: „Monjoye fils hor.-ger du Roy AParis“. In leicht abgewandelter Schreibweise wird genannt: Meister – Uhrmacher Louis Montjoie, (1748-1789) in Paris, Quai Pelletier, rue Dauphine, rue de la Vieille Draperie und Rue Galande, verheiratet mit Françoise Thérese Thernisien, erwähnt am 16. Juni 1790. (ist das so auf der Uhr vermerkt?) Lernte 1736 bei Michel Mathurin Guery.Zifferblatt: Das Zifferblatt an der Vorderseite der Säule mit gewölbter Verglasung, mit römischen Stunden und arabischen Viertelstunden, umzogen von Lorbeerfeston an Schleife. Die Zeiger filigran durchbrochen und vergoldet. Mittig offene Mondphasen-Lünette, blau emailliert, mit goldenen Sternen und Mondscheibe, deren Zeigernase auf einen Datums-Halbkreis weist. Bekrönung der Säule durch einen Sphärenaufbau mit sechs ineinander liegenden, drehbaren Sphärenringen, jeweils einzeln in Gravur beschriftet, wie „Saturn“, „Mars“ und den weiteren Planeten. Darunter Cercle Equinoxes-Solsices und L´Equareur (n.erm.) etc. Die Planeten als Kugeln eingefügt. Der waagrechte breitere Außenring beschriftet mit Monatsbezeichnungen, Tierkreiszeichen und Tagesdaten der Monate. Nicht auf Funktionsfähigkeit geprüft. A.R. (1380871) (1) (11)Exceptionally rare French pendule by Montjoyé in case by OSMOND (1712 – 1789)Height: 47 cm. Width: 27 cm. Depth: 23 cm.As is typical for his signature the “N” in “OSMOND” is mirror-inverted, as is also the case here on the back of the base. The dial on the front of the column features arched glazing, with Roman hours and Arabic quarter hours, surrounded by a laurel festoon on a ribbon. The gilt hands are crafted in delicate open-work. The bezel with moon phase is open at the centre, enamelled in blue with gold stars and moon disk, the tip of the hand points to a date semicircle. The column is surmounted by a spherical structure with six interlocking, rotating spherical rings, each individually engraved with the names of the planets such as “Saturn”, “Mars” etc. Below Cercle Equinoxes-Solstices and L’Équateur etc. The planets are inserted as spheres. The wider horizontal outer ring is inscribed with the names of the month, zodiac signs and days of the month. The clock movement and the rotating mechanism of the spheres with two vertical steel axes is visible behind a removable flap on the back. Pendulum on silk suspension, count wheel striking mechanism with half and hour strike on bell. Movement back plate in brass, with engraved signature: “Monjoye fils hor.-ger du Roy AParis”.

Lot 1305

Goldene Spindeltaschenuhr DutertreParis/Frankreich, um 1750, Gelbgold 750 u. a., weißes Emailleziffernblatt mit Strichminuterie und arabischen Ziffern am äußeren Rand sowie römischen Stundenziffern, Louis XV-Zeiger, Spindelwerk mit vorderseitigem Schlüsselaufzug und ornamental durchbrochen gearbeiteter Spindelbrücke sowie geschnittenen Werkpfeilern, bez. "Dutertre Paris", Uhrengehäuse umlaufend fein ziseliert, verso mit floral umranktem Pokal, innen punziert mit Meistermarke "IT" sowie einer ungedeuteten Marke, säuregeprüft, ges. ca. 77,37 g, D: ca. 4,5 cm. Zifferblatt leicht besch.

Lot 1294

Movement worn by an elephant signed Dutertre a Paris height 61 cm.

Lot 194

Andre Dutertre (French, 1753-1842)Views of Egypt (eight works)engravings, with Egyptian Revival framesLargest: 20 x 40 inches (sight); 27 7/8 x 51 1/4 inches (frame).This lot is located in Chicago.Comprising:Vue generale des ruines, prise de l'ouest: 20 x 40 inches (sight); 27 7/8 x 51 1/4 inches (frame).Vue generale de la ville des tombeaux: 20 x 30 inches (sight); 28 1/2 x width 45 1/4 inches (frame).Vue de tombeau d'osymandyas et d'une partie de la chaine libyque, prise de nord-est: : 20 1/2 x 33 inches (sight); 28 1/2 x width 45 1/4 inches (frame).Vue de la parte et des temples de sud: 21 x 33 inches (sight); 28 1/2 x width 45 1/4 inches (frame).Vue generale des ruines du palais, prise de nord-ouest: 20 1/2 x 40 1/2 inches (sight); 26 7/8 x 51 1/4 inches (frame).Vue generale des pyramides, prise du sud-est: 20 x 36 inches (sight); 32 x 49 1/2 inches (frame).Vue generale du tombeau d'osymandyas et d'une partie de la plaine de thebes, prise de nord-oeust: 20 x 37 inches (sight); 30 1/2 x 50 1/4 inches (frame).Vue generale pris du cote du nord-ouest: 16 x 35 inches (sight); 30 1/2 x 50 1/4 inches (frame).Condition reports are available upon request. All lots are sold "as is," in the condition they are in at the time of the auction. The physical condition of lots can vary due to age, normal wear and tear, previous damage, and restoration. Prospective buyers are strongly advised to inspect a lot personally or through a knowledgeable representative prior to bidding. The absence of any reference to the condition of a lot does not imply that the lot is in perfect condition or completely free from wear and tear, imperfections, or the effects of aging. Prospective buyers must review and agree to the Conditions of Sale before participating in an auction, and it is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that they have requested, received and considered any condition report.

Lot 60

Pariser KaminuhrHöhe: 43 cm. Breite: 28 cm. Tiefe: 13 cm.Bezeichnet „DUTERTRE“.Pendel an Fadenaufhängung. 14-Tage-Gehwerk, Schlossscheiben-Schlagwerk für Halb- und Stundenschlag auf Glocke. Regulierung oberhalb der XI, rückseitige Werkabdeckung verglast.Aufbau und Gestaltung in weißem Marmor und feuervergoldeter Bronze. Der Marmorsockel auf gestelzten Füßen mit Lorbeerkranz, Sockelfronten mit Voluten-Blattdekor und Hermesstab. Der Aufbau gänzlich plastisch geformt. Hier flankieren zwei große Delfine das über einem großen Löwenhaupt aufliegende Gehäuse, seitlich des Löwenkopfes Schilfblätter und Moorkolben. Der Löwenkopf auch auf der Rückseite ausgeführt, was eine Freistellung der Uhr auf einem Bureau möglich macht. Die Bekrönung des Gehäuses in Form eines Marmorbeckens mit Wasserfontänen und Wasserüberläufen. Die Ikonografie lässt aufgrund der prominent gestalteten Delfine den Zusammenhang mit der Geburt eines Dauphins Frankreichs denkbar erscheinen. Aus der Liste der Dauphins kämen hier Louis Joseph oder Louis Charles in Frage. In jedem Fall ist der Löwenkopf dann als Herrschersymbol zu verstehen. Du Tertre gehört einer weitverzweigten Uhrmacherfamilie seit Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts an. Zeitentsprechend sei hier Jean Abraham (1719-1793) genannt.Emailzifferblatt mit römischen Stunden und arabischen Minuten. Darauf die Bezeichnung „DU TERTRE A PARIS“. Die durchbrochen gearbeiteten Zeiger vergoldet. Nicht auf Funktionsfähigkeit geprüft. A.R. (1341641) (1) (11))

Lot 310

PIERRE DUTERTRE (born 1956); a stoneware charger/wall hanging covered in white glaze and decorated in black glaze with five figures, painted signature dated 2003, diameter 47.5cm. (D)JB - Not far from the Cote d'Azur, Pierre, together with his wife Claude, runs a picturesque workshop full of convivial friendship and a congenial working atmosphere shared with the two or three students who always become part of the family. His home plays open house to friends and visiting potters from the entire world. Pierre works in stoneware. But the really special thing about his work is the painting. And his chosen motifs are unusual: Pierre paints flowers because, as he says, he loves flowers. His ceramic forms are classical, often functional, enlivened by the freedom of the painterly decoration derived from the source of his inspiration, the flowers, foliage and gardens of the Mediterranean region of France where he was born.Additional InformationGlaze flake to rim, otherwise appears good with no further signs of faults, damage or restorations.This lot qualifies for Artist Resale Rights. For further information, please visit http://www.dacs.org.uk or http://artistscollectingsociety.org

Lot 311

PIERRE DUTERTRE (born 1956); a rectangular stoneware footed platter/wall hanging covered in shino glaze with copper red and black glaze decoration, painted signature dated 1995, 35.5 x 28cm. (D)Provenance: Purchased in Bandol, 1995.Additional InformationGlaze flake to one corner, otherwise appears good with no further signs of faults, damage or restorations.This lot qualifies for Artist Resale Rights. For further information, please visit http://www.dacs.org.uk or http://artistscollectingsociety.org

Lot 312

PIERRE DUTERTRE (born 1956); a pair of long rectangular stoneware tiles washed in shino glaze and decorated with flowers, kintsugi gold lacquer repair to one, painted signature dated 2009, length 75cm (2). (D)Additional InformationOther than the kintsugi repair, appears good with no further signs of faults, damage or restorations.This lot qualifies for Artist Resale Rights. For further information, please visit http://www.dacs.org.uk or http://artistscollectingsociety.org

Lot 313

PIERRE DUTERTRE (born 1956); a stoneware bowl covered in black, green and white glaze, painted signature, diameter 19cm. (D)Additional InformationAppears good with no obvious signs of faults, damage or restoration.This lot qualifies for Artist Resale Rights. For further information, please visit http://www.dacs.org.uk or http://artistscollectingsociety.org

Lot 314

PIERRE DUTERTRE (born 1956); a stoneware chawan covered in white glaze with copper red and cobalt decoration, painted signature dated 1995, diameter 13cm. (D)Additional InformationAppears good with no obvious signs of faults, damage or restoration.This lot qualifies for Artist Resale Rights. For further information, please visit http://www.dacs.org.uk or http://artistscollectingsociety.org

Lot 315

PIERRE DUTERTRE (born 1956); a stoneware chawan covered in black and white glaze with copper red decoration, incised signature, diameter 13cm. (D)Additional InformationAppears good with no obvious signs of faults, damage or restoration.This lot qualifies for Artist Resale Rights. For further information, please visit http://www.dacs.org.uk or http://artistscollectingsociety.org

Lot 665

AFTER DESIGN BY DUTERTRE, ISLE OF PHILAE, ENGRAVING, depicting Vue des monuments de l'ile et des montagnes de granit qui l'environnent, Vol. I, Plate 4, in Egyptian revival frame, overall 74 x 139cm (29 1/8 x 54 3/4in.) together with another engraving in a similar frame titled Ile de Philae, showing the Elevation du premier pylone, Vol. 1, Plate 6, 84 x 124.5cm (33 x 49in.) (2)

Lot 288

umfangreiche Sammlung von 60 Spindeltaschenuhrwerken und ca.400 Spindelkloben überwiegend Anfang 18./19. Jh., Werks-D. 31bis ca.45mm, wohl überwiegend mit Zifferblatt, reversibel fixiert auf Samtgrund, bez. u.a. Fres. Bättig Lucerne, Thompson London; Elicotte London; Dutertre Geneve; Dettinger Stuttgart; Helmstine Stockholm; Bielefeldt London; Breguet Fils à Paris; Gugenmus Hger du Roy à Varsovie; Edud Lee London; Rose&Son London; Worsfold Dorking; Thomeguex London; Charlson London; Samson London; Edud Hemmen London; Francie London; Hebert London; Ebcot London; Mullier London; Mason London; Graham London; Neveren London; I.F.Poncet á Dresden; Haynes London, Norton London; Bertram London; Bened.Huber; Mitchell London; Grindle London

Lot 360

AN ALABASTER AND GILT METAL MOUNTED MANTEL CLOCKSECOND HALF 19TH CENTURYWith eight-day bell striking movement with outside countwheel, the white enamel Roman numeral dial with Arabic five minutes inscribed Dutertre A Paris, the case of stylised portico form, with avine headed finials 45cm highProvenance: Purchased by the vendor from Bonhams, Brancaster Hall, Norfolk, 9th September 2002, lot 139

Lot 1186

CARTELLouis XVI, Frankreich um 1780. Das Zifferblatt und Werk signiert Charles du Tertre à Paris (wohl Charles-Nicolas Dutertre, Meister 1758). Das Gehäuse bezeichnet Osmond (Robert und Jean-Baptiste Osmond, Maître Fondeur in Paris ab 1746).Bronze ziseliert sowie vergoldet. In Kartuschenform mit Vasenaufsatz und seitlichen Lorbeergirlanden. Weisses Emailzifferblatt mit römischen Stunden und arabischen Minuten. Werk mit Ankergang und Halbstundenschlag auf Glocke. 1 Schlüssel.65 x 30 cm.Robert und Jean-Baptiste Osmond betrieben über zwei Generationen eine Bronzegiesserei, die heute nicht ganz so grosse Bekanntheit wie diejenige von Caffieri, Gouthière oder Saint Germain geniesst. Osmonds Produktion lässt sich jedoch gut nachverfolgen und steht derjenigen der grossen Namen in keiner Weise nach. Einen Entwurf zu der angebotenen Pendule aus der Feder von Pierre-Antoine Follet findet sich in der Bibliothèque Doucet (VI E 15, Res. fol.36-39), abgebildet bei Hans Ottomeyer/Peter Pröschel. Vergoldete Bronzen. Die Bronzearbeiten des Spätbarock und Klassizismus. München 1986. Band 1. S. 184, 3.8.8. Die Abbildung einer Uhr des gleichen Modells abgebildet ebd. Band 2, S. 544, Abb. 6.

Lot 2353

Massard, Jean-Baptiste Raphael: (1775-1843, Frankreich). Seyd Moustafa Pâchâ blessé à la Bataille d'Abouqyr. Kupferstich n. Dutertre, ca. 1822. 49 x 35,3, Blgr. 56,6 x 42,7 cm. Knapp innerhalb d. Plattenkante geschn. - Etw. stockfl., tls. knittrig. D

Lot 52

A good mid 18th century French ormolu quarter repeating cartel timepieceJ.B Du Tertre, a ParisThe Rococo case cast with asymmetrical scrollwork and foliage, centred by the drum with pendulum aperture below, the 5.5 inch signed white enamel Roman and Arabic dial with gilt hands, the signed horse-shoe shaped single barrel movement with silk suspension, quarter repeating (both bells now removed), but with two hammers still present along with the circular runners for the repeat cord. Ticking. Sold with a silk suspension pendulum and an associated winding key. 45cms (17 1/2ins) high (2)Footnotes:An almost identical ormolu case can be found in Tardy, La Pendule Francaise: 1re De l'Horloge Gothique a la Pendule Louis XV, p.187.The Dutertre family of clockmakers made and sold fine clocks that today can be found in museums such as the Musee Jacquemart-Andre in Paris, Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Lyon and the Lazienski Palace in Warsaw.This lot is subject to the following lot symbols: ** VAT on imported items at a preferential rate of 5% on Hammer Price and the prevailing rate on Buyer's Premium.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com

Lot 5537

Graphik -- Ca. 115 Blatt des 17.-19. Jh.Darunter von und nach: Bagelaar, Bartsch, Beauvarlet, Demarne, Doo, Drevet, Dutertre, Earlom, Edelinck, Gandolfi, Hogarth, Kasimir, Lebas, Lempereur, Lorenzini, Merz, Molitor, Rembrandt, Rode, Rosa, Russ, Ruyssewech, Ryland, Sabatelli, Simonsen, Umbach, Watteau, Wierix. - Wir bitten darum, Zustandsberichte zu den Losen zu erfragen, da der Erhaltungszustand nur in Ausnahmefällen im Katalog angegeben ist. - Please ask for condition reports for individual lots, as the condition is usually not mentioned in the catalogue.

Lot 93

A small cartel clock made of bronze in Louis XV style, Dutertre ˆ Paris and marked Marti 1889. 19th century.Ê. (9 x 26 x 39 cm)

Lot 505

Dutertre, Sophie. Geb. 1965 Paris, lebt und arbeitet ebd. ''Il faut partir maintenant'' (Mann, an einen Stuhl gefesselt, Frau mit Messer, Elefant). 2000/01. Farbholzschnitt, sign., num. Ex. 1/70. Kalenderblatt, Bütten. 60,5 x 44 cm (St), 74,5 x 56,5 cm (Bl) Dutertre, Sophie. Born 1965 Paris, lives and works ibid. ''Il faut partir maintenant'' (Man tied to a chair, woman with knife, elephant). 2000/01. colour woodcut, signed, num. Ex. 1/70. calendar page, handmade paper

Lot 506

Dutertre, Sophie. Geb. 1965 Paris, lebt und arbeitet ebd. ''Cependant les instants etaient precieux'' (Mann und Frau zu Pferd verfolgen einen Reiter). 2000/01. Farbholzschnitt, sign., num. Ex. 2/70. Kalenderblatt, Bütten, 60,5 x 44 cm (St), 74,5 x 56,5 cm (Bl) Dutertre, Sophie. Born 1965 Paris, lives and works ibid. ''Cependant les instants etaient precieux'' (Man and woman on horseback pursuing a rider). 2000/01. colour woodcut, signed, num. Ex. 2/70. calendar page, handmade paper

Lot 467


Lot 468


Lot 1744

Constitution de la Republique Francaise,Constitution de la Republique Francaise, propos Constitution de la Republique Francaise, Constitution de la Republique Francaise, proposee au peuple francais par la convention nationale. Paris, au Bureau du Courrier de la librairie 'An III' (= 1794). Kl.8°. 105 S. Restaur. Ldr. d. Zt. in neuem Pp.-Schuber. (Rckn. erneuert) mit goldgepräg. Fileten u. Goldschn. Monglond III, 318. - Endgültige Form der franz. Verfassung nach Ausbruch der Revolution von 1789. - Vorsatz mit gestr. Namenszug 'Dutertre', wahrscheinlich Francois Dutertre, franz. Offizier, der an den revolutionären Kämpfen teilnahm u. 1794 zum Brigadegeneral ernannt wurde. - Fleckig. - Exlibris. - +Dabei:+ Revolutions-Almanach von 1793. Göttingen, Dieterich (1792). Unkompl. - (B 6213, 3872)

Lot 271

Louis Joseph Legall-Dutertre (b.1796) French. Moored Boats before a Cliff Face, Watercolour, Signed, 5.5" x 3.5".

Lot 439

modelled as Cupid supporting a tablet, a globe to one side, the 13cm white dial marked 'Dutertre a Paris', the bell striking drum movement with platform escapement, upon an ormolu moulded base 70 x 60cm

Lot 172

An unusual George II black japanned table clock with Dutertre`s duplex escapement Attributed to Robert Breckenrig, Edinburgh, circa 1725 The five pillar twin fusee bell striking movement with escapement composed of two escape wheels of varying diameter mounted on the same arbor which alternately engage with cranked pallets regulated by a standard verge type short bob pendulum, the backplate finely engraved with a grotesque mask within Ho-Ho bird inhabited foliate scrolls and a narrow ropetwist border, the 7 inch brass break-arch dial with calendar aperture to the matted centre within applied silvered Roman numeral chapter ring and Indian mask and scroll cast spandrels to angles, the arch now with silvered circular signature boss inscribed Robert, Breckenrigg, EDINBURGH within herringbone border within a herringbone border and flanked by conforming mounts, the inverted bell-top case with foliate cast brass carrying handle above front door with scallop shell and scroll cast brass frets to upper quadrants, the sides with ruby glazed windows above blanked break-arch apertures, the rear with conforming glazed upper quadrants over break-arch aperture, the exterior decorated in raised polychrome and gilt with chinoiserie designs within foliate borders throughout, the cavetto moulded base with later brass bun feet, (the original signature boss bearing re-engraved script Tho. Tompion, LONDINI over erased indistinct traces of original signature is present with the clock), 44cm (17.75ins) high excluding handle.   Provenence: Almost certainly the clock described by Thomas Reid of Edinburg in his 18 work A TREATISE ON CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING on page 238. Previously sold in these rooms (unattributed) on Tuesday 22nd February, 2012, lot 251.   The escapement in the current lot appears to be an early/contemporary application of the duplex arrangement as designed by the French horologist Jean Babtiste Dutertre (worked 1715-42), and was perhaps conceived as attempt to improve on the tic-tac escapement. The principle benefit is that the wear rate is greatly reduced as the pallets only engage once with each tooth for each rotation rather than twice (once from either side) for the standard tic-tac arrangement. In essence one wheel provides the entry action of a recoil arrangement and the second controls the exit. This division of the function of the escapement between two wheels allows the teeth on each wheel to be of a heavier profile than on the single escape wheel of a tic-tac escapement, further improving reliability and longevity. Dutertre`s design is illustrated in Reid, Thomas A TREATISE ON CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING plate IX/48 and is briefly described on page 238. More importantly on the following page Reid also comments: "It is more than fifty years since we saw a small spring clock having this escapement, made by a very ingenious clock-maker of this place whose name was Robert Breckenrig." When this is considered alongside the overall style, design and layout of the present movement (which is typical of English/British work and can be confidently be dated from the second quarter of the eighteenth century) it would seem highly appropriate to suggest that it is the 'spring clock' to which Reid refers above. This is further supported by the fact that when previously offered in these rooms it had been consigned from a vendor who resided near Loch Ness, Scotland. In light of the above the vendor has gone to the trouble of having a signature boss made and engraved with Breckenrigg's name to replace the previous boss from which then original signature had been erased and replaced with that of Tompion however the earlier boss is also included in the current lot. Overall the current lot has survived in original condition (including the escapement which is unaltered and has always been with the clock) and would appear to have historical significance in the context of Scottish horology and escapement development. Condition Report: Movement appears to be in fine original condition with no evidence of alteration or significant replacements including the escapement which appears to be entirely original. The only notable fault to the movement is a small loss to the upper left hand corner of the front plate (viewed from rear) around the dial foot hole. Although the mechanism appears a little dull/neglected it has been kept in good working condition by the vendor. The dial is in good original condition having nice slightly mellow appearance to the gilt and silvered surfaces. The signature boss in the arch is a replacement; another boss signed for Tompion which was previously fitted to the dial is included with the clock. The case is in good original condition with a pleasing overall mellow/rubbed appearance to the japanned decoration. Faults are very much limited to minor bumps, scuffs and include a small historic veneer patch repair to the rear door escutcheon. Unfortunately front door is locked and we don't have a key, there is a winding key with the clock.   Condition Report Disclaimer

Lot 43

A late 19th century French balloon shaped mantel clock, the convex enamelled dial with Roman numerals and outer Arabic markers, signed Dutertre á Paris, having eight day cylinder movement striking on a bell, numbered 6438, the case polychrome painted with roses, h.40.5cm. Crack running from top of case through 12 and 6 o' clock to base.

Lot 53

‡A French gilt and painted metal timepiece garniture in Orientalist taste, final quarter 19th century, the eight-day back wound movement with dual plane duplex escapement, regulated by sprung monometallic balance, with two-tone gilt highlighted Arabic numeral cartouche painted porcelain dial; the circular timepiece suspended from an openwork silvered and gilt metal support cast with dragons, the base painted with Persian inspired foliate and cartouche motifs and landscape scene, 38 cm high; with two twin light candelabra en suite painted with amorini in Rococo taste, 28 cm high CATALOGUE NOTES: The movement of the current lot employs a very unusual form of two-plane duplex escapement. The ‘two-plane’ layout can be compared to those devised by R.E.D. for use in their-drum-shaped travelling timepieces as illustrated in Allix, Charles and Bonnert, Peter CARRIAGE CLOCKS, Their history and development plates VIII/29-30 (pages 213-14) whilst the twin-escape wheel arrangement has its roots in an arrangement devised in the early 18th century by Jean-Baptiste Dutertre as illustrated in Reid, Thomas A TREATISE ON CLOCK AND WATCHMAKING plate IX, no. 48. ‡ Indicates that the lot is being sold whilst subject to temporary importation and that VAT is due at the reduced rate (5%). Please see our Terms & Conditions for more information.

Lot 7

‡ A French timepiece in the Chinese taste, final quarter 19th century, the eight-day back wound movement with dual plane duplex escapement, regulated by sprung monometallic balance, with two tone gilt highlighted Roman numeral cartouche painted porcelain dial; The gilt circular timepiece above a turquoise glazed ceramic elephant, possibly English, in the manner of examples by the Royal Worcester company, with lambrequin hung saddle, on a rectangular gilt metal and onyx base, 37 cm high; with two matched gilt metal mounted ceramic French twin light figural candelabra in the Chinese taste, final quarter 19th century, the openwork arms held aloft by ceramic hounds perched atop arched and rectangular bases, on scrolling ceramic feet, 34.5 cm high CATALOGUE NOTES: The movement of the current lot employs a very unusual form of two-plane duplex escapement. The ‘two-plane’ layout can be compared to those devised by R.E.D. for use in their-drum-shaped travelling timepieces as illustrated in Allix, Charles and Bonnert, Peter CARRIAGE CLOCKS, Their history and development plates VIII/29-30 (pages 213-14) whilst the twin-escape wheel arrangement has its roots in an arrangement devised in the early 18th century by Jean-Baptiste Dutertre as illustrated in Reid, Thomas A TREATISE ON CLOCK AND WATCHMAKING plate IX, no. 48. ‡ Indicates that the lot is being sold whilst subject to temporary importation and that VAT is due at the reduced rate (5%). Please see our Terms & Conditions for more information.

Lot 556

LOUIS XVI PORTICO CLOCK, black and white marble, ormolu mounts, eight day bell striking movement, with white enamel dial inscribed 'Dutertre, Paris', 51.5cm H overall.

Lot 296

A COLLECTION OF MICROSCOPE SLIDES BY J. BOURGOGNE, INCLUDING PRIZE SLIDES CIRCA 1855, approximately 500 slides with approximately half by the Bourgogne family including approx. 72 prize slides, the other half by French makers including Lelong, J. Tempar‚ & P. Petitt, J. Tempar‚ & Peragaloe and J. Tempar‚, D. Dutertre, contained in slide cabinet with 21 numbered drawers with ivory handles, glass door and inset carry handle -- 13 x 10«in. (33 x 27cm.)

Lot 35

Letteratura francese. Lotto di 7 opere in 14 volumi.Il lotto comprende:Dumas Alexandre. Les trois mousquetaires. Illustrations de Fred-Money graves sur bois par Victor Dutertre. Paris: Louis Conard, 1922.Due volumi (mm 207x140). Pagine [4], IV, 482; [4], 476. Ritratto dell'Autore in antiporta del primo volume. Illustrazioni nel testo, anche a piena pagina. Brossura editoriale conservata entro legatura coeva in mezza pelle con punte, carta marmorizzata ai piatti, titoli in oro al dorso a 5 nervi, segnalibro in seta rosso e giallo. Al contropiatto anteriore di entrambi i volumi ex libris Biblioteca Fernando Palazzi, altro ex libris con monogramma 'CA'. Bella edizione illustrata di questo celebre romanzo: la composizione risale al 1844 e fu originariamente pubblicato a puntate sul periodico Le Siècle. Le illustrazioni sono di Francois-Raoul Billon (1882-1956), noto con lo pseudonimo di Fred Money.Dumas Alexandre. Le vicomte de Bragelonne ou Dix ans plus tard. Illustrations de Fred-Money gravés sur bois par Victor Dutertre. Paris: Louis Conard, 1929. Sei volumi (mm 205x140). Con illustrazioni nel testo. Brossura editoriale conservata entro legatura coeva in mezza pelle con piatti marmorizzati, titoli in oro al dorso. Dorsi completamente staccati o mancanti. Ai contropiatti anteriori ex libris 'Biblioteca Palazzi', altro ex libris con monogramma 'CA'. Bella edizione illustrata di questo romanzo. Apparso originariamente a puntate sul periodico Le Siècle a partire dall'ottobre del 1847, fu poi stampato in 26 tomi tra il 1848 e il 1850. Illustrazioni di François-Raoul Billon (1882-1956), noto con lo pseudonimo di Fred Money. Pressensé Élise (de). La maison blanche histoire pour les ecoliers. Vingtième édition. Paris: Librairie Fischbacher, s.d. [ma fine XIX secolo]. (mm 170x105). Pagine 338. Lievi bruniture. Bella legatura editoriale coeva in percallina rossa con piatti decorati in nero e oro, contropiatti e sguardie in carta azzurra. Firma di possesso all'occhietto, al contropiatto etichetta Librairie Payot.Daudet Alphonse. Tartarin sur les Alpes... Illustré par Rossi, Aranda, Myrbach... Paris: C. Marpon et E. Flammarion, 1890. In-8° (mm 180x110). Pagine [6], 365, 7, con ritratto dell'Autore in antiporta e illustrazioni nel testo. Arrossature, prime pagine allentate. Brossura editoriale illustrata conservata dentro legatura coeva in mezzo marocchino, carta decorata ai piatti, titoli in oro al dorso. Nota manoscritta alla carta di guardia anteriore.Hugo Victor. Les contemplations I. Autrefois 1830-1843 [ II. Aujourd'hiu 1843-1855]. Paris: Jules Rouff Et C.Ie, 1830. Due volumi (mm 145x95). Pagine 102, 95,[1], 94, [2]; 94, 86, 94, 91, [5]. Lievi bruniture. Legatura in mezza pelle con angoli e carta marmorizzata ai piatti, titoli in oro ai dorsi, risguardi e sguardie in carta decorata, tagli rossi. Ai contropiatti ex libris 'Biblioteca Palazzi'. Graziosa edizione tascabile in lingua francese di questa raccolta di 158 poemi lirici, divisa in sette fascicoli e parte della collezione Oeuvres de Victor Hugo dell'editore Rouff. Kypling Rudyard. Kim. Roman. Traductions de Louis Fabulet...Illustrations de Ch. Fouqueray. Paris: Delagrave, s.d. [ma 1937 circa].(mm 270x220). Pagine 279, [1]. Con illustrazioni nel testo. Legatura coeva in mezza pelle, carta marmorizzata ai piatti, titoli in oro al dorso, contropiatt ie sguardie in carta decorata.

Lot 59

A mixed lot of twelve bottles to include Saint Estephe Chateau Vieux Coutelin 1999, Tempranillo, Faustino V Reserva Rioja 2002 Margaux, Chateau d'Angludet Margaux 1999, La Foret Hilaire 1999, Pauillac Prelude a Grand Puy du Ducasse 1997, Tinto Pesquera 1982, Chateau Branaire-Ducru Saint Julien 2006, Chateau Dutertre Margaux 2006, Julienas 2005 and Chateau Haut Carmaillet Haut Medoc 2004

Lot 1228

AFTER BALTARD & DUTERTRE: "Vue des Deux Colosses" from "Thebes Memnonium", plate 20, vol.II, a black and white engraving and four similar works (5)

Lot 157

French language on horology - a mixed collection: Lapaute, M.J.A TRAITE D HORLOGERIE fcsimile reprint of the 1755 edition, Chez Leonce Laget, Paris 1975; Anonymous COLLECTION DU MUSEE SECTION JB HORLOGERIE catalogue, Conservatoire National Des Arts et Metiers, Paris 1949; Gelis, Edouard L HORLOGERIE ANCIENNE Librairie Grund, Paris 1949, limited edition numbered 1392/1500, later brown cloth; Cardinal, Catherine and Vingtain, Dominique TRESORS d HORLOGERIE exhibition catalogue, Palais des Papes, Avignon 1998, softbound; Conihout, I., Fritsch, J., Haspels Dr. J.J.L., Leopold, J.H., Reith, E. and Zweigler, N. Ces curieux navires, Trois automates de la Renaissance Editions de la Reunion des musees nationaux, Paris 1999, softbound; Defossez, L. LES SAVANTS DU XVII e SIECLE ET LA MESURE DU TEMPS Edition du Journal Suisse d Horlogerie et de Bijouterie, Lausanne 1946; Beguin, Rene Restauration des Horloges, montres et pendules Office du Livre, Fribourg 1979, dj; Planchon, Mathieu L HORLOGE SON HISTOIRE, RETROSPECTIVE, PITTORESQUE ET ARTISTIQUE Zenith, Paris 1923, later green cloth; Planchon, Mathieu MUSEE RETROSPECTIF, DE LA CLASSE 96 HORLOGERIE A L EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE INTERNATIONALE DE 1900, A PARIS Belin Freres, Saint-Cloud 1900, later green cloth; Moinet, M.L. NOUVEAU TRAITE GENERAL D HORLOGERIE... second edition, two volumes and a third containing plates, Dutertre, Paris undated, softbound; Guillevic, Jeanne C. HORLOGERIE ET INSTRUMENTS DE MESURE DU TEMPS PASSE catalogue, Musee Paul Dupuy, Tolouse 1979, softbound; Ungerer, Alfred LES HORLOGES ASTRONOMIQUES ET MONUMENTALES LES PLUS REMARQUABLES... published by the authoe, Strasbourg 1931, later half morocco gilt red calf label; Chapiro, A, Meslin-Perrier, C. and turner, A. Catalogue de l horlogerie et des instruments de precision... catalogue, Musee national de la Renaissance Chateau d Ecouen, Paris 1989, dj; with a quantity of related publications mainly museum catalogues and guides, (qty). Provenance: The horological library of Michael Hurst.

Lot 340

An English engraved gilt brass scissors twin-pendulum skeleton timepiece with calendar John Wilding, Sussex, late 20th century The substantial twin pillar single fusee movement with train vertically planted between strip plates with spire terminals incorporating escape wheel with twin-arbor pallets regulated by pair of dumb-bell pendula with decorative scissor handle terminals pivoted via decorative pierced cock in front of the dia, the front with visible motionwork and subsidiary day-of-the-week and date-of-the-month enamel dials within circular white enamel Roman numeral chapter ring signed John Wilding, England to lower edge and painted steel scissor hands, on twin pierced supports modelled as scissor handles decorated with foliate scroll engraving to front applied to rectangular moulded mahogany stand stepped to take a gilt brass framed glass cover and incorporating key drawer the burr wood panel veneered front over squab feet, (some relatively minor damage), the timepiece 52.5 cm (20.75ins) high; 63cm (25ins) high overall. The design of the current lot was inspired by an early 19th century French original now housed in the Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Michigan (see Royer-Collard, F.B. SKELETON CLOCKS page 88). The twin arbor escapement regulated by double pendulum is based upon a design by Jean Baptiste Dutertre developed in around 1735 for use in a marine timekeeper.

Lot 1312

A CASE OF CHATEAU DUTERTRE MARGOT, 1983 (twelve bottles), in shipping case. See illustration.

Lot 813

A 19th Century French ormolu three piece clock garniture - The clock with 3.75ins diameter white enamel dial inscribed "Charles Dutertre of Paris", to the eight day two train movement by S.Marti No. 398, striking on a bell, contained in ornate ormolu case of 18th Century design, the clock surmounted by seated female figure and supported by two Chinese style figures on rococo pattern base, 15.75ins high, and a pair of matching three light candelabra with leaf capped scroll branches and conforming Chinese figures, on rococo pattern bases, 15.5ins high, (umbrella to figure broken off but present - slight chipping around winding holes and ormolu slightly rubbed at highlights)

Lot 697

A French painted giltwood clock of waisted cartouche form, the case with floral carved pediment above floral filled panels, the front with ribbon tied foliate pendant, the white enamel dial inscribed Dutertre, a Paris, Arabic numerals, pierced brass engraved hands, eight-day movement striking on a bell, beaded milled bezel, conforming floral painted panel under, scrolling legs, 44cm high, Circa 1880

Lot 83

A FRENCH MARBLE AND ORMOLU MOUNTED 'BALLOON' MANTLE CLOCK, 19th century, modelled as a hydrogen air balloon and carriage, supported by leaf wrapped pillars, fitted with circular white enamel dial signed 'Dutertre A Paris' surrounded by Roman numerals, with starburst pendulum and pendant carriage holding a musical cherub, on shaped platform base

Lot 481

[Napoleon]. A suite of 142 engraved portraits of military and expedition personnel engraved by Andre Dutertre, [published circa 1830], 142 head-and-shoulders vignettes, all with engraved captions and name of artist (first one by Denon), scattered spotting and a few leaves browned, water staining to extremities of early leaves, many with later pencil notes of rank or profession neatly inscribed beneath, near-contemporary ownership signature of Mollett of Hanover Park to front free endpaper, contemporary half calf over marbled boards, slightly rubbed and some corner wear, 8vo This collection represents the majority of portraits by Dutertre that were published in Louis Reybaud et al, 'Histoire scientifique et militaire de l'expedition Francais en Egypte', 10 volumes, Paris, 1830-36. (1)

Lot 177

After André Dutertre (French, 1753-1862) and Francois-Michel Cecile(French, 18th/19h Century) six views of Egypt engraved by Beaugean, Schroëder and Duhamel, plate 39 'Qaou El Kebyreh', plate 70 'Le Kaire (Citadelle)', plate 20 'Thebes', plate 55 'Antinoe', plate 43 'Syout', taken from series observations and research conducted in Egypt during the French expedition, published between 1809 and 1828, mono engravings, each 49cm x 67cm (5)

Lot 224

A limited bottle of boxed Touraine, Amboise, Dutertre decorated with a stag, seal broken

Lot 3497

Pyramides de Memphis et&nbsp Alexandrie paire d'eaux-fortes gravées par&nbsp Baltard et Dutertre XIXe s. &nbsp 44x103 et 50x94 cm &nbsp

Lot 1002

A mid-19th Century French gilt Brass and white marble Mantel Clock, signed "Dutertre-A Paris", the drum shaped case surmounted by floral and foliate garlands and held aloft by a pair of putto to a break front white marble base with applied beaded borders and frieze decoration on four bladed feet to a circular Brass movement signed Japy Feres, and with silk suspension, back mounted count wheel and anchor escapement strike on a bell and fitted with a sunburst pendulum, height 13 1/2" and mounted on a non-matching plaster gilt socle 650-700

Lot 1571

A mid 19th Century French gilt Brass and white marble Mantel Clock, signed "Dutertre-A Paris", the drum shaped case surmounted by floral and foliate garlands and held aloft by a pair of putto to a break front white marble base with applied beaded borders and frieze decoration on four bladed feet to a circular Brass movement signed Japy Feres, and with silk suspension, back mounted count wheel and anchor escapement strike on a bell and fitted with a sunburst pendulum, height 13 1/2" and mounted on a non-matching plaster gilt socle

Lot 470

Six French coloured engravings, `PYRAMIDES DE MEMPHIS`, after Balzac, engraved by `Baltard`, 51 x 94cm, `THEBES. MEMNONIUM`, after Dutertre and engraved by Lienard, `THEBES. MEDYNET - ABOU` after Cecile and engraved by Lienard, with plates `25`, `7` and `26`, some with publisher`s blind stamp, all in glazed giltwood moulded frames. (6)

Lot 147

A. DUTERTRE D’APRES. Le Général Desaix en Egypte. » Gravure par Monsaldi. 60 x 42 cm. A.B.E.

Lot 175

JEAN-CLAUDE TARDIEU (1765-1830) Tardieu Cochin dit ECOLE FRANÇAISE DU XIXE SIECLE Halte de l’armée française à Syout(Syène) le 2 février 1799. Huile sur toile (anciennement réentoilée) Plusieurs étiquettes au dos sur le châssis des collections de Bernard Franck - n° 193 et mention manuscrite : Halte de Syout – J.C. Tardieu a figuré à l’exposition historique des militaires de la révolution et de l’Empire Galerie de Champs Elysées 1895 sous le numéro 50 du catalogue. 28 x 42 cm Cadre en bois et stuc doré avec cartouche. 5 000/6 000 € Le tableau que nous présentons est très certainement un modello pour le tableau de Versailles. Historique : Après la bataille des Pyramides Desaix fut chargé de poursuivre les Mamelouks commandés par Mourad Bey en Haute-Egypte. Une trentaine de savants et d’artistes firent partie du détachement parmi lesquels figuraient Denon Girard Villiers-du-Terrage Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire Jomard Jollois Malus Dutertre. La toile de Tardieu montre l’armée au repos après la défaite infligée à Mourad Bey le 1er févier 1799. Un hussard grave sur les ruines au centre de la composition : «Route de Paris à Syène : 1 167 milles». Provenance : Princesse Bibesco puis Robert Debré et descendance. Exposition : Ville de Lavaur Chapelle du Musée A l’ombre des pyramides Peintres français en Egypte au XIXe siècle 20 mai au 31 août 2006. Œuvre en rapport : Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon Halte de l’armée française à Syène en Haute Egypte le 2 février 1799 Tardieu Jean Charles (1765-1830) Tardieu Cochin (dit)

Lot 128

Pendule en bronze doré aux enfants symbolisant la Guerre et la Paix, le cadran à chiffres romains surmonté d`un couple de colombes et reposant sur un socle à frise de rais de cœurs à draperies et pieds en griffe., Le mouvement et le cadran signés de Dutertre à Paris, probablement Nicolas Charles Dutertre, horloger reçu maître en 1739., D`après un modèle du bronzier François Vion., Époque Louis XVI, Hauteur : 27 cm - Largeur : 21 cm, Nicolas Charles Dutertre, horloger reçu maître en 1739.

Lot 130

DUTERTRE A PARIS. PENDOLA IN BRONZO DORATO E MARMO BIANCO, CH.LES DUTERTE A PARIS, XIX SECOLO, cassa sagomata a volute cimata da vaso con piedi a zoccolo e teste d`ariete, quadrante smaltato con numeri arabi e romani, firmato; mancanze, mancante di pendolo, chiave e campanello, da revisionare. Alt. cm 60Start: 1500

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