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An early 20th century Edwardian photograph album containing photos of British expats in India between c1906-1914. Photographs depicting sailors, B...
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. 1894 The School for Scandal, a Comedy. With illustrations by Lucius Rossi. Printed Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent &...
Natural history & nature writing:- Gibbings, Robert. A collection of seven works, six being in dust wrapper. All published J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd.,...
Children's illustrated. [1880] The Demon Cat, a Naval Melodrama by C. W. Cole & W. Ralston. Printed Simpkin, Marshall & Co. Publisher's pictorial ...
British history. 1746 Letters and Memorials of State in the Reigns of Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, King James, King Charles the First, Part of the...
Military interest. A collection of seventeen Victorian to mid century British Army and Navy lists, many rebound in recent cloth. The lot to includ...
British history:- Barlow, the Rev. Frederic. 1775 The Complete English Peerage; or, a Genealogical and Historical Account of the Peers and Peeress...
Children's & illustrated. A collection of vintage children's modern first editions, some hardback in dust wrapper, some paperbacks & some floppy p...
Ancient Roman history. 1852 Pompeiana. the Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii. by Sir William Gell and John P. Gandy, Architect. Third...
King James English Bible. 1629 The Holy Bible, conteyning the Old Testament and the New. Printed by Bonham Norton and John Bill. Bound with The Ge...
Children's signed modern first editions. A collection of modern first & early editions of children's, fantasy & teen titles, with many being signe...
Naval & maritime interest. 1924-27 Britain's Sea-Soldiers - A History of the Royal Marines and their Predecessors and of their Services in Action,...
British history. 1885 Guide to the British and Roman Antiquities of the North Wiltshire Downs in a Hundred Square Miles round Abury. being a Key t...
Scottish history. 1822 Sketches of the Character, Manners, and Present State of the Highlanders of Scotland; with details of the Military Service ...
Heraldic interest. A collection of three early 20th century & later works on heraldry. Comprising 1936 Herald's Commemorative Exhibition 1484-1934...
Naval interest. 1903 A Descriptive Catalogue of the Naval Manuscripts in the Pepysian Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Edited by J. R. Tan...
Modern first editions. A collection of eight mid century first & early editions, all presented in smart dust wrappers. The lot being three titles ...
Rothenstein, Sir William. 1957 Twenty-four Portraits. 90 sets of plates reproduced by Emery Walker, released for separate publication in portfolio...
Arachnological interest. 1994 Tarantula Spiders - Tarantulas of the U.S.A. and Mexico. a Study of the Theraphosidae Family from North America by A...
Jacobite Rebellion British history:- 1714 Memoirs of the Lord Viscount Dundee, the Highland Clans, and the Massacre of Glencoe: with an Account of...
Scottish history. 1887 The Arniston Memoirs - Three Centuries of a Scottish House 1571-1838. Edited from the family papers by George W. T. Omond. ...
Detective fiction. A collection of five early 20th century first edition detective stories, all in the publisher's original cloth. Comprising 1928...
Defoe, Daniel. 1864 The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, with Memoir of the Author. Illustrated by Engravings printed in Colours from watercolour sk...
Modern first & early editions. A collection of twenty-seven mid century fiction and non-fiction works, majority in excellent dust wrappers. The lo...
British topography:- Depping, George Bernhard. 1824 L'Angleterre, or, Description Historique et Topographique du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne...
Kipling, Rudyard. A collection of fifteen late 19th & early 20th century clothbound first and early editions. The lot comprising 1895 The Jungle B...
Military interest. Two 20th century Japanese reference volumes on Samurai swords, being Nihon Toko Jiten by Yoshio Fujishiro. Bound in the orig. r...
Antiquarian bindings. A collection of three works in four volumes, bound in contemporary leather. The lot comprising c1860 Pilgrim's Progress by J...
Massie, Chris. 1944 Pity My Simplicity. First edition, second impression publ. Faber & Faber. Publisher's orig. cloth in very uncommon unclipped d...
Antiquarian bibles. 1710 La Sainte Bible qui contient l'Ancient et le Nouveau Testament, nouvelle edition reveue & corrigee. Printed Amsterdam che...
Amharic language. A collection of eight 20th century dictionaries, lexicons & related. The lot comprising 1965 The Challenge of Amharic by Edward ...
British history:- Heylyn, Peter. 1671 A Help to English History, containing a Succession of all the Kings of England, the English Saxons, and the ...
Cruikshank, George. 1837, 1839 & 1841 The Comic Almanack for the year, with Twelve Illustrations of the Months by Geo. Cruikshank. An Ephemeris in...
History of language:- Lassalle, Charles. 1883 Origin of the Western Nations & Languages showing the Construction and Aim of Punic, Recovery of the...
Easton Press:- Americana & American / British literature and modern novels. A collection of twelve leatherbound collector's books produced by the ...
Local Bath interest. 1790 Letters and Papers on Agriculture, Planting, &c. Selected from the Corresondence (sic) Book of the Society instituted at...
Detective fiction. A collection of mid century first and early editions, all being in dust wrappers. The lot to include titles such as Thieves' Pi...
1806 The Complete Letter-Writer, containing Familiar Letters on the most common Occasions in Life. Also a variety of Elegant Letters for the direc...
Folio Society. A collection of fifteen 20th century mostly non-fiction and historic works in slipcases. The lot comprising The Twelve Caesars by S...
Biography & non-fiction. A collection of works from the late 19th century onwards. The lot to include titles such as H. G. Wells by Anthony West, ...
Language & dictionaries:- Inouye, Jukichi. c1909 Inouye's Japanese - English Dictionary. Dated 1909 to preface. Rebound in cloth in the mid centur...
Signed children's picture books & illustrated. A collection of over thirty signed or dedicated picture books. Signatures incl. Dick King-Smith, Sh...
Easton Press:- classics, science & history. A collection of seven leatherbound collector's non-fiction books produced by the Easton Press for the ...
Genealogy. 1878 Notice Genealogique & Historique sur la famille De Bary, originaire de Tournay, en Hainaut etablie depuis 1806 a Guebwiller en Als...
Detective fiction:- Bruce, Leo (Rupert Croft-Cooke). 1937 A Case for Three Detectives. Publ. Frederick A. Stokes Company. Publisher's orig. cloth ...
Lega interest:- In the House of Lords. A collection of nine 20th century peerage claim cases. The lot comprising 1920 Baronies of Strange of Knoki...
Children's & illustrated. A collection of three early 20th century Ameliaranne books, along with two others. Comprising 1941 Ameliaranne at the Zo...
Easton Press:- English literature. A collection of twelve leatherbound collector's books produced by the Easton Press for the 100 Greatest Books E...
Scottish history:- bindings. 1824-1827 The History of Scotland, from the Earliest Period to the Union with England MDCCVII. With notes Critical an...
1956 Saint Botolph's Review. Including poems by David Ross, E. Lucas Myers, Daniel Huws, Daniel Weissbort, four poems by Ted Hughes, as well as An...
In Congress July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declation of the thirteen United States of America. A 20th century - believed early to mid - facsimile doc...
Natural history:- Bewick, Thomas. 1791 A Genral History of Quadrupeds. The Figures Engraved on Wood by T. Bewick. The Second edition. Printed by a...
Modern first editions & signed firsts. A collection of twenty hardback 1st ed. books, including many signed. Signed titles incl. Straight & Longsh...
Travel writing & topography:- Roscoe, Thomas. 1830 The Tourist in Switzerland in Italy. Illustrated from Drawings by S. Prout, Esq. Printed Robert...
Private press:- Golden Cockerel Press. 1941 W. H. Hudson's Letters to R. B. Cunninghame Graham. Edited Richard Curle, drawings of Hudson and Cunni...
Modern first editions. A collection of eleven historical fiction thrillers in dust wrappers. Comprising The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwell, Enda...
Easton Press:- classic children's literature. A collection of eight leatherbound collector's books produced by the Easton Press. Comprising 1977 T...
Coffee table books. A collection of sixteen vintage reference books on travel & on book collecting. The lot to include Shropshire - A Shell Guide ...
Easton Press:- French, Russian & foreign literature and writing. A collection of twelve leatherbound collector's books produced by the Easton Pres...
Signed modern first editions. A collection of approx. twenty-two signed hardback books in dust wrappers. The lot to include titles such as This Ro...