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Barrie, J. M. 1911 Peter and Wendy. Illustrated by F. D. Bedford. Published Hodder and Stoughton. Publisher's original green cloth binding, gilt d...

c1840 Larks of London, or The Swell's Guide to all the Flash Cribs, Harmonic Meetings, Cock and Hen Clubs, Night-Houses, "Little Goes and Big Goes...

Zaehnsdorf fine binding. Rackham, Arthur (illus.). [1922] Where the Blue Begins by Christopher Morley. Bound in lavish blue full crushed morocco, ...

Revolving picture book. c1900 Wonderland Pictures with Verses by H. M. Burnside, decorations by Gar. London: Ernest Nister, New York: E. P. Dutton...

Fleming, Ian. 1962 The Spy Who Loved Me. First edition, first impression, publ. Jonathan Cape for Gildrose Productions Ltd. Publisher's orig. blac...

Rackham, Arthur (illus.) 1909 The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm illustrated by Arthur Rackham translated by Mrs. Edgar Lucas. Publ. Constable ...

Locke, John. 1751-9 The Works of John Locke, Esq. in Three Volumes. The Fifth edition (volume I), the Sixth edition (volumes II & III), to which i...

Childish, Billy. 2000 Chatham Town Welcomes Desperate Men. Publ. Tahoma Books Washington. Original hand painted cover by Childish in acrylic, sign...

Zaehnsdorf binding:- natural history & ornithology. 1959 Pirates and Predators, the Piratical and Predatory Habits of Birds by Colonel R. Meinertz...

Cast signed Harry Potter:- Rowling, J. K. 1998 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Ted Smart hardback edition, number line 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2...

Cast signed Harry Potter:- Rowling, J. K. 1999 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Ted Smart hardback edition, number line 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 ...

Rowling, J. K. c2000 empty slipcase for the first three Harry Potter works, being The Philosopher's Stone, The Chamber of Secrets and The Prisoner...

Rackham, Arthur (illus). 1908 A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare with illustrations by Arthur Rackham, R. W. S. Publ. William Heinem...

Ornithological interest. A collection of seventy bird books published by T. & A. D. Poyser, all presented in the original & very smart dust wrappe...

Knott, Edward. 1630 Charity Mistaken, with the want whereof Catholickes are unjustly charged, for affirming as they do with grief, that Protestanc...

Rushdie, Salman. 1980 Midnight's Children. Published Alfred A. Knopf, first U.S. edition. Signed & dedicated by the author to the title page, To J...

Cricket interest. 1890 John Wisden's Cricketer's Almanack for 1890. Full Scores, Bowling Analyses & Descriptions edited by Charles F. Pardon. Prin...

Dulac, Edmund (illus). 1935 Gods and Mortals in Love by Hugh Ross Williamson, with pictures by Edmund Dulac. Publ. Country Life Limited. Publisher...

Rackham, Arthur (illus). 1912 The Peter Pan Portfolio by Arthur Rackham. from Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens by J. M. Barrie. Publ. Hodder & Stou...

British history & English Civil War interest:- Walker, Edward. 1705 Historical Discourses upon Several Occasions: viz, the happy Progress and Succ...

American natural history & botany. 1785-86 Dreyhundert Auserlefane Amerikanische Gemachte nach Linneischer Ordnung. Des ersten Hunderts, erste Hal...

Cricket interest. 1887 and 1889 James Lillywhite's Cricketer's Annual, with which is Incorporated James Lillywhite's Companion and GUide to Cricke...

Edwardian boy's adventure fiction:- Henty, George Alfred. A collection of twenty-two late Victorian & Edwardian books by Henty in the orig. decora...

Bernard Shaw, George. 1911 The Doctor's Dilemma, Getting Married, & The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet. Publ. Constable and Company. Signed and dedic...

Rowling, J. K. Four Harry Potter stated first editions in the original dust wrappers, along with two original release paper gift bags. The lot com...

Rackham, Arthur (illus.) 1929 The Vicar of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Publ. George G. Harrap & Company Limited. ...

Tolkien, J. R. R. 1984 The Hobbit, or There and Back Again. Publ. George Allen & Unwin. De Luxe edition, third impression. Publisher's black cloth...

Cricket interest. 1910 John Wisden's Cricketer's Almanack for 1910, ccontaining Full Scores and Bowling Analyses, edited by Sydney H. Pardon & pri...

Wells, Somerset local interest. 1881 Wells Cathedral: its Foundation, Constitutional History, and Statutes. Illustrated from Various Records:- Nat...

Graham, Winston. 1950 Jeremy Poldark, a Novel of Cornwall 1790-1791. Publ. Ward, Lock & Co. Limited, first edition, first impression. Signed by Gr...

Folio Society. A collection of nineteen works in ten slipcases, relating to ancient civilizations and people. The lot comprising The Rosetta Stone...

Bernard Shaw, George. 1912 Selected Passages from the Works of Bernard Shaw. Chosen by Charlotte F. Shaw. Publ. Constable and Company. Dedicated b...

Rackham, Arthur (illus.) 1909 The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm illustrated by Arthur Rackham translated by Mrs. Edgar Lucas. Publ. Constable ...

Childish, Billy (pseud. Steven John Hamper). 2005 Paintings of a Backwater Visionary. Published by The Aquarium. With hand painted front cov...

Railways of Great Britain. 1841 Bradshaw's Railway Companion, containing the Times of Departure, Fares, &c. of the Railways in England and Ireland...

Folio Society:- science & mathematics interest. A collection of eight scientific and mathematical works. The lot comprising Taming the Intimate by...

Travel & exploration:- Bruce, James. 1804 Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772 & 1773. By James B...

Rackham, Arthur (illus.) 1912 Aesop's Fables, a New Translation by V. S. Vernon Jones, with an Introduction by G. K. Chesterton and Illustrations ...

Fine bindings:- Scott, Sir Walter. 1830-34 The Waverley Novels in forty-eight volumes. Printed for Robert Cadell, Edinburgh, and Whitaker & Co. Lt...

Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel. 1980 Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle Earth. Edited with introduction, commentary, index and maps by Christopher...

British history, trials:- James II and the Glorious Revolution. 1689 The Proceedings and Tryal in the case of the Most Reverend Father in God Will...

Children's illustrated. 1932 The Adventures of Mickey Mouse, Story & Illustrations by the Staff of the Walt Disney Studios. Publ. Dean & Son, Ltd....

Dali, Salvador. 1948 The Entrance to Heaven, plate from The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini, publ. Doubleday and Company. Colour plate, red lin...

Travel & exploration:- Portlock, William Henry & Anderson, George William. 1794 A New, Complete and Universal Collection of Authentic and Entertai...

Ornithology. Two modern fine bindings, each presented in slipcase. The lot comprising The Vultures of Africa by Mundy, Butchart, Ledger and Piper,...

Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel. 1977 The Silmarillion. First edition, edited by Christopher Tolkien, publ. George Allen & Unwin. Publisher's orig. ful...

London. [1882] Taunt's Map of the River Thames, from Lechlade to London, Pocket Edition. Combined with a Guide, giving every information required ...

Childish, Billy (pseud. Steven John Hamper) & similar. A collection of paperback & early first editions, comprising both novels, poetry collection...

Signed 'Modern First Editions'. 1987 Modern First Editions, Third Edition by Joseph Connelly. Printed Macdonald Orbis, illustrated with colour pla...

Ornithological interest & travel:- Attenborough, David & Thesiger, Wilfred. 1998 The Life of Birds by Attenborough, publ. The BBC and signed by At...

Stein, Gertrude & Toklas, Alice B. A collection of works relating to and by the authors. The lot comprising 1938 Everybody's Autobiography, first ...

Milne, Alan Alexander. 1928 The House at Pooh Corner, with decorations by Ernest H. Shepard. First edition, first impression, printed Methuen & Co...

Quaker interest. c1824 collection of ten bound Quaker tracts. Comprising 1812 A Summary on the History, Doctrine and Discipline of Friends, 9th ed...

Rackham, Arthur (illus). [1907] Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. With a Proem by Austin Dobson. Publ. William Heinemann & Double...

Childish, Billy (pseud. Steven John Hamper). Six signed first edition paperbacks, some with dedications. The lot comprising 2003 photo-booth, sign...

Travel & exploration:- Africa. A collection of late 19th & early 20th century works of African interest. The lot comprising 1908 The Baganda at Ho...

Anatomy & veterinary sciences. 1801 An Inquiry into the Structure & Animal Oeconomy of the Horse. Comprehending the Diseases to which his Limbs an...

Rackham, Arthur. 1908 A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, with illustrations by Arthur Rackham, R. W. S. Publ. William Heinemann Lon...

Fleming, Ian. 1961 Thunderball. First edition, first impression, publ. Jonathan Cape for Gildrose Productions Ltd. Publisher's orig. black full cl...
