A small chest
A small chest, Renaissance, cedar (or juniper), front and sides with grooved decoration filled with black mass (gall nut) "Various animals and plant windings ending in heads of imaginary animals", top of the punctured front and side boards, interior with a pidgeonhole with cover, Portuguese - Azores, 16th/17th C., missing socle, minor faults and defects, missing original hinges replaced by later hinges. Notes: This type of chest was studied in FERRÃO, Bernardo - "Mobiliário Português - dos primórdios ao maneirismo - volume quarto - Anexos". Porto: Lello & Irmão - Editores, 1990, pp. 7-35, reproducing several copies., Dim. - 38 x 103 x 43,5 cm
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A small chest, Renaissance, cedar (or juniper), front and sides with grooved decoration filled with black mass (gall nut) "Various animals and plant windings ending in heads of imaginary animals", top of the punctured front and side boards, interior with a pidgeonhole with cover, Portuguese - Azores, 16th/17th C., missing socle, minor faults and defects, missing original hinges replaced by later hinges. Notes: This type of chest was studied in FERRÃO, Bernardo - "Mobiliário Português - dos primórdios ao maneirismo - volume quarto - Anexos". Porto: Lello & Irmão - Editores, 1990, pp. 7-35, reproducing several copies., Dim. - 38 x 103 x 43,5 cm
Antiques and Works of Art, Rare Books, Modern and Contemporary Art
Sale Date(s)
Lots: 1-352
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Rua Miguel Lupi 12-D
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