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MASJUTIN V.N.Three ex librises (one for Pawlowsky) and and woodcut. Three ex-librises for B. A. Pavlovsky, V. Masitina, V. Masiutin and a woodcut ...

Russian embassy to the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Maximilian II in Regensburg a copy of the painted engraving (woodcut) of 1576. The end of ...

Fall, Serenity of Red Maple is a beautiful original color woodblock on paper by Japanese Sosaku-Manga artist Toshi Yoshida. Part of the suite Bird...

Outstanding original color woodblock by Meiji era Japanese artist Migita Toshihide who depicts the historical event of the Siege of Port Arthur. T...

Edward Gordon Craig (British, 1872 - 1966), Ophelia with Flowers, signed with initials and dated in pencil 'E. G. C. 1910', (lower left), woodcut,...

Paul Furneaux (b.1962) Scottish, 1/1 Night Leaves, signed 'Furneaux' (lower right), woodcut print on paper, image 17 cm x 12 cm, framed 36 cm x 31...

German Expressionist around 1920/30, wood cut-carving, coloured, framed, 60x47 cm

Ogata Gekkô (1859 – 1920), Japanese woodcut on paper, first Japanese - Chinese war . 37X72 cm

Ogata Gekkô (1859 – 1920), Japanese woodcut on paper, first Japanese - Chinese war . 37X72 cm

Ogata Gekkô (1859 – 1920), Japanese woodcut on paper, first Japanese - Chinese war . 37X72 cm

Ogata Gekkô (1859 – 1920), Japanese woodcut on paper, first Japanese - Chinese war . 37X72 cm

Ogata Gekkô (1859 – 1920), Japanese woodcut on paper, first Japanese - Chinese war . 37X72 cm

Ogata Gekkô (1859 – 1920), Japanese woodcut on paper, first Japanese - Chinese war . 37X72 cm

Tomikichiro Tokuriki (1902-2000) The Ten Oxherding Pictures, after Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki Woodcut prints,each 13.7cm square, frame 45.5 x 92.5cmto...

Two Japanese triptych woodcut prints by Utagawa Hiroshige I [1797-1858] and Toyohara Chikanobu [1838-1912] the first depicting pilgrims attending...

HARRY KERNOFF RHA (1900 - 1974)Thirty-Six Woodcuts, Dublin, Privately Published, 1951. Publisher’s linen boards, titled in lettered in blue to upp...

Chinese School, 20th Century. Bird on a branch, colour woodcut, 11.75" x 7.5" (30 x 19cm), and another of a coastal scene by a different hand, (2).

***WITHDRAWN*** WORDSWORTH, ChristopherGreece, 2nd ed., tall 8 vo., London: (W.S. Orr), 1844, pictorial title, wood cuts -- text and full page ste...

CICERO, Marcus Tullius. Familiarium Epistollarum Libri XVl. Venice: 1552. 8vo (296 x 203mm.) Woodcut printer’s device to title, woodcut initials a...

THE VINE PRESS, STEYNING - Lillygay, Steyning, 1920, 8vo, woodcut illustrations, original wrappers, FIRST EDITION, NUMBER 504 OF 550 COPIES "PRINT...

CATHOLICISM. [Missale Romanum.] Antwerp: Christopher Plantin, 1573. 8vo (182 x 125mm.) 3 full-page woodcut illustrations, numerous historiated ini...

ROME. – Guillaume DU CHOUL. Discours de la Religion des Anciens Romaines [with:] Discours sur la Castrametation et Discipline Militaire des Ancien...

[BACON, Francis.] The Historie of the Reigne of King Henry the Seventh. Written by the Right Hon: Francis Lord Verulam, Viscount S. Alban. London:...

PLUTARCH (AD 46-120). Chaeronei, philosophi, historiici'que clarissimi, opuscula (quæ quidem extant) omnia, undequaque collecta, & diligentissime ...

NUREMBURG CHRONICLE. – Hartmann SCHEDEL. [Liber Chronicarum. Nuremburg: Anton Koberger, 1493.] Leaf number XXXIII, folio (372 x 236 inside mount)....

GILL, Eric (1882-1940) & David JONES (1895-1974, illustrator). Christianity and Art, Abergavenny, Francis Walterson, 1927, 8vo, woodcut frontispie...

BIBLE, In English. [The Bible: that is, the Holy Scriptures, contained in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrew and Greek...

[PEPLER, H. D. C. (1878-1951)]. The Law the Lawyers Know About ... Witanbel Watloo, Ditchling, St. Dominic's Press, 1929, 16mo, 3 woodcut illustra...

TRUMBULL, Henry (1781-1843). History of the Discovery of America, of the Landings of our Forefathers, at Plymouth, and of their Most Remarkable En...

MEDICINE. – John CURIO. Medicina Salernitana: Id est, conservandae bonae valetudinis praecepta, cum luculenta et succincta Arnoldi Villanovani in ...

BIBLE, in English - The Holy Bible, Containing the Old Testament and the New, London, Robert Barker, 1613 [New Testament dated 1614], 4to, genealo...

BINDING. – Percy B. SHELLEY. Poems… Edinburgh: Otto Schulze & Co., 1903. Limited edition, this being number 7 of only 40 copies on Japanese vellum...

DICKENS, Charles. Oliver Twist; or, The Parish Boys Progress… a Drama in Three Acts. London: Thomas Hailes Lacy, [circa 1870.] Lacy’s Acting Editi...

GUILLIM, John. A Display of Heraldry… to which is added, A Treatise of Honour Military and Civil. London: by T.W. for R. and J. Bonwicke and R. Wi...

FOURNEL, Victor. Paris et Ses Ruines en Mai 1871, Précédé D’ Un Coup-D’ Oeil Sur Paris, de 1860 a 1870. Paris: Henri Charpentier, folio (473 x 340...

PROHIBITED BOOKS. [Index Librorum Prohibitorum et Expurgatorum… D. Bernardi de Sandoval & Roxus… De consillio supremi senatus s. generalis inquisi...

FRANCE, Anatole (1844-1924). Le Puits de Sainte Claire, Paris, 1895, 8vo, later morocco gilt. FIRST EDITION, NUMBER 27 OF 55 COPIES. With Paul Bou...

[MOULIN, Peter du (1601-84, attributed)]. Tragicum theatrum actorum, Amsterdam, 1649, small 8vo, 8 engraved portraits, folding plate of the execut...

BINDING, WITH A DOUBLE FORE-EDGE PAINTING - William SOMERVILLE (1675-1742). The Chace, London,1796, 8vo, 6 plates, contemporary scarlet straight-g...

HUMPHRIES, Barry (1934-2023). Shades of Sandy Stone, Edinburgh, "Privately Printed at The Tragara Press," 1989, large 8vo, original wrappers. ONE ...

BUKOWSKI, Charles (1920-94). Run with the Hunted, Chicago, Midwest Poetry Chapbooks, 1962, 8vo, original red wrappers. FIRST EDITION of the author...

HOSPINIAN, Rudolf (1547-1626). De origine, progressu, usu et abusu templorum, Zurich, 1587 [bound with 2 other works by the same author, dated 159...

IRELAND, Samuel (1744-1800). Picturesque Views on the River Medway, London, 1793, large 8vo, map, 29 sepia aquatint plates, contemporary tree calf...

NONESUCH PRESS - William SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616). The Works, London, The Nonesuch Press, 1929-33, 7 volumes, large 8vo, original full niger morocc...

BURTON, Robert (1577-1640). The Anatomy of Melancholy, London, The Nonesuch Press, 1925, 2 vols., folio, illustrations by E. McKnight Kauffer, ori...

GRAHAME, Kenneth (1859-1932). The Wind in the Willows, London, 1931, 4to, illustrations by E. H. Shepard, boards. 200 COPIES SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR ...

MALORY, Thomas (1416-71) & Aubrey BEARDSLEY (1872-98, illustrator). The Birth, Life and Acts of King Arthur, New York, 1927, 4to, illustrations, b...

BLAKE, William (1757-1827). The Inferno from La Divina Commedia, New York, "Presented by Richard W. Ellis for Cheshire House," 1931, folio, 7 plat...

LONDON, GENERAL - Warwick DRAPER (1873-1926). Chiswick, London, 1923, small folio, plates, original buckram-backed paper boards. FIRST EDITION. Wi...

[BURTON, Robert (1577-1640)]. The Anatomy of Melancholy, London, 1676, folio, half title, engraved pictorial title (some rust holes, spotting and ...

OSBORNE, Francis (1593-1659). Advice to a Son. Or Directions for your better Conduct, Oxford & London, 1658, 2 parts in one volume, 12mo, 19th-cen...

BAWDEN, Edward (1903-89, illustrator). Life in an English Village, London, "The King Penguin Books" [No. 51], 1949, 8vo, 16 full-page coloured lit...

HOWELL, James ([?]1594-1666). Londinopolis, London, 1657, folio, engraved portrait and double-page view of London, contemporary calf (with flaking...

LONDON - [David HENRY (1710-92)]. An Historical Account of the Curiosities of London and Westminster, in Three Parts, London, 1759-61, 12mo, conte...


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