A large German Steiff made Classic Series soft toy growling teddy bear 000256 Classic 1906 replica, the bear having golden mohair, black eyes and ...
A large German Steiff made Classic Series soft toy growling teddy bear 000256 Classic 1906 replica, the bear having golden mohair, black eyes and ...
Steiff - a vintage 20th century 1970s / 80s toy shop / window display articulated teddy bear. The bear stood upright upon a white plinth base. Ste...
TWO STEIFF BEARS including, Four Seasons 'Summer' Growler Bear, 654474 & 'Happy' Replica 1926, brown tipped, 40cms, 407246 (2) Provenance: private...
STEIFF A0639 BRITISH COLLECTORS SET 1989-1993, limited edition (615/1500) boxed set containing five porcelain Steiff bears, with COA, together wit...
Puppenschrank mit Mecki-FamilieWeichholz-Schrank mit Metall-/Porzellanbeschlägen, vierfüßig, 2 Glastüren ( eine mit Glassprung), HBT: 50 x 32 x 14...
Großes Konvolut Holzspielzeug, ca. 50 TeileHolz und Metall. Vielfalt menschl. u. tierische Figurinen, 4 Holzschiffe, Bauwagen (1 x Fa. Steiff), gr...
Steiff PuppeStoffKnopf mit Druckbuchstaben langgezogenem “F”Um 1920Höhe 26 cmBeschädigt
Steiff-Hunde Konvolut, 34 teilig, verschiedene alte Hunderassen von Steiff (1948-1976), Größen von H: 7 cm bis H: 35 cm, altersbedingter Zustand, ...
Steiff Pekinesen Konvolut, Peky, 1959 bis 1964, 9 teilig, In drei Größen: drei davon: 17 x 15 cm, zwei davon: 13 x 11 cm, vier davon: 10 x8 cm, G...
Steiff Stoffkatze Konvolut, 14 tlg, Größe von 6 cm bis 20 cm, altersbedingter Zustand, mit Gebrauchtspuren, Verschmutzt.
Konvolut Stofftiere, 89 teilig, verschiedene alte Puppen von Steiff (1948-1976), Größen von H: 7 cm bis H: 37 cm, altersbedingter Zustand, mit Geb...
Mecki Familie Puppen Konvolut, 7 tlg, (Mecki, Macki, Mucki und Pucki) Margarete Steiff GmbH, 1959-1964, sechs davon Gummipuppen und eine davon Sto...
A Steiff lamb Boeky, complete with the button in the ear approx 28 cms in length together with another Hansa sleeping polar bear approx 28 cms. (2)
A Steiff horse, 15cm tall, with button through ear. Estimate: £20-40
A vintage toy lion, possibly Steiff, 40cm. Condition - fair
A vintage Steiff 'Peky' Pekingese sitting dog with ear stud to left ear. Hx27cm approx
Steiff - A collection of Steiff shop display items, an electric light up yellow wall mounted sign measuring approximately 48 x 16 x 8 cm, an acryl...
Steiff - A limited edition 1995 replica of the 1913 "Baseball Player. This 45 cm felt doll has a stud to ear and stud with white tag to shorts # 4...
Steiff - A limited edition 'Fritzl and Hein' set # 655234. Comes with certificate and is number 1461 of 2500. They have been out of the box on dis...
Steiff - 2 x small wood effect Steiff display shelf sets designed to hold 10 x miniature bears # A1948. They measure 30 x 25 x 7 cm and appear unu...
Steiff - Hermann - A group of teddybear accessories, an acrylic Steiff shop display counter top sign measuring 25 x 11 x 5 cm, a large boxed woode...
Toy Related Books - Annuals - Includes Steiff Toys Revisited, 1000 Tin Toys, Early Tin Plate Model Railways, Valliant Space Special 1968, Collecti...
Books - A group of books including a 1996 Steiff Collection catalogue, Traction Engines On Parade, The Ultimate Teddybear Book, Icebreaker, A Nigh...
A vintage 2002 special edition musical Steiff teddy bear, fully jointed, tags intact, plays happy birthday, working when tested. Stands 43cm. Plea...
A Steiff Classic Teddy Bear. Unused, in original packaging with tags. 25cm tall
4 Beatrix Potter Steiff toys including Tom Kitten, Peter Rabbit, Jemima Puddle Duck and Mrs Tiggywinkle, with 3 wooden display boxes 20x23x30cm (3)
Three Steiff teddy bears from the Birth Star Signs series including Aries 654879 (in sealed bag with cloth bag), Aquarius 65978 and Taurus 654886....
Five Steiff Rupert the Bear character toys including Rupert, Bill Badger, Podgy Pig, Algy Pug and Edward Trunk all limited edition (5)
Three Steiff teddy bears including Millenuim Bear 654701 height 32cm, 2001 Commemorative Bear height 654756 30cm and a 1929 Classic Teddy Baby (re...
Two teddy bears by Steiff comprising 1906 Classic replica 000256 and a limited edition Swarovski bear 6680 no 6171 (damage to crystal) (2)
Modern Steiff soft toy in the form of a Wild Boar. (B.P. 21% + VAT)
Two Steiff growler bears, 005022 & 403088.
A large Steiff polar bear "Arco".
Romeo & Juliet Steiff bears, 653193, in original box with certificate.
STEIFF - a Kim 65 beige teddy bear, with original tags
STEIFF - 2 teddy bears, comprising Long To Reign Over Us, and 38 Creme Cosy Year, both boxed (2)
STEIFF - a large Classic teddy bear, with original tags, H64cm
STEIFF - 2 teddy bears, comprising Long To Reign Over Us, and Sir Edward, both boxed (2)
STEIFF - 3 teddy bears, including Lotte and Autumn, all boxed (3)
STEIFF - 3 teddy bears, including 35 Beige Cosy Year and Molly (3)
STEIFF - 2 teddy bears, including Sweetheart 22 and Woody 38, both boxed (2)
STEIFF - 2 teddy bears, comprising Cosy Year 38 and Bobby 30 (2)
A Steiff stuffed red squirrel toy, tag to ear, 21cmH
Steiff, Germany Enormous and Rare Mohair and Straw-Stuffed Shop Display Camel Retaining Knopf-Im-Ohr or "Button-in-Ear" label, with bag accessory ...
"A Celebration of Steiff" Teddy Bear with Book Set "A Celebration of Steiff" Teddy Bear with Book Set, issued 1997 in a limited edition of 3,000, ...
A limited edition Steiff Rupert bear, boxed and with certificate
BROSCHE/ PIN, Steiff-Club,halbplastischer Teddybär, 925er-Silber, teilvergoldet, MZ, Beschau, ca. 17g
Steiff Sommer 2009 teddy bear, with floral embroidered plush, red ribbon, card label, ear button and ear label, 10" long, together with a 6" 1999 ...
Two white Steiff bears, comprising a 13 3/4" Margarete Steiff bear with locket, and a 15 1/2" growling bear (Est. plus 24% buyer's premium inc. VA...
Two Steiff collectors bears, comprising a 15 1/2" Zoe growling bear with collar and a 13 1/2" Classic bear (Est. plus 24% buyer's premium inc. VAT...
Two Steiff collectors bears, comprising a 17" 1996 growling bear in a tweed wasitcoat and a 15 1/2" 2004 growling bear with dress collar (Est. plu...
Two Steiff collectors bears, comprising a 16" 1907 Classic bear with three piece matching outfit, and a 16 1/2" growling Classic bear (Est. plus 2...
Two Steiff bears, comprising a 14 1/4" "Original" seated bear with light orange plush and a 15" "Molly" bear (Est. plus 24% buyer's premium inc. V...
Five Steiff plush animals, comprising three Hucky birds of varied sizes with wire legs and labels, a Macki and a Mucki (Est. plus 24% buyer's prem...
Six Steiff plush animals comprising two bambi's, two elephants, a Leo lion and a small squirrel (Est. plus 24% buyer's premium inc. VAT)Condition ...
Two Steiff cats, comprising a limited edition Siamy 1930 replica and a scared black cat (Est. plus 24% buyer's premium inc. VAT)Condition Report: ...
Five Steiff cats, most vintage and four with ear buttons, largest 6 3/8" tall (Est. plus 24% buyer's premium inc. VAT)Condition Report: Generally ...
Five mostly Steiff animals, mostly vintage, including a tiger, a meercat, a camel and two kangeroos (Est. plus 24% buyer's premium inc. VAT)Condit...