An Alphabet and Verse Sampler worked by Jane Luxton Dated June 1839, with central verse flanked by
An Alphabet and Verse Sampler worked by Jane Luxton Dated June 1839, with central verse flanked by decorative motifs including parrots, birds, flo...
An Alphabet and Verse Sampler worked by Jane Luxton Dated June 1839, with central verse flanked by decorative motifs including parrots, birds, flo...
A framed sampler dated 1845, also reading 'frit par Camille Laurent agee de 12, IHS Cleve de Madame Boudry', with various figures below, including...
A suite of three gilt framed stitch samplers, showing the skill of the needlewoman, believed to be late 1800's, (frames later).
Collection of Antique Samplers and an unfinished tapestry
A selection of fabric & wallpaper sampler books
Two 19th century samplers. Comprising a George III sampler worked by 'Jane Bendell Aged Twelve Years', featuring a poem to the centre surrounded b...
Georgian needlework sampler, worked by Ann Pitcher, Aged 7 Years November 1815, under glass within a burr frame, 31 x 37cm
A mid 20th century needlework sampler by Zillah Isabella Sidwell, aged 82, 1952, 31cm by 38cm.
A collection of four 19th century cross stitch alphabet samplers and a larger earlier sampler embroidered by Elizabeth Sizmur aged 11 dated 1795, ...
A 19th century needlework sampler, embroidered in silk with a vase of flowers, 54cm x 51cm
A William IV needlework school sampler by Hannah Grounsill 1825, depicting Shipwith Hall above a depiction of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden 5...
An early 19th century needlework sampler, embroidered by Sarah Pilgrim, aged 12, with alphabet, verse, stylised trees, animals and flowers, 30cm x...
An unusual George VI needlepoint sampler celebrating the birth of King Charles III 'first child of their royal highnesses The Duke & Duchess of Ed...
A George III needlework sampler, embroidered by Marie Thornton, 1816, with alphabet, verse, stylised tree and foliage, 40cm x 30cm, framed
A George III needlework sampler, embroidered by Sarah Baker, aged 10, August 24 1810, with Adam and Eve, verse, trees, birds and foliage within m...
A Victorian framed needlework samplerBy Susannah Griffin, aged 12, dated 27 May 1852, typically formally arranged with the alphabet above a verse ...
A George III silk verse sampler decorated with a floral boarder and Adam and Eve, worked by Ann Goodwin April 1819 37cm x 32cm
A George I alphabet and verse sampler, worked by Rebekah Barton 1725 with excellent colour worked in silk and metal thread with verses, numbers an...
An early Victorian alphabet sampler worked by Sarah Tryphena Bird age 8 in 1845 38cm x 36cm
Georgian samplers Janet Young aged 16 years and dated 1864, set in a mahogany frame, 31cm x 41cm Ex., and one other with religious inscription, 30...
Mahogany framed Georgian Sampler by Dinah Shephard aged 9 years dated 1833, 31.5cm x 34.5cm Ex.
19th Century alphabet sampler. Woollen thread on calico, written 'Elizabeth Mary Parker finished this sampler June 21 1834 Aged Ssix Years'. W 33c...
Group of two Navajo or Dine Germantown wool blanket sampler weavings, late 19th to early 20th century. Woven with vibrantly dyed wools of red, gre...
A WILLIAM AND MARY LINEN BAND SAMPLER by Sarah Letheiuler, 21st August 1695, aged 12, worked in coloured threads with alphabet, numerals and relig...
THREE NEEDLEWORK SAMPLERS, by Louise Adams, aged 11 years, dated 184*, comprising good early Victorian pictorial sampler with alphabet and numbers...
Royal Memorium Sampler Worked by J Haydon, Aged 10 years, 1821, worked in coloured threads commemorating the deaths of 'His Majesty George III, 29...
A Decorative Alphabet and Verse Sampler Worked by Sarah Cottingham, Dated 29 August 1766, depicting three verses flanked by embroidered flower hea...
Quaker Alphabet Sampler Worked by Eliza Mullett Dated 1791, worked in red cross stitch silk, in a modern frame, 38cm by 26cm,together with A Quake...
Sampler Worked by Mary Clark Aged 11 Dated December 1805(6), delicately embroidered with a central verse verse worked in black cross stitch flanke...
An Alphabet Sampler Worked by Jennet Coer Aged 10 years Dated 1852, of Saint Mark's School, Witton, with three religious verses worked in blue fla...
Assorted Late 19th and Early 20th Century Costume, Textiles and Accessories, comprising baby costume, embroidered linens, tea cosies, woolwork pan...