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  • 152 item(s)

DILTHEY Philippe Henry (1723-1781)Essay géographique sur la Russie avec le blason et la généalogie de la maison regnante, compilé de différens aut...

[MINIATURE MANUSCRIPT]The imitation of the church singing. The beginning of the XIX century. With handwritten notes of a brief family chronicle d...

NICHOLAS II (1894-1917), ABOUT AWARDING ORDERSDecree to the Administrator of the Russian Imperial and Royal Orders. Voronezh. December 6, 1914A c...

CHORNY SASHA (1880-1932). GRIGORIEV BORIS (1886-1939)Children’s Island [Detsky Ostrov]: [publisher’s fair copy]. Original drawings by Boris Grigor...

TROTSKY L.D. (1879-1940)Stalin edited by Y. G. Felshtinsky: 2 V. Benson: Chalidze, 1985. Vol. 1. - 323 p.; Vol. 2. 303 p.; 21x13, 5 cm. In font pu...

20th Century English School - Ink - Six Songs by Rudyard Kipling vellum manuscript – Calligraphed in neo-gothic font, including “If” and “The Law ...

Pol, Nikolaus. Jahrbücher der Stadt Breslau. Zum erstenmale aus dessen eigener Handschrift herausgegeben von Johann Gustav Büsching. Bände I und I...

-- Mit großem hochmittelalterlichen Textfragment aus dem Mombritius-- Plutarch. Vitae Plutarchi Cheronei novissime post Jodocum Badium Ascensium l...

Psalter. Lateinische Handschrift auf Pergament. Psalmen 104-105. 2 S. auf 1 Bl. 20 Zeilen. Schrift: Gotica textualis. Schriftraum: 13,5 x 8,7 cm. ...

Boole, George. A treatise on differential equotations. Supplementary volume. XI, 235, 53 S., 1 Bl. 19 x 12,5 cm. OLeinen (stockfleckig, mit Papier...

Portenschlag-Ledermayer, Franz von. Enumeratio plantarum in Dalmatia lectarum. Zum Andenken des Verewigten von seinen Freunden. 16 Bl. Mit 12 Pfla...

- Eigh. Brief m. U. "Dr. Richard Strauss". 2 S. 8vo. Charlottenburg bei Berlin 17.X.1903.An einen Konzertsänger. "... ich freue mich sehr mit Ihne...

Manuscript: Liberty of Havering-atte-Bower in Essex, vellum bound book detailing the examinations of local residents, indistinctly dated 1800-1811...

Antiquarian and Later Books. Churton (Ralph), The Life of Alexander Nowell, Dean of St. Paul's [...], Oxford University Press, 1809, frontispiece ...

Feuille (Paul de la, publisher). Les Tablettes Guerrieres, Ou Cartes choisies pour la commodite des Officier et des voyageurs..., avec les Plans d...

Antiquarian books: Guthrie's Geographical Grammar, in miniature, containing the present state of the several kingdoms of the world, illustrated wi...

Meyer (Dr. Hans). Across East African Glaciers. An Account of the First Ascent of Kilimanjaro, translated from the German by E. H. S. Calder, limi...

Dalton (William, Hugh). The New and Complete English Traveller: Or, A New Historical Survey and Modern Description of England and Wales..., Alex H...

Ramble (Reuben). Reuben Ramble's Travels through the Counties of England with maps and Historical Vignettes, Darton and Co. circa 1845, decorative...

Smollett (Thomas & Hume David). The History of England..., 3 volumes, James S. Virtue, circa 1845, additional decorative title, portrait frontispi...

White (Colonel James Grove). Historical and Topographical Notes, etc. on buttevant, Castletownroche, Doneraile, Mallow, and places in their vicini...

Depping (G. B.). L'Angleterre, ou Description..., volumes 4, 5 & 6 (only), Paris, 1824, additional half-titles, 19 (only) maps engraved by A. M. P...

* Illuminated Leaf. A single leaf from a manuscript Psalter with illuminated initials, Northern France, early 13th century, 42 lines of gothic ma...

Cooper (Thomas). Thesaurus linguae Romanae & Britannicae, tam accurate congestus..., London: [Henry Denham], 1578, woodcut device to title, final ...

Bible [English]. [The Bible. Translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke..., Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker, 1583], lacking general ti...

Bible [English]. [The Holy Bible, Imprinted at London: by Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie, 1584], New Testament title and titl...

Campo (Antonio). Cremona fedelissima citta, 1st edition, Cremona: Hippolito Tromba & Hercoliano Battoli, 1585, engraved allegorical title, portrai...

Fauchet (Claude). Les Antiquitez et Histoires Gauloises et Francoises. Contenant l'origine des choses advenues en Gaule et es annales de France, d...

Keckermann (Bartholomäus). Systema Logicae, tribus libris adornatum, pleniore praeceptorum methodo, & Commentarijs scriptis ad Praeceptorum illust...

Digby (Kenelm). Two Treatises. In the one of which, the Nature of Bodies, in the Other the Nature of Man's Soule is Looked Into....1st edition, Pa...

Hooft (Pieter Corneliszoon). Rampsaligheden der verheffinge van den huize van Medicis, Amsterdam: Nicolaes van Ravesteyn, 1649, engraved portrait ...

Culpeper (Nicholas). The English Physitian Enlarged: With Three Hundred, Fixty, and Nine Medicines, made of English Herbs that were not in any Imp...

Bible [English]. The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New, Newly translated out of the Original Tongues and with the former transla...

Goodall (Charles). The Royal College of Physicians of London, Founded and Establishes by Law; as appears by letters, patents, Acts of Parliament, ...

[Eulenspiege, Tyll]. Histoire de la vie de Tiel Wlespiegle, contenant ses faits & finesses, ses aventures, & les grandes fortunes qu'il a euës, n...

Bunyan (John). The Holy War, made by Shaddai upon Diabolus; for the regaining of the Metropolis of the World; or, the losing and taking again of t...

Manuscript notebook. Household receipts for domestic cookery and medicinal cures etc., written by Maria Harbin, dated 1812, 46pp. and 1 p. index, ...

Bible [Shorthand]. Manuscript Bible written in shorthand, 1833, comprising 827 pages written in a neat hand, without title page, colophon to final...

Nightingale (Florence). Notes on Nursing: What it is, and what it is not, 1st edition, 2nd issue, London: Harrison, [1860], head of title inscribe...

Coles (Elisha). A Dictionary, English-Latin, and Latin-English; Containing all things Necessary for the Translating of either Language into the ot...

Littleton (Adam). Linguae Latinae liber Dictionarius Quadripartitus. A Latine Dictionary, in Four Parts... , [London, 1693], unpaginated, triple c...

Newbery (John, publisher). A Pocket Dictionary or Complete English Expositor…, To which is prefix’d an Introduction, containing an History of the ...

Newbery (J[ohn], publisher). A Pocket Dictionary; or, Complete English Expositor: Shewing readily the Part of Speech to which each Word Belongs; i...

Tocquot (J. F.). The Royal Pocket Dictionary, French And English, And English And French…, London: G. G. and J. Robinson, [et al.], 1795, facing F...

Fletcher (William Younger). Bookbinding in France, London: Seeley & Co. Ltd., 1894, eight chromolithograph plates including frontispiece, monochro...

Martin (Frank). The Wood Engravings of Frank Martin, with a foreword by the artist, Witney: Previous Parrot Press, 1998, frontispiece, vignette ti...

Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1652). The Confession of Faith, together with the Larger and Lesser Catechismes. Composed by the Reverend As...

Skeat (Walter W., editor). The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer edited from numerous manuscripts, 7 volumes, Oxford University Press, 1894-97, o...

Parker (William Riley). Milton, A Biography, 2 volumes, Oxford University Press, 1969, neat ink marginal annotations by David Hopkins, of the Univ...

de Muffling (Carl). History of the Campaign of the British, Dutch, Hanoverian, and Brunswick Armies, under the command of the Duke of Wellington; ...

Brink (C. O.). Horace on Poetry, the 'Ars Poetica', Cambridge University Press, 1971, original blue cloth gilt, together with Willaims (Gordon). T...

Maull & Polyblank, Albumen Print of Frederick Walter Simms, F.R.A.S., Maull & Polyblank, the image, with arched top mounted on period paper with m...

A 19TH CENTURY SCRAP ALBUM Leather bound album, subjects include Children, Animals, Circus Acts, includes manuscript poetry. Provenance: from the ...

VELLUM BOUND 18TH CENTURY MANUSCRIPT, ITALIAN/LATIN Likely a library catalogue or similar, 300 leaves (approx), bound in full vellum, some marking...

AN 18TH CENTURY MANUSCRIPT, LATIN, APPEARS TO BE RELIGIOUS 260 leaves (approx), Circa 1731, bound in full calf, some staining and worming. (21cm...

AN 18TH CENTURY MANUSCRIPT ITALIAN With chapters on religion, leases for land etc, 66 leaves (approx), Circa 1762, bound in period paper wraps, so...

18TH CENTURY MANUSCRIPT, LATIN (POSSIBLY RELIGIOUS/EDUCATIONAL) 110 leaves (approx), Circa 1736, bound in full vellum, some staining. (21.5cm x 1...

AN 18TH CENTURY MANUSCRIPT, LATIN/ITALIAN, PHILOSOPHY 200 leaves (approx), Circa 1796, bound in paper covered boards, some worming, staining to l...

This rare and exquisite Arabic handwritten Christian manuscript, authored by Amba Paules, offers a profound glimpse into the ancient wisdom and sp...


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