No Image Lot 40 Wooden crate containing West German vase, vintage cake tin, printing press blocks, Whisky jugs etc 40Wooden crate containing West German vase, vintage cake tin, printing press blocks, Whisky jugs etc Mitchells Wooden crate containing West German vase, vintage cake tin, printing press blocks, Whisky jugs etc Add to watchlist Live
No Image Lot 392 A box of miscellaneous to include: cake tin, pasta dishes, table mats, candles, etc. 392A box of miscellaneous to include: cake tin, pasta dishes, table mats, candles, etc. Nigel Ward & Company A box of miscellaneous to include: cake tin, pasta dishes, table mats, candles, etc. Add to watchlist Live
No Image Lot 145 A J Barnard's Velvotint Photographic Tinting Set, early 20th century, the rectangular mahogany box 145A J Barnard's Velvotint Photographic Tinting Set, early 20th century, the rectangular mahogany box Tennants Auctioneers A J Barnard's Velvotint Photographic Tinting Set, early 20th century, the rectangular mahogany box containing various colours and implements, with... Add to watchlist Live
No Image Lot 247 Contemporary kitchen items including a Emma Bridgewater sugar pot and cover, Orla Kiely cake tins, 247Contemporary kitchen items including a Emma Bridgewater sugar pot and cover, Orla Kiely cake tins, Great Western Auctions Contemporary kitchen items including a Emma Bridgewater sugar pot and cover, Orla Kiely cake tins, two Concetta Gallo bowls, TG Green storage jars... Add to watchlist Live
No Image Lot 352 Quantity of Star Wars Vintage and Modern Promotional Ephemera and Stationary sets. 352Quantity of Star Wars Vintage and Modern Promotional Ephemera and Stationary sets. C & T Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd - Live Quantity of Star Wars Vintage and Modern Promotional Ephemera and Stationary sets. Including KFC Buckets, Mugs, Napkins, Wilton sealed Cake Candle... Add to watchlist Live
No Image Lot 4353 3 Kuchenformen, 19. Jh., Kupfer v 43533 Kuchenformen, 19. Jh., Kupfer v Historia Auktionshaus 3 Kuchenformen, 19. Jh., Kupfer verzinnt. Klassische Gugelhupfform, jeweils mit kleinem Ring zum Aufhängen, ber. und best., D. bis 28 cm Add to watchlist Live
No Image Lot 4125 Konvolut von 12 Teilen Kupfer und 4125Konvolut von 12 Teilen Kupfer und Historia Auktionshaus Konvolut von 12 Teilen Kupfer und Zinn, 18./19. Jh., darunter Gugelhupfformen, Kannen, Cachepots...ber. und leicht best., D. bis ca 27 cm Add to watchlist Live
No Image Lot 9255 Tee- und Kaffeeservice für mindes 9255Tee- und Kaffeeservice für mindes Historia Auktionshaus Tee- und Kaffeeservice für mindestens 6 Personen, Villeroy & Boch, Summer Day, Keramik mit farbigem Dekor, bestehend aus Kaffeekanne, Teekanne, 6 ... Add to watchlist Live