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An Edwardian silver Sir John Bennett Ltd London open face pocket watch, white enamel dial, bold Roman numerals, subsidiary seconds, stem wind movement, serial no 109543, 49mm diameter silver case, London 1903; another 1930s Waterbury, silver dial, Arabic numerals, subsidiary seconds, 44mm diameter gold plated case, in original box (2)
This eclectic grouping features an Eagle Breastplate, a Seabees patch, two military Waterbury and Co. buttons, and an elk pin. Also included is a 2-blade Camillus pocketknife, with both blades measuring approximately 2.75" long, and a Campfire and Battlefield book. The largest piece measures 11"L x 1.5"W x 13.25"H. Dimensions: See DescriptionCondition: Age related wear. Book is missing its exterior boards.
Four small Continental silver cased pocket fob watches, all with open face cases and with Roman numerals, three on white enamel dials, one with turned silver dial, one possibly a Waterbury with crown wound movement and floral engraved back, diameter of smallest 3.7cm, diameter of largest 4cm (4).
A 19th century patent brass cased four glass mantel clock, with a white enamel dial, the movement signed Waterbury Clock Co. USA patent, with mercurial pendulum, 27cm highOverall condition looks tro be complete. It winds, ticks and adjusts ok. Very dirty and the case is dull. Has pendulum but no key. Collected from a house clearance so unrestored.
This collection includes: The Soldier's Pocket Book provided for the Defenders of our Country by the Presbyterian Board of Publication, dated 1864. Additionally, there's The Army and Navy Needle Book, which includes needles, The Soldier from Home by Rev J.B. Waterbury, and a booklet from the Sesqui-Centennial Exposition and the Loxley House from 1926. Largest piece measures 3.75"L x 6.25"W. Issued: late 1800's to early 1900'sCondition: Age related wear.
Interesting collection of pictorial, decorative and small buttons including 'Incroyable and Marveilleuse' stamped and tinted brass button 27mm diameter, an unusual lacquered and gilded Golden Fleece button by Waterbury, a small brass button depicting a mill scene by Albert Parent and Company (Paris) and others
Assorted 19th Century and Later Buttons, comprising thirty four cut steel part sets and single buttons and a set of four similar gilt metal buttons, five Chinese gilt metal robe buttons, pair of Japanese brass buttons depicting a 'tumbling figure', another of a warrior fighting a dog, a domed Eastern buckle set with coloured stones, set of eight G C Sporrong & Co Stockholm livery buttons, set of seven brass, steel and tin decorative buttons, set of fifteen small brass buttons,Service Buttons comprising military, ambulance, Manchester Corporation Transport, US service, livery, makers include Smith & Wright Birmingham, Stillwell & Co London, Buttons Limited Birmingham, Gaunt London, Scovill Company Waterbury, Waterbury Button Co, Firmin & Sons, four 1789 American Inaugural Buttons, (approx 129 buttons)The Late Mrs Jean Hoyle Collection of Fans and Costume Accessories
A silver and blue enamelled square cased lady’s wristwatch, import mark London 1916, case width 2.5cm, together with a silver circular cased lady’s wristwatch, import mark London 1913, fitted to a base metal bracelet, a silver cased keywind open-faced lady’s fob watch, detailed ‘0,935’, with a key, a Waterbury base metal cased keyless wind open-faced lady’s fob watch, a silver cased gentleman’s pocket watch, Birmingham 1936, and two gilt metal cased keyless wind open-faced gentlemen’s pocket watches.
Rare Waterbury duplex six spoke tourbillion pocket watch, circa 1890, complete with original card box and instructions, chrome plated case, 49mm diameter, crownwind movement. Provenance: Purchased from a specialist watch dealer 2010 at a cost of £850Please see our special conditions regarding clocks and watches (Please note condition does not form part of the catalogue description. We strongly advise viewing to satsify yourself as to condition. If you are unable to view and a condition report is not already available, please ask for one and it will be provided in writing). The case is in good condition for a watch of this type. The back cover has a lightly inscribed name. The dial is clear. There is some slight discolouration to the chapter ring. Skeletal movement. The winder has the patent date May 1872. Currently ticks when wound. The card case has some cellotape support, scuffs and wear throughout consistent with age.
Waterbury - Late 19th century American drop dial mahogany wall clock, with a circular dial surround inlaid with stringing and circular motifs, case ears in the form of leaves flanking the glazed pendulum door and visible brass pendulum, ogee shaped base with turned pendants, 12" painted dial with Roman numerals, minute track and steel spade hands, twin train going barrel movement striking the hours on a coiled gong. Dimensions: Height: 70cm Length/Width: 40cm Depth/Diameter: 16cm
THE WATERBURY WATCH COMPANY, USA; a small open face pocket watch, the white enamelled dial set with Roman numerals, outer minute track with five second segments, crown wound N Series movement, in a gold-coloured metal case.Condition Report: Has been wound but does not appear to be in working order, the balance spring does not seem to move and feels a little bit stiff. Otherwise in ok condition. No markings to suggest it is gold or plated.
Numismatics – An aluminium photographer’s carrying case containing five trays of coins mainly base metal and UK, but including run of circulated brass threepences, also runs of sixpences and shillings, circulated mainly 20th century (.500 silver = 56gr), 2d., 1797 two, both F, pennies 1806 F, 1854F, 1912H, 1918 H & KN, 1919H & KN, all F/GF, Chinese bronze cash, Brazil setoff 6 unc. coins, 1 cruzado, 50, 20, 10, 5 & I c piece all 1986/1987/1988 and also Waterbury Watch Co., Golden Jubilee Puzzle: obv. Queen’s Head 1837/1887, legend: The Queen’s Juvbilee Watch, rev.: The Waterbury Watch/Perfect Timekeeper 10/6 Rd. no. 65340 (qty)
Arthur Wright, Liverpool a silver open-faced pocket watch the movement having a chain fusee, engraved backcock to the plain steel balance with the backplate engraved with the makers name Arthur Wright, Liverpool, the cream dial with black Roman numerals, gold spade hands and subsidiary seconds dial, the silver case hallmarked for Chester 1840 and stamped A.G.R. for the casemaker Samuel & Roberts of Wood Street, Liverpool, with silver chain, diameter 50mm, gross weight 100gms. A silver open-faced pocket watch signed Tilley, Manchester; diameter 50mm, total weight ca. 104.49gms. A small silver open-faced pocket watch with the Swiss bar movement having a cylinder escapement, diameter 38mm, total weight ca. 38.42gms. Waterbury USA, an open-faced pocket watch, diameter 50mm. A Swiss open-faced gun-metal pocket watch, diameter 44mm.
A pressed tin frame painted red with an art deco-style color litho dial depicting a domestic scene. It features an animated spinning wheel. Issued: 20th centuryDimensions: 4.75"L x 2"W x 5"HManufacturer: The Lux Clock Manufacturing Co.Country of Origin: Waterbury, Conn USACondition: Age related wear. Tested, functionality not guaranteed.
Lyonel Feininger, Lokomotive mit Tender und zwei Passagierwagons. Dazu: Vier KonstruktionszeichnungeVierteilige Holzskulptur, farbig vom Künstler gefasst. 6,5 x 61,8 x 3,5 cm. Dazu 4 Konstruktionszeichnungen Tuschfeder, Bleistift und Aquarell auf Büttenpapieren. Von 6,3 x 26 cm bis 28 x 63,5 cm. - Skulptur: Mit unerheblichen Gebrauchsspuren, ein Schornstein später ergänzt.Zeichnungen: Gut erhalten, eine Zeichnung mit Gebrauchsspuren und unregelmäßig geschnitten.Mit jeweils einer Foto-Expertise von Achim Moeller, New York, Managing Director des Lyonel Feininger Project LLC, New York, vom 10. April 2024 und vom 6. März 2024. Die Skulptur ist registriert unter No. 1917-04-10-24.Die Zeichnungen sind registriert unter den Nos. 1907-03-06-24 bis 1910-03-06-24.ProvenienzSkulptur: Privatsammlung; Christie's New York, 12. Februar 1987, Lot 74; Sammlung Dr. Royal E.S. und Martha Philips Haves, Waterbury/Connecticut; Christie's New York, 5. November 1991, Lot 172; Moeller Fine Art, New York; Privatsammlung New YorkZeichnungen: Alois Schardt, Los Angeles; Privatsammlung; Moeller Fine Art, New York; Privatsammlung New YorkAusstellungenSkulptur: Essen 1997/1998 (Museum Folkwang), Die Maler und ihre Skulpturen: Von Degas bis Gerhard Richter, S. 154 mit Farbabb.; Berlin 2013 (Moeller Fine Art), Lyonel und T. Lux Feininger; Berlin 2013 (Moeller Fine Art), Lyonel Feininger: Drawn from Nature, Carved in Wood / T. Lux Feininger: Sixty Years of Painting; 2 Zeichnungen zusätzlich: Madrid 2017 (Fundación Juan March), Lyonel Feininger, Kat. Nr. 162, S. 133 mit Farbabb., S. 400Zeichnungen: Berlin 2013 (Moeller Fine Art), Lyonel und T. Lux Feininger; Berlin 2013 (Moeller Fine Art), Lyonel Feininger: Drawn from Nature, Carved in Wood / T. Lux Feininger: Sixty Years of Painting; 2 Zeichnungen zusätzlich: Madrid 2017 (Fundación Juan March), Lyonel Feininger, Kat. Nr. 162, S. 133 mit Farbabb., S. 400Mit drei Modelllokomotiven, einer Modelleisenbahn und sechs dazugehörigen Konstruktionszeichnungen kommt ein im Kunsthandel äußerst seltenes Ensemble von Werken Lyonel Feiningers zum Aufruf. Es handelt sich um die wenigen erhaltenen, um 1913 gebauten Prototypen von Holzeisenbahnen, die der Münchner Spielzeugfabrikant Otto Löwenstein in Feiningers Auftrag produzieren sollte. Obwohl Feininger schon das Patent für seine „Blockeisenbahn“ angemeldet hatte, die Produktion vorbereitet und selbst die Kartonverpackung entworfen war, musste die industrielle Fertigung gestoppt werden, weil im August 1914 der Erste Weltkrieg ausbrach.Feininger war seit Kindertagen fasziniert von Eisenbahnen und der mit ihnen verbundenen Dynamik. In seinen frühen Jahren in New York erlebte er den Rausch der in seinem Geburtsjahr eröffneten Grand Central Station, den Bau der Hochbahn über der Second Avenue und die Konstruktion der Brooklyn Bridge. Als Inbegriff moderner Ingenieursleistungen war er aber vor allem von den großen Dampflokomotiven begeistert: „Häufig stand ich“, schrieb er in einem autobiografischen Bericht, „auf einer der langen Fußgängerbrücken an der 4th Avenue, die über die Gleise der New York Central Railway herüberführen, und sah den ankommenden und abfahrenden Zügen zu.“ (zit. nach Martin Faass, Eine Phantasiewelt parallel zur Kunst Lyonel Feiningers Spielzeug, in: Jahrbuch des Museums für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Bd. 20, 2001, S. 116). Mit großem Interesse für alles Technische entwickelte Feininger schon in den USA eine Begeisterung für altertümliche Dampflokomotiven, die er immer wieder zeichnete, zuweilen malte und auch selbst aus Holz nachbaute. Nachdem er für seine drei Söhne schon Häuser, Kirchen, Stadttore und Figuren geschnitzt hatte, entwickelte er um 1913 Prototypen für Modelleisenbahnen für die Spielzeugindustrie. Noch vor dem künstlerischen Durchbruch hoffte Feininger sich auf diese Weise eine weitere Einnahmequelle zu verschaffen. Wie Martin Faass ausführt, erfand er den Typus der „Blockeisenbahn“, einer Holzbahn ohne Räder und Gleise, die mit ihrer glatten Unterseite einfach über den Boden gezogen wurde. Im Vorfeld zeichnete er mit großem Vergnügen detailgenaue Konstruktionszeichnungen von historischen Lokomotiven mit ihren Tendern und Passagierwaggons. Als Vorbild dienten ihm die von Robert Stephenson in England gebaute „Adler“ und die amerikanische „Pacific“. Die Bauteile für die Prototypen ließ er von einem befreundeten Tischler anfertigen; er selbst setzte die Bestandteile zusammen und bemalte sie. (vgl. Faass, ebenda, S. 116). Dabei handelte es sich stets um historische Eisenbahnen, denn anders als bei den Futuristen ging Feiningers Technikaffinität nicht mit einer Fortschrittsgläubigkeit einher. Und doch erweist er sich als ein in der Materie versierter Fachmann, der in den Konstruktionszeichnungen, etwa der des „Amerikanischen Personen-D-Wagens „1915“, größte technische Genauigkeit an den Tag legte. Wie er am 26. Mai 1913 an seine Frau Julia schreibt, war er mit großer Begeisterung bei der Sache: „Ich bin ganz feste bei den Modellen und baue ganz raffinierte Sachen und ganz sorgfältig durchdacht in allen Stücken […]. Ich bin in dieser Arbeit wieder einmal der frohe Boy von 15 Jahren, und jetzt hats einen Zweck obendrein.“ (zit. nach T. Lux Feininger, Die Stadt am Ende der Welt, München 1965, S. 28). Mit Blick auf die geplante Produktion sah er auch den Nutzen dieser Entwürfe: „Und doch mit frohem Unterbewusstsein, etwas wie ein Werk zu tun, welches bald vor Hunderttausenden sichtbar und wirklich erfreulich sein wird – nicht wie ‚lumpige Ölbilder‘.“ (zit. nach T. Lux Feininger, ebenda, S. 30).Mit einer Herkunft aus dem Besitz des ältesten Sohnes Andreas Feininger oder aus der Sammlung des Museumsmannes und Freundes Alois J. Schardt haben die Werke auch hervorragende Provenienzen. Seit 1926 als Direktor am Städtischen Museum in Halle tätig, vermittelte Schardt Feininger den ersten wichtigen Auftrag zur Anfertigung einer Serie von Gemälden der Marktkirche in Halle (1929-1931).
A Parkins and Gotto (Oxford Street) multi-layer jewellery box containing an extremely large quantity of vintage jewellery. Contains Victorian examples, brooches, pendants, nurses buckle, bangles, cameo and mourning examples, along with silver and a yellow metal Waterbury Watch USA fob watch.
Annie Leibovitz is a renowned American portrait photographer. She was born on October 2, 1949, in Waterbury, Connecticut. Leibovitz's career took off in the 1970s when she began working for Rolling Stone magazine. She became known for her iconic portraits of celebrities, musicians, and other notable individuals. Leibovitz's distinctive style often involved dramatic lighting, bold compositions, and a willingness to experiment with unconventional poses and settings. Her work captured the essence and personality of her subjects, and she was able to establish a strong connection with them, resulting in striking and intimate portraits.Throughout her career, Leibovitz has photographed countless influential figures, including musicians like John Lennon, Bob Dylan, and Bruce Springsteen, actors such as Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks, and political figures like Barack Obama and Queen Elizabeth II. Her photographs have graced the covers of numerous magazines and have been exhibited in major museums and galleries worldwide. Leibovitz has received numerous awards and honors for her contributions to photography. She was designated a Living Legend by the Library of Congress in 2000 and received the Royal Photographic Society's Centenary Medal and Honorary Fellowship in 2019. Aside from her celebrity portraits, Leibovitz has also worked on personal projects and published several books, including "Annie Leibovitz: Photographs" and "Annie Leibovitz at Work." Her work continues to inspire and influence photographers around the world, making her one of the most prominent figures in contemporary photography. Measures 8.25 x 10.76 Printed circa 2000sVerso is blank.Mounted to archival quality paper.
Group of two pairs of tintype photographs, four total, one quarter plate pair and one sixth plate pair. Each pair depicting a portrait of a seated man and woman. Each pair housed under gilt metal frames and glass encased in a gutta-percha or thermoplastic case. The quarter plate case depicting the signing of a peace treaty. The sixth plate stamped in the metal frame "Scovill Mfg. Co. Superior Waterbury Conn. No. 820."Provenance: Property from the distinguished collection of Mr. James Lee Soffer, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.(Large) Height: 4 3/4 in x width: 4 in x depth: 3/4 in. (Small) Height: 3 3/4 in x width: 3 1/4 in x depth: 3/4 in.Condition:(Sixth plate) There are scratches throughout both portraits. Discoloration to the edges. There are bends and warping throughout the metal frame of the portrait of a man. The case is in good condition. (Quarter plate) There are scratches throughout both portraits. Areas of verdigris patination throughout the metal frames. Light wear to the case including one chip to the edge. Some light dust collected in the recessed areas.
"Annie Leibovitz is an American photographer who is widely regarded as one of the most influential photographers of our time. She was born on October 2, 1949, in Waterbury, Connecticut, and grew up in a military family. She first gained recognition for her work as a photojournalist for Rolling Stone magazine, where she worked from 1970 to 1983. Leibovitz's photographs are known for their bold, innovative style and their ability to capture the essence of her subjects. She has photographed some of the most influential people in the world, including celebrities, politicians, and cultural icons. Her work has been exhibited in major museums and galleries around the world, and she has published several books of her photographs.Some of Leibovitz's most famous photographs include the portrait of John Lennon and Yoko Ono taken just hours before Lennon's assassination, the pregnant and nude portrait of Demi Moore, and the portrait of Caitlyn Jenner for Vanity Fair. She has also been awarded numerous accolades for her work, including the International Center of Photography's Lifetime Achievement Award and the National Medal of Arts. Measures 9.52 x 12.5Printed circa 1970sVerso is blank.Mounted to archival quality paper.
Annie Leibovitz is an American photographer who is widely regarded as one of the most influential photographers of our time. She was born on October 2, 1949, in Waterbury, Connecticut, and grew up in a military family. She first gained recognition for her work as a photojournalist for Rolling Stone magazine, where she worked from 1970 to 1983. Leibovitz's photographs are known for their bold, innovative style and their ability to capture the essence of her subjects. She has photographed some of the most influential people in the world, including celebrities, politicians, and cultural icons. Her work has been exhibited in major museums and galleries around the world, and she has published several books of her photographs.Some of Leibovitz's most famous photographs include the portrait of John Lennon and Yoko Ono taken just hours before Lennon's assassination, the pregnant and nude portrait of Demi Moore, and the portrait of Caitlyn Jenner for Vanity Fair. She has also been awarded numerous accolades for her work, including the International Center of Photography's Lifetime Achievement Award and the National Medal of Arts. Measures 9.29 x 11.75Printed circa 1970sVerso is blank.Mounted to archival quality paper.
A GROUP OF THREE LATE 19TH CENTURY CLOCKS, comprising an American mahogany-cased steeple clock, Waterbury Clock Co, eight day, height 48.5cm x 28cm, together with two cased mantel alarm clocks, height 24cm x 17cm (3) (Condition Report: two smaller clocks have keys, larger clock missing key, clocks wind but need attention, cases have scuffs and scratches)
Barber, Charles Edward (British, 1840-1917); b. London, emigrated to the United States of America 1852, and Saint-Gaudens, Augustus (American, 1848-1907); b. Dublin, emigrated to the United States of America 1848, and Scovill Manufacturing Co (Waterbury, CT, fl. 1802-1902) U.S.A., World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893, a bronze award medal by C.E. Barber for Scovill Manufacturing Co, standing figure of Christopher Columbus setting foot in the New World, modelled by A. Saint-Gaudens, rev. globe between seated angels, legend on tablet, named (S. Lucas A.R.A.), 77mm, 202.90g (Baxter 87; Weiss BW 549; ANS Exh. Cat. 1910, p.335, 23; BDM I, 122; Eglitt 90). About extremely fine £80-£100 --- John Seymour Lucas, RA (1849-1923), b. London, was a historical and portrait painter, as well as a theatrical costume designer. See also Lot 420.
A late 19th/early 20th century Anglo-American style drop dial wall clock. The mahogany case with marquetry inlaid case, white painted dial, brass bezel, Roman chapter, Waterbury Clock Co. made 8-day movement striking on a gong, shaped and hinged glazed pendulum aperture carved sides. No pendulum or key. H79cm
AN AMERICAN POLYCHROME PAINTED CAST IRON FIGURAL BLINKING EYE NOVELTY MANTEL TIMEPIECE THE MOVEMENT ATTRIBUTED TO THE WATERBURY CLOCK COMPANY, THE CASE BY BRADLEY AND HUBBARD, CONNECTICUT, CIRCA 1860The thirty-hour single-train movement with skeletonised plates and oversized lever escapement regulated by sprung monometallic brass balance with wire armature connected from the lever to the pivoted eyes of the figure, with circular white laminated paper Roman numeral dial incorporating slot for the regulating lever at twelve-o'clock, set with hinged brass bezel into the belly of the case modelled as a portly gentleman in 18th century dress wearing bicorn hat, tailed green coat, red waistcoat, black breaches and boots, with eyes 'blinking' to the motion of the escapement, mounted on serpentine outline moulded oblong base with shaped apron painted with stylised foliate scrolls and incorporating feet to angles, the underside with cast inscription BRADLEY & HUBBARD, PATENT APPLIED, FOR, 1887, PCF, (lacking hands, hour wheel and pipe, and glass for the bezel).42cm (16.5ins) high, 26cm (10.25ins) wide, 18.5cm (7.25ins) deep. This design of 'blinking eye' novelty timepiece was Patented by The Bradley and Hubbard Manufacturing Company of Meriden, Connecticut on 14th July 1857. The present lot appears to be a variant of 'The Admiral' model but without rosette to the hat and epaulettes to the shoulders. A closely related timepiece was sold in these rooms on 15th September 2015 (lot 27 for £1,300 hammer), although this other example was in a 'The Admiral' variant case, it was fitted with a near identical movement to that of the present timepiece albeit stamped for The Waterbury Clock Company, Connecticut, to the frontplate. From this it would be reasonable to suggest that the movement of the present timepiece was also made by Waterbury.
Waterbury Watch Co. Series N duplex gold plated fob watch, signed movement and dial, within an engraved case, 38mm-Movement - currently functioning.Dial - faint hairline across the centre.Glass - light surface marks.Hands - good.Case - generally good, some light surface marks.Crown - some rubbing, adjusting correctly.-Condition reports are provided for general guidance only. Please view images and further information can be obtained upon request. Gardiner Houlgate do not guarantee the working order or time accuracy of any lots. Due to the opening of the wristwatch case backs, it is recommended watches are re-sealed by professional technicians to ensure any stated water resistance is retained
Waterbury Watch Co. 10ct duplex pocket watch, signed patented movement, no. 803785, signed dial with Roman numerals, minute track and subsidiary seconds, blued steel hands, within a plain case, 81gm, 49mm-Movement - currently functioning.Dial - faint hairline to the centre, light marks.Glass - light surface marks.Hands - surface marks and some wear.Case - light surface marks, rubbing to the bow.Crown - adjusting correctly.-Condition reports are provided for general guidance only. Please view images and further information can be obtained upon request. Gardiner Houlgate do not guarantee the working order or time accuracy of any lots. Due to the opening of the wristwatch case backs, it is recommended watches are re-sealed by professional technicians to ensure any stated water resistance is retained
Waterbury Watch Company 'Series J' gold plated duplex pocket watch, signed Patented movement, signed dial with Roman numerals, minute track and subsidiary seconds, Louis style hands, within an engraved case depicting a Stag to the back cover, 53mm-Movement - currently functioning.Dial - light surface marks.Glass - surface chip blemish to the outer edge at the two position.Hands - good.Case - good, rubbing to the bow.Crown - adjusting, the crown pushes down to adjust the hands.-Condition reports are provided for general guidance only. Please view images and further information can be obtained upon request. Gardiner Houlgate do not guarantee the working order or time accuracy of any lots.
Waterbury Watch Co. Series E nickel cased pocket watch, the movement with cap, signed dial, within a plain case, 53mm-Movement - currently functioning.Dial - some surface scratches.Glass - light surface marks.Hands - some surface corrosion.Case - light surface marks, some rubbing to the stem.Crown - winding but not adjusting the hands.-Condition reports are provided for general guidance only. Please view images and further information can be obtained upon request. Gardiner Houlgate do not guarantee the working order or time accuracy of any lots. Due to the opening of the wristwatch case backs, it is recommended watches are re-sealed by professional technicians to ensure any stated water resistance is retained
A 19th century American mahogany wall time-piece by E.N. Welch Mfg Co. another by Waterbury Clock Co. and a Art Deco timepiece Both with verre eglomisé panels, pediment missing on the larger one, 66cm and 38.5cm high respectively, together with an Art Deco peach glass wall timepiece 31cm diameter. (3)
Junghans an early twentieth-century inlaid walnut mantel clock the eight-day duration movement striking and chiming the quarters on four plus one gong rods and signed for Junghans, Waterbury, the arched brass dial with subsidiary dials for 'chime/silent' and regulation, the arched case with floral inlay, height 44cm.
3 novelty trains including a gold-tone metal motorcycle-shaped Timex, a small gunmetal-colored Timex locomotive, and a silver-colored Waterbury Locomotive. A unique and collectible set. The motorcycle clock measures: 4.5"L x 1.25"W x 2.5"H. The small gunmetal color locomotive: 3"L x 1.25"W x 1.75"H. The silver Locomotive: 4.5"L x 1.5"W x 2.75"H. Issued: 20th centuryManufacturer: TimexCountry of Origin: JapanCondition: Age related wear. Tested, functionality not guaranteed.
685 item(s)/page