Christiani Shean, London, George III mahogany cased spinet, circa 1780-1800, on a later stand (NB: For a similar example see Edinburgh University Collection of Historical Musical Instruments) Ivory Act exemption application KXJ9Z7JJ (Please note condition does not form part of the catalogue description. We strongly advise viewing to satsify yourself as to condition. If you are unable to view and a condition report is not already available, please ask for one and it will be provided in writing).
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MEISSEN; a 19th century centrepiece modelled as a scantily clad maiden leaning on an oval shaped bowl, with floral encrusted and hand painted decoration and blue crossed swords mark, numbered 2858, length 32cm, and a further Meissen figure of a maiden seated beside a spinet, length 26cm, (af), (2).
Celebrities and Personality Themed Cigarette Card Sets (50), mainly stored in plastic sleeves, mainly common sets, includes, sportsmen, cinema, beauties, royalty and other celebrities, 1920s-30s, Wix/Kensitas (4), includes Film Favourites 3rd Series (100), Adkins Notabilities (25), Lambert & Butler (4) includes Dance Band Leaders (25), Churchmans (8), Wills (5), Stephen Mitchell (2), Drapkin British Beauties (25), Spinet House (1), Gallahers (2), Peter Jackson (2), Chairman Juniors (3), Millhoff (1), Carreras (1), Godfrey Phillips (2), Abdulla Cinema Stars (32), Hignett Bros (1), unbranded Famous Stars (35), Ogdens (1), Players (4), Ardath (7) and Photocards (90), F-VG, (50 sets)
A late 18th Century mahogany cased Spinet / Sideboard, converted, with original enamel plaque (Broderip & Wilkinson, Haymarket, London) with hand painted frieze, the top with string and herringbone inlay, above a single drawer and sliding platform on square tapering legs with brass castors, approx. 165cms wide x 61cms deep x 81cms high (65" x 24" x 32"). (1)
Early 19th century mahogany spinet, later converted to a dressing table, with three drawers, the top with ebony and satinwood string inlay and raised on square tapering reeded legs terminating in castors, 157cm long x 57cm deep x 84cm high and a 19th century mahogany swing dressing table mirror, the plinth base with two cushion drawers and raised on squat bun feet, 46cm wide x 62cm high (2)
Lavinia Fontana, 1552 Bologna – 1614 RomSELBSTBILDNISÖl auf Kupfer, versilbert.14 x 10 cm.Altes Rähmchen, Nussholz, mit Blumen und Früchten beschnitzt.Beigegeben Expertisen von Vera Fortunati, o.D., sowie von Prof. Daniele Benati, 13. Februar 2009, in Kopie.Das Werk wird in den in Vorbereitung befindlichen Catalogue raisonné von Vera Fortunati aufgenommen. Die Malerin zeigt sich hier, wie auch in anderen Selbstbildnissen, etwa am Spinett, äußerst selbstbewusst. Lavinia wurde von ihrem Vater, dem Maler Prospero Fontana ausgebildet, sah jedoch in der zwanzig Jahre älteren Sofonisba Anguissola (ca. 1530-1625) ihr Vorbild. Es ist anzunehmen, dass sie bei Denis Calvart weiterstudiert hat. Sie gilt zweifellos als eine der bedeutendsten Malerinnen ihrer und der nachfolgenden Zeit. Als Portraitistin erhielt sie vor allem von adeligen Damen ihre Aufträge. Aus jedem Gesicht dieser weiblichen Bildnisse spricht Selbstbewusstsein, Stolz und nahezu Ausdruck einer Überlegenheit. So erstaunt es nicht, dass sie sich in ihrem Oeuvre dem Thema Judith und Holofernes gewidmet hat, aber als erste Malerin auch dem Thema der Aktmalerei. Ihr großer Erfolg, auch unterstützt durch Papst Gregor XIII. sicherte ihr hohe Honorare, vergleichbar mit denen für Van Dyck. So folgten auch Familienporträts, etwa „Bianca Degli Utili Maselli mit ihren Kindern“.Die Künstlerin war eine italienische Malerin des Manierismus. Sie ist insbesondere für ihre Portraits und historischen Darstellungen sowie religiöse Motive bekannt. Ab den 1580er-Jahren malte sie auch großformatige Altarbilder. 1603 zog sie mit ihrer Familie auf Einladung des Papstes Clemens VII nach Rom und es folgten weitere Aufträge für Altargemälde sowie private Historienbilder. Sie war sehr erfolgreich und zählt zu den besten Malpersönlichkeiten ihrer Zeit.Anmerkung:Das kleine Gemälde ist laut beiliegenden Expertisen eine in Abwandlung des Formats geschaffene Wiederholung nach dem in den Uffizien in Florenz aufbewahrten Rundbild. Das Museumsexponat mit einem Durchmesser von 15,7 cm ist auf Kupfer gemalt und auf 1579 datiert. In beiden Bildern hat sich die Künstlerin nach links sitzend wiedergegeben, den Blick auf den Betrachter gerichtet. Kleidung, Halskrause und Haartracht sind in beiden Bildern entsprechend. Im Uffizien-Tondo ist ihre Hand mit Schreibfeder auf einem mit Papierbogen gezeigt, am Bildrand sowie im dunklen Hintergrund lassen sich Statuetten erkennen. Das hochquadratische Format hier dagegen verzichtet auf diese zusätzlichen Bildinhalte. Die Malweise zeigt sich in derselben Feinheit, die Silberplatte anstelle von Kupfer verrät hier eine besondere Wertgebung. Die Zuweisung des Gemäldes an die Malerin erfolgte 2009 durch Prof. Daniele Benati, der die Entstehung in den Zeitraum 1579/80 setzt, also in Nähe mit ihrem Selbstbildnis am Spinett von 1577, von dem es ebenfalls eine Wiederholung gibt (Christie‘s 2013). Beigegeben ein Aufsatz von T. Cantaro zum Thema der Selbstbildnisse im Spinett.Literatur:Vgl. Caroline P. Murphy, Lavinia Fontana. A Painter and Her Patrons in Sixteenth-Century Bologna, New Haven 2003.Vgl. Debra N. Mancoff, Frauen, die die Kunst veränderten, München 2012.Vgl. Leticia Ruiz Gómez (Hrsg.), A tale of two women painters. Sofonisba Anguissola and Lavinia Fontana, Madrid 2019.Vgl. Maria Teresa Cantaro, Lavinia Fontana. Il primo autoritratto alla Spinetta ritrovato e una breve disamina sugli autoritratti della pittrice, 2014. (1411057) (11) (†)Lavinia Fontana,1552 Bologna – 1614 RomeSELF-PORTRAIT Oil on silver copper.14 x 10 cm.Accompanied by expert’s reports by Vera Fortunati; Prof Daniele Benati, 13 February 2009, in copy. The work will be included in the catalogue raisonné by Vera Fortunati, currently in preparation.Notes:According to the accompanying reports, the small painting is a repetition of the round painting held at the Uffizi in Florence, but in a different format. The museum exhibit, with a diameter of 15.7 cm, is painted on copper and dated 1579. In both paintings, the artist is depicted sitting to the left, looking at the viewer. Her attire, ruff and hairstyle are the same in both paintings. In the Uffizi tondo, her hand holding a quill is shown on a sheet of paper, and there are statuettes at the edge of the painting and in the dark background. By contrast the tall square format here dispenses with this additional image content. The painting style is just as delicate, and the material of a silver plate instead versus copper shows special appreciation here. Professor Daniele Benati attributed the painting to the female painter in 2009 and dated the painting to ca. 1579/80, close to her Self-portrait at the Spinet of 1577, of which there is also a repetition (Christie’s 2013). Attached is an essay by T. Cantaro about self-portraits at the spinet.Literature:cf. Caroline P. Murphy, Lavinia Fontana. A Painter and Her Patrons in Sixteenth-Century Bologna, New Haven Debra N. Mancoff, Frauen, die die Kunst veränderten, Munich Leticia Ruiz Gómez (ed.), A tale of two women painters. Sofonisba Anguissola and Lavinia Fontana. Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid Maria Teresa Cantaro, Lavinia Fontana. Il primo autoritratto alla Spinetta ritrovato e una breve disamina sugli autoritratti della pittrice.
Old Cigarette & Tobacco Tins to include: Gallagher's Medium Gold Plate Cigarettes, Varsity Mixture Cigarettes, Airman Super Fine Cigarette Tobacco, Camel Cigarettes, Rothmans Royal Favourites Virginia, CWS Choice Virginia Cigarettes, Taddy's Special Straight Cut Cigarettes, Ogden's Walnut Plug Sliced, Mullins & Westley Covent Crusting Cake Pipe Tobacco, Player's Airman Navy Cut, Player's Gold Leaf Navy Cut, Lucky Hit Ready Rubbed Tobacco, Murray's Mellow Smoking mixture, Cope's High Card Finest Medium Flake, Phillip Morris Bond Street Pipe Tobacco, Gallagher's Rich Dark Honeydew, Anstie's Gold Flake Cigarettes, Tiedemanns Tiger Brand Smoking Mixture, John Sinclair Jolly Boat Navy Cut, White Oak Fine Cut Tobacco, J & H Wilson Snuff, Yeomans Royal George Snuff, Number One Navy Cut Cigarettes, Benson & Hedges Super Virginia Cigarettes, Solace, Old English Curve Cut Pipe Tobacco, The Original Sobranie Ready Rubbed. The Following tins are all Cigarette Tins: State Express 555, State Express 555 Cigarettes, State Express Club size, Piccadilly Juniors, Matinee Turkish Cigarettes, Wills Embassy, Mills Special, John Woods, Fodia, Gauloises, Nestor Queen, The Three Castles, Ardath, J W Collin's Sporting, Ed Laurens Prince De Monaco, Lewis medium Navy Cut, Cope's Kenilworth, Kay-Gee Medium Navy Cut, De Reszke, Sarony, Adelphi, The Round Up, Miranda's Dream, Benson & Hedges, Spinet, De Reszke, Camel filters, Craven Plain, Craven A. 56 tins in total housed in two glazed wooden display cases. Please note: All tins are empty unless otherwise stated. We can offer in-house postage on the tins, but any cabinets are collection only.
A pair of framed miniatures by Josef Zächenberger, circa 1760Vellum laid on wood panel, the first depicting a lady playing at a keyboard attended by a gentleman, signed on the edge of the spinet 'Zæchenberger. Pinx', the second with a dancing couple and musicians in a garden setting, signed along the left edge 'I. Zæchenberger. Pinxit.', later gilt-metal frames, 7.4cm by 8.7cm (2)Footnotes:Provenance:Private collection, LondonJosef Zächenberger, who trained as a painter with his father and A. Ruffini, worked as a painter at the Nymphenburg porcelain manufactory between 1760 and 1770, where he is thought to have been responsible for the finest flower painting of the Hofservice. A Nymphenburg porcelain snuff box very finely painted with flowers by Josef Zächenberger, signed 'J. Zæchenberger Pictor', is published by A. Ziffer, Nymphenburger Porzellan Sammlung Bäuml (1997), no. 721. Between 1772 and 1779, he painted wall and ceiling panels for the Tattenbach Palais in Munich (now in the Bavarian National Museum, inv. no. 51/103.1-147. A painting by Zächenberger of a country fair of around 1780 is in the Munich Stadtmuseum, inv. no. GM-IIb/9.For further information on this lot please visit
A walnut cased spinet, 'Henricvs Tvll Fecit Londini', by Henry Tull, c late 1920s / early 1930s, with Gothic style brass mounts, interior with folding music stand, the stand with turned baluster uprights and stretchers, H 87cm, W 89cm, L 180cm (2). 'Bearing a close resemblance to a typical English spinet of about 1715.... believed that Tull had access to an original instrument......', c1929/1930. With thanks to Friends of Square Pianos ( exemption number 9QQFAJ2A Sharps and arcades are bone and not ivoryCondition Report: Top has a 10cm long split on the lid, which slightly affects the opening of the cover for the keyboard. It is a natural split along a join, which causes a little warping to the topAreas of rubbing to the top polish, light scratching and surface wear, there is a ring mark to top. long scratch to area below keys, rightStand is not polished.Keys almost certainly bone, but there is an ivory exemption in place. Further condition notes, with thanks to Peter Babington: General condition: Bass hitch-pin rail has parted from the tail; perhaps not too significant, as it is locked in place at either end. Traces of worm at one place in the bottom board. Otherwise structure seems fairly sound: bridge attached all along. Bottom essentially complete.
George III mahogany-cased bentside spinet, apparently unsigned and undated, the hinged solid mahogany lid and fall with shaped brass strap hinges, enclosing pale 'fiddle-back' mahogany interior with ebony and boxwood chequer stringing, pine rear fillet section, the five octave keyboard with ivory naturals and ebony accidentals (action requiring attention), on caddy-moulded mahogany trestle stand, 194cm x 70cm x 83cm highSold with APHA permit: 3LYPGRK6 Deceased estate, Hotwells, Bristol.
"Hauskonzert". Meissen. Schwertermarke, Jahreszeichen 1957, 1. Wahl. Modell-Nr.: T 186. Entwurf: 1903. VON KRAMER, Joseph (1841 Augsburg - 1908 München) Polychrom bemalt, goldstaffiert. H 21 cm. Am Spinett sitzende Dame, zwei singende Kinder mit Notenblättern sowie der dirigierende Vater mit Violine. Zopf des Mannes bestoßen. Aufrufzeit 14. | Juni 2024 | voraussichtlich 15:27 Uhr (CET)"House concert". Meissen. Sword mark, year mark 1957, 1st choice. Model no.: T 186. design: 1903. VON KRAMER, Joseph (1841 Augsburg - 1908 Munich) Polychrome painted, gilt. H 21 cm. Lady sitting at the spinet, two singing children with sheet music and the conducting father with violin. The man's plait bumped. Aufrufzeit 14. | June 2024 | probably 15:27 (CET)*This is an automatically generated translation from German by and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
Dame am Spinett. Ludwigsburg. Stempelmarke, 2. H. 20. Jh. Polychrom bemalt. H 19,5 cm. Sitzende, ein Spinett spielende Rokokodame. Aufrufzeit 14. | Juni 2024 | voraussichtlich 14:43 Uhr (CET)Lady at the spinet. Ludwigsburg. Stamp mark, 2nd half 20th century Polychrome painted. H 19.5 cm. Seated rococo lady playing a spinet. Call time 14 | June 2024 | presumably 14:43 (CET)*This is an automatically generated translation from German by and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
A set of Meissen figures of the Five Senses, late 19th/20th century, modelled by J C Schönheit, each as a young woman seated with varying attributes, Sight gazing into a mirror, Hearing playing the spinet, Smell lifting a flower to her nose, Touch having her finger nipped by a bird in a cage, Taste beside a table set with fruit and pastries, blue crossed swords marks, incised and impressed numbers, 14.5cm high max. (5)Provenance: from a private UK collection.
Stamp album along with a collection of cigarette collectors cards includes Sunripe & Spinet Oval Cigarettes real photographs, John Player Coronation Series, Animals of the Countryside, International Airliners, National Flags and arms, Military Uniforms of the British Empire - W.D & H.O Garden Flowers, Life in the Royal Navy, etc
LUDWIGSBURG 3-tlg. Figurenkonvolut, 20./21. Jh.: 2 große Musiksoli, 'Spinettspielerin' und 'Geigenspieler', Entwürfe von Johann Christian Beyer um 1763, H. ca. 20,5 cm, Geigenbogenspitze beschädigt, Band an der Hose des rechten Beines wohl leicht bestoßen; Figurengruppe 'Winzerpaar', H. ca. 13,5, L. ca. 19,5. | LUDWIGSBURG 3-piece convolute of figures, 20th/21st cent: 2 large music solos, 'Spinet player' and 'Violin player', designs by Johann Christian Beyer c. 1763, h. approx. 20.5 cm, violin bow tip damaged, band on the trousers of the right leg probably slightly chipped; figure group 'Winzerpaar', h. approx. 13.5, l. approx. 19.5.
A English walnut cased spinet, by Johannes Morley, 20th century, stencilled ' Johannes Morley Londini Fecit', above the keyboard, of shaped outline and on a stand, stand can be disassembled, sound board stamped '753' and with maker's name, H 82, L 187, D 74cmIvory certificate PBHJGVSENote: This spinet was released from the Morley factory in 1964.Condition Report: The spinet sounds quite clear, though we are not musicians! The top of the case is marked and has faded areas. Otherwise good.
Postcards, River Thames, Source to Marsh Lock, 300+ mixed age cards RPs, printed and artist drawn together with 11 different Thames Conservancy Pleasure Boat Lock Tickets dating from the 1900s to the 40s and a hand written memo from the Grafton Lock Lock Keeper. Goring, Pangbourne, Streatley, Mapledurham, Sonning, Shiplake, houseboats, bridges, locks etc. Lot also includes 3 sets of River Thames related Spinet cigarette cards and a reproduction (or possibly never issued) Upper Thames Patrol cap badge (gd)
Figurengruppe "Tanzstunde". Aelteste Volkstedter. Ungemarkt, 2. H. 19. Jh. Undeutlich bezeichnet "Renardi"(?). Polychrom bemalt, goldstaffiert. H 29 cm. Dreifigurige Gruppe einer jungen Dame am Spinett, einer tanzenden jungen Dame und eines jungen Herren. Restaurierung am Spinett und am Handschuh des Herren, Blütenbelag minimal restauriert. Provenienz : Sammlungsnachlass aus Hannover. Aufrufzeit 23. | Feb 2024 | voraussichtlich 17:38 Uhr (CET)Figure group "Dance lesson". Oldest Volkstedter. Unmarked, 2nd half of the 19th century. Indistinctly marked "Renardi"(?). Polychrome painted, decorated in gold. H 29 cm. Three-figure group of a young lady at a spinet, a young lady dancing and a young gentleman. Restoration to the spinet and the gentleman's glove, floral decoration minimally restored. Provenance : Collection estate from Hanover. Aufrufzeit 23. | Feb 2024 | probably 17:38 (CET)*This is an automatically generated translation from German by and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
Eleganter Damen-Salon mit 10 Beinmöbelchen. H 2,5 - 9 cm. Zierliche, fein beschnitzte Möbel : Schreibsekretär, Spinett, Schrank, Tischchen, Stuhl etc. Dazu 2 Püppchen und 2 kleine Mops-Figuren aus Biskuit. In Gehäuse aus alter Zigarrenkiste (als Zugabe). Kleine Defekte und Klebestellen. Provenienz : Sammlungsnachlass aus Hannover. Aufrufzeit 22. | Feb 2024 | voraussichtlich 11:38 Uhr (CET)Elegant ladies' salon with 10 leg furniture. H 2.5 - 9 cm. Decorative, finely carved furniture: writing desk, spinet, cabinet, small table, chair etc.. With 2 little dolls and 2 small bisque pug figures. In a case made from an old cigar box (as an encore). Small defects and glued areas. Provenance : Collection estate from Hanover. Call time 22 | Feb 2024 | probably 11:38 am (CET)*This is an automatically generated translation from German by and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
A Vienna figure of a lady playing a clavichord, circa 1755-60Seated at a clavichord and playing from sheet music, wearing a pale pink gown with puce embellishment and fur collar, 15.8cm high, shield mark in underglaze-blue to the rear of the base, incised X, number 13 in red, Waldes inventory number W.403 in black ink (some losses to top of spinet)Footnotes:Provenance:Jindřich Waldes (1876-1941) Collection;Confiscated by Nazi authorities in 1939 and incorporated into the collections of the National Gallery in Prague, circa 1948;Restituted to the heirs of Jindřich Waldes in 1996;Sold from the Estate of Anna Waldes Ludvik (1915-2002, daughter of Jindřich Waldes), Doyle Auctions, New York, 26 Oct 2005, lot 1396Other examples are illustrated in W. Mrazek/W. Neuwirth, Wiener Porzellan 1718-1864 (n.d. - 1970), no. 446, and E. Sturm-Bednarczyk/E. Sladek, Ceremonies, feasts, costumes (2007), 139.For further information on this lot please visit
George III spinet by John Broadwood & Sons, in a mahogany case with satinwood stringing, satin wood panel above the keys inlaid John Broadwood and Son London 1797, Great Poultney Street, Golden Square, with five and half octaves. The stand having decorative brass mounts on square tapering legs and brass castors, with a undershelf, raised on turned legs and castors, approx 167 w x 63 d x 87 h cms. (af) Condition ReportOut of tune, with some notes sticking.
A walnut cased spinet by Donald Gill 1976 on square section stand, 100cm wide Prov: Mallams sale 2019Subsequently renovated by Andrew Wooderson with new strings and jacks. NB in accordance with current legislation on the sale of ivory, all the key slips have recently been replaced with a synthetic substitute material
Unterweissbach porcelain figural group interior scene, modelled with a lady in a simulated net dress seated at a spinet, another standing by the spinet and a gentleman standing by a fluted column, a basket of flowers to the front, on an oval base highlighted with gilt, bearing a blue 1882 factory stamp to the underside, 12" wide, 10.5" high
Barock-Figur: SpinettspielerinLudwigsburg. 1763-1793. Höhe: 17 cm. Modell von Johann Christian Wilhelm Beyer 1763. Farbig bemalt, gold staffiert. Ritzmarke, Pressmarke, bekrönte Doppel-C-Marke Blüten, Notenblatt minimal bestoßen. Beyer, Bildhauer und Maler, 1759-1767 für Herzog Carl Eugen von Württemberg tätig. Schuf zahlreiche Modelle für die Manufaktur Ludwigsburg, 1768 in Wien, 1770 Hofbildhauer * Partnerauktion Bergmann. Literatur : Flach (1997) Seite 389, 564. Provenienz : Hessische Privatsammlung. Baroque figure: spinet playerLudwigsburg. 1763-1793. Height: 17 cm. Model by Johann Christian Wilhelm Beyer 1763. Colorfully painted, gold painted. Incised mark, pressed mark, crowned double C mark Flower, sheet of music minimally bumped. Beyer, sculptor and painter, 1759-1767 worked for Duke Carl Eugen von Württemberg. Created numerous models for the manufactory Ludwigsburg, 1768 in Vienna, 1770 court sculptor * Partner auction Bergmann. Literature : Flach (1997) pp. 389, 564. Provenance : Hessian private collection. *This is an automatically generated translation from German by and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
Rokokopaar am SpinettPassau. Krummstabmarke, ab 1907 - ca. 1922. Polychrom bemalt, goldstaffiert. H 19 cm. An einem Spinett sitzende Rokokodame mit einem die Dame küssenden Kavalier. Nach einem 1741 entworfenen Modell von Johann Joachim Kaendler (1706-1775) für die Porzellanmanufaktur Meissen Bestoßung am Gehrock des Herren, partiell minimaler Goldabrieb. Rococo couple on the spinetPassau. Crook mark, from 1907 - c. 1922. Polychrome painted, gold decorated. H 19 cm. Rococo lady sitting at a spinet with a cavalier kissing the lady. After a model designed in 1741 by Johann Joachim Kaendler (1706-1775) for the porcelain manufactory Meissen Bump on the gentleman's frock coat, partial minimal gold abrasion. *This is an automatically generated translation from German by and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
FOLGE VON DAMENFIGUREN ALS ALLEGORIEN DER "FÜNF SINNE". Meissen. Datierung: Vor 1924 bzw. zweimal 20. Jh. Meister/Entwerfer: Entwürfe J.C. Schönheit. Technik: Porzellan, farbig und gold staffiert. Beschreibung: Allegorien "Der Geruch", "Das Gehör", "Der Geschmack", "Das Sehen", "Das Gefühl". Je eine höfische Dame an einem Tischlein bzw. an einem Spinet sitzend. Jede mit entsprechenden Attributen für den dargestellten Sinn. Maße: 12,5-14,5cm. Marke: Schwertermarke, einmal mit einem Schleifstrich, 70664/E1/E2/E3/E4. Meissen Deutschland Porzellan 19./20. Jahrhundert Allegorie Porzellan Schönheit, Johann Carl Erläuterungen zum Katalog
A pair of Meissen figures of ladies from a set of the Senses, circa 1880. Blue crossed swords marks, impressed under 56 & 36, incised marks, modelled as a lady with a caged parrot and a lady playing the spinet, each wearing lace edged clothes and bonnet, on canted rectangular bases (some repairs) Condition Report: Lady with parrot is cracked and restuck through neck, chipped to top of cage and slight losses to the lace work. The figure playing the spinet with some chipping and old discoloured glued repairs to lace bonet, one piano leg restored and one cracked and restuck, slight chipping to footrim and minor losses to lace.
453 item(s)/page