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Two GPO Portable Engineers Test Telephones, Model 704A and 704A, in green plastic cases, one similar and a GPO Ohmmeter, model No 15B. (4) Provenance: From the estate of Peter Lepine-Smith. Peter was an accomplished engineer and ran his Maypine shop in Surbiton for a number of years, he created the Maypine Trolleybus Company in the garden of his home in Great Bookham (see video online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=zlgp2olfKaQ). The electric clocks, telephones and radios in this sale were installed in his home by Peter. The Meccano from this collection will be offered in Ewbank's July Toys & Models Auction.
8 physikalische Geräte, um 19101) 4 Chromsäure-Elemente (galvanische Zellen) nach Poggendorff, mundgeblasene Glasflaschen mit jeweils zwei Zinkanoden und einer Graphitkathode, eine Flasche nicht komplett, Höhe bis 18 cm. - 2) Spiegelgalvanometer, Siemens Brothers, London, Faden gerissen, Höhe 42 cm. - 3) Ohmmeter, Demonstrationsmodell auf Stativ, mit verstellbarem Permanentmagneten, Höhe 38 cm. - 4) Infrarot-Lampe, Thermolite, 220 Volt, E27-Sockel, mit Reflektor auf Sockel. - Und: 5) Glasschale auf Stativ, für elektrostatische Versuche. Start Price: EUR 180 Zustand: (3-/-)8 Physical Demonstration Instruments, c. 19101) 4 single-fluid chromic acid cells according to Poggendorff, hand-blown long-necked glass bottles with one carbon and two zinc plates each, one bottle incomplete, height up to 7 in. - 2) Mirror galvanometer, Siemens Brothers, London, thread torn, height 16 ½ in. - 3) Ohmmeter, demonstration model on stand, with adjustable permanent magnet, height 15 in. - 4) Infrared lamp, Thermolite, 220 volts, E27 base, with reflector on base. - And: 5) Glass dish on stand, for electrostatic experiments. Start Price: EUR 180 Condition: (3-/-)
THREE VINTAGE CASED ELECTRICAL DEVICES, to include a wide range Megohmmeter, a Ohmmeter and a bridge megger testing kit, the first item comes in its fitted case with the instruction labels still in the inner lid, all dials and switched appear to be complete and the plaque on the front reads ET 226: wide range megohmmeter NSN: 0663/6625-99-525-0323 serial number 122837, the second device comes in a olive green toughened plastic case and is a OHMMETER No 18A500V, all dials are intact and this device would have needed a headset to use it, GPO is stamped into the outer front lid, the third device is a hand generator bridge megger testing kit, this comes in its fitted case with catches and carry handle on the front, none of these devices have been tested, Customers must satisfy themselves prior to sale in regards to conditions and authenticity, viewing is advised, condition reports are available on request
Meßinstrumente und Meßbrücken, um 1890-19201) Widerstandbrücke, Hersteller: "Baird & Tatlock, London", Mahagonigehäuse. - 2) 2 Voltmeter mit Direktablesung, Modell 1, Weston Electrical Instruments, jeweils in Mahagonikasten. - 3) Galvanometer Typ S.S.I., H. Tinsley & Co., London, mit Lampe, Spiegel und Glasskala in Kasten. - 4) Galvanometer, Société Industrielle d'Instruments de Précision, Frankreich, mit Libelle, Metallgehäuse. - 5) Captain Bucknill's Arrangement for Testing by Wheatstone's Ballance, Hersteller: Elliott Bros., London. - 6) Milliamperemeter, Frankreich, unbezeichnet, Mahagonigehäuse. - 7) Ampere- und Voltmeter, Deutschland, unbezeichnet, Nußbaumgehäuse. - 8) Galvanometer, Modell 440, Weston Electrical Instruments, Metallgehäuse. - 9) Mikroamperemeter, Gaiffe, Gallot & Pilon, Paris, Messinggehäuse, mit Libelle. - 10) "Präcisions Voltmeter", Siemens & Halske, mit Stöpsel umstellbar von 0,02 Volt bis 4 Volt. - 11) Milliamperemeter, Hartmann & Braun, Frankfurt, Nußbaumgehäuse, mit Libelle. - 12) Ohmmeter, Hartmann & Braun, Frankfurt, Nußbaumgehäuse. - Und: 13) 8 weitere Instrumente. Start Price: EUR 180 Zustand: (3/-)Measuring Instruments and Bridges, c. 1890-19201) Resistance bridge by Baird & Tatlock, London, mahogany case. - 2) 2 direct reading voltmeters, model 1, Weston Electrical Instruments, USA, each in mahogany carrying cases. - 3) Galvanometer type S.S.I., H. Tinsley & Co., London, with lamp, mirror and glass scale in case. - 4) Galvanometer, Société Industrielle d'Instruments de Précision, France, with bubble level, in metal case. - 5) Captain Bucknill's Arrangement for Testing by Wheatstone's Ballance, made by: Elliott Bros., London. - 6) Milliamperemeter, France, unmarked, mahogany case. - 7) Amperemeter and voltmeter, Germany, unmarked, walnut case. - 8) Galvanometer, model 440, Weston Electrical Instruments, metal case. - 9) Microampere meter, Gaiffe, Gallot & Pilon, Paris, brass case, with bubble level. - 10) "Präcisions Voltmeter", Siemens & Halske, with plug adjustable from 0.02 volt to 4 volts. - 11) Milliamperemeter, Hartmann & Braun, Frankfurt, walnut case, with bubble level. - 12) Ohmmeter, Hartmann & Braun, Frankfurt, walnut case. - And: 13) 8 other instruments. Start Price: EUR 180 Condition: (3/-)
TWO BOXES AND LOOSE METALWARES AND SUNDRY ITEMS, to include a Welch Patent railway hand lamp, a mid-twentieth century atomic style coat rack, an Evershed & Vignoles ohmmeter, a small cider press, an Optimus No 111 camping stove, a boxed Harper 1000 mincer, a green enamel bread bin, a figural bird bath, a Rimfly fishing reel, etc (2 boxes + loose) (sd)
Collection of vintage electrical items to include; a vintage Voltmeter by Cambridge Instruments Co Ltd England no. 361695, a circular wooden barometer, various wooden cased items; an Ohmmeter by 'Precision Apparatus Company', Watson & Son's electromedical Ltd 'Sunic House' electric shock machine and a Galvanometer. (5)(B.P. 21% + VAT)
103 item(s)/page