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Kleine Fußschale Muller Frères, Luneville, 1920er Jahre Kugelige Form mit dreifach spitz hochgezogenem Mundrand auf flachem Fuß. Orangerotes Glas mit blauem Farbpulver, farblos überfangen. Der Fuß aus blauem Glas. H. 9 cm. Auf der Wandung bez.: Muller Fres Luneville (graviert, mit Gold ausgerieben). (61118)
ART NOUVEAU VASE "ANEMONE" | Croismare/Luneville (France / French around 1900) | around 1900 | clear glass layered with violet glass, etched anemone decor, design by Muller Freres | 8 cm | marked: from below | condition: chipped on the bottom | Bidders are asked to inquire about the condition of the item before the auction. any complaints will not be taken into account. | condition report*In case of missing photos, please feel free to contact us.
Art Déco-Vase von Muller FrèresGestreckt-ovide Form mit akzentuiertem Lippenrand. Überfangglas, farblos und rotbraun, in einer Zwischenschicht polychrome Pulvereinschmelzungen sowie Einschmelzungen aus zersprengter Gold- und Silberfolie. Sign. "MULLER FRES LUNEVILLE". H. 17 cm. A French Art Deco glass vase with gold and silver foil inclusions by Muller Frères in Lunéville. Signed.Frankreich. Lunéville. Muller Frères. Um 1925-1930.
Tischlampe Muller FrèresFrankreich, um 1930, ätzsigniert Muller Fres Luneville, Bronze massiv, bräunlich patiniert, flacher Rundfuß mit profiliertem Schaft, satinierter Glasschirm mit Pulvereinschmelzungen in Blau- und Gelbtönen, dreiflammig alt elektrifiziert, Elektrik reparaturbedürftig, Gebrauchsspuren, H ca. 45 cm.
Henry Fournet & Müller frêres Lunéville signed Art Deco lamp in wrought iron and pâte-de-verre small chips around the edgeHENRY FOURNET & MÜLLER frêres LUNEVILLE Art Deco-lamp met een gesigneerde voet in smeedijzer en een gesigneerde kap in gemarmerde glaspasta - hoogte : 38,5 cm - ca 1920/30 kleine chips in de rand
Art Déco-VasenpaarK&G Luneville, Frankreich, um 1930, beiger Scherben, weiße Craqueléeglasur, mit polychromem Dekor aus Vögeln auf einem Ast sitzend, Steifen und Punkten, die Vase mit konischem Korpus und kurzem zylindrischem Hals, der Mündungsrand goldgerändert, auf Standring, bodenseitig je grüne Marke und Aufkleber/-Reste, 1x gepresste Modellnr. "457" sowie Ziffer "2", H: 32 cm. Part. Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren.
FIVE PIECES OF FAIENCE / TIN GLAZE EARTHENWARE, comprising three plates of Luneville style, decorated with an Oriental male figure smoking a pipe, diameters 17cm and 24cm, a polychrome plate with cornucopia, birds, flowers and insects, diameter 24.5cm and a blue and white rectangular tea caddy painted with a bird amongst grasses, height 14.5cm (5) (Condition Report: polychrome plate is cracked and crazed,
Höhenverstellbare Schreibtischlampe. Muller Frères, Luneville. Ätzmarke. Nach 1919. Frankreich. Messing, beschwerter Fuß, farbloses Glas mit orangen und violetten Pulvereinschmelzungen, Bajonettfassung. H 58 cm. 2,7 kg. Teils geriffelter Rundfuß, säulenartiger Schaftansatz mit Blattzier, Stabschaft mit Tragering, drehbar gelagerter Arm, glockenförmiger Glasschirm mit gekniffenem Rand. Wenige Alters-/Gebrauchsspuren (keine Chips am Glas). Jünger verkabelt, funktioniert. Aufrufzeit 25. | Okt. 2024 | voraussichtlich 18:20 Uhr (CET)Height-adjustable desk lamp. Muller Frères, Luneville. Etch mark. After 1919, France. Brass, weighted base, colorless glass with orange and violet powder meltings, bayonet mount. H 58 cm. 2.7 kg. Partially fluted round base, columnar shaft base with leaf decoration, rod shaft with support ring, pivoting arm, bell-shaped glass shade with pinched rim. Small signs of age/use (no chips to the glass). Recently wired, works. Call time 25th | Oct. 2024 | probably 18:20 (CET)*This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
Französische Tischlampe. Muller Frères, Luneville. Ätzmarke. Nach 1919. Schmiedeeisen geschwärzt, farbloses Glas mit gelben und rotbraunen Pulvereinschmelzungen. H 49 cm. Zwischen floral besetzten Streben eingefasster Glockenschirm mit weinrotem Verlauf. Verkabelung erneuert. Funktioniert. Aufrufzeit 25. | Okt. 2024 | voraussichtlich 18:21 Uhr (CET)French table lamp. Muller Frères, Luneville. Etch mark. After 1919. Blackened wrought iron, clear glass with yellow and red-brown powder fusions. H 49 cm. Bell shade framed between floral struts with wine-red gradient. Cabling renewed. Works. Call time 25 | Oct. 2024 | probably 18:21 (CET)*This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
Deckenlampe mit Schleifenmontierungen. Muller Frères, Luneville. Ätzmarke. Messing, Bronze, farbloses Glas mit weißen, grünen, roten und blauen Pulvereinschmelzungen, Bajonettfassung. H 45 cm, Ø Glasschale 37 cm. Blattförmiger Baldachin, 3 geprägt reliefierte Gliederketten mit Bronze-Schleifenhalterungen an der Glasschale. Glas etwas zerkratzt. Funktion nicht geprüft. Aufrufzeit 25. | Okt. 2024 | voraussichtlich 18:24 Uhr (CET) Ceiling lamp with loop mounts. Muller Frères, Luneville. Etch mark. Brass, bronze, clear glass with white, green, red and blue powder fusions, bayonet mount. H 45 cm, Ø glass bowl 37 cm. Leaf-shaped canopy, 3 embossed link chains in relief with bronze loop holders on the glass bowl. Glass somewhat scratched. Function not tested. Call time 25 | Oct. 2024 | probably 18:24 (CET)*This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
2 Vasen, "Paysage", Muller Frères, Luneville, 1920er Jahre, farbloses Glas mit Pulvereinschmelzungen in Blau, Orange und Amethyst, mattiert, geätzter Überfangdekor umlaufend mit baumbestandener Landschaft, mit Emailfarben und Schwarzlot staffiert, vierseitige Form, Mündung mit leicht gekniffenen Ecken, auf der Wandung in Schwarzlot je bezeichnet, Muller Fres Luneville, 26-26.5 cm hoch
A large signed French Muller Freres Luneville Art Deco plafonnier pendant lamp shade. The bowl in mottled tones of yellow and purple double layered blown Art glass. Three attached suspension chains each adorned with a bronze dragon to the exterior. Signed 'Muller Freres Luneville' to the exterior rim. diameter 35.5cm
STANISLAW I: (1677-1766) King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania 1704-09, 1733-36. A.L.S., Stanislas Roy, one page, 4to, Luneville, 20th October 1739, to a Bishop, in French. The former King states that he is charmed to be able to recall himself to the Bishop’s memory and continues to write of an ecclesiastical matter, ‘Mr. Vanchout me mande qu'il vous en a parle et que vous m'en deviez ecrire pour donner un bon temoignage a cet eclesiastique. Comme je n'ai point recu cette lettre je l'attendvai pour lui conferer ce benefice l'en jugeant capable selon l'aprobation qu'il a de tout le monde’ (Translation: ‘Mr Vanchout informs me that he spoke to you about it and that you were to write to me about it to give a good testimony for this ecclesiastic. As I did not receive this letter I am waiting for it to confer this benefit upon him, judging him capable according to the approval he has from everyone’). With blank integral leaf. Some very light, minimal age wear to the extreme edges, otherwise VG
NEY MICHEL: (1769-1815) Marshal of France, Duc d´Elchingen and Prince de la Moskowa. Executed. A very good and interesting military A.L.S., `Ney´, with flourish, two pages, 4to, Burghausen - Alttoting, 15th December 1800, to his friend Monsieur Bigetot, a Notary in Nancy, in French. The present letter is written only twelve days after the decisive battle of Hohenlinden, and only ten days before the surrender of Austrian troops and the armistice. Ney reports his feelings and predicts an inminent surrender of the enemy, he says is observing Burghausen, where the longest castle in the world is situated, stating in part `Je suis ici, depuis quelques jours parfaitement tranquille observant Burghausen et le cours de la rivière Salzach jusqu´à Braunau, en attendant que la droite ait effectué son passage à Salzburg. La vive canonade que j´ai entendu sur cette direction m´annoncerait un plein dans cette entreprise. J´apprends à l´instant que la division du Général Decaen a surpris le passage de la Salzach à Lauffen. Il est appuyé par les divisions Richepanse et Legrand. Cette diversion obligera nécessairement l´ennemi à faire un mouvement rétrograde et de nous abandonner l´évêché de Salzburg et peut-être tout le Tyrol, cette dernière évacuation sera pour moi la plus belle fleur de la campagne...´ (Translation: "I have been here, for several days, perfectly calm, observing Burghausen and the course of the Salzach river as far as Braunau, while waiting for the right wing to have made its passage to Salzburg. The loud cannonade that I heard in this direction would announce to me a success in this enterprise. I just learned that General Decaen's division could make the passage from the Salzach to Lauffen. It is supported by the Richepanse and Legrand divisions. This diversion will necessarily force the enemy to make a retrograde movement and abandon us the bishopric of Salzburg and perhaps all of Tyrol, this last evacuation will be for me the most beautiful flower of the campaign...") Further, Ney explains what he expects will soon happen, and reports on the troops difficult situation, saying `En considération de la jonction avec l´armée d´Italie, les armées combinées marcheraient alors de front et j´en atteste aux hommes raisonnables si la maison d´autriche ne viendra bientôt à genoux demander une trève pour obtenir la paix. Vous savez, mon cher Bigetot, que l´illusion flatte l´amour propre du militaire. Mais en vérité, une démarche n´est pas absolument déniée de fondement, quinze jours encore en décideront nécessairement, alors nous tacherons de nous chauffer car il fait diablement froid dans ce maudit pays, ici le soldat souffre, toujours au bivouac, manquant de paille pour se barraquer, et ayant à peine le pain nécessaire pour exister, quelle existence!´Il faut être français pour braver la mort et l´intempérie des saisons, et tout cela pour le bonheur de notre patrie. Cette réflexion réchauffe ma verve et me fait supporter patiemment les maux qui nous attendent encore. Je voudrais bien avoir une centaine de bouteilles de champagne qui reposent dans une cave, mais puisque je ne puis les entamer, allez-vous leur faire la guerre...´ (Translation: "In consideration of the junction with the army of Italy, the combined armies would then march abreast and I attest to reasonable men if the house of Austria does not soon come on its knees to ask for a truce to obtain peace. You know, my dear Bigetot, that illusion flatters the soldier's self-esteem. But in truth, an approach is not absolutely denied of foundation, fifteen more days will necessarily decide this, then we will try to warm ourselves because it is devilishly cold in this damned country, here the soldier suffers, always in the bivouac, lacking straw to barrack themselves, and barely having the necessary bread to survive, what an existence! You have to be French to brave death and the bad weather of all seasons, and all this for the happiness of our Homeland.This reflection warms my spirit and makes me patiently bear the evils that still await us. I would love to have a hundred bottles of champagne lying in a cellar, but since I can't start them, are you going to make war on them?...") To a postscriptum, and beneath his signature, Ney adds the immediate news just received, saying `A l´instant où je firmais ma lettre, on m´annonce la rédition de Burckhausen... encore un instant et la pièce sera jouée...´ (Translation: "Just as I was signing my letter, I was told of the surrender of Burckhausen... just one more moment and the playwright will be performed.") A letter of excellent content. With address leaf bearing large remnants of a republican red wax seal. Neatly tipped in at the left edge into a hardback edition of Histoire Complete du proces du Marechal Ney by Evariste D[umoulin], Volume I only, published by Delaunay, Paris, December 1815. Leather bound and with gilt stamped decoration and title to the spine. A further, brief A.L.S, by a member of the Chambre des Deputes dated at Paris, 24th January 1834 (?) is also tipped into the volume. Some light age wear and a few small tears to the edges of the letters, and Ney´s with a small area of paper loss to the lower left corner, not affecting the text or signature. GThe Battle of Hohenlinden took place on 3rd December 1800. Only at 33 km distance from Munich.The French army under Jean Victor Moreau won a decisive victory over an Austrian & Bavarian military force led by the only 18-year-old Archduke John of Austria. The allies were forced into a disastrous retreat that compelled them to request an armistice, effectively ending the War of the Second Coalition. Moreau pursued slowly the ennemy until 8th December. Then, in 15 days, his forces advanced 300 km and captured 20,000 Austrians. Richepanse greatly distinguished himself in the pursuit. On 17th December, when Archduke Charles relieved his brother John, the Austrian army was practically a rabble. With French forces 80 km from Vienna, Charles requested an armistice, which Moreau granted on 25th December 1800. The resulting Treaty of Luneville was signed in February 1801 and was highly favourable to France.
ZWEI VASEN UND SCHALE Frankreich, Daum Nancy, Luneville Muller Frères, um 1900/1905 und 1920er Farbloses Glas, weiße, violette, rosafarbene und grüne Pulvereinschlüsse, Pulveraufschmelzungen in Gelb und Rot. H. 8,5 - 22,5 cm. Manufakturmarken. Schale an Mündung beschliffen, min. Gebrauchsspuren. Provenienz: Rheinische Privatsammlung.
Art Déco-Tischlampe - Muller Frères, Lunéville, 1920er Jahre, Bronzegestell in stilisierter Adlerform, Basis mit Blattrelief, Adler trägt im Schnabel Lampenfassung mit Glockenschirm aus satiniertem Schichtglas mit Einpuderungen in Gelb-Orange und Braun-Violett, signiert "Muller Fres Luneville", einflammig elektrifiziert, Funktion geprüft, Glockenhöhe ca. 15 cm, Gesamthöhe ca. 39 cm
All plates are Old Strasbourg Pattern. Each has a floral image in the center with smaller ones detailing the edges. Plate rims are mauve. 6 plates measure 1"H x 9"dia. 6 plates measure 1.25"H x 9.75"dia. One plate measures 1"H x 10"dia. One plate measures 1.5"H x 9.75"dia. Issued: 1880-1922Dimensions: See DescriptionManufacturer: K&G LunevilleCountry of Origin: FranceCondition: Age related wear.
Nostradamus (Michel) - Manuscript. Les Vrayes Centuries et Propheties de Maistre Michel Nostradamus ou SeVoir represente tout requis S’est passe tant en France, Espagne, Italie, Alemagne, Angleterres, qu’autres Parties du monde. Reveues & Corrigees Suivant les Editions imprimees a Lyon L’an 1644 Et a Amsterdam L’an 1668. Avec La Vie de L’autheur. Et transcritter Sur quelles A. Metz En 1790. Metz, 1790, ink manuscript on paper, [4], viii, [12], 162, [12], 163-266, [30], xxvii, xv pages, the first four pages (La Morte de Nostradamus) are tipped-in 19th century notes, later notes to front endpaper, worm track to inner margin affecting some letters, symbolic bookplate of Daniel Ruzo, Peruvian archaeologist and Nostradamus collector, worn French-style boards with cracked joints and leather spine label. [The work of an unknown Metz scribe, the title page appears to copy the 1689 Cologne edition, the text follows that addition with some additions. One addition is ‘Explications Sur Les Centuries de …’ (27 pages, possibly original work) which ends with King Stanislas of Poland arriving at Luneville in 1748]. [Provenance - The Fred Gettings Library].
A large signed French Muller Freres Luneville Art Deco plafonnier pendant lamp shade. The bowl in mottled tones of yellow and purple double layered blown Art glass. Three attached suspension chains each adorned with a bronze dragon to the exterior. Signed 'Muller Freres Luneville' to the exterior rim. diameter 35.5cm
A large signed French Muller Freres Luneville Art Deco plafonnier pendant lamp shade. The bowl in mottled tones of yellow and purple double layered blown Art glass. Three attached suspension chains each adorned with a bronze dragon to the exterior. Signed 'Muller Freres Luneville' to the exterior rim. diameter 35.5cm
Muller Freres cameo glass vase, shouldered ovoid form decorated with hydrangea in blue and green against a pink and peach tinted matte ground, signature mark 'Muller Freres, Luneville', height 16cm (Please note condition does not form part of the catalogue description. We strongly advise viewing to satsify yourself as to condition. If you are unable to view and a condition report is not already available, please ask for one and it will be provided in writing).
An early 20th century Muller Freres Luneville ironwork frame, Art Nouveau in design, decorated with vine, leaves and fruit, together with orange glass bowl, approx. 28.5cm high x 46.5cm wide. Further details: some loss commensurate to age in areas, wear/scratching to areas, otherwise generally good.
STANISLAW I: (1677-1766) Stanislaw I Leszczynski. King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania 1704-09, 1733-36. A very fine A.L.S., Stanislas Roy, one page, 4to, [Luneville], 21st October 1748, to the Bishop of Metz, in French. Stanislaw explains to his correspondent that there is nothing which could have pleased him more than giving satisfactory responses to the Bishop´s demands, stating `Rien n´est comparable, mon très cher Evêque au plaisir que je ressens de vous donner en toute occasion des marques de mon inviolable amitié et par consequent rien de plus décevant pour moi quand je ne peut pas me satisfaire sur mon désir… Mon allié vous dira toute l´histoire des Régimens des Milices… Vous en êtes le maistre aujourd´hui…´ (Translation: “Nothing is comparable, my dear Bishop, to the pleasure I feel in giving you on every occasion signs of my inviolable friendship and consequently nothing is more disappointing for me when I cannot satisfy my desire... My ally you will tell the whole story of the Militia Regiments… You are the master today…”) Paper with watermark. With blank integral leaf. One very small corner crease, otherwise G to VG
NEY MICHEL: (1769-1815) Marshal of France, Duc d´Elchingen and Prince de la Moskowa. Executed. A very good and interesting military A.L.S., `Ney´, with flourish, two pages, 4to, Burghausen - Alttoting, 15th December 1800, to his friend Monsieur Bigetot, a Notary in Nancy, in French. The present letter is written only twelve days after the decisive battle of Hohenlinden, and only ten days before the surrender of Austrian troops and the armistice. Ney reports his feelings and predicts an inminent surrender of the enemy, he says is observing Burghausen, where the longest castle in the world is situated, stating in part `Je suis ici, depuis quelques jours parfaitement tranquille observant Burghausen et le cours de la rivière Salzach jusqu´à Braunau, en attendant que la droite ait effectué son passage à Salzburg. La vive canonade que j´ai entendu sur cette direction m´annoncerait un plein dans cette entreprise. J´apprends à l´instant que la division du Général Decaen a surpris le passage de la Salzach à Lauffen. Il est appuyé par les divisions Richepanse et Legrand. Cette diversion obligera nécessairement l´ennemi à faire un mouvement rétrograde et de nous abandonner l´évêché de Salzburg et peut-être tout le Tyrol, cette dernière évacuation sera pour moi la plus belle fleur de la campagne...´ (Translation: "I have been here, for several days, perfectly calm, observing Burghausen and the course of the Salzach river as far as Braunau, while waiting for the right wing to have made its passage to Salzburg. The loud cannonade that I heard in this direction would announce to me a success in this enterprise. I just learned that General Decaen's division could make the passage from the Salzach to Lauffen. It is supported by the Richepanse and Legrand divisions. This diversion will necessarily force the enemy to make a retrograde movement and abandon us the bishopric of Salzburg and perhaps all of Tyrol, this last evacuation will be for me the most beautiful flower of the campaign...") Further, Ney explains what he expects will soon happen, and reports on the troops difficult situation, saying `En considération de la jonction avec l´armée d´Italie, les armées combinées marcheraient alors de front et j´en atteste aux hommes raisonnables si la maison d´autriche ne viendra bientôt à genoux demander une trève pour obtenir la paix. Vous savez, mon cher Bigetot, que l´illusion flatte l´amour propre du militaire. Mais en vérité, une démarche n´est pas absolument déniée de fondement, quinze jours encore en décideront nécessairement, alors nous tacherons de nous chauffer car il fait diablement froid dans ce maudit pays, ici le soldat souffre, toujours au bivouac, manquant de paille pour se barraquer, et ayant à peine le pain nécessaire pour exister, quelle existence!´Il faut être français pour braver la mort et l´intempérie des saisons, et tout cela pour le bonheur de notre patrie. Cette réflexion réchauffe ma verve et me fait supporter patiemment les maux qui nous attendent encore. Je voudrais bien avoir une centaine de bouteilles de champagne qui reposent dans une cave, mais puisque je ne puis les entamer, allez-vous leur faire la guerre...´ (Translation: "In consideration of the junction with the army of Italy, the combined armies would then march abreast and I attest to reasonable men if the house of Austria does not soon come on its knees to ask for a truce to obtain peace. You know, my dear Bigetot, that illusion flatters the soldier's self-esteem. But in truth, an approach is not absolutely denied of foundation, fifteen more days will necessarily decide this, then we will try to warm ourselves because it is devilishly cold in this damned country, here the soldier suffers, always in the bivouac, lacking straw to barrack themselves, and barely having the necessary bread to survive, what an existence! You have to be French to brave death and the bad weather of all seasons, and all this for the happiness of our Homeland.This reflection warms my spirit and makes me patiently bear the evils that still await us. I would love to have a hundred bottles of champagne lying in a cellar, but since I can't start them, are you going to make war on them?...") To a postscriptum, and beneath his signature, Ney adds the immediate news just received, saying `A l´instant où je firmais ma lettre, on m´annonce la rédition de Burckhausen... encore un instant et la pièce sera jouée...´ (Translation: "Just as I was signing my letter, I was told of the surrender of Burckhausen... just one more moment and the playwright will be performed.") A letter of excellent content. With address leaf bearing large remnants of a republican red wax seal. Neatly tipped in at the left edge into a hardback edition of Histoire Complete du proces du Marechal Ney by Evariste D[umoulin], Volume I only, published by Delaunay, Paris, December 1815. Leather bound and with gilt stamped decoration and title to the spine. A further, brief A.L.S, by a member of the Chambre des Deputes dated at Paris, 24th January 1834 (?) is also tipped into the volume. Some light age wear and a few small tears to the edges of the letters, and Ney´s with a small area of paper loss to the lower left corner, not affecting the text or signature. GThe Battle of Hohenlinden took place on 3rd December 1800. Only at 33 km distance from Munich.The French army under Jean Victor Moreau won a decisive victory over an Austrian & Bavarian military force led by the only 18-year-old Archduke John of Austria. The allies were forced into a disastrous retreat that compelled them to request an armistice, effectively ending the War of the Second Coalition. Moreau pursued slowly the ennemy until 8th December. Then, in 15 days, his forces advanced 300 km and captured 20,000 Austrians. Richepanse greatly distinguished himself in the pursuit. On 17th December, when Archduke Charles relieved his brother John, the Austrian army was practically a rabble. With French forces 80 km from Vienna, Charles requested an armistice, which Moreau granted on 25th December 1800. The resulting Treaty of Luneville was signed in February 1801 and was highly favourable to France.
SPODE MARLBOROUGH 'MARLBOROUGH SPRAYS' PATTERN DINNERWARE, comprising of one large covered tureen, rg No. 650527,(crack through the lid looks to have been repaired), one small covered tureen, rg No. 650527, (slight damage to one side handle), one uncovered tureen rg No.650527, (cracked through the middle and repaired with staples, chipped on the bottom in two places around the ridge), meat plate Rg No.650527, diameter 37cm by 27cm, ( light ware to pattern, chipped and stained along the edge in places), three dinner plates rg No.650527 (light ware to all and chips around the edges)(3), eleven salad plates rg No.650527, 2/6770, 2/6770Y, (light wear, one plate has a crack from the edge to the middle), (11), fourteen side plates rg No.650527, 2/6770Y, (sign of crazing, seven plates have cracks and chips), (14), grey jug reg No 650527, (severe crack and chips all round), eight soup bowls rg No. 650527, (light ware, all have chips around the edges one more prominent), five dessert bowls, rg No. 650527, ( light ware one has chipping around the edge), two milk jugs rg No. 650527,(considerably damaged on both the spout on one is missing but some pieces there, the handle on one has been repaired with staples, signs of crazing on both, chips around the edge), (2) sugar bowl, rg No. 650527, (severely cracked all through the middle, chips around the edge), seven biscuit plates, rg No. 650527, 2/6770, (light wear, some crazing), (7) twelve tea cups and twelve saucers, rg No. 650527, 2/6770, (signs of crazing, three cups severely damaged one missing a handle but has the piece with it, the other two cracks and stained nine cups in used condition but light wear), (24), also included some pieces from KG Luneville France comprising of, two meat plates measuring 45cm by 32cm and 36cm by 26cm, (cracks and staining on both), (2) nine dinner plates (one with a crack the other slight wear), (9), two small tureens one lidded (some crazing, chips and cracks mainly to the open tureen, the other slight ware), (2), coffee pot, (slight wear but overall good condition, crack in the lid and chips around the spout). (Condition Report: please see description for detailed damage). (80).
Art Deco-Tischleuchte, einflammig. Messing- oder Bronzefuß mit durchbrochen gearbeiteten Rocaillen. Farblose, matt geätzte Glasglocke mit gelben und blauen Pulvereinschmelzungen, sign. "Muller Fres Luneville". Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren, Elektrifizierung nicht geprüft. Frankreich, 20er Jahre. H. 35,5 cm.
Keller & Guerin, Speiseservice für 8 Personen, 1. Hälfte 20. Jh.Aus beigem Steingutscherben, weiß glasiert mit polychromem Aufglasurdekor in leicht variierenden Floralmotiven mit unterschiedlichen Rändern. Bestehend aus 48 Teilen: 8 Speisetellern (Ø 25,5 cm), 8 Suppentellern, 8 Salatschälchen, 6 Kuchentellern, 7 Desserttellern (Ø 15 cm), 3 runden Schüsseln, 1 quadratische Schale, 1 quadratische Servierplatte (35 x 26 cm), 1 ovale Platte (26,5 x 15 cm), 2 großer Teller (flach und tief) und 1 Sauciere. Alle gestempelt: Keller & Guerin Luneville, verschiedene Versionen. Guter Erhaltungszustand mit Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren, mehrere Teile mit Chips. Zwei Teller in etwas abweichender Größe und Dekor als Zugabe.
Muller Frères Jugendstil Schalenlampe,Frankreich um 1920, Glasschirm mit orangen und gelben Schmelzungen mit 3-facher Bronze-Kettenaufhängung und Abschluss als Blumenverzierung, eine Brennstelle, am Schirm mit Ätzmarke Muller Frères Luneville, H mit Deckenabschluss 52 cm und D 35 cm, elektrifiziert, Kratzer
Deckenlampe. Muller Frères, Luneville. Je Ätzmarke. Nach 1919. Schmiedeeisen schwarz lackiert, farbloses Glas mit gelben, orangen und blauen Pulvereinschmelzungen, mattiert, Schraubfassung. H 65 cm, B maximal 50 cm, Ø Schale 35 cm. Zentraler Lampenschirm an geschmiedeter Halterung mit Martellierungen. 3 Volutenarme mit reichem Volutenornament, Abhängung mit großen Kettengliedern am eingezogenen Tragering, offener korbförmiger Baldachin. Oberflächliche Schrammen an der Schale. Jünger elektrifiziert, Funktion nicht geprüft. Aufrufzeit 13. | Juni 2024 | voraussichtlich 18:56 Uhr (CET)Ceiling lamp. Muller Frères, Luneville. Each etched mark. After 1919. Wrought iron painted black, clear glass with yellow, orange and blue powder fusions, frosted, screw mount. H 65 cm, W maximum 50 cm, Ø bowl 35 cm. Central lampshade on a forged holder with martellations. 3 volute arms with rich volute ornamentation, suspension with large chain links on the retracted support ring, open basket-shaped canopy. Superficial scratches on the bowl. Recently electrified, function not tested. Call time 13 | June 2024 | probably 18:56 (CET)*This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
Französische Deckenlampe mit Kugelschirm. Muller Frères, Luneville. Pressmarke und Ätzmarke. Nach 1919.Schmiedeeisen schwarz lackiert, farbloses Formglas großflächig mattiert. H 57 cm, Ø 25 cm. Reliefiertes Schirmglas mit 3 stilisierten Pfauenpaaren sowie unten abschließender Schuppen-Rosette. Konischer Schaft aus 4 Streben mit Rosetten und Voluten sowie martellierter Baldachin.| Nachtrag 11.06.24: Bestoßungen am Schirmrand Aufrufzeit 13. | Juni 2024 | voraussichtlich 18:57 Uhr (CET)French ceiling lamp with ball shade. Muller Frères, Luneville. Press mark and etching mark. After 1919.Wrought iron painted black, clear molded glass with large frosted surface. H 57 cm, Ø 25 cm. Reliefed shade glass with 3 stylized pairs of peacocks and a scale rosette at the bottom. Conical shaft made of 4 struts with rosettes and volutes as well as a martelized canopy. Call time 13 | June 2024 | presumably 18:57 (CET)*This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
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