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Lot 162

A Linhof Technika IV Large Format Camera, black, serial number 48391, body P-F, evidence of corrosion to finishes, some tarnishing, extends and folds correctly, with three lenses and boards, a Schneider-Kreuznach Angulon f/6.8 65mm, shutter jammed, optics appear G, a Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar f/3.5 105mm, shutter sticks at slow speeds, optics F with cleaning marks and a fungus patch, a Schneider-Kreuznach Tele-Xenar f/5.5 180mm, shutter works, optics G with light fungus, with a roll film back, and a leather case, P.

Lot 54

MITTELFORMATKAMERA, Linhof Technika, 1950er-Jahre,Herst. Linhof/ München, Ser.Nr. 32486, Objektiv Schneider Kreuznach Press-Xenar 1:3,8/ 135, Ser.Nr. 2402937, Balg je augenscheinlich intakt, keine weitere Vollständigkeits- u Funktionsprüfung, Gebrauchsspuren

Lot 277

A Linhof Technikardan 4x5" Large Format Monorail Camera, 1985-, black, with Schneider Linhof APO-Symmar f/5.6 150mm lens, black, serial no. 14905931, body, VG-E, lens, VG-E, shutter working, complete with original receipt, warranty card, instructions and two DDS

Lot 173

A LINHOF ROLLEX CAMERA 6X9 circa 1930s, in the original wooden case, storage box measures 34.5cm high x 62cm long x 27cm deep, with associated tripod (2)Ivory Submission Reference: HV137LXG

Lot 104

Ausrüstung Technika 70Linhof, München. Technika 70, Nr. 1741065, Sucherkamera 6,5 x 9 cm, Steuerkurve graviert "65 – 100 – 180", mit Schneider Super-Angulon 8/65 mm, Rodenstock Sironar-N 5,6/100 mm und Schneider Repro-Claron 8/135 mm, alle unter Punktlicht sauber, alle 3 Verschlüsse und Belichtungsmesser funktionieren, Entfernungsmesser mit etwas Seitenfehler, mit Magazin Super Rollex 6 x 9 cm und Mattscheibenrückteil. Gute Anwenderkamera. Start Price: EUR 280 Zustand: (3/3)Linhof Technika 70 OutfitLinhof, Munich. Technika 70, no. 1741065, rangefinder camera for 6.5 x 9 cm, focusing cam engraving "65 – 100 – 180", with Schneider Super-Angulon 8/65 mm, Rodenstock Sironar-N 5.6/100 mm and Schneider Repro-Claron 8/135 mm, all clean under point light, all shutters and exposure meter working, rangefinder with some inaccuracy, with Super Rollex 6 x 9 cm magazine and focusing screen back. An accurate camera. Start Price: EUR 280 Condition: (3/3)

Lot 162

Horst Hamann, "World Trade Center - Little West Street New York", sign. u. limit. Digitalfotografie von 2001 nach der Original- Fotographie aus "New York Vertical" von 1994Horst Hamann, *1958 Mannheim - lebt und arbeitet in Frankfurt/ Main, deutscher Fotograf, hier: Als Reaktion auf dem Anschlag vom 11. Sept. 2001 gab Horst Hamann im Jahre 2002 die vorliegende Digitalfotografie "World Trade Center - Little West Street New York" als Neubearbeitung einer seiner berühmten Fotografien aus "New York Vertical" von 1994 heraus, 23 x 7,6 cm, num. 91/101, sign., im originalen, nochmals num., sign. und dat. (Febr. 02/ 2002), SchutzumschlagZu Künstler: Hamann fotografiert vorwiegend mit einer Linhof Technorama, einer Panoramakamera und einem Objektiv von Schneider-Kreuznach. Für internationale Furore sorgte seine Idee, die Panorama-Kamera vom Format 6 x 17 cm senkrecht zu stellen. Sein Buch New York Vertical, das zwischen 1991 und 1996 entstand, zeigt völlig neue Aspekte der bereits vielfach fotografierten Stadt. In der Folge entstanden weitere vertikale Städteporträts. Als erster lebender deutscher Fotograf erhielt er 1998-99 eine sechsmonatige Einzelausstellung im Museum of the City of New York.

Lot 1394

Linhof Technika IV Rollex 6x9 Camera together with Paillard Bolex B8, Linhof Sheet Film Holder Polaroid 320 and a Lipca Rollop together with camera accessories and ephemera (1 Tray)

Lot 182

A Linhof Technika III 6x9 Medium Format Camera, black/chrome, serial number 49692, body G, focussing screen clear, controls working, with a Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar f/3.5 105mm, barrel F, has a dent in the filter ring, optics F-G with dust and light haze, with two roll film backs, one being a super rollex, F-G, and a rollex, G,

Lot 283

A Carl Zeiss Tessar f/4.5 150mm Large Format Lens, chrome, barrel G, optics G with light dust, seperation on rear, in a Linhof shutter, works but inaccurate at slow speeds.

Lot 518

A Linhof Technica camera with F2.8/100 Planar lens and two film backs.

Lot 539

A Linhof camera with Xenar F4.5/150 lens.

Lot 525

A Zeiss Biogon F4.5/53mm lens with Linhof Shutter and mount.

Lot 1294

Aspects of Expression by Paul Gallagher 2008. Ansel Adams At 100 by John Szarkowski (200/3). The World of Lith Printing by Rudman. Annie Leibowitz At Work 2009. 35mm Cameras by Long. Darkroom Handbook by Longford. Classic Cameras by Colin Harding. Camera: History of Photography by Gustavson. Linhof Camera Story. 150 Classic Cameras from 1839 to Present by Van Hasbroeck. View Camera Technique by Stroebel. International Photos 1960-64. Grossbild Publications Applied Photography 1961, Techniques of Advertising Photography 1963, Architectural Photography 1965, Large Format Photography 1967. Collection of Chris Beetles Exhibition catalogues including Beaton, Brandt, Snowdon etc and auction catalogues

Lot 1315

Eight vintage Linhof aluminium camera tripods including 3414 with ball head, large 3333 example and further similar black example with 808RC4 head

Lot 1316

Six camera tripods comprising Zone VI with Linhof head, Uniloc, Giotto MT9170 with MH1001 head in original box, Leica carbon fibre example, Benbo Trekker, Kennett and a monopod with Kennett head

Lot 1886

Linhof Technika 70 folding camera, serial number 1761122, with Schneider-Kreuznach Symmar-S 5.6/100 lens, serial number 14173582

Lot 1887

Linhof Super Tehcnika medium format camera outfit, serial number 84766, with Carl Zeiss Tessar 1:3.5 f=105mm lens, serial number 1848779, Schneider-Kreuznach Angulon 1:6.8/65 lens, serial number 5391673, further example serial number 4475054, Schneider-Kreuznach Technica Tele-Arton 1:5.5/180 lens, serial number 4904446, four film backs, two Polaroid backs, sports finder, masks and two grips, housed in an aluminium flight case

Lot 1888

Linhof Master Technika camera outfit, serial number C541666, with Schneider-Kreuznach APO-Symmar 5.6/120 lens, serial number 14871001, Schneider-Kreuznach Super-Angulon 5.6/47 lens, serial number 14551825, Schneider-Kreuznach APO-Symmar 5.6/210 lens, serial number 14865358, Schneider-Kreuznach Angulon 1:6/90 lens, serial number 3827997, Schneider-Kreuznach Symmar 1:5.6/135 lens, serial number 9739081, variable viewfinder, reflex rear finder, plain back, Polaroid film holder, two further film holders and a tripod swivel mount

Lot 1889

Linhof Color monorail camera outfit, serial number 72921, with Carl Zeiss Planar 1:3.5 f=135mm lens, serial number 4119091,  Schneider-Kreuznach APO-Symmar 5.6/150 lens, serial number 14793350, reflex viewer, Linhof back, Polaroid film holder, two further film holders and box for 135mm lens with matching serial number to base

Lot 1890

Linhof Kardan Super Color rail camera, serial number 8041258, with Schneider-Kreuznach Symmar 1:5.6/150 lens, serial number 7700047, hood, Polaroid film back, two further film holders and a roll film holder, and three various hoods including Horseman, in an aluminium flight case

Lot 1892

Shen Hao HZX57-IIA large format camera, serial no. 051558, with Linhof Schneider-Kreuznach Technika Tele-Zenar 1:5.5/360 lens, serial number 7395900, with two film holders, sprung back and further back

Lot 79

A Linhof Kardan Color 5x4 Monorail Camera, body G-VG, bellows G-VG, some deterioration to rubber rail stoppers, with Schneider Kreuznach Symmar-S 150mm f/5.6 MC lens, in Copal No-0 shutter, shutter working, barrel VG, elements G, revolving back, film plate focus screen back, six Fidelity Elite film holders, Polaroid back and Super Rollex 6x9cm roll film back,

Lot 284

A Linhof Schneider Kreuznach 72mm f/5.6 XL-115° MC Lens. serial no 14766747, in Copal No 0 shutter, shutter working, barrel VG, elements VG, on Linhof Technika lens board, with front and rear caps

Lot 353

A Linhof Twin Tube Tripod, with three way head, some scratches and wear, F-G

Lot 2030

A Linhof Technika 5x4 Large Format Camera, black, serial no. 43730, with Linhof Synchro Compur Schneider- Kreuznach Xenar 1:3,3/105 lens, and related accessories in original fitted leather case.

Lot 262

A Linhof Tripod Head, hammered finish, controls operate freely, on felt on the base.

Lot 98

A Linhof Press 70 Medium Format Rangefinder Camera, 1963-79, brown, serial no. 1831136, with Carl Zeiss Planar f/2.8 80mm lens, chrome, serial no. 3463403, body, G, shutter linkage requires attention, lens, VG-E, together with Carl Zeiss Biogon f/4.5 53mm lens, chrome, serial no. 3860032, body, VG, elements, VG

Lot 123

Two Linhof Rangefinder Cams, together with a Linhof Studio Ltd lens wrench (a lot)

Lot 134

Linhof Technorama 612 PC II mit 2 ObjektivenLinhof, München. 1) Technorama 612 PC II Nr. C821056, für 6 x 12 cm auf 120er-Rollfilm, mit Super-Angulon 5,6/58 mm XL-110, passenden Center-Filter, Verschluß läuft, Glas unter Punktlicht sauber, mit dem Sucher für 58 und 135 mm. Mit Original-Karton und Kopie der Anleitung. Anwendungstechnisch einwandfrei, mit geringen Gebrauchsspuren. (3/3) - Und: 2) Symmar-S 5,6/135 mm, Verschluß läuft, mit Center-Filter, unter Punktlicht sehr schwacher ringförmiger Belag in Hinterlinse. (3/3-) Start Price: EUR 900 Zustand: ()Linhof Technorama 612 PC II Camera with 2 LensesLinhof, Munich. 1) Technorama 612 PC II no. C821056, for 6 x 12 cm on 120-rollfilm, with Super-Angulon 5.6/58 mm XL-110, matching center filter, viewfinder for 58 and 135 mm shutter working, original box and facsimile instructions, lens clean under point light, good working condition, with only minor signs of wear. (3/3) - And: 2) Symmar-S 5.6/135 mm, shutter working, with center filter, tested under point light: a minor cloudy halo on back element. (3/3-) Start Price: EUR 900 Condition: ()

Lot 141

Linhof Kardan Standard für Polizei, Wista 45 und Profisix-Ausrüstung1) Linhof, München. Kardan Standard, mit 2 Rückteilen, für 4 x 5 in. und für das Polizeiformat 6 x 13 cm zur Personenfeststellung, mit Zusatzstandarte und Kompendium, Schneider Symmar-S 5,6/150 mm, Glas unter Punktlicht sauber, mit Mattscheiben-Rückteil 4 x 5 in. und 6 x 13 cm, Winkelspiegel für 4 x 5 und Polaroid-Kassette 4 x 5 in. (2-/3) - 2) Wista, Japan. Wista 45, für 4 x 5 in., mit Schneider Super-Angulon 5,6/90 mm, Glas unter Punktlicht noch gut, Rücklinse außen mit Putzspuren, an Kamera fehlen Belederungen, mit Wista-Kompendium ohne Halter und Mattscheiben-Rückteil ohne Faltlichtschacht. (3-4/3) - 3) Schneider Symmar 5,6/210 mm, Glas unter Punktlicht sauber, in Verschluß Wista S-No. 1. (3/3) - 4) 7 Doppelkassetten. 6 x für 4 x 5 in. und 1 x für 9 x 12 cm. (3/3) - Und: 5) Gossen Profisix (läuft) mit Zusatzgeräten PROFI-spot, PROFI-flex und PROFI-flash. Seltener Belichtungsmesser. (3/3) Start Price: EUR 260 Zustand: (-/-)Linhof Kardan Standard for Police, Wista 45 and Profi-Six Equipment1) Linhof, Munich. Kardan Standard, with 2 backs (4 x 5 in. and police format 6 x 13 cm for identity shots), additional standard and compendium, Schneider Symmar-S 5.6/150 mm, with focusing screen backs 4 x 5 in. and 6 x 13 cm, angle mirror for 4 x 5 and Polaroid 4 x 5 in. cassette, glass clean under point light. (2-/3) - 2) Wista, Japan. Wista 45, for 4 x 5 in., with Schneider Super-Angulon 5.6/90 mm, with compendium without holder and focusing screen back without folding light shaft, glass still good under point light, rear lens with traces of cleaning on the outside, leather on the camera missing. (3-4/3) - 3) Schneider Symmar 5.6/210 mm, in Wista S-No. 1 shutter, glass clean under point light. (3/3) - 4) 7 double cassettes, 6 for 4 x 5 in. and 1 for 9 x 12 cm. (3/3) - And: 5) Rare Gossen Profisix light meter (working) with PROFI-spot, PROFI-flex and PROFI-flash additional devices. (3/3) Start Price: EUR 260 Condition: (-/-)

Lot 510

A Small Selection of Photographica, comprising a Linhof Capacitor Flash Gun, in maker's box, some 2½x3½ inch wooden film plate holders, and a Paxette camera case.

Lot 344

A Selection of Shutters and Lenses, to include a Linhof Symmar-S f/5.6 150mm in Copal No.0, shutter working, optics F-G with some dust, a Schneider-Kreuznach Apo-Symmar f/5.6 150mm in Copal No.0, shutter working, optics F-G with some dust and fungus, a Schneider-Kreuznach Super Angulon f/8 90mm in a Synchro-Compur shutter, working, optics F with light fungus, a Balda-Werk Baltar f/2.9 80mm in a Prontor-SVS, shutter working, optics F with haze, and some enlarger lenses.

Lot 459

A Wooden Model of a Linhof Film Camera very well made, with several varieties of coloured wood and some moving parts, to a good level of detail, 1:1 ratio.

Lot 184

A Linhof Kardan GT 4x5" Monorail Camera, black, VG, rail controls operate smoothly, bellows extends correctly, not light tested, fcoussing screen intact, standard controls for tilt, shift, swing work correctly, with lens Caltar HR f/5.6 90mm, serial number 320175, barrel VG, optics VG with light dust, in a Copal 0 shutter, working.

Lot 353

Rodenstock APO-Sironar f/5.6 180mm f/5.6 72° Large Format Camera Lens, black, serial number 11279630, barrel VG, optics VG, in a Copal No. 1 shutter, working, and a Linhof Technika lens board, with caps.

Lot 346

Schneider Kreuznach Super-Symmar 150mm f/5.6 XL-105° Aspheric MC Large Format Camera Lens, black, serial number 14874575, barrel VG-E, optics F with heavy peripheral haze to the front element, in a Copal No. 1 shutter, working, and a Linhof Technika lens board, with caps and maker's box.

Lot 389

A Linhof Super Technika IV 6 x 9 Camera, serial no 89723, all moves freely, body G, some blemishing to leatherette, bellows G, with Schneider Kreuznack 65mm f/6.8 Angulon lens, in Syncro Compur shutter, shutter working, slightly sluggish in one second, barrel G, elements G

Lot 242

Linhof Camera Accessories, a Linhof Rapid Change Apter Slide for 56x72mm/2¼ x 2¾ inch holders, Super Rollex, Cine Rollex, a Rapid Charge Adapter Slide for Super Rollex 120, Super Rollex, cine Rollex, tripod head and a Linhof Polaroid back

Lot 390

A Linhof Super Technika IV 6 x 9 Camera. black, serial no 44328, all moves freely, rangefinder working, finder cover not fully standing open, body G, bellows G, with Schneider Kreuznach 105mm f/3.5 Xenar lens, in Syncro Compur shutter, shutter working, barrel G, elements G, Schneider Kreuznach 180mm f/5.5 Tele Xenar lens, in Syncro Compur shutter, shutter working, slightly sluggish in one second, barrel G, elements G, 180mm finder plate, five linhof DDS, roll film back in worn unbranded case

Lot 704

A Group of Tripods, a Linhof special U model 87 tripod, Linhof model 49 pan and tilt head, Manfrotto 055XB tripod and two other tripods, G

Lot 1228

A Gandolfi Precision ebonized mahogany half plate camera with dulled chrome fittings and black leather bellows, height 25cm, with Schneider-Kreuznach Symmar 1:5,6/180 1:12/315 lens, Dallmeyer wide angle anastigmat F=4¼ F6.5 lens, and ten plate holders, within fitted leather carry case, together with a Linhof tripod. Provenance: property of a lady who worked as a qualified architectural photographer in the 1960s. The Gandolfi camera enabled her to take photographs of tall buildings in London in one shot without the image distorting.

Lot 109

A Linhof Technika Press medium format rangefinder camera outfit. With two lenses; A Carl Zeiss 100mm f2.8 Planar and a Carl Zeiss 180mm f4.8 Sonnar. Together with a sheet film back with three holders and a roll film back. Condition Report: Body - One strap lug is broken, viewfinder lid missing Linhof emblem and is slightly loose (there are tape marks around it). Otherwise the condition is relative to age. Rangefinder working. Missing shutter release cable from grip to lens.100mm Planar lens - Dust and cleaning marks, no noticable fungus or scratches. Aperture works smoothly, shutter blades work but appear to be sticking. Focus ring working smoothly and works well with rangefinder. Good cosmetic condition relative to age.180mm Sonnar lens - Dust and cleaning marks, no noticable fungus or scratches. Aperture works smoothly, shutter blades work. Focus ring stiff but works well with rangefinder. Good cosmetic condition relative to age. Small scuff to top leatherette.Plate holder back - Missing leatherette on lower section. Working well, ground glass intact, tear to leatherette viewing hood where it meets the metal flap.Roll film back - Complete with 120 film carrier and dark slide. Film advance works well. Appears to be missing a plaque on the film door. General wear relative to age.Body No: 8196, 100mm Planar No: 8196, 180mm Sonnar No. 8180.

Lot 439

A Schneider-Kreuznach Technika Tele-Arton f5.5 240mm Lens, chrome, body G, serial number 6499280, optics G with light dust, in a Linhof Synchro-Compur shutter, working, with caps.

Lot 442

A Voigtlander Technika-Apo-Lanthar f/4.5 10.5cm Lens, silver, barrel G, optics F, with some separation to the front group and light internal fungus, in a Linhof Synchro-Compur shutter, working, and a approx. 74x81mm board.

Lot 641

A Selection of Mixed Photographica, to include a Linhof hand grip, a Schneider Ultraviolett filter, a Leica M3 tin can, with case, and other items.

Lot 679

A Selection of 4x5 inch Film Plate Holders, various makers including Linhof, MPP, and others, a total of 12 items.

Lot 631

A Selection of Tripod Heads, to include a Linhof tilt and pan head, an Osawa GX-700 balance head, two other heads and a Linhof 120 format roll film back for 4x5 cameras, some leatherette missing.

Lot 386

A Selection of Large Format Lenses and Shutters to include a Schneider-Kreuznach Angulon f/6.8 90mm in a Linhof shutter and board, working but sticks at slow speeds, optics F with haze, a Meyer Goerlitz Veraplan f/4.5 135mm in a Compound shutter and Linhof board, working but sticks at slow speeds, optics F with haze, a Schneider-Kreuznach Angulon f/6.8 120mm in a Copal shutter, working, optics F with haze, and several others.

Lot 395

A Home-Made Wide Angle Large Format Point and Shoot Camera, built around a home machined lens board, with a Carl Zeiss Biogon f/4.5 38mm lens, barrel G, optics F with haze, and a Linhof Technika film back, some leatherette missing, in a home made wooden case.

Lot 399

A Selection of Shutters and Lenses, to include a Linhof Symmar-S f/5.6 150mm in Copal No.0, shutter working, optics F-G with some dust, a Schneider-Kreuznach Apo-Symmar f/5.6 150mm in Copal No.0, shutter working, optics F-G with some dust and fungus, a Schneider-Kreuznach Super Angulon f/8 90mm in a Synchro-Compur shutter, working, optics F with light fungus, a Balda-Werk Baltar f/2.9 80mm in a Prontor-SVS, shutter working, optics F with haze, and some enlarger lenses.

Lot 195

A Linhof Super Technika III Large Format Camera, black, serial number 45029, body G, front standard extends and locks, bellows not light tested, rangefinder patch visible, with a Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar f/3.5 105mm lens serial number 3112666, optics G with light dust, shutter working, a Schneider-Kreuznach Tele-Xenar f/5.5 180mm lens serial number 2843026, optics G with light dust, shutter working, a Schneider-Kreuznach Angulon f/6.8 65mm lens serial number 3893188, optics G with light dust, shutter sticky at slow speeds, in a wooden fitted case with 2 Linhof roll film backs several plate holders, and some filters, and instructions.

Lot 332

A Selection of Large Format Lenses and Shutters, to include a Wray Lustrar f/4.5 135mm, chrome, barrel G, optics G with light haze, in a Compur shutter, blades slow to operate, a Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar f/4.5 16.5cm, black, barrel G, optics F-G with internal haze, in a Compur shutter, speeds not accurate, a Schneider-Kreuznach Press-Xenar f/4.7 127mm, chrome, barrel G, optics F-G with minor cleaning marks, in a Linhof Compur-Rapid shutter, speeds not accurate, a Schneider-Kreuznach Symmar f/5.6 135mm, chrome, barrel G, optics G with ilight dust, in a Synchro-Compur shutter, not working, a Schneider-Kreuznach Retina-Xenon f/2.8 5cm, black, barrel G, optics F-G with internal haze, in a Compur-Rapid shutter, not working, and other items.

Lot 387

A Linhof Carl Zeiss Planar f/2.8 80mm Medium Format Camera Lens, silver, inscribed Linhof, serial number 3463538, barrel G, optics G with light dust, in a Synchro-Compur shutter, unable to test the shutter.

Lot 575

A Selection of Linhof Camera Accessories, to include three Super-Rollex 56x72 roll film backs, a number of film plate holders, a hand grip, hoods and other accessories.

Lot 415

A Ross Expres f/3.8 105mm Large Format Lens, silver, barrel G, optics F with internal haze, in an Epsilon shutter, working but sticks at slow speeds, in a 74x82mm approx board, and a selection of similar sized boards, hoods and a Linhof filter,

Lot 647

A Pair of Linhof Cine-Rollex 56x72 Film Backs, brown, condition G, with three additional 70mm film cartridges.

Lot 598

A Pair of Linhof Roll Film Backs, to include the unusual 645 format back, body F, some leatherette missing, and a 6x9 format back, body F, some leatherette missing.

Lot 448

A Carl Zeiss Jena Linhof Planar f/2.8 80mm black, serial number 3523765, optics F-G with dust, in a Linhof Synchro-Compur shutter, working and a lens board.

Lot 190

A Linhof Technika Press 23 Camera Outfit, to include a Press 23 camera, beige, body F-G, some colouration to the leatherette, rangefider patch visible, with a Carl Zeiss Planar f/2.5 100mm lens, serial number 1593124, chrome, barrel G, optics F with haze, in a Synchro-Compur shutter, not working, a Carl Zeiss Biogon f/4.5 53mm lens, serial number 3859846, optics F with haze, with Synchro-Compur shutter, speeds all the same, a Carl Zeiss Sonnar f/4.8 180mm lens, chrome, serial number 3509380, optics VG, shutter sticky at slow speeds, in a wooden fitted case with film cartridge, hand grip, lens hood and finders for different ranges, and some filters.

Lot 521

A Linhof Super Technika IV 6 x 9 Camera, serial no 89723, all moves freely, body G, some blemishing to leatherette, bellows G, with Schneider Kreuznack 65mm f/6.8 Angulon lens, in Syncro Compur shutter, shutter working, slightly sluggish in one second, barrel G, elements G

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