A rare Heubach for SFBJ 1907 bisque head doll, German, circa 1905, with fixed blue glass paper-weight eyes, painted lashes and finely painted feather brows, open mouth with upper teeth, pierced ears, cork pate and long blonde wig, on a fully jointed wood and composition body with ‘Jumeau, Medaille d’or, Paris’ blue stamp to rear, wearing a cream silk dress with lace, bonnet, underclothes, socks and shoes, (condition: two fingers re-glued) 16” (41cm) tall, note: the inside of the head is tinted pink and correct for this doll, the heads were made by Gebr. Heubach for SFBJ, who inserted the eyes and teeth and supplied the body, see Heubach Character Dolls and Figurines by Lydia Richter and Karin Schmelcher pg.100.
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A pair of Ernst Heubach ‘Googly-eyed’ dolls in Dutch style costumes, German circa 1915, each with painted side glancing eyes, single stroke brows, painted smiling mouth and moulded blonde hair, on composition five piece bodies with painted black socks and wearing original Dutch style costumes, with wooden clogs, both 8” (20cm) tall, (condition: good), (2 items).
A collection of vintage dolls to include: a Georgian style peg doll with painted face, wool hair, yellow printed dress; an Alexander celluloid doll, eyes closing, articulated joints with printed red dress with white peter pan collar; a German Heubach-Koppels 407-17 bisque doll, painted face wearing red striped jacket, black jackets and straw hat; a French bisque and cloth doll, in petticoat, white cotton dress, painted face, closing eyes, marked on base of neck and 1930s doll with later blue crochet suit and hat wearing roller skates (1 box )
Trio of Bisque head dolls: bisque-head character doll, with lashed dark blue sleeping eyes, mouth open to show top four teeth, mid brown mohair wig, bent-limbed composition body and lace trimmed cotton muslin outfit and bonnet, impressed Heubach Koppelsdorf Revalo 22-1 Germany 30cm; bisque-head doll with naturalistically painted face and blue glass sleepy eyes, mouth open to show four teeth, articulated composition body impressed SPPH/1909 to the back of the head, dressed in lace trimmed voile skirt, lace trimmed pintuck blouse and leather booties 35cm; and one other bisque head doll impressed Made in Germany D5-0 to the back of the head dressed in a lace trimmed pale pink dress, bonnet, and leather booties 25cm (3)
Quantity of four bisque headed and wax dolls to include Armand Marseille bisque headed baby doll marked to back of neck 'A.M. / Koppelsdorf / Germany / 1330 / A01/2M' in white dress and head piece, Armand Marseille bisque headed baby doll marked to neck 'A.M.', Ernst Heubach bisque headed doll with cross pattern dress marked to neck with 'Made In Germany / Ernst Heubach Horse Shoe makers mark / 7/0' and another wax headed doll in pink floral dress, all showing varying conditions
Three Ernst Heubach Koppelsdorf bisque headed dolls to include baby girl doll in white dress with headpiece, with blue eyes, marked to neck 'Heubach-Koppelsdorf / 320 2 0 / Germany', baby girl doll with white night gown and white headpiece, with blue sleeping eyes, marked to neck 'Heubach Koppelsdorf / 300 3 / Germany' and baby girl doll in floral pattern dress and band headpiece, with brown sleeping eyes, marked to neck 'Heubach-Koppelsdorf / 320 0 / Germany', together with a Hugo Wiegand bisque headed baby doll in blue knitted outfit, marked to neck 'Germany / H.W. / 6'
3 Babypuppen. 2x Armand Marseille, 1x Heubach Köppelsdorf gemarkt. Um 1920 bis 1926. Alle jeweils mit Kurbelkopf, Schlafaugen und 5-teiligem Babykörper (teils mit kleinen Bestoßungen). Dreambaby (AM 351) mit dunkelblauer Strickhose. Kopf locker, L 30 cm. / Charakterbaby (AM 980) mit brauner Mohairperücke und weißer Babykleidung, L 28 cm. / Kleine blonde Puppe (Heubach 320) mit weißem Kleidchen. Chip am linken Auge, 2 Finger fehlend, L 29 cm. Aufrufzeit 24. | Okt. 2024 | voraussichtlich 10:15 Uhr (CET)3 baby dolls. 2x Armand Marseille, 1x Heubach Köppelsdorf marked. Circa 1920 to 1926. All with crank head, sleeping eyes and 5-part baby body (some with small knocks). Dreambaby (AM 351) with dark blue knitted trousers. Loose head, l 30 cm / Character baby (AM 980) with brown mohair wig and white baby clothes, l 28 cm. / Small blonde doll (Heubach 320) with white dress. Chip on left eye, 2 fingers missing, l 29 cm. Call time 24 | Oct. 2024 | probably 10:15 am (CET)*This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
2 Brustkopfpuppen, Ernst Heubach & J.D. Kestner. Beide gemarkt. Um 1900. Biskuitporzellan, Leder, Masse. Kestner-Mädchen (166) mit blauen, leicht eingefallenen Schlafaugen, rotbrauner Echthaarperücke mit Schneckenfrisur und Lederkörper mit gesplinteten Massegliedern. L 63 cm. Blonde Puppe mit blauen Glasaugen, blonder Mohairperücke, Lederkörper und Unterarmen aus Biskuit-Porzellan. 2 Haarrisse im Kinnbereich, linker Arm mit Reparaturen. L 53 cm. Jeweils in weißem Kleid. Aufrufzeit 24. | Okt. 2024 | voraussichtlich 10:22 Uhr (CET)2 chest head dolls, Ernst Heubach & J.D. Kestner. Both marked. Circa 1900. Biscuit porcelain, leather, mass. Kestner girl (166) with blue, slightly sunken sleeping eyes, red-brown human hair wig with scroll hairstyle and leather body with split mass links. L 63 cm. Blonde doll with blue glass eyes, blonde mohair wig, leather body and bisque porcelain forearms. 2 hairline cracks in the chin area, left arm with repairs. L 53 cm. Each in a white dress. Aufrufzeit 24. | Oct. 2024 | probably 10:22 am (CET)*This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
Kleiner Heubach-Junge und Mädchen in Tracht. Beide gemarkt. Um 1915. Biskuitporzellan, Stoff. 2 Brustkopf-Puppen: Vollkopf-Junge mit gemalten blauen Intaglio-Augen, Reste von feinen Haaren auf dünner lederartiger Schicht, Stoffkörper, Biskuitarmen, Massebeinen und hellem Anzug. Zehen rechts bestoßen. L 26 cm. / Blondes Mädchen (275 Heubach-Köppelsdorf) mit blauen Schlafaugen, Mohairperücke, Stoffkörper, Biskuit-Unterarmen, Kleid mit Schürze, dunkelblauem Rock und Schultertuch. Kopf durchleuchtet: ohne Defekte. L 33 cm. Altersspuren. Aufrufzeit 24. | Okt. 2024 | voraussichtlich 10:23 Uhr (CET)Little Heubach boy and girl in traditional costume. Both marked. Circa 1915. Biscuit porcelain, fabric. 2 chest head dolls: Full-headed boy with painted blue intaglio eyes, remnants of fine hair on thin leathery layer, fabric body, bisque arms, mass legs and light-colored suit. Toes bumped on the right. L 26 cm. / Blonde girl (275 Heubach-Köppelsdorf) with blue sleeping eyes, mohair wig, fabric body, bisque forearms, dress with apron, dark blue skirt and shawl. Head x-rayed: without defects. L 33 cm. Signs of age. Call time 24 | Oct. 2024 | probably 10:23 am (CET)*This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
3 kleine Porzellankopf-Puppen. 1x Revalo, 2x Heubach-Köppelsdorf gemarkt. Biskuitporzellan, Masse. L 22/25 cm. Alle mit Kurbelkopf, Mohairperücke und 5-teiligem Sitzbabykörper. Köpfe durchleuchtet: ohne Defekte, 1x minimal brandrissig an Auge und Mundwinkeln. Aufrufzeit 24. | Okt. 2024 | voraussichtlich 10:24 Uhr (CET)3 small porcelain head dolls. 1x Revalo, 2x Heubach-Köppelsdorf marked. Biscuit porcelain, mass. L 22/25 cm. All with crank head, mohair wig and 5-part sitting baby body. Heads x-rayed: without defects, 1x minimally branded crack at eye and corners of mouth. Call time Oct. 24 | 2024 | probably 10:24 am (CET)*This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
TWO BOXES AND LOOSE DOLLS, MICROSCOPE, WRITING SLOPE AND SUNDRY ITEMS, to include a Heubach Koppelsdorf 317.6 bisque head baby doll, with open mouth showing two teeth, brown glass sleeping eyes, composition body and limbs, an Armand Marseille bisque head doll, marked 'Armand Marseille, Germany, 390n, A 01/2 M' to the back of the head, with open mouth showing two teeth, blue glass sleeping eyes, composition body and limbs, a bisque head doll marked 'Special, Made in Germany', with open mouth showing two teeth (some teeth have broken off), brown glass sleeping eyes, composition body and limbs, with a selection of doll's clothing, together with a small brass microscope in a fitted case with instructions, eyepieces and five slides, a small writing slope with decorative metal strap details, approximate size 26.5cm x 17.5cm x 9.5cm, vintage maths books, rulers, etc (2 boxes + loose) (sd)
Two bisque socket head dolls, comprising a 16" SFBJ 236 8 character doll, with sleeping eyes and bent limb composition body, and an 18" Heubach Koppelsdorf 320 3 with sleeping eyes, open mouth and bent limb composition body (Est. plus 24% premium inc. VAT)Condition Report: The SFBJ with hairline to back of head and forehead, also very small and shallow surface chip off the forehead crack. Splitting to feet, but all seems structurally sound. HK's head is ok, without damage, but loss to toe and chip to the other.
Three early 20th Century German bisque head dolls to include: an Armand Marseille wearing Christening robe, approx 39cm long; a smaller doll stamped GERMAN 1934-20; a Heubach Hoppelsdorf 342.0 doll with brown curly hair with bisque arms and legs; a further vintage doll and a vintage pine dolls crib (5)
Two German bisque headed dolls, a Heubach 320 with blue sleeping eyes, brown hair wig, bent limb composition body amd cream cotton dress --25in. (64cm.) high; and a Schoenau & Hoffmeister 914 with brown lashed sleeping eyes, blonde mohair wig, on a replacement child's body and blue velvet outfit
Three German bisque headed baby dolls, an Ernst Heubach 320 painted bisque with blue lashed sleeping eyes, brown mohair wig, bent limb composition body, pale pink silk dress and underclothes --16 1/2in. (42cm.) high; an Armand Marseille 351 black baby with composition body, an Ernst Heubach baby doll on composition body (head smashed, restored and over painted body damaged) and an English Hancock's 4 child doll (320 with holes to dress)
Three German bisque headed baby dolls, a Gebruder Heubach boy with intaglio eyes, pouty mouth, moulded hair with wig stuck on top, square mark, composition bent body and Chinese tradition style outfit --8 1/2in. (21.5cm.); a Herim Steiner 128, a Armand Marseille 341 baby doll and a child's fairy plate
German antique / vintage dolls x four, including: (1) Hermann Steiner bisque doll, impressed 275 12, weighted blue eyes, open mouth, blonde wig and pate, composition five piece toddler body, needs re-stringing, 26"/66cm; (2) Simon & Halbig / Kammer & Reinhardt child doll, head extensively cracked and repaired, with replacement composition and wood body; (3) Heubach 267, cracked across bridge of nose upwards to wig rim, eyes are replaced (one is loose); (4) Heubach 320 composition doll, needs re-stringing; (5) Wells Brimtoy Fairy clockwork toy; Poor Plus to Good; (5).
Antique and vintage dolls and white work clothing, etc includes: Gebruder Ohlhaver Revalo child bisque doll, German, c.1912, impressed Revalo 22 10, weighted green eyes, open mouth, vertically painted lower lashes, brunette wig and pate, composition and wood ball jointed body, 18"/46cm; Armand Marseille 370 shoulder head doll, leatherette body, composition lower arms and legs, 15"/38cm; Norah Wellings South Sea Islander; Kammer & Reinhardt / Simon & Halbig 117n, large chip under right eye, composition and wood ball jointed body; Heubach Koppelsdorf 250, left ear is missing (hole in side of face), wearing original clothing, needs re-stringing; quantity of cotton white work, silk and woollen baby clothing; etc; Poor Plus to Good; (qty).
Ernst Heubach, bisque headed doll with open mouth and teeth, blue eyes, impressed horseshoe mark and numbered to the back of the neck, dressed in later Victorian-style clothing, 28cm, and another two dolls, one by Herm Steiner. (3)THIS LOT IS BEING SOLD ON BEHALF OF THE PHYLLIS TUCKWELL HOSPICE CHARITY
Heubach & Koppelsdorf - A bisque headed doll with bisque arms and legs on composite body. The doll measures approximately 50cms in height, sleepy glass eyes open mouth with two upper teeth, and is impressed to rear of head Heubach & Koppelsdorf 330.5 Germany'. There is some wear and signs of age to the doll but overall condition appears Fair Plus. The dolls sits in an early 20th Century metamorphic high chair which appears Good on the whole. This does not constitute a guarantee) (K)
Collection of Early 20th C onwards bisque headed dolls to include 2 x Armand Marseille dolls (1 x marked 370 0 DEP, approx. 46cm tall and 1 x marked 390 9/0, approx. 24cm tall) 1 x Ernst Heubach doll (marked 1902 4/0 to neck, approx. 38), 1 x Société Française de Fabrication de Bébés et Jouets / SFBJ doll (marked 60 Paris 10-0 to neck, approx. 26cm tall), 1 x doll marked with a sun with possible initials G R approx. 21cm tall and 3 x unmarked examples along with 17 x doll / teddy reference books and magazines (2 boxes)
Two Early 20th C Heubach Koppelsdorf Bisque Headed Dolls to include 1 x marked 267-13 D-R-G-M Thuringia to neck with sleeping blue glass eyes, open mouth with teeth and jointed body, approx. 61cm tall and 1 x marked AW W to back of neck with sleeping blue glass eyes, open mouth with teeth & jointed body, approx. 71cm tall
2 schwarze Puppen "Südseebabys". Ernst Heubach. Kopfmarke: Heubach Köppelsdorf 399 Germany. Ab 1930.Biskuitporzellan, Masse bzw. Pappe. Beide mit Kurbelkopf, braunen Schlafaugen, Ohrlöchern und 5-teiligem Körper. 1x großes Baby mit rosa Babyhöschen, L 48 cm. 1x kleines Baby mit Pappkörper und rosa Kleidchen, L 24 cm. Bespielt, teils kleine Bereibungen und Bestoßungen.|Nachtrag 31.05.24:Kopf der kleineren Puppe defekt, Limit geändert von 150 € auf 20 €Aufrufzeit 13. | Juni 2024 | voraussichtlich 10:12 Uhr (CET)2 black dolls "South Sea Babies". Ernst Heubach. Head mark: Heubach Köppelsdorf 399 Germany. From 1930.Biscuit porcelain, mass or cardboard.Both with crank head, brown sleeping eyes, pierced ears and 5-part body. 1x large baby with pink baby panties, l 48 cm. 1x small baby with cardboard body and pink dress, L 24 cm. Worn, some minor rubbing and knocks.Call time 13 June 2024 | probably 10:12 am (CET)*This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
Two early 20th Cemtury German bisque head dolls with articulated composition bodies, to include Armand Marseille 'Dream Baby' (chip under right eye), 27cm tall, and Heubach Koppelsdorf 250 girl doll with blonde wig, brown glass sleeping eyes and open mouth showing three teeth (one missing), 43cm tall, together with a small quantity of clothing
Antique dolls collection, 7 dolls to include German Gebruder Heubach intaglio eye shoulder head boy with fontanelle ,a small Heubach 33 bisque head baby doll( no wig, )a French painted face doll and 4 other shoulder head and lug fitted bisque head child dolls -One has cracks in the head in cream dress and is in very poor condition. A good clean and repair selection to suit . (7)
Antique large doll German bisque doll head and body separated and lug is included-which makes in to a large 32” doll when assembled-Has antique clothes wig and bonnet. Head has been damaged and repaired down the rear and has neck chip in 1950s so a good perhaps display piece only , together with a Heubach German 300 11” tremble tongue toddler doll with original wig and open close eyes and an antique dress and bonnet in dusty condition( 2 dolls)
Two early 20th century dolls comprising a J. D. Kestner no. 237 boy doll, with sleepy eyes, open mouth with tongue showing, painted features, later cut hair, bisque head, composite body, and limbs, marked to back, length 49cm, together with a Heubach Koppelstorf example with sleepy eyes, open mouth, painted features, real hair, bisque head stamped to the back, composite body and limbs, possible Victorian period dress, length 65cm (2).
A set of three Gebruder Heubach all-bisque ‘Cutie’ dolls, German circa 1910, all with painted features, rosy pink cheeks and moulded hair, in various seated positions, and known as ‘Grumpy’, ‘Fat tummy’ and ‘Surprised’, all 4 ¾”(12cm) tall, (condition: good, Grumpy with flake to sole of left foot), (3 items).
A good Victorian polished wood four poster dolls bed with green silk drapes, with turned decorative posts, drapes with braiding and ties, mattress, bolster, two pillows and blanket, 16” (41cm) tall, 14” (36cm) long, together with a Gebruder Heubach 8192 bisque head doll on a five piece composition with painted shoes, wearing white nightdress, (right foot broken and re-glued).
HEUBACH KOPPLESDORF; a bisque headed doll with composite body, impressed 300.6 on neck, dressed in vintage night dress, another bisque head, later repaired, cloth body, impressed on neck, and a British Willow doll, all in af condition, and a further small one and three items of furniture, also four celluloid clockwork dancing dolls.
A Victorian doll's dress and cape together with a collection of mainly 19thC dolls to include a Heubach Koppelsdorf 320.6 German bisque headed doll with sleeping blue eyes and open mouth 59cm l, two with glazed ceramic heads, A.M Germany 518-4.5, Pierrot doll and a Schutz Marke celluloid doll and a mini suitcase.
Vintage baby bisque dolls with composition bodies x five including: (1) Heubach Kopplesdorf, impressed 342.60, 10.5"/27cm; (2) Heubach Kopplesdorf, impressed 320-10, MISSING right foot, 12"/31cm; (3) German made doll, impressed St 8, repair to body, 10"/26cm; (4) German made doll, impressed P.S 23, 11"/28cm; (5) Unknown maker small fully composition doll, impressed foreign, head moulded to body, 5"/13cm; (5).
A HEINRICH HANDWERCK BISQUE HEAD DOLL, nape of neck marked 'Germany Henrich . Handwerck Simon & Halbig with two small holes beneath, sleeping blue glass eyes with wear to lids and lashes, open mouth showing four teeth, pierced ears (no earrings), some damage and wear to head, jointed composition body with working voice box, some minor damage and wear, height approx. 65cm, a Heubach Koppelsdorf bisque head doll, nape of neck marked 'Heubach Koppelsdorf 300.8 Germany', sleeping blue glass eyes, with wear to lashes and lids, open mouth showing four teeth, jointed composition body with some minor damage, marking and wear, height approx. 60cm and an Armand Marseille bisque head doll, nape of neck marked 'Armand Marseille Germany 390 A. 13. M' with two small holes, sleeping blue glass eyes with wear to lashes and lids, loose pate, open mouth showing four teeth, jointed composition body with damage and wear, missing finger from right hand and missing left hand, height approx. 72cm, all three dolls have modern replacement wigs which are loose with dolls and not fitted on heads (3)
4 German bisque head dolls, comprising a 13 3/4" Heubach Koppelsdorf with sleeping eyes and open mouth, an 11" Gebruder Heubach with composition straight limbs and moulded shoes, a large AM 370 8 part doll with kid body and another smaller dollCondition Report: The large AM doll is missing her eyes and lower legs. Others generally good. Some grubby.
Two Heubach socket head dolls, one 11 1/2" 6970 doll with sleeping eyes, closed mouth and fixed wrists, and a 12" 10557 with sleeping eyes, open mouth and composition five piece bodyCondition Report: Generally good, both heads are in good order, the first doll has a small hole in her forearm, the second had obviously repainted hands.
Group of character bisque dolls with intaglio eyes, including Gebruder Heubach 76/02, with moulded hair, impressed sun, composition body; plus another 76/02 Gebruder Heubach, with replacement modern body; and others (similar)Armand Marseille bent limb baby has cracks and chips on composition limbs; Good to Excellent, largest 16.5"/42cm, smallest 7.5"/19cm.
828 item(s)/page