Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947), Promenade des nourrices, frise des fiacres , 1899, suite de 4 lithographies en cinq couleurs, monogrammée P.B. , 149 x 189 cm (à vue)Provenance : Collection Jean-Pierre CassigneulBibliographie : Francis Bouvet, Bonnard: l'oeuvre gravé, Paris, Flammarion, 1981, p.68, n°55, ill. pp. 69-71, Claude Roger-Marx, Bonnard lithographe, Monte-Carlo, André Sauret éditions du livre, 1952, p.91, n°47, ill. pp. 92-93.Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947) - Promenade des nourrices, frise des fiacres Influencé par les estampes japonaises et le style des maîtres de l'ukiyo-e découverts lors d'une exposition à l'École des Beaux-arts en 1890, Pierre Bonnard s'intéresse dès ses débuts au format des panneaux. Qu'il les traite en série avec les Femmes au jardin de 1891 ou sous la forme de son Ensemble champêtre de 1894, sa réflexion aboutit à l'utilisation du paravent en 1897 avec la Promenade des nourrices.Fruit d'un travail ambitieux en cours dès 1894, cette réalisation est tout d'abord exécutée par le peintre en un seul tableau proposant une composition croquée sur le vif peinte à la détrempe. Trois ans après cette première tentative picturale, Bonnard choisit la lithographie à cinq couleurs comme medium pour cette composition au thème familier des jardins publics. La surface laissée nue permet aux motifs de s'organiser sur plusieurs plans. Les silhouettes rythment la scène et apportent un dynamisme jovial au travers des deux garçonnets poursuivant leurs cerceaux tandis que les nourrices immobiles et la frise de fiacres jouent de la surface plane des quatre feuilles et apportent une illusion de profondeur.L'oeuvre, éditée et vendue en feuilles détachées ou montées en paravent, devient ainsi un objet utile dans l'usage quotidien et se fait l'expression artistique de la recherche des nabis, à savoir l'art comme élément à part entière de la vie domestique.Collection Jean-Pierre Cassigneul - Peintre et collectionneurJean-Pierre Cassigneul, né en 1935 à Paris, est un peintre français qui grandit au coeur de la haute couture, entouré par l'univers de la maison Jean Dessès fondée par son grand-père.Très tôt, il s'imprègne de l'élégance, des couleurs, des motifs et des textures qui se retrouvent dans son oeuvre. Diplômé des Beaux-Arts, il connaît une ascension rapide grâce notamment à sa rencontre déterminante avec le marchand d'art japonais Kiyoshi Tamenaga, qui lui achète plusieurs oeuvres lors de l'une de ses premières expositions. Le succès international de ses oeuvres en Asie, notamment au Japon où il devient un véritable phénomène dès les années 70, et aux États-Unis, témoigne de la pérennité de son style et de son influence. Tout au long de sa carrière, il a pris plaisir à nouer des amitiés durables avec des artistes de son époque, comme Bernard Buffet et Marcel Fleiss.Douceur de Mai est une toile réalisée dans les années 1980 qui met en scène un vocabulaire en tout point représentatif de la démarche artistique du peintre. La femme est au coeur de sa peinture et elle se pare le plus souvent des plus beaux atouts : soit du bleu serein d'un paysage marin ou lacustre, soit d'une nature luxuriante d'un jardin aux mille fleurs. La recherche d'une élégance mystique, personnifiée par une figure féminine immuable et raffinée dans des décors intemporels, est un leitmotiv dans son oeuvre. À travers ses toiles, Jean-Pierre Cassigneul tisse un dialogue subtil entre la beauté classique et une modernité délicate, prenant ses distances avec les courants dominants et avant- gardistes tout en les réinterprétant à sa manière.Cette toile n'a jamais été présentée sur le marché et provient de sa collection personnelle, qui regroupe très peu de ses réalisations. Peintre et collectionneur, Jean-Pierre Cassigneul a pris soin de s'entourer d'oeuvres d'artistes qu'il affectionne et de techniques novatrices pour leur époque, acquises dans des galeries et des ventes de renom. Cela comprend notamment des séries lithographiques de peintres nabis comme Bonnard (lot 22 et 23) ou Vuillard, qu'il admirait pour leur traitement de la couleur et la force de suggestion de leur travail, ou encore le bronze de González (lot 32) qui reprend son thème de prédilection : la figure féminine.
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Julio González (1876-1942), Femme dite Les trois plis , 1984, modèle c. 1931-1932, sculpture en bronze à patine brun foncé, éd. 1/2, inscrit J. González © , cachet de fondeur E. Godard Fond , 121x27,7x16 cm (hors socle) et h. 136 (avec socle)Provenance: Succession de l'artiste, Paris, Galerie de France, Paris, 1989, Collection Jean-Pierre CassigneulBibliographie: Jörn Merkert, Julio González: Catalogue raisonné des sculptures, Electa Spa, Milan, 1987, p. 121, no. 130, (une autre épreuve illustrée), Tomás et Boye Llorens, Julio González: Catalogo general razonado de le pintures, esculturas y dibujos, Vol. V. 1928-1935, Fundación Azcona, Madrid, 2022, no. 3017 (une autre épreuve illustrée)Exposition: Galerie Pieter Coray, Selezione: sculture e disegni, Editions Galleria Pieter Coray Lugano, 1984, no. 9Exécutée en fer vers 1931-32 et coulée en bronze en 1984 dans une édition de 2 et quatre épreuves marquées 0, 00, EA et HCJulio González (1876-1942) - Femme dite Les trois plis La sculpture Femme dite aux trois plis de Julio González, réalisée dans les années 1930, est une oeuvre majeure du début du XXe s. qui incarne la transition d'une représentation réaliste vers une abstraction géométrique.L'oeuvre représente une figure féminine stylisée, réduite à des formes géométriques simples, sans détails réalistes. Les trois plis verticaux, évoquant une jupe, sont les éléments structurants de la forme qui créent un équilibre visuel entre stabilité et légèreté. Cette simplification de la silhouette humaine traduit la volonté de González d'abandonner les conventions traditionnelles de la sculpture figurative pour explorer de nouvelles dimensions de l'espace et de la forme. Influencé par sa collaboration avec Picasso, González adopte une technique qu'il définit comme un dessin dans l'espace , où il joue avec la tridimensionnalité sans recourir à des représentations pleines et fermées. Le métal, qu'il façonne avec une grande maîtrise, devient le moyen d'exprimer la fluidité de l'abstraction tout en suggérant subtilement le corps humain. Le choix du métal fait ici par l'artiste est un tournant central dans la modernisation de la sculpture anticipant l'utilisation de matériaux industriels dans les courants du minimalisme et de l'art contemporain. Le bronze, coulé seulement 2 exemplaires (hors EA), capte les subtilités du modelé avec une grande précision, tout en préservant la rigueur des lignes géométriques. Plus noble et durable que le fer forgé, il confère à l'oeuvre une dimension intemporelle. Au coeur de cette sculpture se trouve une recherche de fusion de la part de l'artiste entre sculpture, dessin et abstraction influencée par le cubisme qui positionne Julio González comme un pionnier de l'avant-garde de l'art contemporain.Collection Jean-Pierre Cassigneul - Peintre et collectionneurJean-Pierre Cassigneul, né en 1935 à Paris, est un peintre français qui grandit au coeur de la haute couture, entouré par l'univers de la maison Jean Dessès fondée par son grand-père.Très tôt, il s'imprègne de l'élégance, des couleurs, des motifs et des textures qui se retrouvent dans son oeuvre. Diplômé des Beaux-Arts, il connaît une ascension rapide grâce notamment à sa rencontre déterminante avec le marchand d'art japonais Kiyoshi Tamenaga, qui lui achète plusieurs oeuvres lors de l'une de ses premières expositions. Le succès international de ses oeuvres en Asie, notamment au Japon où il devient un véritable phénomène dès les années 70, et aux États-Unis, témoigne de la pérennité de son style et de son influence. Tout au long de sa carrière, il a pris plaisir à nouer des amitiés durables avec des artistes de son époque, comme Bernard Buffet et Marcel Fleiss. Douceur de Mai est une toile réalisée dans les années 1980 qui met en scène un vocabulaire en tout point représentatif de la démarche artistique du peintre. La femme est au coeur de sa peinture et elle se pare le plus souvent des plus beaux atouts : soit du bleu serein d'un paysage marin ou lacustre, soit d'une nature luxuriante d'un jardin aux mille fleurs. La recherche d'une élégance mystique, personnifiée par une figure féminine immuable et raffinée dans des décors intemporels, est un leitmotiv dans son oeuvre. À travers ses toiles, Jean-Pierre Cassigneul tisse un dialogue subtil entre la beauté classique et une modernité délicate, prenant ses distances avec les courants dominants et avant- gardistes tout en les réinterprétant à sa manière. Cette toile n'a jamais été présentée sur le marché et provient de sa collection personnelle, qui regroupe très peu de ses réalisations. Peintre et collectionneur, Jean-Pierre Cassigneul a pris soin de s'entourer d'oeuvres d'artistes qu'il affectionne et de techniques novatrices pour leur époque, acquises dans des galeries et des ventes de renom. Cela comprend notamment des séries lithographiques de peintres nabis comme Bonnard (lot 22 et 23) ou Vuillard, qu'il admirait pour leur traitement de la couleur et la force de suggestion de leur travail, ou encore le bronze de González (lot 32) qui reprend son thème de prédilection : la figure féminine.
A group of women’s fashions, 1960s and later to include a 1960s wool skirt by Jaegar, a 1980s whistles blouson jacket, a pea coat with anchor buttons, a Versace cardigan, a cream Sophie Sitbon jacket, two black leather skirts, an escada couture blouse, an escada blouse, a Louis Feraud cotton blouse Louis Feraud wool skirt -&: another in a green and white cotton, a 1980s leather dress and patchwork leather blouse, a Medici knit dress C1980s and other items (28 in one bag) sizes s-m, mostly in good condition with some wear commensurate with age
A collection of mainly ladies perfume, mostly testers including Jimmy Choo, Dolce and Gabanna, Issey Miyake, Juicy Couture etc, together with assorted body sprays Condition Report:Most are used, many are lacking lids, some bottles empty. Viewing recommended. Condition report not availableNo in house postage
BLANKA MATRAGI (Czech / Bohemian 1953) - Dancing house | 2024 | technique: hand colored print | 28.5 x 20 cm | signature: bottom left | note: Numbered 7/30 II. | passe-partouted | Lot description | Academic painter, fashion designer and designer. She studied at the Secondary Vocational School of Glassmaking and the Secondary School of Art and Industry, then at the VSUP in the clothing design studio. In addition to fashion, she also designs and implements art objects, applied and industrial design for interiors and exteriors. He creates and designs sculptures, glass, home accessories, furniture, jewelry, porcelain, paints pictures. From 1979 lives in Beirut, where in In 1982, she founded her own fashion salon Blanka Haute Couture. | condition report*In case of missing photos, please feel free to contact us.
BLANKA MATRAGI (Czech / Bohemian 1953) - Prague | 2024 | technique: hand colored print | 28.5 x 20 cm | signature: bottom right | note: Numbered 14/30 | passe-partouted | Lot description | Academic painter, fashion designer and designer. She studied at the Secondary Vocational School of Glassmaking and the Secondary School of Art and Industry, then at the VSUP in the clothing design studio. In addition to fashion, she also designs and implements art objects, applied and industrial design for interiors and exteriors. He creates and designs sculptures, glass, home accessories, furniture, jewelry, porcelain, paints pictures. From 1979 lives in Beirut, where in In 1982, she founded her own fashion salon Blanka Haute Couture. | condition report*In case of missing photos, please feel free to contact us.
Circa 1960s and Later Costume comprising a Marjon Couture & Baker Sportswear Mayfair royal blue chiffon mounted full length evening dress with sheer long sleeves (size 16), Robita Couture Mayfair black sleeved cocktail dress with draped detail,Global peach mini dress with three quarter length sleeves and button detail (size 14), Colin Becke London sleeveless evening dress embroidered with pink and cream large flower heads and appliquéd with sequins and beads, black jersey dress with fringed skirt (size 40),Liza Peta white and navy sleeveless jersey dress with pleated skirt and gilt metal lion mask mounts to the waist and pockets (size 16),Victor Costa American black velvet and cream satin mounted evening dress with full skirt,Byroter London sleeveless cocktail dress with multi pleated and tiered bodice and gathered skirt (size 40), Debut black jersey dress with spaghetti straps and fringed detail (size 16), six occasion hats comprising Philip Sommerville, Frederick Fox, Marina Killery in two Harrods card hat boxes and covers,(rail and two boxes)
Circa 1920s and Later Ladies Costume comprising a black silk crepe evening jacket with black lace insertions, a Selfridges of London pink silk sleeveless top with v-neckline and neck tie, black silk crepe kimono embroidered overall with stylish flowers and birds in pink and blue, a printed silk type robe,a Julian Rose London green silk cocktail dress with sweetheart neckline, shoulder straps, embroidered and bead decoration with matching stole and another in bright yellow silk woven with silver and gold flower heads, and another similar full length sleeveless evening dress in bright yellow with floral embroidery,a black velvet two-piece evening dress with a long full skirt and matching sleeveless bodice,a bronze silk full length evening skirt woven with black spots,a Baroque Limited London silver and pink brocade full length evening dress woven with flower heads,and another similar in yellow and gold brocade with a halterneck,a Cresta Couture black jersey full length dress with sheer long sleeves (size 12),a Clevaline London long sleeved mustard coloured full length evening dress with bead decoration,a navy and white spotty cotton full length evening dress with long flared sleeves,a black long sleeved evening top woven with gold and silver and buttons to the reverse,Accessories comprising two ermine fur muffs and collar, grosgrain evening bags, silk and other scarves, pair of Goodrich black rubber heeled over shoes etc,(14 times - rail and one box)Property of the Late Robert Bogdan, Aberdeenshire
Circa 1920s Bianchini-Férier Fabric Sample Book, French including silks, velvets, crepes and satins, in stripes, checks, floral, spot designs in an array of colours 57cm by 41cm by 11cm, 137 double sided pages mounted with a variety of shaped and sized samples, dating from 1926-31, approximately 2660 samples, includes 25 pieces of J Claude Frères & Co Paris headed paper, some with attached samples and titles include Carnaval de Nice 1931, Nuances Haute Couture, Nouveaux Coloris de Londres, Mars 1931, approximately 18% are missing and some are cut, in a black and cream mottled paper mounted card binding labelled Claude to the front and spine, stamped to the inside, Bianchini-Férier Fabricants de Soirieries, Lyons, Paris, New York / Archives Bianchini-Férier 1926
Elegant vintage Fabrice NY Couture sheer black evening cardigan with bouffant sleeves, embroidered silver color sequins and double lace borders. Labels: Fabrice New York Couture; Bergdorf Goodman NY. Shoulders: 16"L; Sleeves: 20''L; Length: 31''L. All measurements are approximate. Issued: c. 1980Dimensions: See DescriptionProvenance: Fashion Collection of Evangeline Gouletas. Click to Learn More.Condition: Age related wear.
Original Engie Couture deep red cashmere double-breasted jacket that closes with six gold-colored buttons and two on each sleeve vent. Label: Engie. Small interior tag: GB 14 (Great Britain), F 14 (France.) Sleeve length: 22''L; Width (Chest): 17''W; Jacket length: 28''L. All measurements are approximate. Issued: c. 1990Dimensions: See DescriptionProvenance: Fashion Collection of Evangeline Gouletas. Click to Learn More.Condition: Age related wear.
Gorgeous original Escada Couture black evening double-breasted cashmere blazer with pointed silk collar, four front gold studded buttons and four on each sleeve vent. Label; Escada Couture. Sleeve length: 23''L; Width (Chest): 16''W; Jacket length: 29''L. All measurements are approximate. Issued: c. 1990Dimensions: See DescriptionProvenance: Fashion Collection of Evangeline Gouletas. Click to Learn More.Condition: Age related wear. One button is missing on right sleeve.
Set of original vintage magazine covers, artwork and other ephemera. 1. Debutante Volume 1 Number 2 - For young ladies of fashion - Design features a lady on horseback walking her red setter dog under a tree next to a river. The reverse side has an advert for Lipstick by Cussons featuring a girl watching toy pirates carrying lipstick from their ship. Good condition, creasing, staining, tears, paper skimming, double sided. Country of issue: UK, designer: Reeves, size (cm): 22x14, year of printing: 1930s; 2. Fremantle 1368 advertising agency - Now on the phone - Design features an artist sitting at a large drawing board underneath a window. Address below for the agency listed is Studio One, 27 Clareville Grove, London, SW7 and 3A Pages Yard, Church Street, W4, Chiswick 5575. Fair condition, creasing, staining, paper losses, tears. Country of issue: UK, designer: Unknown, size (cm): 12x23, year of printing: 1930s; 3. Fremantle 1368 advertising agency - Now on the phone - Design features an artist sitting at a large drawing board underneath a window. Address below for the agency listed is Studio One, 27 Clareville Grove, London, SW7 and 3A Pages Yard, Church Street, W4, Chiswick 5575. Fair condition, creasing, staining, paper losses, tears. Country of issue: UK, designer: Unknown, size (cm): 12x23, year of printing: 1930s; 4.Debutante Volume 1 Number 1 - Cover design features a blonde lady in a white dress walking down a staircase with her black dog with a man in a tuxedo holding out a present for her. The back cover features couples ballroom dancing with a hat stand in the foreground and the words 'Dancing feet by Rayne' written below. Inside the magazine are articles with black and white photography and coloured advertisements. Good condition, creasing, tears, paper losses in top right corner of cover and first pages, staining. Country of issue: UK, designer: Reeves, size (cm): 22x14, year of printing: 1930s; 5. Morley Stockings at Christmas - Design features a fairy dancing on stage by a Christmas tree holding a magic wand. One of the flaps features an illustration of Father Christmas walking through the snow. Fair condition, staining, creasing, tears, folded as issued. Country of issue: UK, designer: Unknown, size (cm): 26x18, year of printing: 1930s; 6. sketches for Morley - Always look for the name Morley - Design features an elf wearing red and white chequered suit and pointed hat with a Christmas tree in the background. Reverse side features a stamp with sizes and prices. I & R Morley was established by brothers John and Richard Morley in 1795. Fair condition, creasing, staining, double sided, backed on board. Country of issue: UK, designer: Unknown, size (cm): 26x21, year of printing: 1930s; 7. book cover dust jacket for The School of False Echoes by Olive L. Groom - Design features two ladies wearing red walking through the woods and looking at a house with a car parked outside in the distance. The story follows Jill Carew and the mystery of the echoing gallery. Good condition, folds as issued, tears, creasing, staining. Country of issue: UK, designer: Fred Reeves, size (cm): 19x40.5, year of printing: 1940s; 8. watercolour painting feating a blue shed standing beneath a tree in a countryside scene with rolling hills in the background. Very good condition, creasing, staining. Country of issue: Unknown, designer: Unknown, size (cm): 30x21, year of printing: Unknown; 9. Modern Liveries issued by Moss Bros & Co Ltd - Design features a car parked outside a grand building with pillars and a tree in the foreground. Inside is a small map showing the shop location as well as a clothing price list. Founded in London in 1851 by Moses Moss, the uniform and fashion clothing brand for men, Moss Bros Group, is now public limited company and one of the UK's top menswear shops that specialises in suits and dress wear for formal occasions. Good condition, tears, staining, creasing, paper losses, rusty staples and loose pages inside, pages missing. Country of issue: UK, designer: Unknown, size (cm): 23x15.5, year of printing: 1930s; 10. National Fitness Campaign Recommend Gym Tunics - Design features two young girls playing netball wearing black tunics. Good condition, creasing, staining, paper loss on bottom right corner. Country of issue: UK, designer: Unknown, size (cm): 21.5x15.5, year of printing: 1930s; 11. J.R. Taylor Spring Fashion Collection - Art deco cover design features a smartly dressed couple walking through an arch past a doorman - Text on the inside reads - JR Taylor has pleasure in informing you that his Autumn collection is now ready for the favour of your visit of inspection. This magnificent collection includes the choicest and most exclusive model gowns for evening wear and many delightful Frocks for less formal occasions. Smart and exclusive autumn millinery is a prominent feature and J. R. Taylor's winter coats, costumes and tweeds will delight his clientèle. J. R. Taylor would especially draw Madani's attention to his unusually fine collection of furs, fur coats, fur wraps and capes, the result of extremely careful buying at the December Skin Sales, when prices reached a new low level. It would be difficult to find a craft more skilled than the modern Furrier's art. Practical furriery has to-day developed to such a remarkable extent that with the skillful manipulation of skins and perfect couture, the fur has become a necessity as well as a glorious adornment to every lady of taste, conforming as it does to all the lines, contours and intricacies that fashion decrees. Furs are definitely an investment and should only be purchased on the advice of an expert and J. R. Taylor will be delighted to put his experience entirely at your disposal. Chic Lingerie and Slumber Wear, beautifully cut Blouses, Knitwear, etc., all go to make this collection unique in its appeal to the smart woman. Good condition, folds as issued, creasing, staining, small tear. Country of issue: UK, designer: Unknown, size (cm): 21.5x15.5 (folded), year of printing: 1930s; 12. magazine cutting Export Development featuring an illustration of a ship sailing into a harbour. The reverse side features part of an article titled - Think about displaying your new spring merchandise. Fair condition, creasing, tears, staining, trimmed edges, double sided. Country of issue: UK, designer: Reeves, size (cm): 11x22, year of printing: 1930s; 13. J.R. Taylor Spring Fashion Collection - Art deco cover design features two ladies sat with crossed legs. Text on the inside reads - No other season makes quite the same appeal to fashion-wise women as does Spring. Dame Fashion deserves unstinted gratitude for the clever modes she creates and for the charming interests she gives, in her important first steps in another cycle of Fashionable dictation. As a servitor, J. R. Taylor cleverly interprets the best of the new season's secrets in his Spring Models. Displayed in his light and spacious Salons is all the charm and beauty essential to women of good taste. Millinery, Sports Suits, Knitwear, Tailormade Coats, Day and Evening Gowns, Furs, Lingerie and other articles of apparel symbolic of the most modern and fashionable trend. J.R.Taylor once again extends a personal invitation to view his recent requisitions and anticipates with genuine pleasure a visit from his many friends. Fair condition, folded as issued, staining. Country of issue: UK, designer: Unknown, size (cm): 18.5x15.5 (folded), year of printing: 1930s; 14. cover from Punch / The London Charivari originally published on November 3 1936 - Design features a Punch and Judy style puppet painting a portrait of a dog wearing a feathered hat framed by smaller drawings of other mythical creatures. Cover adverts featured include...
AMY WINEHOUSE - Amy Winehouse's Juicy Couture Bikini Top and Nike Training Vest - A bikini top and training vest which once belonged to singer and songwriter Amy Winehouse. These clothing items originally came from Winehouse's personal collection, which was auctioned in 2021. The Juicy Couture halter-style nylon and spandex bikini top (marked size "M") features a blue, green and yellow floral design. The Nike cotton and elastane vest has a small red triangular pattern all over and is labelled size "S". There is a small mark on the back of the vest, and the lot is accompanied by two letters of authenticity from Tracks Ltd.Additional Provenance:Part of Lot 517 and 589, Julien's Property From The Life And Career Of Amy Winehouse Auction on 6 November 2021Estimate: £600 - 1,200 † Bidding for this lot will end on Friday, November 15th. The auction will begin at 3:00 PM GMT and lots are sold sequentially via live auctioneer; tune in to the live streaming broadcast on auction day to follow the pace. Note other lots in the auction may close on Thursday, November 14th, Saturday, November 16th or Sunday, November 17th.
Four circa 1970's/80's evening dresses: to include a cream sleeveless cowl neck dress by Shubette, a purple drape dress with beaded detail by Trina Lewis and Marjon Couture, size 14, a blue, black and purple dress, size 14, and a black crepe pleated and beaded detail dress by John Charles, UK 16 (4)
Four mid 20th Century dresses to include a black and white polka dot sleeveless dress by Cresta Couture, size 14, a navy and white polka dot full length dress with Peter Pan collar by Birkatex, size 14, a sleeveless blue patterned shift with bow detail and a multi-coloured print dress with frill collar and cuffs (4)
Four pairs of designer sunglasses, comprising of three pairs of Gucci sunglasses, to include, a pair of oval tortoiseshell frames, partially worn serial no. ending, 02Y56 22, black oval frames, 140 GG 2400 N S 807 54 22, rectangular silver frames, 135 GG 1615 S 4ZD 47 22, cased and a pair of oversized Juicy Couture frames, JU 521 S 086 Y6 56 15 135 2-1. (4 items)
Blackglama Dark Mink Coat, of flared shaped with collar, hook fastening, three quarter length sleeves with bracelet cuffs and side pockets, together with an Emmanuel Ungaro Couture Evening Dress in black silk, drop waist with v-neckline adorned with bow, beads and coloured stones, long black sheer sleeves with silk ties to the cuffs, smocked and jewelled inserts to drop waist and gathered skirt,a Hermés cotton garment bag,(3)Blackglama coat - good condition, 44" chest, 46" base of collar to hem, 16" underarm. Central toggle fastening split.Ungaro dress - 34" bust
A QUANTITY OF LADIES' CLOTHING, comprising approximately fifty nine items of clothing comprising dresses, jackets, tops, suits and skirts, maker's names include Escada, Hobbs, Emporio Armani, Zara, Monsoon, Juicy Couture, Hugo Boss, DKNY, Gerry Weber, Karen Millen, sizes vary, mostly UK 12/14 or S, most items have some signs of wear, a few marks to some pieces (qty) (s.d/a.f) PLEASE NOTE RAIL IS NOT INCLUDED-DISPLAY PURPOSE ONLY.
162 page hardcover book with a dust cover, exploring innovative designs and their lasting impact on fashion by Balenciaga, highlighting his revolutionary contributions to haute couture, as featured in the Texas Fashion Collection. ISBN: 0300121539. Artist: Myra WalkerIssued: 2006Dimensions: 9.5"L x 0.75"W x 12.25"HManufacturer: Yale University PressCountry of Origin: United StatesCondition: Age related wear. As Is. Page 53 is slightly overprinted but remains readable.Provenance: Fashion Collection of Evangeline Gouletas. Click to Learn More.
1940's/50's brown jacquard cocktail dress, three quarter length sleeves, peplum waist, brown velvet trim to the bodice, the skirt with a split showing a brown velvet panel, a Peggy French Couture brown cocktail dress, draped bodice, square neck, three quarter length sleeves, a Simpson's St. Regis Room silk cocktail dress brown paisley style pattern, draped bodice with grosgrain ribbon detail to the waist, a black satin cocktail dress, a black lace cocktail dress with a chiffon drape to one side and a moire silk full circle skirt (6)
BARAT KLEIN original late 1960s early 1970s rayon maxi-skirt and blouse with belt. Fits UK12-14"In 1962, Coco Chanel chose Klein's mohair tweed womenswear textiles for her 1963 spring/summer collection, which led to greater exposure and further sales to couture houses in the US and Europe including Dior, Balenciaga, Pierre Cardin and Saint Laurent." (www. wikipedia.org 26/9/24)Condition Report: Good vintage condition
Three of Hearts. Emma D'Arcey. Signed to the front, unframed, 29.8cm x 21cm. Emma DArcey Biography - "I am a consultant, educator & co- founder of ao textiles. I work across several disciplines, as both a surface designer and colourist, alongside developing my research profile specialising in plant-based colour. My current practice-based research focusses on the concept of using naturally occurring agricultural tree waste to create regenerative, viable, marketable natural dye. I have a textile design background which includes an MA from Central Saint Martins. Over the years I have developed a specialism in the art of marbling, pushing the boundaries & breaking the rules of this traditional craft. Following my MA I founded my own business selling product ranges & designing marbled mono-prints for fashion, retail, haute-couture and interior markets. With over 20 years of experience, I have built a considerable client list including Hermès Paris, Stella McCartney, Deborah Milner, Aveda, Liberty, Zoffany, Avenida, V&A, Hauser & Wirth and Gainsborough Silk Weavers. I am currently a Senior Lecturer, at Istituto Marangoni, London." Please note that Ewbank's are charging no buyers premium for any lots sold in this auction.
CARL BREITBACH Berlin 1833 - 1904 Kassel: An einem Bach angelnde Kaben, dahinter ein Mädchen in Willingshäuser Tracht vor einem Bauernhaus. Oel auf Leinwand 1879. Signiert und datiert. 67 x 77 cm. Doubliert und mit Retuschen. Breitbach studierte 1862/63 bei Th. Couture in Paris, später in Berlin bei L. Knaus, mit dem er immer wieder die Willingshäuser Malerkolonie besuchte. Um 1900 hielt er sich in der Künstlerkolonie Dachau auf. Die Motive für sein Gemälde fand er im bayerischen Hochland, in Hessen, an der Mosel, in Tirol, Italien und den Niederlanden. Später wandte er sich auch Genreszenen mit ländlichen und volkstümlichen Motiven in Öl und Aquarelltechnik zu. Gerahmt. [bg]
A GROUP OF LADIES' HAUTE COUTURE INCLUDING YVES SAINT LAURENT, KARL LAGERFELD AND CHRISTIAN DIOR, HATS AND BOXES (15)Five jackets by Yves Saint Laurent , comprising: a sage green linen jacket; a military style red jacket (size 40 ); a mustard coloured military style jacket; a purple and green silk jacket; a black jacket with braided trim and tassels and a red, black, purple check silk blouse with bow (size 36); A Karl Lagerfeld purple jacket short military style; a Christian Dior logo cropped jacket; a Guy Laroche Hounds Tooth jacketTogether with a Simone Minnan black velvet skull cap hat with bow to the back in a card box, a black straw hat with a black and white bow and a black woven belt, with another belt; And and canvas hat box with the initials GCS: and a square leather mounted travelling case, 41cm wide, 30cm highProvenance: Property from the Collection of the late Countess of Avon.
Artist: Rene Gruau [imputée] (Italian, 1909-2004). Title: "Donna elegante". Medium: Watercolor and ink on paper. Date: Composed c1950's?. Dimensions: Overall size: 11 3/4 x 8 1/4 in. (298 x 210 mm).Pricing: Starting Price: $800 Reserve Price: N.A. Auction Sale Price Estimate: $1,000/1,200Lot Note(s): Signed with the monogram, lower left. Light cream wove paper. Fine condition. Comment(s): "Elégante au voile," a work comparable to our example in composition, size, and medium, sold for $3,012 (€2,500) at Accademia Fine Art, Monaco, December 1, 2017, lot #80. With little doubt, no other artist has captured the world of haute couture as succinctly as René Gruau. Count Renato Zavagli Ricciardelli della Caminate, professionally known as René Gruau, was a painter and fashion illustrator whose portrayal of fashion design through painting had a lasting effect on the fashion industry. Image copyright © The Estate of Rene Gruau. [30177-2-800-NA]
Madeleine VIONNET, collection Haute Couture, circa 1938. Manteau du soir en mousseline de soie noire.De forme ample et fluide, effet de plastron et de col au niveau du buste par plusieurs épaisseurs de mousseline, manches longues larges, boutonnage agrafe, effet de traîne dans le dos par une petite martingale intérieure.(fond manquant, petites reprises et taches)Griffe manquante.Le rapport d'état de ce lot est disponible sur demande : fashion-paris@bonhams.comProvenance: Ancienne collection de Madeleine Chapsal, filleule de Madeleine VionnetFootnotes: Haute Couture collection, circa 1938. Black chiffon evening coat. Loose and fluid shape, plastron effect and collar at the bust by several layers of chiffon, long sleeves wide, button fastener, drag effect in the back by a small martingale inside.(missing bottom, small patches and spots) Missing claw. Provenance: Old collection of Madeleine Chapsal, goddaughter of Madeleine Vionnet. The status report for this batch is available on request : fashion-paris@bonhams.comFor further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com
GRES, collection Haute Couture, circa 1960. Robe de cocktail en jersey de soie chocolat.Prototype du défilé - Modèle n°6224Haut bustier à plissé horizontal rehaussé de deux panneaux larges remontants sur les épaules, jupe fluide à petits plis à longueur asymétrique.Griffe blanche, graphisme noir - Plombs de douaneProvenance: Archives personnelles d'Alix Grès Collection jacques EstérelExposition: Madame Grès, entre Ombre et Lumière, Bourgoin-Jallieu du 19 juin 2004 au 31 janvier 2005, rep. au catalogue.Le rapport d'état de ce lot est disponible sur demande:fashion-paris@bonhams.comFootnotes: Haute Couture collection, circa 1960. Cocktail dress in chocolate silk jersey.Parade Prototype - Model n.6224High waisted pleated bustier enhanced by two wide panels raised on the shoulders, fluid skirt with small folds and asymmetrical length. White claw, black graphic - Customs Lead. Provenance: Alix Grès' personal archives, Jacques Estérel Collection.Exhibition: Madame Grès, entre Ombre et Lumière, Bourgoin-Jallieu from 19 June 2004 to 31 January 2005, rep. to the catalogue. The status report for this batch is available on request:fashion-paris@bonhams.comFor further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com
ANONYME, collection Haute Couture, circa 1935. Robe de jour en soie légèrement gauffrée.A décor imprimée marine et ivoire de lettres de l'alphabet, haut à encolure ronde, effet de découpes sur le buste, motif ondulé au niveau de la ceinture, manches longues dont une rehaussée d'un panneau revenant sur le poignet, jupe fluide.Le rapport d'état de ce lot est disponible sur demande : fashion-paris@bonhams.comFootnotes: Haute Couture collection, circa 1935. Silk dress with a slight embossed edge. With printed decoration of letters of the alphabet, high to round neckline, cut-out effect on the bust, wavy pattern at the waist, long sleeves one of which enhanced by a panel returning to the wrist, fluid skirt. The status report for this batch is available on request : fashion-paris@bonhams.comFor further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com
GRES, collection Haute Couture, Automne-Hiver 1961. Robe du soir longue en jersey de soie noir.Prototype du défilé - Modèle n° 6139Haut bustier à effet de taille haute par un plissé horizontale, jupe fluide.Griffe manquanteProvenance: Archives personnelles d'Alix Grès Collection jacques EstérelExposition: Madame Grès, entre Ombre et Lumière, Bourgoin-Jallieu du 19 juin 2004 au 31 janvier 2005, rep. au catalogue.Madame Grès, la Couture à l'Oeuvre, musée Galliera Hors les Murs Musée Bourdelle, du 25 mars au 24 juillet 2011, rep. au catalogue p.60, version corailLe rapport d'état de ce lot est disponible sur demande:fashion-paris@bonhams.comFootnotes: Haute Couture collection, Autumn-Winter 1961. Long evening dress in black silk jersey. Parade Prototype - Model No. 6139High-rise bustier with a high waist effect by a horizontal pleated, fluid skirt.Missing claw. Provenance: Alix Grès' personal archives, Jacques Estérel Collection.Exhibition: Madame Grès, entre Ombre et Lumière, Bourgoin-Jallieu from 19 June 2004 to 31 January 2005, rep. to the catalogue. Madame Grès, la Couture à l'Œuvre, musée Galliera Hors les Murs Musée Bourdelle, from March 25 to July 24, 2011, ref. catalogue p.60, coral version. The status report for this batch is available on request: fashion-paris@bonhams.comFor further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com
YVES SAINT LAURENT, collection Haute Couture, Automne-Hiver 1968. Ensemble du soir.Atelier: René Blanche - Numéro de passage: 10 - Mannequin: VardaIl se compose d'un pull-tunique recouverts de paillettes noires, ras du cou, manches longues, et d'un pantalon large en crêpe de soie noire.Griffe blanche, graphisme noirLe rapport d'état de ce lot est disponible sur demande : fashion-paris@bonhams.comFootnotes: Haute Couture collection, Autumn-Winter 1968. Evening ensemble. Workshop: René Blanche - Passage number: 10 - Model: Varda. It consists of a tunic-sweater covered with black sequins, girdle, long sleeves, and wide trousers in black silk crepe. White claw, black graphics. The status report for this batch is available on request : fashion-paris@bonhams.comThis lot is subject to the following lot symbols: ARAR Goods subject to Artists Resale Right Additional Premium.For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com
CARVEN, collection Haute Couture, Printemps-Eté 1951. Tailleur en lainage écossais bordeaux et vert olive.Modèle: Chasseresse.Veste de forme cintrée à col tailleur partiellement recouvert de daim vert olive, effet de double panneau dans le dos souligné de frange et rejoignant les poches en biais, jupe droite. Doublure en soie ivoire siglée.Griffe ivoire, graphisme marronLe croquis de ce modèle provenant de la donation de madame Grog-Carven est conservé dans les collection du musée Galliera sous le n° 2015.0.23.51.Le rapport d'état de ce lot est disponible sur demande : fashion-paris@bonhams.comFootnotes: Haute Couture collection, Spring-Summer 1951. Bordeaux and olive green Scottish wool suit. Model: Chasseresse. Jacket with a curved shape, a tailored collar partially covered in olive green suede, double panel effect on the back highlighted by fringe and joining the pockets at the front, straight skirt. Ivory silk lining signed. Ivory claw, brown graphic.The sketch of this model from Madame Grog-Carven's donation is kept in the collection of the Galliera Museum under the number 2015.0.23.51. The status report for this batch is available on request : fashion-paris@bonhams.comFor further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com
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