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Damespiel - Draughts - Checkers. The Draughts Players' Weekly Bulletin. Volume 1, No. 1 (Nov.) 1896 – No. 20 (March) 1897. Bristol, Kear, 1896 – 1897. 8°. Mit Diagrammen. 2 Bll. (Titel und Register), 240 Seiten. Pappband. (19) * Zustand: Innen etwas gebräunt. Einband etwas bestoßen. Beiliegt: British Draughts Journal. A Magazine devoted to the Game of Draughts. Editor: W. G. Parker. Stirling, Learmonth, 1954 – 1958. 8°. Mit Diagrammen. Halbleinen- und Leinenband. Vorhanden sind: No. 12 (Jan.-Feb.) 1954 -. No. 36 (Jan.-Feb) 1958. Mit Titel und Register. Zustand: Innen etwas gebräunt. Einbände mit Gebrauchspuren. Nicht einzeln kollationiert.
Damespiel - Draughts - Checkers. Medkow, W. W. und W. N. Russo. Match W. Medkow – W. Bakumenko na perwentswo S.S.S.R. po schaschkam w 1928 godu. Sbornik wsech partij matcha. (Leningrad), Schachmatnyj Listok, 1928. 8°. Mit Diagrammen. 50 Seiten. Orig. geheftet. (19) * Zustand: Innen gebräunt Umschlag angestaubt, fleckig und mit Stempel. Beiliegen. 8 Bücher und Kleinschriften zum Damespiel in russischer Sprache aus der Zeit 194 - 1955. 8°. Mit Diagrammen. Unterschiedliche Halbleinenbände und geheftet. Enthalten sind u. a.: XIII & XVI perwenstwo SSSR po schaschkam, W. Giljarow: Stokletotschnyje schaschki; I. Kulerman: Match na perwenstwo SSSR po schaschkam 1947 goda; XXIX tschempionat SSSR po russkin schaschkam 1969 (Bulletin). Zustand: Innen gebräunt und wenig fleckig, teilweise stärker, mit wenigen Notizen und Stempeln. Wenige Seiten mit Defekten. Einbände und Umschläge mit Gebrauchsspuren, angestaubt, bestoßen und teilweise fleckig. Nicht einzeln kollationiert.
Damespiel - Draughts - Checkers. The Draughts Review. A Monthly Magazine devoted to the interests of the game in all parts of the world. Official Organ of the Scottish, Welsh and English Draughts – Associations. Editor: W. G. Parker. 2 Bände. Hull, Barron, 1924 – 1925 und 1927. 8°. Mit zusammen 3 Tafeln und vielen Diagrammen. VIII, 282; VIII, 238 Seiten. Blauer und roter Leinband mit goldgeprägtem Titeldruck. (19) * Vorhanden sind: Vol. I (1924 – 1925) No. 1 – 14 und Vol. III (1927) No. 1 – 12. Zustand: Innen etwas gebräunt, Vorsätze stärker und vereinzelt fleckig. Durch den Postversand teilweise mit senkrechter Knickspur. Einbände fleckig, angestaubt, etwas bestoßen und teilweise ausgeblichen. Nicht einzeln kollationiert.
Damespiel - Draughts - Checkers. Bowen, R. E. Checkers. The Authors’ Bristol: A Combined Analysis of the Play of all the Authors from 1756 to 1880, on the 24 - 20, 24 - 19 and 22 - 18 Lines. Second Edition. Philadelphia, Clouser, 1889. 8°. 44 Seiten, 2 Bll. Vordrucke. Angebunden: Atkinson, M. New Bristol: comprising 158 variations. Together with critical positions showing ingenious Corrections up to date … / New Bristol: comprising 235 variations. Together with critical positions …Part 1 & 2. Bristol, Kear, 1889. 44 Seiten. / Stayman, J. Complete Analysis of Black Doctor. West Derry, Stearns, ca. 1899. 4 unn. Bll. Schwarzer Halbleinenband mit Titeldruck auf Vorderdeckel. (19) * Zustand: Innen etwas gebräunt und vereinzelt fleckig, teilweise stärkes. Textseiten des letzten Teils knapp beschnitten. Einband teilweise ausgeblichen. Beiliegen: D. Bryant's Correspondence Tourney Games, August 1938. 8°. 32 Seiten. Orig. geheftet. / McHardy, A. Appendix to McHardy's Relative Positions. 1928. 8°. 24 Seiten. Orig. geheftet. Zustand der Beilagen: Innen gebräunt. Umschlag angestaubt und teilweise ausgeblichen und bestoßen.
Damespiel - Draughts - Checkers. Battersby, A. The game of draughts. Fifth International Match between England and Scotland. Games played by picked teams in Glasgow … 1910.. Glasgow, Bryson, 1910. 8°. Mit 2 Tafeln und Diagrammen. 75 Seiten, 2 Bll. Orig. Leinenband. (19) * Zustand: Innen etwas gebräunt. Einband angestaubt, teilweise ausgeblichen. Rücken oben defekt. Beiliegen: Barker, Ch. F. The American Checker – Player: comprising twenty – two openings … together with thirty – five critical positions …/ The games of checkers Barker vs. Martins. International games … and the championship of Great Britain and America … between Ch. F. Barker … and Robert Martins …1887, and … 1888. 2 Teile in einem Band. Boston, DeWolfe & Fiske, ca. 1890. 8°. Mit 1 Tafel. 178 1 Bl., 32 Seiten. Orig. Leinenband. Zustand: Innen gebräunt. Einband angestaubt und bestoßen. / Grover, K. M. und T. Wiswell. Twentieth Century Checkers. Nachdruck. Ohne Ort, Goodwin, 1987. 8°. Mit Diagr. 186 Seiten. Orig. geheftet. Umschlag etwas ausgeblichen.
Newborn, M. Kasparov versus Deep Blue. Computer Chess comes of Age. New York u.a., Springer, ca. 1997. 8°. Mit Textabb. und Diagrammen. XIII, 322 Seiten. Orig. Halbleinenband mit Schutzumschlag. (19) Beiliegen: Tal, M. Tal - Botvinnik 1960. Match for the World Chess Championship. Revised and expanded 4th edition. Milford ca. 1996. 8°. Mit Diagrammen. IV, 1 Bl., 213 Seiten. Orig. geheftet. / Schaeffer, J. One Jump Ahead. Challenging Human Supremacy in Checkers. New York u. a., Springer, ca. 1997. 8°. Mit wenigen Diagrammen. XIV, 496 Seiten. Orig. Pappband mit Schutzumschlag. Buchschnitt etwas fleckig.
Damespiel - Draughts - Checkers. Medkow, W. und A. Mischin. Asbuka schaschetschnoj igry i 150 partij s lowuschkami. Moskau, 1927. 8°. Mit Diagr. 91 Seiten. Halbleinenband. (19) * Zustand: Innen stärker gebräunt, wenig fleckig und letzte Seiten randig. Einband angestaubt und bestoßen. Beiliegen. 4 Bücher und Kleinschriften zum Damespiel in russischer Sprache aus der Zeit 1928 - 1939. 8°. Mit Diagrammen. Unterschiedliche Halbleinenbände und geheftet. Enthalten sind: W. Bakumenko: Match sa schaschetschnoje perwentswo S.S.S.R. Bakumenko – Medkow; W. Bakumenko und E. Ilinskij: Utschebnik schaschetschnoj igry; W. Lisenko: Perwaja kniga schaschista; W. Giljarow: Stokletotschiyje schaschki. Zustand: Innen stärker gebräunt und wenig fleckig, teilweise stärker, mit wenigen Notizen. Wenige Seiten mit Defekten. Einbände und Umschlag angestaubt und bestoßen. Nicht einzeln kollationiert.
Damespiel - Draughts - Checkers. Banks – Long. World Championship Games. Three – Move Restriction. Asa A. Long vs. Newell W. Banks played at Barlum Hotel Detroit … 1934. A 40 – game subscription match between Asa A. Long and Newell W. Banks … Detroit, Morris – Systems, ca. 1935. 8°. Mit wenigen Diagrammen. 47 Seiten. Original geheftet. (19) * Beiliegen: Draughts. George O’Connor, Glasgow, v. Samuel Cohen, London. Match games … 1926. Portobello, McKay, ca. 1926. 8° . Mit 2 Tafeln und Diagrammen. 47 Seiten. Brauner Leinenband. / Partijen om het wereldkampioenschap dammen 1934 - 1935 - 1936. Ca. 1936. 8°. Mit Textabb. und Diagr. 92 Seiten (Name auf Titel). Orig. geheftet. / Grover, K. M. und T. Wiswell. Twentieth Century Checkers. Nachdruck. Ohne Ort, Goodwin, 1987. 8°. Mit Diagr. 186 Seiten. Orig. geheftet. Zustand für alle Teile: Innen etwas gebräunt, Vorsätze stärker. Umschläge und Einband etwas angestaubt, teilweise ausgeblichen.
18 Vintage Board Games including. (9700g)All the Kings Men, Take the Brain, Buck-a-roo, Word Yahtzee, Dominoes, Checkers, Merry Game of Floundering, Kan-u-Go, Music Grab, Rubik's cube, Pack of cards, Operation (2), Scrabble, Snakes & Ladders, Super Spirograph, Corona board gameAll Unchecked. - Condition - Fair
PAIR OF FRAMED CHINESE RICE PAPER PAINTINGS, 19TH CENTURY One image depicts a pair of gentlemen playing Chinese Checkers overlooked by another lighting a pipe and a lady bringing tea. Other image depicting tradesmen and prospective buyers. Watercolour on paper, each in a red velvet couch frame, width 39cm, height 27cm. (2)
2 Spiele im Holzkasten. Ende 19. Jh. Kirschbaum und andere Hölzer. Verschließbarer Spielmarken-Kasten mit Schachbrettdeckel, darin Zubehör für verschiedene Spiele (Schachfiguren, Dominosteine aus Bein und Holz, Spieljetons, Dame- und Mühlesteine und Etui mit Spielkarten). 1 Schlüssel. 7 x 25 x 25 cm. / Reise-Steckspiel Solitär, mit unterseitigem Schub für die Spielfiguren. 4,5 x 22 x 13 cm. Bespielt, mit Altersspuren. Aufrufzeit 24. | Okt. 2024 | voraussichtlich 12:52 Uhr (CET)2 games in a wooden box. Late 19th century Cherry and other woods. Lockable token box with chessboard lid, containing accessories for various games (chess pieces, dominoes made of bone and wood, playing chips, checkers and millstones and case with playing cards). 1 key. 7 x 25 x 25 cm. / Solitaire travel pack, with drawer underneath for the playing pieces. 4.5 x 22 x 13 cm. Worn, with signs of age. Call time 24 | Oct. 2024 | probably 12:52 pm (CET)*This is an automatically generated translation from German by deepl.com and only to be seen as an aid - not a legally binding declaration of lot properties. Please note that we can only guarantee for the correctness of description and condition as provided by the German description.
Ty Beanies - Gund - Russ - A collection including Beanies, Buddies and others,1999 Holiday Teddy, Dickens, Bearkhardt, Oscar, Beargundy, Camelia, Fairbanks, Courage, Ivan, Wallace, The Beginning, Abby, Breezy, Salty, The End, Checkers, Spunky, Tiny, Woody, Teddy, Curly, Katrina, Cheri, Allura, Susannah, Brisbane, Azure, Ramsey, Millennium, Luke, Bluebeary, Grant and others. All appear in Very Good condition, any not named do not have their tag. (This does not constitute a guarantee) [ba]
Hornby - Sutcliffe - Top Trumps - Others - A mixed assortment of items to include an unboxed 37 Class 37 37073 and an unboxed Clockwork Sprite Speed boat with key; both in fair-good. Also includes a vintage tidly winks set, Marble Checkers and various Top Trump sets and vintage children's books, Fair plus condition with fair-good boxes. Items not checked for completeness (This dors not constitute a guarantee) RG-2
TWO BISCUIT TINS, W&R JACOBS & CO AND MARSH & SON LTD one circa 1904, style name 'Bagatelle', decorated in an Art Deco style with flowers. The other circa 1926, modelled in the form of a drafts or checkers board, with hinged opening.Provenance: The Lewis Collection 28x16.5cm, 22x11cm respectively Qty: 2 Refer to images.
A Great War ‘Western Front’ M.M. group of eleven awarded to Sergeant, later Major, G. C. Waghorn, Canadian Army Service Corps, who saw further service during the Second World War, and was Recommended for the M.B.E. Military Medal, G.V.R. (36249 Sjt. G. C. Weghorn [sic]. Can: A.S.C. Pool.); 1914-15 Star (36249 Sjt. G. C. Weghorn [sic]. Can: A.S.C.); British War and Victory Medals, with M.I.D. oak leaves (36249 Sjt. G. C. Weghorn [sic]. C.A.S.C.); Defence Medal, Canadian issue in silver; Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, with overseas clasp; War Medal 1939-45, Canadian issue in silver; Coronation 1937, unnamed as issued; Permanent Forces of the Empire L.S. & G.C., G.V.R. (C.S.M. (W.O. Cl.2) G. C. Waghorn. M.M. R.C.A.S.C.); Army Meritorious Service Medal, G.VI.R., 1st issue (WO1 G. C. Waghorn RCASC); Canadian Forces Decoration, G.VI.R. (Major G. C. Waghorn) mounted as worn; together with the related miniature awards, these similarly mounted and both housed in a Birks fitted case; together with four gold prize medals (all 10ct., total weight 34.38g), the reverses engraved ‘Camp Bordern 1925 1st Throwing the Hammer Sgt. Major C. [sic] C. Waghorn M.M. R.C.A.S.C.’; ‘Camp Borden 1925 1st Shot Put Sgt. Major I. I. [sic]. Waghorn M.M. R.C.A.S.C.’; ‘C.S.M. Geo. Weghorn [sic] M.M. 1925 Champion Camp Borden Golf Club’; and ‘Champions Fort Osborne Bks Wpeg. Man. 1927-28 G. E. Weghorn [sic]’, the mounted group lacquered, very fine and better (15) £1,000-£1,400 --- Importation Duty This lot is subject to importation duty of 5% on the hammer price unless exported outside the UK --- --- Provenance: Jeffrey Hoare, April 2012. M.M. London Gazette 20 August 1919. Charles George Waghorn (also recorded as Weghorn) was born in Coburg, Ontario, on 13 August 1894 and served with the 1st Divisional Supply Column, Canadian Army Service Corps (Motor Transport Section) during the Great War. Remaining in Permanent Fore, R.C.A.S.C. in the inter-War years, he saw further service during the Second World War, and for his services was recommended for the award of the M.B.E., the original Recommendation stating: ‘This Officer has served under my Command, with the exception of a few months, since 1 October 1940. During that period he has served faithfully and efficiently. He was in charge of the First Canadian Corps Maintenance School, teaching maintenance to all Senior Officers. He was instrumental in raising the general standard of maintenance and was complimented by many senior officers who attended this school. His ability in technical M.T. has been a great asset to the Units which he has served and to the R.C.A.S.C. in general. At this particular Unit he was instrumental in creating a Trades Pool and his interests and efforts in up-grading and salvaging tradesmen in the months gone by when there was a shortage, demanded a tremendous amount of effort and ingenuity. The fact that this Officer has been personally requested for a number of Exercise Checkers, carried out on Canadian General Hospitals prior to moves Overseas, is an indication of the regard in which he is hold by higher authority. The C.M.H.Q. Inspectorate has personally thanked Commanding Officer 1 C.A.S.C. R.U. for the services of this Officer and has given him the highest recommendations for his services in this connection. His ability in man-management, control and understanding of men, is outstanding. I highly recommend this officer for the award for his outstanding ability, untiring efforts and devotion to duty.’
Various commemorative and pre decimal coinage, to include a Their Finest Hour Official Battle of Britain 75th Anniversary commemorative coin, various Change Checkers coinage relating to the RAF, a fifty pence Ms Tiggy Winkle commemorative coin, Battle of Waterloo, Prince George The Regent of Great Britain commemorative coin, Victorian and later copper pennies, further pre decimal coinage, etc. (1 box)
Spiele - - Jeux de Société. Umfangreiche französische Spielesammlung. Paris, Paul Perret, um 1890. In orig. Holzkiste (ca. 12,5 x 55 x 40 cm) mit Klappdeckel, goldgepr. DTitel, Monogrammprägung "PP" u. 2 Schließen (bestoßen, berieben, fleckig, lichtrandig, kl. Fehlstellen im Bezug, Deckel mit Defekt). Enthält u.a.: 11 meist chromolithogr. illustr. Spielbretter für Jeu du Nain Jaune (2x), Roulette mit Roulette-Rad, Jeu de Marelle (Mühle), Jeu d'Assaut (Belagerungsspiel), Jeu de l'Oie (Gänsespiel), Jeu de Steeple-Chase (Pferde-Rennspiel mit 5 Metall-Reitern (1 Reiterkopf fehlend)), Schach/Dame (2 Bretter in versch. Größen, mit komplettem Schachfiguren-Set u. 2 x 20 Spielsteinen aus Holz), Solitaire-Holz-Spielbrett, Jeu d'Osselet mit 5 "Knochen", Alquerque, 24 Lotto-Karten mit 44 Spielsteinen, 28 Domino-Steine, 31 u. 24 Spielkarten, 50 Jetons, 8 Jonchets, 1 kl. Ldr.-Würfelbecher, 5 Würfel, 6 Spielanleitungen (Jeu du Baguenaudier, Jeu de Jonchets u.a.), meist aufbewahrt in inliegenden Pp.-Schachteln mit Glasdeckeln (tls. mit Defekten). - Angestaubt, tls. angeschmutzt u. stockfleckig, Spielbretter tls. berieben u. bestoßen (2 davon stärker), sonst insg. gut erhaltene, seltene, im Handel nicht auffindbare Spielesammlung. Rare extensive French game collection by Paul Perret in Paris. In original wooden box with hinged lid, gilt stamped title and monogram "PP" in the cover and 2 clasps (bumped, rubbed, stained, light margins, small missing parts in the cover, lid defective). - Contains among others: 11 mostly chromolithographic illustrated boards for Jeu du Nain Jaune (2x), Roulette with roulette wheel, Jeu de Marelle (mill), Jeu d'Assaut (siege game), Jeu de l'Oie (goose game), Jeu de Steeple-Chase (horse-racing game with 5 metal riders (1 rider's head missing)), Chess/Checkers (2 boards in various sizes, with complete set of wooden chessmen and 2 x 20 wooden pieces), wooden Solitaire board, Jeu d'Osselet with 5 "bones", Alquerque, 24 lotto cards with 44 pieces, 28 dominoes, 31 and 24 playing cards, 50 tokens, 8 jonchets, 1 small leather dice cup, 5 dice, 6 game instructions (Jeu du Baguenaudier, Jeu de Jonchets a.o.), mostly stored in cardboard boxes with glass lids (partly with defects). - Dusty, partly soiled and foxed, boards partly rubbed and bumped (2 of them more heavily), otherwise overall well preserved, rare game collection not to be found in the trade.
A large quantity of board games including ; Hedgehog's Revenge, 1990s. Lenny Henry's Stand Up Comic Game by Paul Lamond Games Ltd. Spitting Image Grin 'N' Bear It! Interactive VHS Game by Bizarre Games, Mr. Ree! The Fireside Detective Game by Selchow & Richter, 1957. Two Copies of Go For Broke, one with the 1965 (c) to box lid, by Selchow & Righter Co. The Great Balloon Race by Parker Bros, 1991,The B.G.L Electric Compendium - 4 Electric Games In 1. By B.G.L London, c1930s, Spite by Lagoon Games. Schools Out by Wishbone Games. Wicked Willie The Board Game and Masterwine, Centre Court by BMI Toys & Games. Par-Golf by Ariel games, 1960s. Tournament Golf by Ariel Games, Snakes & Ladders, Peter Rabbit, Campaign, Golfette and another, Misfits by Spears games. Lotto Or House and Tiddley Winks. Both by 'Harlesdon Series'. Blow Football by Spears. Solitaire by Merit, Chinese Checkers by Chad Valley, probably early 20th century. Nursery Rhymes Ring Game by Glvum. Pegfive. Bugs Bunny Tiddleywinks. Noddy's Ring Game. Home You Go! by Spears. Bobbin Knitting Set by Philmar. Nipper's Ups And Downs. Table Croquet. Scoop! by Waddington's. Tell Me Quiz Game. Krazy Kids. Ace Film Projector by Merit. (qty)
MB Games - Spear's Games - Hasbro - Waddingtons - A collection of several games from a variety of makes which includes Dragster, Chinese Checkers and Whot. All games come in good to very good boxes except for Coppit which comes in a worn box. Instruction are present in all games apart from Dragster and the content of all have not been checked for completeness. This lot also contains three packs of cards; Lexican, Original Happy Families and Happy families-wild animals which all come in worn boxes (This does not constitute a guarantee) RG
MB Games - BBC - Smart Cookie Games - A set of five boards games comprising of Battleship, Checkers, The Movie Game, 18 Games Compendium and 'Allo 'Allo. The Games are in good to very good boxes. 'Allo 'Allo appears to be the only game that comes with instructions. Also in this lot is a vintage stamp printing set of John Bull Printing outfit from Character Series in a good box. Contents have not been checked for completeness. (This does not constitute a guarantee) RG [ba-6]
A competition backgammon board (folding as a case), 68cm x 43cm as case Checkers good; fifteen of each; 5cm diam.; 1cm depth. Vinyl-covered caseworn with some tears to edges; no leather components; interior with some wear; metal mounts rusting; handle worn and weak. Case measurement is with the case closed. No maker’s name.
409 item(s)/page