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Vintage hand-painted porcelain French Lace Rose depicted on a tree branch beneath two small white jasmine flowers. Stamped on the bottom Artist Original. Boehm backstamp. Issued: 20th centuryDimensions: 8.5"L x 9"W x 5.75"HManufacturer: BoehmCountry of Origin: United StatesCondition: Age related wear.
Created as a 40th anniversary issue, this vintage porcelain bluebird sits atop a tree stump above 2 pink roses. The colors used on the bluebird are as vivid as the green on the rose leaves. Incredible detail throughout. Marked item #40379. Boehm backstamp. Issued: 1990Dimensions: 4.25"L x 3.5"W x 4.5"HManufacturer: Edward Marshall BoehmCountry of Origin: United StatesCondition: Age related wear.
This vintage hand-painted porcelain figurine depicts a white rose in full bloom on a tree branch beneath a sprig of holly with bright red berries. Boehm backstamp. Issued: 20th centuryDimensions: 5"L x 3.5"W x 3.75"HManufacturer: BoehmCountry of Origin: United StatesCondition: Age related wear.
Vintage hand-painted porcelain depiction of a young swan seated on a lily pad. Boehm stated that he loved working with porcelain because when properly fired, the colors would not change. This piece has beautiful grading on the green lily pad and realistic shading on the brown ducking. Boehm backstamp. Artist: Edward Marshall BoehmIssued: 20th centuryDimensions: 5.75"L x 5.5"W x 4"HManufacturer: BoehmCountry of Origin: United StatesCondition: Age related wear.
Max WeilerStelldichein der Winde1989Eitempera auf Leinwand; gerahmt120 x 120 cmSigniert und datiert rechts unten: Weiler 89österreichischer PrivatbesitzGottfried Boehm, Der Maler Max Weiler. Das Geistige in der Natur, Wien 2010 , S. 386.Ausstellungskatalog, Max Weiler. Licht und Farbe, Bozen 1994, o. S. Wieland Schmied, Max Weiler. Ein anderes Bild der Natur, Der Weg zum Spätwerk. Salzburg 1998 , S. 161.Ausstellungskatalog, Max Weiler. Im Jahrhundert der Moderne. Malerei seit 1927. Anlässlich der Retrospektive "Max Weiler. Im Jahrhundert der Moderne. Malerei seit 1927" im Kunsthaus Wien, 16.10.1999 bis 6.2.2000, Wien 1999, S. 354-355.Der Tiroler Maler und Grafiker Max Weiler zählt zu den etabliertesten Künstlern der österreichischen Moderne. Weiler hinterließ ein umfangreiches Œuvre, das sich über sieben Jahrzehnte erstreckt. Neben Malereien und Zeichnungen schuf er Monumentalbilder im öffentlichen Raum, darunter die Fresken in der Theresienkirche in Innsbruck, die Wandmalereien im Innsbrucker Hauptbahnhof und das Fresko in der Friedenskirche in Linz. Weilers Inspirationsquelle war stets die Natur und Landschaft. Das zeigt sich auch im Spätwerk Stelldichein der Winde aus dem Jahr 1989. Mit Blick auf das Geistige in der Natur malte er eine lyrische Landschaftskomposition in radikaler Perspektive und vitaler Farbigkeit. Es ist eine abstrakte Synthese aus gelebter Naturerfahrung und empfundener Spiritualität. Das Gemälde offenbart Weiler nicht nur als seismografischen Naturbeobachter, es zeugt auch von der künstlerischen Erfahrung und Souveränität des damals 79-Jährigen Künstlers. Beeinflusst von der altchinesischen Landschaftsmalerei der Sung-Dynastie, ist Weilers poetischer Bildkosmos im ständigen Fluss. Naheliegend, dass ihm die Nationalgalerie in Peking eine eigenen Ausstellung 1998 widmete. Über seine späteren Landschaften schrieb er einmal: "Ich will größten Eindruck. Bei den letzten Bildern wird mir immer klarer, dass es mich seinerzeit einfach langweilte, Landschaften abzuzeichnen, denn ich sah, dass alle gleich ausschauten, weil sie gleich angeschaut werden müssen. […] So konnte ich es nicht mehr machen, und ich versuchte es anders. Ich wollte alles so gestalten, als wären die Gesetze der Perspektive aufgehoben." (Almut Krapf: Max Weiler, Salzburg 1975, S. 46). Seit den Sechzigern malte Weiler ausschließlich in Eitempera. Seine Faszination für die Natur und Landschaft reicht zurück bis in seine Kindheit in der Tiroler Bergwelt. Geboren 1910 im ländlichen Absam in Tirol, trat er 1925 der Jugendbewegung Bund Neuland bei. Von 1930 bis 1937 studierte er an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien bei Karl Sterrer. Auf Einladung von Clemens Holzmeister wirkte er an der Ausgestaltung der Österreich-Kapelle im päpstlichen Pavillon der Pariser Weltausstellung 1937 mit. 1960 vertrat er Österreich auf der Biennale in São Paulo. Weiler gewann zahlreiche Auszeichnungen und hatte Ausstellungen im In- und Ausland, darunter in der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien 1978, im Frankfurter Kunstverein 1984, im Museo de Arte Moderno in Mexico City 1989, in der Prager Nationalgalerie 1991, im Belvedere 1995 und in der Albertina 2011. 2001 starb Weiler im Alter von 90 Jahren in Wien.(Stefan Üner)
A stunning depiction of two warblers in Bougainvillea flowers on fine English bone China with gold band around rim. This item has its original box which measures 11.25"L x 11.25"W x 1.25"H. Boehm backstamp. Dimensions: 1"H x 10.75" diaManufacturer: BoehmCountry of Origin: EnglandCondition: Age related wear.
A stunning depiction of two woodpeckers in a tree on fine English bone China with gold band around rim. This item has its original box which measures 11.25"L x 11.25"W x 1.25"H. Boehm backstamp. Dimensions: 1"H x 10.75" dia. Manufacturer: BoehmCountry of Origin: EnglandCondition: Age related wear.
A Queen Victoria 1887 Golden Jubilee cased silver medal, designed by Sir J E Boehm and Frederick, Lord Leighton, engraved by L C Wyon, decorated with a crowned and veiled bust of Victoria and the other side an enthroned figure representing the British Empire with a hand on the Sword of Justice, surrounded by seven figures representing the Arts, Commerce and Industry.
BOEHM, ARMIN1972 AachenTitel: "Edgy". Datierung: 2019. Technik: Öl auf Leinwand. Maße: 60 x 60cm. Bezeichnung: Signiert, datiert und betitelt verso oben mittig: Armin Boehm 2019 "Edgy". Rahmen/Sockel: Rahmen. Provenienz:- Privatsammlung Norddeutschland. Erläuterungen zum Katalog Armin Boehm Unikate 2010er Rahmen Porträt Gemälde Öl Voraussichtliche Versandkosten für dieses Los: Deutschland: 63,00 Euro inkl. 10,06 Euro MwSt EU: 95,00 Euro inkl. 15,17 Euro MwSt Weltweit: 165,00 Euro inkl. 26,34 Euro MwSt zzgl. Versandversicherung
1837-1901. London mint. Dated 1887. Design by Joseph Edgar Boehm. 'Withdrawn' type. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA BRITT: REGINA (dot over I) F: D:, crowned, veiled and draped bust to left; J.E.B. in small lettering beneath truncation / Crowned square topped shield of arms within Garter inscribed HONI • SOIT • QUI MAL • Y • PENSE • • •; date below. Bull - (unrecorded variety); ESC - (same); SCBC 3928. 2.81gr, 19mm, 12h. ().Extremely Fine. Attractive example with iridescent tone. Apparently unique variety with dot over I in REGINA.Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.
1837-1901. Jubilee coinage. London mint, 1887. Designs by Joseph Edgar Boehm and Leonard Charles Wyon. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA BRITT: REGINA F: D:, Jubilee bust to left; initials J.E.B. on arm truncation / HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE on garter around crowned coat-of-arms, date below. KM 761; SCBC 3926. 5.60gr, 24mm, 12h. ().Good Very Fine.Acquired on the UK art market; Property of an Essex, UK, collector.
1837-1901. London mint. Dated 1889. Design by Joseph Edgar Boehm. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA, crowned, veiled and draped bust to left; J.E.B. in small lettering on truncation / BRITT: REG: FID: DEF:, crowned cruciform shields around Star of the Garter, sceptres in angles; date with Arabic 1 above. Bull 2701; ESC 398; SCBC 3923. 22.21gr, 36mm, 12h (). [No Reserve]Near Very Fine. Toned.Ex Stocker collection, Kent, UK, 1955-early 2000s.
1837-1901. London mint. Dated 1889. Jubilee coinage. Designs by Joseph Edgar Boehm and Benedetto Pistrucci. VICTORIA D: G: BRITT: REG: F: D:, crowned, veiled and draped bust to left; J.E.B. in small lettering on truncation / St. George on horseback to right, holding sword with right hand and wearing plumed helmet and billowing cloak, slaying the dragon which falls to right; small B. P. beneath ground line to right, date in exergue. SCBC 3921; KM 765. 27.70gr, 39mm, 12h (). [No Reserve]Near Very Fine.Ex Stocker collection, Kent, UK, 1955-early 2000s.
1837-1901. London mint. Dated 1887. Old Head coinage. Designs by Joseph Edgar Boehm and Benedetto Pistrucci. VICTORIA D: G: BRITT: REG: F: D:, crowned, veiled and draped bust to left; J.E.B. in small lettering on truncation / St. George on horseback to right, holding sword with right hand and wearing plumed helmet and billowing cloak, slaying the dragon which falls to right; small B. P. beneath ground line to right, date in exergue. SCBC 3921; KM 765. 28.10gr, 38mm, 12h (). [No Reserve]Very Fine. Nicely toned.Ex Stocker collection, Kent, UK, 1955-early 2000s.
1837-1901. London mint. Dated 1889. Design by Joseph Edgar Boehm. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA, crowned, veiled and draped bust to left; J.E.B. in small lettering on truncation / BRITT: REG: FID: DEF:, crowned cruciform shields around Star of the Garter, sceptres in angles; date with Arabic 1 above. Bull 2701; ESC 398; SCBC 3923. 22.53gr, 36mm, 12h (). [No Reserve]Very Fine.Ex Stocker collection, Kent, UK, 1955-early 2000s.
1837-1901. London mint. Dated 1887. Jubilee head type. Designs by Joseph Edgar Boehm and Benedetto Pistrucci. VICTORIA D : G : BRITT : REG : F : D :, crowned, veiled and draped bust to left; J.E.B. in small lettering on truncation / St. George on horseback to right, holding sword with right hand and wearing plumed helmet and billowing cloak, slaying the dragon which falls to right; small B. P. beneath ground line to right, date in exergue. Bull 2585; ESC 296; SCBC 3921. 28.11gr, 39mm, 12h. ().Good Fine.By inheritance; Property of a Lincolnshire lady.
1837-1901. London mint. Dated 1887. Design by Joseph Edgar Boehm. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA, crowned, veiled and draped bust to left; J.E.B. in small lettering on truncation / BRITT: REG: FID: DEF:, crowned cruciform shields around Star of the Garter, sceptres in angles; date with Roman I above. Bull 2695; ESC 394; SCBC 3922. 22.61gr, 36mm, 12h (). [No Reserve]Near Extremely Fine.Ex Stocker collection, Kent, UK, 1955-early 2000s.
1837-1901. London mint. Dated 1890. Jubilee coinage. Designs by Joseph Edgar Boehm and Benedetto Pistrucci. VICTORIA D: G: BRITT: REG: F: D:, crowned, veiled and draped bust to left; J.E.B. in small lettering on truncation / St. George on horseback to right, holding sword with right hand and wearing plumed helmet and billowing cloak, slaying the dragon which falls to right; small B. P. beneath ground line to right, date in exergue. SCBC 3921; KM 765. 28.18gr, 38mm, 12h (). [No Reserve]Very Fine. Attractive light golden toning.Ex Stocker collection, Kent, UK, 1955-early 2000s.
13th century A.D. Comprising a tongue-shaped curved-section body pierced in two places for attachment, with rounded shoulders and bowed head with short tonsured hair. Cf. similar items on the shrine of St Hippolyte in Taburet-Delahaye, E. & Boehm, B.D., L'Œuvre de Limoges, Paris, 1995, item 113. 22 grams, 61 mm (2 3/8 in.). [No Reserve]From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.
Boehm limited edition porcelain plaque featuring an exquisitely detailed and colored still-life bouquet of flowers set in a Greco-Roman marble vase. On verso: Boehm, Bone Porcelain, Made in England, Limited Edition. Signature on lower right: Boehm. Housed in a gilded wood frame with an ecru border. Sight size: 10.50"L x 13.75"H. Frame dimensions: 16.25"L x 19.25"H x 2"W. Issued: 20th centuryDimensions: See DescriptionManufacturer: BoehmCountry of Origin: EnglandCondition: Age related wear.
Glazed Porcelain Decorated, Applied Gold, Three Dimensional Head of the American Bald Eagle. Metal Opener. Issued: 1985. Hallmark: SP140. Size: 8" L. Signed Boehm, authentic hallmark on the Eagle. Artist: BoehmIssued: 1985Dimensions: 8"LEdition Number: OpenManufacturer: E.M.Boehm, Inc. Country of Origin: USACondition: Excellent
Fine Bone China, Bisque Decorated, hand created, hand painted by the Artists of the Boehm Studios in Malvern, England. Hallmark: 200-38. Introduced in 1980, sold out and closed by 1987. Featuring the Saw Whet Owl, perched, with a colorful Butterfly in his mouth. Authentic Hallmark on the underside. Artist: BoehmIssued: 1980Dimensions: 5"L x 4"W x 6.5"HEdition Number: OpenManufacturer: E.M.Boehm, Inc. Country of Origin: EnglandCondition: Excellent
Bisque Porcelain White, hand created, hand crafted by the Artists of the Boehm Studios in the USA. Featuring The Angel, Kneeling, from the Nativity Set, The Spirit of Bethlehem in Bisque White. Fine detail, very realistic in form and style. Made in the USA. Introduced in 1980. Hallmark: BSB-5. Authentic Boehm Hallmark on the underside. Artist: BoehmIssued: 1980Dimensions: 6"L x 8"W x 7.5"HEdition Number: OpenManufacturer: E.M.Boehm, Inc. Country of Origin: USACondition: Excellent
Bisque Porcelain Decorated Trinket Box featuring the Boehm Patriot Eagle Commemorative Porcelain Box with the American Bald Eagle on the Top. Gold Border Trim. Bottom of the box is featured in deep red. Issued: 2004. A Limited Edition of 1000 only, made Exclusively for Ebay. Boehm Gifts Beautiful. Hallmark: BGB-PEBR-001. All Authentic Hallmarks/markings on the underside of the box. Artist: BoehmIssued: 2004Dimensions: 3"L x 3.25"W x 2"HEdition Number: 1000Manufacturer: E.M.Boehm, Inc. Country of Origin: USACondition: Excellent
Bisque Porcelain White, hand created, hand crafted by the Artists of the Boehm Studios in Malvern, England. Featuring The Angel, Standing from The Christmas Story Era. Fine detail, very realistic in form and style. Introduced in 1990. Hallmark: CSB. Authentic Boehm Hallmark on the underside. Made in England. Artist: BoehmIssued: 1990Dimensions: 12"L x 6"W x 10.50"HEdition Number: OpenManufacturer: E.M.Boehm, Inc. Country of Origin: EnglandCondition: Excellent
Bisque Porcelain Decorated, hand created, hand painted by the Artists of the Boehm Studio. This Sculpture is a finely detailed, authentic Model Prototype of the American Bald Eagle. Unique coloration on the base. Hallmark: 40598. Authentic Hallmark on the underside. Artist: BoehmIssued: 2000Dimensions: 4.5"L x 5.5"W x 8"HEdition Number: Prototype SampleManufacturer: E.M.Boehm, Inc. Country of Origin: USACondition: Excellent
Fine Bone China, Decorated, hand created, hand painted by the Artists of the Boehm Studios in Malvern, England. Featuring the Queen's Masterpiece Long Stem Yellow Rose with Green Leaves. Hallmark: 2006. Introduced in 1971. A Sold Out, Closed Edition by 1981. Authentic Hallmark on the underside. Artist: BoehmIssued: 1971Dimensions: 3"L x 8"W x 2.5"HEdition Number: OpenManufacturer: E.M.Boehm, Inc. Country of Origin: EnglandCondition: Excellent
Bisque Porcelain Decorated, hand created, hand painted by the artistsan of the Boehm Studio. Hallmark: 400-81. Year: 1977, closed in 1979. Authentic fine detail portrayed in this fine example of Boehm Porcelain, featuring the Fledgling Pileated WoodPecker. Authentic Hallmark on the underside. Artist: BoehmIssued: 1977Dimensions: 4.5"L x 5"W x 6"HEdition Number: OpenManufacturer: E.M.Boehm, Inc. Country of Origin: USACondition: Excellent
Bisque Porcelain Decorated, hand created, hand painted by the Artists of the Boehm Studios. A Limited Edition of 70 only, introduced in 2004. Hallmark: F344 H. Fine detail, featuring the Castaway's Peach Hibiscus in full bloom on green leaves. Very organic and realistic in style. Authentic Hallmark on the underside. Excellent Condition, Original Studio Box from E.M.Boehm. Never displayed. Artist: BoehmIssued: 2004Dimensions: 4"L x 5"W x 5.5"HEdition Number: 70Manufacturer: E.M.Boehm, Inc. Country of Origin: USACondition: Excellent
Bisque Porcelain White, hand created, hand crafted by the Artists of the Boehm Studios in the USA. Featuring Jesus Christ, The Good Shepherd, holding a baby Lamb in one hand, with a Shepherds hook in the other hand. A Standing Lamb is by His side. The Sculpture, Hook and the Lamb is attached to a White Porcelain Base. Fine detail, very realistic in form and style. Made in the USA. Introduced in 1983. Hallmark: BW-50. Authentic Boehm Hallmark on the underside. Artist: BoehmIssued: 1983Dimensions: 5"L x 5"W x 12.50"HEdition Number: OpenManufacturer: E.M.Boehm, Inc. Country of Origin: USACondition: Excellent
Bisque Porcelain Decorated, hand created, hand painted by Ed Boehm of the Boehm Studio. Hallmark: 468. Year: 1963, closed in 1972. Very authentic, with fine detail from the early era of Edward Marshall Boehm. Authentic Hallmark on the underside. Artist: BoehmIssued: 1963Dimensions: 6.5"L x 3"W x 7.5"HEdition Number: OpenManufacturer: E.M.Boehm, Inc. Country of Origin: USACondition: Excellent
A lovely gilded porcelain plate depicting a Blue Mountain Swallowtail butterfly with two other butterflies perched on flowers. Part of a series to commemorate the founding of the Edward Marshall Boehm studio in Malvern Link, England. Hand-painted by C. Bennett. Created in 1975 and number 41 in the original limited series. Boehm marking and text on the backside. Artist: C. BennettIssued: 1975Dimensions: 11.75" dia. Edition Number: Edition Number 41Manufacturer: BoehmCountry of Origin: United StatesCondition: Age related wear.
A set of 8 English bone China from the plate collection. Depicts various gamebirds with a girl foliate boarder. Birds presented are the ruffed grouse, ring-necked pheasant, American woodcock, bobwhite quail, wild turkey, California quail, willow partridge and prairie grouse. Boehm backstamps. 1 plate measures: 0.75"D x 10.75" dia. Dimensions: See DescriptionManufacturer: BoehmCountry of Origin: United States and EnglandCondition: Age related wear.
Österreich. Goldmünze (986 / 1000). 1 Dukat. Franz Joseph I., Kaiser von Österreich. Nachprägung einer Münze vom Jahr 1915 aus den 1970er Jahren. Vorderseite: Porträt mit Lorbeerkranz und Aufschrift "Franc. Ios. I. D. G. Austriae Imperator"; Rückseite: Gekrönter Doppelkopfadler mit Wappen und der Aufschrift "Hungar. Boehm. Gal. Lod. Ill. Rex A. A. 1915". Durchmesser: 20 mm. Gewicht: 3,49 g. (Mit geringen benutzungsbedingten Alterungsspuren) (62)
Items included in lot - Wooden arched plaque adorned with cabochons and gilt coloring. Doors open to blessings (15.5"L x 10"W); Boehm Porcelain Judaic collection wall plate (1"H x 10.75" dia.); and Hebrew Bible with etched silverplated cover and raised gilt design with cabochons (5"L x 3.5"W x 1.25"H). Issued: 20th centuryDimensions: See DescriptionCondition: Age related wear.
g Victoria (1837-1901), gold Sovereign, 1887, London, Tower Hill mint, Golden Jubilee style bust facing left, small crown and veil on head, pearl earring and 13 pearl necklace, J.E.B. initials raised on truncation with imperfect J, initials of engraver J Edgar Boehm, first abbreviated Latin legend and toothed border surrounding, VICTORIA D:G: BRITT: REG: F:D:, rev. struck en medaille, St. George and the Dragon right, horse with short tail, broken lance to left on ground-line, tiny WWP under lance, initials of William Wellesley Pole, Master of mint when design introduced, date in exergue, initials B.P to upper right, for engraver Benedetto Pistrucci, edge milled (DISH L7; Marsh 125D; S.3866). Graded by PCGS as Mint State 65. Near FDC, the obverse showing waves of mint bloom on harvest gold fields. The obverse completely free of hairlines, and only a handful of microscopic minor marks. The reverse the same, with tiny edge nicks close to horse head.PCGS Certification number 81109683A superior ‘top pop’, bar one at + grade. Only 8 examples are graded MS65 at PCGS (and 19 graded MS65 at NGC)Very rare in this high grade and difficult to find such a good example of a Jubilee head Sovereign. A coin worthy of any serious Sovereign collector. Purchased via private treaty in 2016.
g Victoria (1837-1901), gold Sovereign, 1888, London, Tower Hill mint, Golden Jubilee style bust facing left, small crown and veil on head, pearl earring and 13 pearl necklace, J.E.B. initials raised on truncation with right angled J, initials of engraver J Edgar Boehm, second abbreviated Latin legend, G: closer to crown, toothed border surrounding, VICTORIA D:G: BRITT: REG: F:D: rev. struck en medaille, St. George and the Dragon right, horse with short tail, broken lance to left on ground-line, tiny WWP under lance, initials of William Wellesley Pole, Master of mint when design introduced, date in exergue, initials B.P to upper right, for engraver Benedetto Pistrucci, edge milled (DISH L9; Marsh 126A; S.3866B). Some light marks, graded by NGC as MS62.NGC Certification 6066383-090.mintage 2,260,574.We note as of June 2024 that NGC have slabbed and graded 58 pieces of which only 13 are finer. PCGS have slabbed and graded 61 pieces of which only 6 are finer.The Latin legend translates as "Victoria by the grace of God," on obverse and as "Queen of the Britons, Defender of the Faith" on the reverse.
g Victoria (1837-1901), gold Sovereign, 1892-S, Sydney mint, Australia, Golden Jubilee style bust facing left, small crown and veil on head, pearl earring and 13 pearl necklace, J.E.B. initials raised on truncation with right angled J, initials of engraver J Edgar Boehm, second abbreviated Latin legend, G: closer to crown, toothed border surrounding, VICTORIA D:G: BRITT: REG: F:D:, rev. struck en medaille, St. George and the Dragon right, horse with longer tail, broken lance to left on ground-line, tiny WWP under lance, initials of William Wellesley Pole, Master of mint when design introduced, S mint mark at centre of ground-line, date in exergue, initials B.P to upper right, for engraver Benedetto Pistrucci, edge milled (DISH S16 C2; Marsh 143; S.3868C). Light surface marks, graded by NGC as MS62.NGC Certification 6066380-030.We note as of June 2024 that NGC have slabbed and graded 86 pieces, of which only 18 are finer. PCGS have slabbed and graded 117 pieces, of which only 25 are finer.mintage 2,837,000.The Latin legend translates as "Victoria by the Grace of God, Queen of the Britons, Defender of the Faith".
Victoria (1837-1901), silver Sixpences (2): 1887, Withdrawn type issued for Golden Jubilee, Jubilee crowned bust left, with initials J.E.B. below for engraver Joseph Edgar Boehm, Latin legend and toothed border surrounding, VICTORIA DEI GRATIA BRITT: REGINA F: D:, rev. crowned quartered shield of arms, within Order of the Garter, French motto on garter, HONI. SOIT. QUI MAL. Y. PENSE., date below, edge milled (S.3928). 1893, old veiled head left, T.B. below for designer Thomas Brock, Latin legend and toothed border surrounding, VICTORIA. DEI. GRA. BRITT. REGINA. FID. DEF. IND. IMP., rev. denomination SIX PENCE in two lines at centre of crowned laurel and oak wreath, date below, edge milled (Bull 3285; ESC 1762; S.3941). 1887, graded by PCGS as PR64, 1893 Bright proof finish with faint toning around the edge, graded by CGSUK as CGS90. (2)1887 - PCGS certification 204962.64/299953961893 - CGS UK certification 6780-SH.V1.1893.03
† Victoria (1837-1901), silver proof Crown, 1887, Golden Jubilee style bust facing left, small crown and veil on head, pearl earring and 13 pearl necklace, J.E.B. initials raised on truncation, initials of engraver Joseph Edgar Boehm, second abbreviated Latin legend and toothed border surrounding, VICTORIA D:G: BRITT: REG: F:D:, rev. struck en medaille, St. George and the Dragon right, horse with short tail, broken lance to left on ground-line, tiny WWP under lance, initials of William Wellesley Pole, Master of mint when design introduced, date in exergue, initials B.P to upper right, for engraver Benedetto Pistrucci, edge milled (Bull 2586; ESC 297; L&S 74; S.3921). Toned with light hairlines apparent, has been slabbed and graded by NGC as PF63.NGC Certification 5879390-005The Latin legends translates on obverse as "Victoria by the Grace of God, Queen of the Britains, Defender of the Faith."Only 1,084 Issued for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria.
Victoria (1837-1901), silver proof Shilling, 1887, crowned and veiled Jubilee type bust left, angled J type J.E.B. on truncation for engraver Joseph Edgar Boehm, Latin legend and toothed border surrounding both sides, VICTORIA DEI GRATIA BRITT: REGINA F: D:, rev. crowned quartered shield of arms, within Garter motto HONI. SOIT. QUI MAL. Y. PENSE., date either side of strap-end at bottom, 5.65g (Bull 3137; Davies 981 dies 1+B; ESC 1351; S.3926). A pleasing example with light surface marks in the fields, otherwise about as stuck.CGS UK certification 13622-SH.V1.1887.08The Latin legend translates as "Victoria by the grace of God, Queen of the Britons, Defender of the Faith." and on the reverse the French motto as "Evil to him, who evil thinks."Struck for the fiftieth anniversary, Golden Jubilee of the reign.
g Victoria (1837-1901), gold Sovereign, 1891, London, Tower Hill mint, Golden Jubilee style bust facing left, small crown and veil on head, pearl earring and 13 pearl necklace, J.E.B. initials raised on truncation with right angled J, initials of engraver J Edgar Boehm, second abbreviated Latin legend, G: closer to crown, toothed border surrounding, VICTORIA D:G: BRITT: REG: F:D:, rev. struck en medaille, St. George and the Dragon right, horse with long tail, broken lance to left on ground-line, tiny WWP under lance, initials of William Wellesley Pole, Master of mint when design introduced, date in exergue, initials B.P to upper right, for engraver Benedetto Pistrucci, edge milled (DISH L15 C3; Marsh 129A; S.3866C). Some light surface marks, graded by NGC as MS62.NGC Certification 6066383-094We note as of June 2024 that NGC have slabbed and graded 144 pieces of which only 10 are finer. PCGS have slabbed and graded 100 pieces of which only 7 are finer.mintage 6,323,147.The Latin legend translates as "Victoria by the Grace of God, Queen of the Britons, Defender of the Faith".
g Victoria (1837-1901), gold Sovereign, 1891-S, Sydney mint, Australia, Golden Jubilee style bust facing left, small crown and veil on head, pearl earring and 13 pearl necklace, J.E.B. initials raised on truncation with right angled J, initials of engraver J Edgar Boehm, second abbreviated Latin legend, G: closer to crown, toothed border surrounding, VICTORIA D:G: BRITT: REG: F:D:, rev. struck en medaille, St. George and the Dragon right, horse with longer tail, broken lance to left on ground-line, tiny WWP under lance, initials of William Wellesley Pole, Master of mint when design introduced, S mint mark at centre of ground-line, date in exergue, initials B.P to upper right, for engraver Benedetto Pistrucci, edge milled (DISH S15 C2; Marsh 142; S.3868C). Light surface marks, graded by NGC as MS62.NGC Certification 6066380-011.We note as of June 2024 that NGC have slabbed and graded 49 pieces of which only 3 are finer. PCGS have slabbed and graded 64 of which only 10 are finer.mintage 2,596,000.The Latin legend translates as "Victoria by the Grace of God, Queen of the Britons, Defender of the Faith".
g Victoria (1837-1901), gold Sovereign, 1887, London, Tower Hill mint, Jubilee bust facing left, small crown and veil on head, pearl earring and 13 pearl necklace, J.E.B. initials raised on truncation with angled J, initials of engraver J Edgar Boehm, first abbreviated legend, VICTORIA D:G: BRITT: REG: F:D:, rev. St. George and the Dragon right, horse with short tail, broken lance to left on ground-line, tiny WWP under lance, date in exergue, initials B.P to upper right, for engraver Benedetto Pistrucci, edge milled, 8.00g (DISH L7 C; Marsh 125D; S.3866). Toned with mint bloom, some bagmarks, extremely fine.Calendar year mintage 1,079,756.The Latin legend translates as "Victoria by the grace of God," on obverse and as "Queen of the Britains, Defender of the Faith" on the reverse
JELISAWETA MERKURJEWNA BOEHM1843 Sankt Petersburg - 1914 ebenda'WENN DU KEINEN FREUND HAST, DANN SUCH, ABER WENN DU IHN FINDEST, PASS AUF IHN AUF' Aquarell auf Papier. 16,7 x 11,5 cm (R. 25 x 17 cm). Kupferrahmen (verso: bez. 'Dorf.Talaschkino'). In Kyrillisch betitelt und signiert `Jelis. Boehm'. Gebräunt, am Rände besch.
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