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Lot 519

A mahogany and brass bellows camera, fitted with a Bausch & Lomb "Unicum" lens,  retailed by J. Lizars of Glasgow, Belfast and Edinburgh; and a folding camera by Curt Bentzin, Goerlitz, housed in a leather case embossed "J.L. Kotelawala (2) Note: The embossing to the leather case of the Bentzin camera possibly refers to General Sir John Lionel Kotelawala (1897-1980), Sri Lankan stateman and third President of Ceylon, 1953-56. Condition Report:Available upon request

Lot 92

Primarette, um 1933Curt Bentzin, Görlitz. Zweiäugige zusammenfaltbare Scherenspreizenreflex für 4 x 6,5 cm auf 127er-Film. Mit "Dr. Rudolph" Hugo Meyer & Co. Görlitz Makro Plasmat 2,7/7,5 cm Nr. 582870, Glas unter Punktlicht innen etwas Altersbelag, in Compur-Rapid bis 1/400 Sek., läuft träge, mit Gehäuse-Auslösung. Automatischer Parallaxen-Ausgleich und Mattscheibensucher. – Große Seltenheit. Start Price: EUR 600 Zustand: (3/3-)Rare Primarette Camera, c. 1933Curt Bentzin, Görlitz, Germany. Twin-lens strut folding camera for 4 x 6,5 cm on 127-rollfilm, with "Dr. Rudolph" Hugo Meyer & Co. Görlitz Makro Plasmat 2.7/7.5 cm lens no. 582870, in Compur-Rapid shutter up to 1/400 sec., body release and automatic parallax correction, optics reveal mild fog under point light, shutter sticking. Start Price: EUR 600 Condition: (3/3-)

Lot 1882

Maler des 17./18. Jh."Damenportrait", Bildnis einer Frau im dunklem Kleid mit Spitze und einem Umhang, vor dunklem Hintergrund, den Betrachter anvisierend, rückseitig bez. "A: JH: Bentzin, gebohren A: 1674; gemahlt A 1716" wohl Malerfamilie Bentzien, Öl/Leinwand auf Platte aufgezogen, HxB: 95/75 cm. Altersspuren, Craquelée, Farbabrieb an den Rändern, rest., ret.. Mit Rahmen. Lit.: Thieme/Becker.

Lot 379

A Curt Bentzin Primarflex Medium Format Reflex Camera black, serial 25251, body F, shutter fires, speeds untested, with Meyer Gorlitz Trioplan f/2.8 10cm lens, optics have dust and cleaning marks.

Lot 519

A Bentzin Primarette Twin Lens Viewfinder Camera, black, body F, some paint wear and usage marks to leather, both bellows extend but not light tested, shutter works but hesitates at slow speeds, taking lens Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar f/2.8 7.5cm, optics F-G with light haze and dust,

Lot 224

A Primar-Reflex II medium format SLR camera, circa 1950s, serial no. 34487, also numbered 37/362/1002, made by Feinoptisches Werk Görlitz, formerly Curt Bentzin, with a Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar T f/3.5 10.5cm lens, serial 3172761.

Lot 289

Curt Bentzin Primarflex type camera, A/F

Lot 229

A Primar-Reflex II Medium Format SLR Camera circa 1951, chrome, serial no.34487, made by Feinoptisches Werk Görlitz formerly Bentzin, with a Carl Zeiss Jena T Tessar f/3.5 10.5cm lens, chrome, serial no.3172761, shutter working, body G, lens F-G, haze

Lot 272

A Primar-Reflex II Medium Format SLR Camera circa 1951. serial no.34769, made by Feinopt.Werk Görlitz, formerly Curt Bentzin, with a Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar T f/3.5 105mm lens, shutter working, body G, lens F dust and haze

Lot 76

A Curt Bentzin Gorlitz Primarflex Camera, 935, serial no. 24935, with Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar f/3.5 105mm lens, black, serial no. 1312333, body, VG, shutter working, lens, VG-E, in leather case

Lot 115

A Bentzin Fokal Primar Strut Folding Camera, 9x12, body G-VG, shutter present & complete but behaviour sporadic, ground glass VG, together with a Busch Anastigmat Omnar f/4.5 105mm lens, body VG, aperture blades move well, optics G-VG, some light haze present, also with a Busch-Bis-Telar Ser II f/7 270mm lens, body G-VG, aperture blades move well, optics G, some haze present, also with a changing plate box, three wooden DDS, & a leather pouch,

Lot 334

A Bentzin Primar Reflex Large Format SLR Camera, black, body G, shutter second curtain slow to return, often sticks, mirror locked up, together with another Primar Reflex, black, body G, shutter not working, mirror moves correctly, together with a Meyer Gorlitz Trioplan f/3.5 210mm lens, optics F, some haze & dust present,

Lot 407

A Mixed Selection of Cameras comprising a Bentzin Primar plate camera, a Canon AF35M compact 35mm camera, a Zeiss Ikon Ikonta 520/2 folding roll film camera, an Exakta Varex IIa 35mm SLR camera, a Kodak Retinette Type 012 35mm folding camera, a Vest Pocket Kodak folding 127 roll film camera, a Six-20 Kodak Junior roll film folding camera, a boxed Exakta 110 EF pocket camera, Zeiss Ikon Movinette 8B 8mm cine movie camera and a Kodak Instamatic M2 Super 8 cine movie camera, (10), all A/F, untested

Lot 135

A Bentzin Primar-Reflex Medium Format Camera, 1925-50, black, serial no., 27254, with Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar f/2.8 100mm lens, chrome, serial no. 2566402, body, G-VG, shutter requires attention, lens, VG, together with Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar T f/3.5 165mm lens, chrome, serial no. 3400585, body, VG, elements, VG, complete with maker's case

Lot 136

A Bentzin Primar Reflex Camera, 1913, black, with Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar f/4.5 180mm lens, black, serial no. 2434882, body, G, shutter fires, lens, VG

Lot 164

A Bentzin Primar Reflex Camera Outfit, 1948-53, black, with Carl Zeiss Jena T Tessar f/3.5 165mm lens, black, serial no. 3081465, body, G, shutter requires attention, fires but sluggish, lens, VG, some light internal haze, together with Meyer-Optik Gorlitz Trioplan f/3.5 210mm lens, black/chrome, serial no. 1215852, body, VG, elements, VG, some light internal haze, and Meyer-Optik Gorlitz Trioplan f/4.5 360mm lens, black/chrome, serial no. 1319684, body, VG, elements, VG, complete with several film backs

Lot 160

A Bentzin Primar-Reflex II Medium Format Camera, 1951, chrome, serial no. 36007, with Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar T f/3.5 105mm lens, chrome, serial no. 3752812, body, VG, shutter working but slightly sluggish, lens, VG, together with Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar f/4.5 210mm lens, chrome, serial no. 9813643, body, G, elements, VG, and Schneider Tele-Xenar f/4.5 240mm lens, chrome, serial no. 2629909, body, VG, elements, VG, some very light internal haze

Lot 165

A Bentzin Primar Reflex Camera Outfit, 1948-53, black, with Carl Zeiss Jena T Tessar f/3.5 165mm lens, black, serial no. 3400774, body, G-VG, shutter working, lens, F-VG, some separation, together with Carl Zeiss Jena T Tessar f/3.5 250mm lens, black, serial no. 3174373, body, G, elements, G, some light internal haze and some fungal staining from where the fungus has been removed, and Meyer-Optik Gorlitz Trioplan f/4.5 300mm lens, body, VG, elements, VG, complete with three film backs and ground glass screen

Lot 162

A Curt Bentzin Primarflex Reflex Camera, 1935-50, black, serial no. 28182, with Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar f/3.5 135mm lens, black, serial no. 2434320, body, G, shutter requires attention, lens, G, some internal haze and slight scuff to the front element, together with a Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar f/3.5 105mm lens, black, serial no. 1312362, body, G, elements, VG, and Carl Zeis Jena Biotessar f/2.8 165mm lens, black, serial no. 957359, body, VG, elements, VG, some light internal haze

Lot 249

A Curt Bentzin Primarflex Reflex Camera, 1935-50, black, serial no. 26877, with Schneiderr Xenon f/2 125mm Lens, serial no. 34795, body, F, shutter requires attention, lens, F, some internal haze and a few scratch marks to rear elementNote: Lens mounted in a Cooke & Perkins focusing helicoil

Lot 38A

Film Palmos 6 x 9 cm, 1901Actiengesellschaft Camerawerk Palmos Jena. Auf Plakette: "Film Palmos, Patent angemeldet", mit Carl Zeiss Jena Unar 4,5/112 mm Nr. 43762, seitlich graviert "Patent angemeldet". Verschlußtuch etwas trocken, läuft aber noch, mit selbsttätigem Filmzählwerk, Filmformat für 89 x 55 mm auf 70 mm breiten Rollfilm, einst für 120er-Rollfilm umgebaut. Rückteil (mög-licherweise nachträglich) mit Adapter für Blechkassetten versehen, mit Filmrückteil und Mattscheibenrückteil. - Ende 1900 war die Film Palmos das erste Ergebnis der Zusammenarbeit von Curt Bentzin und Carl Zeiss. Zitat aus zeiss.de: "Die 6 x 9 Rollfilmkamera von Palmos, deren Schnellaufzug gleichzeitig den Filmtransport und die Spannung des Schlitzverschlusses übernahm, gilt heute als ein Vorläufer der Kleinbildkamera". Eine hervorragende Ergänzung zu einer Ur-Leica von Oskar Barnack. Kamerageschichte pur, der Vorläufer aller modernen Kleinbild- und Rolllfilmkameras und außerdem eine der seltensten Kameras. Start Price: EUR 1600 Zustand: (3-/3-)Film Palmos 6 x 9 cm, 1901Actiengesellschaft Camerawerk Palmos Jena, for 89 x 55 mm on 70 mm wide rollfilm (converted to 120-rollfilm), engraved on plate: "Film Palmos, patent pending", with Carl Zeiss, Jena, Unar 4.5/112 mm no. 43762, engraved on the side "patent pending", with automatic film counter, adapter for tin cassettes, film back and ground-glass screen, back replaced (?), shutter curtain dry but still working. - Note: Towards the end of 1900, the Film Palmos was the first result of the collaboration between Curt Bentzin and Carl Zeiss. "The 6 x 9 rollfilm camera from Palmos, whose fast winder simultaneously took over the film transport and tensioning of the focal plane shutter, is today regarded as a forerunner of the 35mm camera." (Zeiss.de). - A fine companion for an original Leica by Oskar Barnack. Pure camera history, the forerunner of all modern 35mm and rollfilm cameras and also one of the rarest cameras. Start Price: EUR 1600 Condition: (3-/3-)

Lot 104

Planovista Twin Lens no. 721 Curt Bentzin, Germany; 127-rollfilm, with viewing lens and a Meyer Trioplan f2.9 7.5cm. taking lens no. 612534 in a Compur shutter complete with case

Lot 147

Coloured Roll Film Cameras, cameras include a blue folding Coronet in case, a mottled brown-black folding Coronet, a light tan folding Agfa, a dark tan Agfa, a dark grey Yashica-44 TLR, a tan folding Foth, a red bellows No 3 Folding Pocket Kodak Model F, a black Six-20 Kodak and a Bentzin Primar folding plate camera in red maker's box

Lot 159

Mittelformatkamera, Kurt Bentzin, Görlitz, 1930er Jahre Primaflex, Serien-Nr. "28272" mit Tessar 3,5/10,5cm, Alters- u. Gebrauchsspuren, Spiegel tlw. blind, ungetestet Provenienz: Sammlung Heinz Pott, Norddeutschland

Lot 193

4 Plattenkameras, verschiedene Hersteller, 1920er Jahre 1x Goerz Tenax mit Doppel-Anastigmat Serie III 6,8/130mm, Agfa Standard mit Doppel-Anastigmat 4,5/135mm, Bentzin Primar mit Tessar 4,5/135mm, 1x ungemarkt mit Xenar 5,5/135mm, Alters- u. Gebrauchsspuren, Belederung tlw. defekt, ungetestet Provenienz: Sammlung Heinz Pott, Norddeutschland

Lot 295

A Planovista Seeing Camera Co Twin Lens Folding Camera, a version of the Bentzin Primarette, for 6 x 4.5cm on 127 roll film, non-reflex design, body F, Compur shutter working, a Meyer Trioplan 7.5cm f/3.5 lens F, fungus and haze, with two Meyer caps and a leather pouch

Lot 199

Uncommon Curt Bentzin, Gorlitz Primarflex 120 SLR # 25 012. (not cocking or firing, hence condition 6H). With interchangeable Ross Xpress 6 1/2ins f3.5 lens in Helicoil focussing mount. Lens cloudy with signs of surface cleaning on all elements.

Lot 340

Curt Bentzin Stereo Primar Reflex Plate Camera with CJZ Tessar 12cm f4.5. With 2 DDS and accessories. (From The Bob White Collection).

Lot 1

A Bentzin Primarflex II Reflex Camera, with Meyer Gorlitz Trioplan f/2.8 4" lens, body, F, lens, G, some light fungus

Lot 322

A Bentzin Planovista Camera, 1931-37, black, serial no. 1040, with Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar f/3.8 75mm lens, serial no. 1314636, body, G-VG, shutter working, lens, G-VG, some internal haze

Lot 406

Bentzin Planovista twin lens folding camera by Seeing Camera Ltd, London, with Trioplan 1:3.5 f=75mm lens

Lot 293

A Zeiss Ikon Ideal 250/9 Folding Camera, together with a Bentzin Primar, both in maker's cases (2)

Lot 165

Uncommon Curt Bentzin, Gorlitz Primarflex 120 SLR # 25 012. (condition 5F) with interchangeable Ross Xpress 6 1/2ins f3.5 lens in Helicoil focussing mount. Lens cloudy with signs of surface cleaning on all elements. {cabinet G}

Lot 177

A Curt Bentzin stereo-reflex primar camera, no. 18021

Lot 569

A Curt Bentzin camera (a.f.) with Meyer Gorlitz f2.8 10 cm lens, serial 745818

Lot 46

A Bentzin Stereo-Primar-Reflex Camera, serial no. 21126, with Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar f/4.5 75mm lenses, body, F, shutter not working, nameplate missing, lenses, F

Lot 141

A Bentzin Stereo-Primar-Reflex, with pair of Zeiss Tessar f/4.5 75mm lenses, F, nameplate missing, shutter not working, lenses F

Lot 332

Curt Bentzin Gorlitz Primarflex camera mounted with a Carl Zeiss Jena N.R.1890769 Tessar f=10.5cm lens, together with a Carl Zeiss Jena MR1061075 Tessar f=13.5cm lens, fitted leather case.

Lot 1082

A Bentzin Primarflex 6 x 6 SLR Camera No.25005, with black enamelled and leather covered body, Tessar f3.5/105mm lens

Lot 1502

*A Bentzin Primar Reflex II camera with Zeiss Tessar 1:3.5f=105mm lens; and a Primarflex reflex camera with Meyer Megon 1:2f= 10cm lens (2).

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