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A Greek Apulian red figure bell krater circa 4th century BC each side with the profile head of a
A Greek Apulian red figure bell krater circa 4th century BC each side with the profile head of a Lady of Fashion, with her hair dressed in a kekry...
A Greek red figure lekythos circa 5th - 4th century BC decorated a draped female, running with her
A Greek red figure lekythos circa 5th - 4th century BC decorated a draped female, running with her arms outstretched and with her head turned look...
A Greek Attic black figure lekythos circa 5th century BC decorated a naked athlete on horseback
A Greek Attic black figure lekythos circa 5th century BC decorated a naked athlete on horseback flanked by two figures in chitons, all holding spe...
A Greek faience aryballos Rhodian, circa 575 - 550 BC with a globular body with raised lozenges
A Greek faience aryballos Rhodian, circa 575 - 550 BC with a globular body with raised lozenges and radiating base, a flat handle and wide dished ...
An Egyptian alabaster jar Late Period, circa 664 - 332 BC with a flat base, ovoid body and slightly flared rim, 25cm high. Provenance Private Coll...
An Egyptian red pottery cylindrical jar Predynastic Period, circa 3200 - 3000 BC with a wavy band
An Egyptian red pottery cylindrical jar Predynastic Period, circa 3200 - 3000 BC with a wavy band below the everted rim, 24cm high. Provenance Ger...
A Hellenistic lapis lazuli ointment jar circa 4th - 2nd century BC with a circular foot and plano-
A Hellenistic lapis lazuli ointment jar circa 4th - 2nd century BC with a circular foot and plano-convex body, 4cm high, 6cm diameter. Provenance ...
An Egyptian lapis lazuli amulet of seated Isis Late Period - Ptolemaic Period, circa 664 - 30 BC
An Egyptian lapis lazuli amulet of seated Isis Late Period - Ptolemaic Period, circa 664 - 30 BC holding the infant Horus, with an associated gold...
An Egyptian wax shabti wearing a tripartite wig and with remains of red wax decoration to the front and back, 7.5cm high. Provenance UK Art Market...
A collection of Egyptian shabtis glazed and un-glazed, one with painted hieroglyphs and three with
A collection of Egyptian shabtis glazed and un-glazed, one with painted hieroglyphs and three with incised hieroglyphs, 5.5cm - 10.5cm high, a fig...
An Egyptian faience shabti Late Period, circa 664 - 332 BC with arms crossed and holding a pick
An Egyptian faience shabti Late Period, circa 664 - 332 BC with arms crossed and holding a pick and a hoe, with a seed bag over the left shoulder,...
Six Egyptian shabtis Third Intermediate Period, circa 1070 - 735 BC four with hieroglyphs and five
Six Egyptian shabtis Third Intermediate Period, circa 1070 - 735 BC four with hieroglyphs and five with seed bags, 9.2cm, 10.4cm, 10.5cm, 10.7cm, ...
Six Cypriot pottery vessels circa 2000 - 1650 BC comprising a red polished handled jug with incised linear decoration, 14cm high, a tripod jug, 16...
A recumbent dog possibly Roman pottery with the remains of a slip, 10.5cm wide. ...[more]
A shallow dish probably Cypriot terracotta decorated with square, circle and wavy line central
A shallow dish probably Cypriot terracotta decorated with square, circle and wavy line central motifs and a linear draped edge, 15cm high, 47.5cm ...
A Babylonian cuneiform inscribed brick circa 500 BC with an impressed rectangle having rows of
A Babylonian cuneiform inscribed brick circa 500 BC with an impressed rectangle having rows of faintly inscribed cuneiform text, 33cm square. Prov...
A collection of nine figures Hellenistic and later terracotta and pottery, including a reclining
A collection of nine figures Hellenistic and later terracotta and pottery, including a reclining female, 11.5cm high, a mother and child group, 15...
Four Roman pottery oil lamps circa 2nd - 6th century AD including a pair with a cross on the spout
Four Roman pottery oil lamps circa 2nd - 6th century AD including a pair with a cross on the spout and further dot and line decoration, 8.5cm long...
A Roman fragmentary marble torso of Aphrodite circa 1st - 2nd century AD with the remains of drapery
A Roman fragmentary marble torso of Aphrodite circa 1st - 2nd century AD with the remains of drapery to the top of the left arm, 13cm high. Proven...
A Roman mould-blown glass sprinkler flask circa 3rd century AD green with a four tier ribbed design,
A Roman mould-blown glass sprinkler flask circa 3rd century AD green with a four tier ribbed design, with a constricted neck and a folded rim, 7cm...
A Roman glass beaker circa 3rd - 4th century AD cylindrical with a flared mouth and rounded rim,
A Roman glass beaker circa 3rd - 4th century AD cylindrical with a flared mouth and rounded rim, to a compressed flange and flat base, 10cm high, ...
A Roman marble stele circa 2nd century AD carved in low relief two olive wreaths and Greek lettering
A Roman marble stele circa 2nd century AD carved in low relief two olive wreaths, enclosing Greek lettering (left) O ΔHMOΣ and (right) OI NEOI and...
An Amlash bull rhyton Iran, circa 1200 - 800 BC pottery, with incised circle and dot eyes in the
An Amlash bull rhyton Iran, circa 1200 - 800 BC pottery, with incised circle and dot eyes in the long spout and with pierced ears, ridged dewlap a...
An Amlash bull rhyton Iran, circa 1000 - 800 BC pottery, with a long spout and curved horns, a
An Amlash bull rhyton Iran, circa 1000 - 800 BC pottery, with a long spout and curved horns, a pronounced hump and waisted body with a ridged tail...
A South Arabian style alabaster bust 21cm high, on a stepped base. ...[more]
A Byzantine amphora circa 6th - 9th century AD the ribbed body with a pointed base and with a pair
A Byzantine amphora circa 6th - 9th century AD the ribbed body with a pointed base and with a pair of open handles, the base inscribed B.C. 300 an...
A Persian pottery bowl Kashan the interior quartered with painted black scrolls and circles and with
A Persian pottery bowl Kashan the interior quartered with painted black scrolls and circles and with a turquoise glaze, 21cm diameter. Provenance ...
A group of nine flints Neolithic and laterincluding four spear / arrow heads, a knife and four small knives, inscribed ANTRIM, and a stone axe hea...
A basalt axe head probably Caribbean 20.5cm long. ...[more]
A Syro-Hittite terracotta head of Astarte with disc coiffure with a knot back, wearing earrings,
A Syro-Hittite terracotta head of Astarte with disc coiffure with a knot back, wearing earrings, with slit disc eyes and a beak like nose, 2.5cm h...
A Syrian alabaster eye idol with incised lozenge eyes and brows with a tapering tablet body, 4.5cm
A Syrian alabaster eye idol with incised lozenge eyes and brows with a tapering tablet body, 4.5cm high, on a stand. (2) Provenance George and Flo...
An Egyptian hollow pottery figure of Harpocrates riding a stallion with his finger raised to his
An Egyptian hollow pottery figure of Harpocrates riding a stallion with his finger raised to his mouth, 15cm high, and a Greek/Roman terracotta fi...
A Tel Halaf terracotta female idol circa 4th Millennium BC seated with her arms supporting her large
A Tel Halaf terracotta female idol circa 4th Millennium BC seated with her arms supporting her large breasts and with her knees drawn up to her la...
A Tel Halaf terracotta male idol circa 4th Millennium BC seated, wearing a headdress with painted
A Tel Halaf terracotta male idol circa 4th Millennium BC seated, wearing a headdress with painted eyes and stripes to the body, with hands placed ...
A collection of flint tools including a large Mexican blade, 23.5cm, three Egyptian knives, an
A collection of flint tools including a large Mexican blade, 23.5cm, three Egyptian knives, an African Paleolithic blade, found in Fezzou, a Danis...
A Palmyra terracotta tessera circa 3rd century AD ticket to a sacred banquet, one side with two
A Palmyra terracotta tessera circa 3rd century AD ticket to a sacred banquet, one side with two busts and crossed palm branches and the other with...
A Valdivia female torso Ecuador, circa 3500 BC clay with red slip body and black head with linear
A Valdivia female torso Ecuador, circa 3500 BC clay with red slip body and black head with linear incised hair, 3cm high, a Costa Rican stone idol...
A Peru kero carved with geometric bands and repeating script, the underside with a glyph, 17cm
A Peru kero carved with geometric bands and repeating script, the underside with a glyph, 17cm high. ...[more]
A Taino zoomorphic vomit spatula Caribbean bone, with a curved blade and a carved handle with a
A Taino zoomorphic vomit spatula Caribbean bone, with a curved blade and a carved handle with a pierced hole and a reptilian head terminal, with t...
A Persian sgraffito pottery bowl decorated a central flowerhead and a scale ground with five rondals
A Persian sgraffito pottery bowl decorated a central flowerhead and a scale ground with five rondals depicting a hare, two tigers and an antelope,...
A Peruvian kero Central America with a girdled base and painted warriors, foliage and geometric
A Peruvian kero Central America with a girdled base and painted warriors, foliage and geometric bands, 15.5cm high. ...[more]
A Chimu zoomorphic vessel Peru modelled with a reclining male jaguar, 15.5cm high. ...[more]
A Navajo squash blossom necklace Southwest, North America silver and turquoise, the stylised blossom
A Navajo squash blossom necklace Southwest, North America silver and turquoise, the stylised blossom on double spherical strands to a leaf cast na...
A Navajo squash blossom necklace Southwest, North America silver coloured metal and turquoise,
A Navajo squash blossom necklace Southwest, North America silver coloured metal and turquoise, 52cm long, a Navajo turquoise mounted bangle, a cha...
Eight Huichol yarn pictures Mexico depicting animals and figures representing differing beliefs, the
Eight Huichol yarn pictures Mexico depicting animals and figures representing differing beliefs, the three largest 59cm x 59.5cm. (8) Provenance D...
A Jivaro poncho South America bark cloth with the remains of painted linear decoration, with a
A Jivaro poncho South America bark cloth with the remains of painted linear decoration, with a collection number written on the inside of the coll...
Two Gauchos bolas Argentina leather and stone, 116cm and 113cm long. (2) ...[more]
A MicMac box and cover Northeast, North America cedar, birch bark, reed and quill, dyed and natural,
A MicMac box and cover Northeast, North America cedar, birch bark, reed and quill, dyed and natural, 14cm long, 9.2cm high. ...[more]
A Northeast Coast pouch Great Lakes area, Canada cloth, silk, clear and coloured glass beads, each
A Northeast Coast pouch Great Lakes area, Canada cloth, silk, clear and coloured glass beads, each side with a flowerhead, late 19th century, 10.5...
Robert Sebastian Canada, 20th century Raven Steals the Sun screenprint, signed, titled and number
Robert Sebastian Canada, 20th century Raven Steals the Sun screenprint, signed, titled and number 15/200, 50cm x 65cm. ...[more]
Three pairs of North American moccasins buckskin, velvet, glass beads and cotton, including an
Three pairs of North American moccasins buckskin, velvet, glass beads and cotton, including an Iroquois pair with beaded floral insteps and border...
A Ute saddle blanket Great Plains, circa 1850 - 1870 tanned buffalo hide with coloured glass and
A Ute saddle blanket Great Plains, circa 1850 - 1870 tanned buffalo hide with coloured glass and faceted brass beads, in lazy stitch with repeatin...
Three Northwest Coast model totems Canada with painted decoration, the smallest by Tom Moses,
Three Northwest Coast model totems Canada with painted decoration, the smallest by Tom Moses, North Vancouver, carved a thunderbird, an owl, a bea...
A model open totem Northwest Coast, British Columbia the base with a kneeling figure having a wolf
A model open totem Northwest Coast, British Columbia the base with a kneeling figure having a wolf pup on the head and supporting two vertical bar...
An Uzbek belt with two knife cases woven dyed wools depicting fruit and foliate designs, with woven ribbons having fabric tassels with glass beads...
λA Punuk thimble holder and needle case pull Alaska, 19th century or earlier walrus ivory with
λA Punuk thimble holder and needle case pull Alaska, 19th century or earlier walrus ivory with incised linear and circle decoration, 6.5cm long, a...
An Inuit zoomorphic bowl Siberia nephrite, modelled as a bird, with a pierced hole to the rim
An Inuit zoomorphic bowl Siberia nephrite, modelled as a bird, with a pierced hole to the rim above the head, 9cm long, 5cm high. ...[more]
Two Inuit carved groups Isa Smiler (1921 - 1986) Canada A hunter with an otter strapped to his back,
Two Inuit carved groups Isa Smiler (1921 - 1986) Canada A hunter with an otter strapped to his back, stone, signed ISA - S -, 16cm high, and Allie...
A Inuit model sleigh Greenland bone and sinew, 28.5cm long. ...[more]
An Inuit model kayak Norton Sound, Alaska wood frame with sealskin and a painted oar, with a handwritten label M. G. DERUMAUX, NUNIWAC, WESTERN AL...