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Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
A small silver trophy cup. Birmingham. Approx. 83 grams. Est. £30 - £40.
A small silver sauceboat with shaped rim. Approx. 88 grams. Est. £30 - £40.
An engine turned silver cigarette box with hinged cover. Birmingham. Approx. 250 grams of gross weight. Est. £20 - £30
An Edwardian silver sifter spoon with bright-cut decoration. Approx. 24 grams. Est. £15 - £20.
A small three-piece half fluted silver cruet. Birmingham. Approx. 81 grams. Est. £30 - £40.
SAMPSON MORDAN: A silver mounted pencil with spiral decoration. Approx. 31 grams. Est. £80 - £120.
WANG HING: A 19th Century Chinese export silver dip pen chased with floral decoration. Approx. 11 grams. Est. £30 - £40.
CHESTER: A silver egg cup. 1907. Approx. 55 grams. Est. £30 - £40.
A silver cocktail spoon contained within original box. Fully marked. By Tiffany & Co. Est. £50 - £80.
A heart-shaped silver bookmark contained within original pouch. By Tiffany & Co. Est. £30 - £40.
A heavy silver pin cushion in the form of a shoe. Marked 925. Approx. 33 grams. Est. £30 - £40.
A silver pin cushion in the form of a shoe with bow. Birmingham 1907. Approx. 6 grams. Est. £30 - £40.
A silver pin cushion in the form of a sandal. Marked 925. Approx. 5 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
A silver pin cushion in the form of a ballet slipper. Marked 925 to base. Approx. 12 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
A silver pin cushion in the form of a sandal. Marked to base. Approx. 3 grams. Est. £10 - £20.
A pair of silver and blue enamelled candlesticks. Birmingham 1921. Approx. 400 grams. Est. £80 - £120.
A bright-cut silver caddy spoon in the Georgian style. Marked to reverse. Approx. 11 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
A George III silver caddy spoon. London 1789. By Susannah Barker. Approx. 16 grams. Est. £50 - £80.
WANG HING: A 19th Century Chinese export silver decanter label for 'Brandy' with dragon decoration. Approx. 15 grams. Est. £60 - £80.
A 19th Century two-piece paste buckle. Est. £50 - £80.
A pair of Persian silver napkin rings embossed with figural decoration. Circa 1900. Approx. 73 grams. Est. £80 - £120.
A novelty French silver musical box with hinged cover complete with key. Approx. 150 grams. Est. £150 - £200.
A pair of Antique silver sugar nips. Approx. 21 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
A set of four Russian silver gilt salt cellars on feet. Dated 1888. Approx. 92 grams. Est. £200 - £300.
A Tiffany & Co jewellery pouch and box. Est. £20 - £30.
A hinged silver pill box with engraved decoration. Marked 925 to base. Approx. 32 grams. Est. £30 - £40.
A heavy Continental silver square pill box with hinged lid. Marked to interior. Approx. 46 grams. Est. £40 - £60.
A George III silver ladle with gilt bowl. London 1812. Approx. 59 grams. Est. £50 - £80.
A novelty Art Nouveau American silver letter opener. Marked Sterling. Circa 1900. Approx. 50 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
A silver wine label for 'Sherry'. Birmingham. Approx. 14 grams. Est. £10 - £20.
An engraved silver vesta case. Birmingham 1899. Approx. 16 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
A silver egg cup.
A silver egg cup. Sheffield 1959. Approx. 35 grams. Est. £30 - £40.
A silver mounted glass whisky noggin. Birmingham 1906. Est. £50 - £80.
A silver mounted glass brandy noggin. Birmingham 1906. Est. £50 - £80.
A 19th Century Russian silver and Niello snuff box. Fully dated to interior. Approx. 100 grams. Est. £200 - £300.
A Continental silver snuff box decorated with engraved scene to centre. Approx. 75 grams. Est. £80 - £120.
OF EQUESTRIAN INTEREST: An 18th Century silver and faux tortoiseshell snuff box. Approx. 100 grams. Est. £150 - £200.
A cased pair of silver cufflinks. Approx. 4 grams. Est. £10 - £20.
A rare Modernistic silver tea caddy embossed with birds and foliage. London 1997. By SMAC. Approx. 145 grams. Est. £200 - £300.
A silver and tortoiseshell jewellery box. London 1925. Approx. 225 grams. Est. £100 - £150.
A fine pair of silver figures of a man and woman playing musical instruments. Bearing import marks. London 1905. By John George Piddington. Approx...
A rare pair of silver candleholders complete with original silver candles. London 1977. By House of Lawrian. Designed by Christopher Nigel Lawrenc...
An 18th Century George III silver swing-handled basket with bright-cut decoration. London 1782. By John Reilly. Approx. 200 grams. Est. £200 - £30...
A Victorian silver 'spork' caddy spoon. London 1838. Approx. 40 grams. Est. £40 - £60.
A rare silver communion bowl with handles. London 1914. By Skinner & Co. Approx. 281 grams. Est. £250 - £300.
A silver napkin ring.
A silver napkin ring with embossed decoration. Circa 1880. By Carl Fabergé. Approx. 37 grams. Est. £200 - £300.
A good George II silver mug.
A good George II silver mug. Marked to base and handle. London 1745. By Richard Bayley. Approx. 152 grams. Est. £200 - £300.
A silver plated table lighter. Est. £10 - £20.
A silver and blue enamelled snuff box. Marked to interior. By George Stockwell. Approx. 138 grams. Est. £150 - £200.
A silver christening mug.
A silver christening mug. Birmingham 1988. By JC. Approx. 46 grams. Est. £50 - £80.
A Continental silver wine cooler embossed with textured decoration. Marked to base. Approx. 919 grams. Est. £800 - £1200.
A silver mounted mirror decorated with Reynolds angels. Birmingham 1896. Est. £50 - £80.
A heavy George III silver caddy spoon. London 1822. Approx. 40 grams. Est. £50 - £80.
A pair of Victorian silver tapersticks. London 1893. By Thomas Bradbury. Approx. 288 grams. Est. £150 - £200.
A pierced Victorian silver teacup holder with glass liner. London 1900. Approx. 87 grams. Est. £50 - £80.
CHESTER: A rare novelty silver combination stamp case and inkwell. 1907. By Walker & Hall. Approx. 248 grams. Est. £200 - £300.
A rare novelty silver combination sliding stamp case and inkwell. Birmingham 1907. By CSFS. Approx. 187 grams. Est. £200 - £300.
A large silver mounted glass combination ash tray and stamp holder. Birmingham 1909. By HCD. Est. £200 - £300.
A silver combination vesta and blotter. Birmingham 1909. By JW&BLD. Est. £200 - £300.