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A Georgian style chased silver rattle. Approx. 65 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
A small silver mounted tapering bottle. Est. £20 - £30.
A pair of circular silver coasters. Approx. 220 grams of gross weight. Est. £30 - £50.
A pair of circular silver candlesticks with reeded decoration. Approx. 750 grams. Est. £50 - £80.
A small pair of engine turned silver brushes together with a picture frame. Est. £30 - £40.
An 18th Century silver swing handled basket. Maker and Lion marks only. By Thomas Pitts. Approx. 121 grams. Est. £150 - £200.
An 18th Century Georgian silver teapot stand. London 1797. Approx. 141 grams. Est. £80 - £120.
A George III silver pap boat. London 1802. By Solomon Houghman. Approx. 56 grams. Est. £100 - £150.
A pair of rare silver wine labels for 'Whisky'. Birmingham 1902. Approx. 35 grams. Est. £100 - £150.
An 18th Century Russian silver charka / vodka cup. Marked to base and dated 1778. Approx. 26 grams. Est. £250 - £300.
A cased set of six silver and stone set spoons. 1926. By Bernard Instone. Approx. 36 grams. Est. £100 - £150.
A large silver workman's tool / hinge. London 1915. Approx. 82 grams. Est. £80 - £120.
A heavy Antique Continental silver combination business holder / compact. Approx. 174 grams. Est. £150 - £200.
WANG HING: A 19th Century Chinese export silver miniature chariot. Marked to base. Approx. 19 grams. Est. £30 - £50.
A Continental silver card holder. Approx. 48 grams. Est. £30 - £50.
A set of six Norwegian silver and enamelled spoons. Approx. 77 grams. Est. £100 - £150.
EDINBURGH: A Scottish silver wine funnel. Circa 1810. By George Fenwick. Approx. 113 grams. Est. £300 - £500.
A George III silver jug with chased handle decorated with birds. London 1817. By Thomas Harper.
A George III silver jug with chased handle decorated with birds. London 1817. By Thomas Harper. Approx. 132 grams. Est. £100 - £150.
An 18th Century Continental silver pomander. Approx. 34 grams. Est. £300 - £500.
A heavy Georgian silver goblet engraved with flowers. Incuse mark. London 1785. Approx. 180 grams. Est. £250 - £300.
A pair of George III silver salts. London 1855. By William Robert Smily. Approx. 127 grams. Est. £120 - £150.
An 18th Century silver mounted coconut cup. Approx. 85 grams. Est. £200 - £300.
A 19th Century miniature silver table with embossed decoration, bearing import marks. Approx. 41 grams. Est. £100 - £150.
An 18th Century silver jug. London 1764. By Samuel Meriton. Approx. 82 grams. Est. £100 - £150.
A Victorian silver hip flask. London 1870. By HWL. Approx. 178 grams. Est. £120 - £150.
OMAR RAMSDEN: A silver cup holder. London 1923. Approx. 191 grams. Est. £150 - £200.
An Indian Colonial silver quart sized mug. Calcutta. Circa 1864. By Charles Nephew & Co. Approx. 823 grams. Est. £500 - £600.
A George III silver coffee jug with wicker covered handle. London 1784. By Wakelin & Taylor. Approx. 578 grams. Est. £300 - £400.
A George III silver basket. London 1759. By William Plummer. Approx. 129 grams. Est. £80 - £120.
A Georgian silver teapot stand. London 1803. By Timothy Renou. Approx. 431 grams. Est. £300 - £500.
A Victorian silver tray with chased decoration. London 1852. By Charles Thomas Fox & George Fox.
A Victorian silver tray with chased decoration. London 1852. By Charles Thomas Fox & George Fox. Approx. 268 grams. Est. £200 - £300.
A silver and enamelled cigarette box. Birmingham 1912. By William Hassler. Approx. 340 grams. Est. £1200 - £1500.
A silver Military figure. London 1971. Approx. 77 grams. Est. £80 - £120.
A Victorian silver Aesthetic Movement cigarette case engraved with owls and other birds. Birmingham 1881. By George Unite. Approx. 74 grams. Est. ...
CHESTER: A 20th Century silver pin cushion. By Sampson Mordan. Approx. 13 grams. Est. £50 - £80.
A pair of silver plated vases with bark finish. By Elkington & Co. Est. £20 - £30.
A novelty Victorian silver christening mug chased with flowers. London 1882. By Martin Hall & Co.
A novelty Victorian silver christening mug chased with flowers. London 1882. By Martin Hall & Co. Approx. 112 grams. Est. £150 - £200.
A Continental silver egg cup. Marked to base. Approx. 24 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
A Continental silver dish in the form of a Sombrero. Approx. 58 grams. Est. £40 - £60.
A pair of silver peppers. Marked to bases. Approx. 12 grams. Est. £10 - £20.
EDINBURGH: A pair of Scottish Georgian silver sauce ladles. 1802. By R&R Kay. Approx. 67 grams. Est. £80 - £120.
EDINBURGH: A pair of Scottish Georgian silver sauce ladles. 1827. By William Cunningham. Approx. 66 grams. Est. £80 - £120.
DUBLIN: A William IV silver fish slice. 1835. By Robert Gray. Approx. 143 grams. Est. £100 - £150.
A George III silver snuff box. Birmingham 1823. By Thomas Shaw. Approx. 92 grams. Est. £150 - £200.
A Georgian silver teapot stand. London 1791. By Henry Chawner. Approx. 235 grams of gross weight. Est. £100 - £150.
A Chinese export silver three piece tea set of hammered design. Marked to base. Approx. 942 grams. Est. £800 - £1200.
A fine Danish silver ladle with wooden handle. Marked to base. Approx. 56 grams. Est. £80 - £120.
A silver sauce ladle with Apostle handle. Sheffield 1921. Approx. 29 grams. Est. £30 - £50.
A William IV silver mug. London 1835. Approx. 145 grams. Est. £120 - £150.
A silver backed mirror embossed with cherubs. Est. £50 - £80.
A large silver lamp. Sheffield 1920. By Hawksworth, Eyre & Co. Ltd. Est. £150 - £200.
A silver and tortoiseshell jewellery box with hinged lid. London 1915. By William Comyns. Approx. 228 grams. Est. £100 - £150.
A silver and tortoiseshell mounted glass box. London 1920. Est. £20 - £30.
A silver and tortoiseshell mounted glass box. Birmingham 1915. Est. £20 - £30.
WING NAM: A silver mug chased with dragons. Circa 1900. Approx. 113 grams. Est. £150 - £200.
A good oversized 18th Century George III silver beaker. London 1754. By Benjamin Cartwright. Approx. 266 grams. Est. £500 - £800.
A Victorian silver flask with screw top lid. Sheffield 1892. By James Dixon & Sons. Approx. 173 grams. Est. £250 - £300.
GEORG JENSEN: A silver bowl. Marked to base. Approx. 305 grams. Est. £400 - £800.
A silver handled fish slice. Sheffield 1942. Approx. 75 grams. Est. £10 - £20.