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LAWRENCE, T.E: The Odyssey of Homer 1st.ed. 1935, London, Revolt in the Desert 1st.ed. 1927, New York, Oriental Assembly 1st.ed. 1939, London, ...
LAWRENCE, A.W. T.E. Lawrence by his friends 1st.ed. 1937, London, orig. cloth, d/w, plus GARNETT, D. The Letters of T.E. Lawrence 1st.ed. 193...
(LAWRENCE, T.E.) T.E. Lawrence Book Designer 1st.ed 1985, Fleece Press, Wakefield, original quarter cloth with spine label, ltd. 250 copies
DOUGHTY, C.M: Travels in Arabia Deserta 1933, London, thin paper ed. in 1 vol. orig. cloth, d/w
CARS & MOTORING: A collection of approx. 25 books etc. ...[more]
MOTOR CYCLES: A collection of approx. 20 books etc.
TECHNICAL, INDUSTRIAL, SCIENCE BOOKS: Approx. 25 titles, plus CHAPUIS, A. The History of the Self-Winding Watch 1st.ed. 1956, New York & 4 othe...
BBC YEARBOOKS 1928, 1930-34, plus 1 other relating to BBC (7)
ORWELL, G: The Road to Wigan Pier 1st.ed. 1937, Left Book Club, plus 9 other Left Book Club, plus Chatto Counterblasts 10 vols. in s/case 1989/90
MODERN FIRST EDITIONS: 14 20th.C. mostly 1st.eds., incl. L. Durrell (signed), H.G. Wells, G. Greene etc.
WHISTLER, L. & R: Oho! 1st.ed. 1946, London, orig. pict. boards, d/w plus AHA 1st.ed. 1979, Boston, orig. gilt dec. boards, d/w insc. twice by. ...
ILLUSTRATED & CHILDRENS BOOKS: 8 titles. ...[more]
ROLFE, F. / BARON CORVO: Nicholas Crabbe 1st.ed. 1958, London, orig. cloth, d/w, plus 7 others by & about Corvo & 1 on M. Peake (9) ...[more]
ANTIQUES & COLLECTING: 9 books about antiques etc. ...[more]
UK TOPOGRAPHY: 23 books plus a collection of booklets, mostly local interest, Coventry, Oxford.
JAGGARD, W: Shakespeare Bibliography Shakespeare Press, Stratford-on-Avon, ltd. 500 copies, plus 1 other (2)
PHOTO ALBUM: A late Victorian tooled leather cabinet photo album with approx. 25 photos & cards plus an album cigarette cards (2) ...[more]
PRIVATE EYE: Nos. 26-38, 41, 43, 45, 48, & 76 (19), plus VIZ 11 various issues from no. 26 to 69. ...[more]
DALTON, M: The Country Justice...1727, London, folio, contemp. fl. cf. front board detached, plus CLEAVELAND, E: A Genealogical History of the No...
COLLIER, J. An Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain... 2 vols. 1708 & 1714, London, folio, fl.
COLLIER, J. An Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain... 2 vols. 1708 & 1714, London, folio, fl. panelled calf, engraved frontis, hinges crac...
McFARLAND, M.W. The Papers of Wilbur and Orville Wright 2 vols. 2001, d/ws s/case, plus 15 others on the Wright Bros. (17)
RALEIGH, W. & JONES, H.A. The War in the Air 6 vols. plus Appendices Vol. & 2 maps cases, 1937-39, with d/ws ...[more]
EARLY AVIATION WALKER, P.B. Early Aviation At Farnborough 2 vols. 1st.eds. 1971 & 74, in d/ws & s/cases, plus SIMMONDS, R. All About Airship...
EARLY AVIATION PIONEERS JOHNSON, A. Sky Roads of the World 1st.ed. 1939, d/w, plus 27 others incl. Lindbergh, Cobham, Kingsford Smith, Earhart...
PUTNAM PUBLICATIONS BRUCE, J.M. British Aeroplanes 1914-18 1st.ed. 1957, gilt dec. cloth, s/case, plus 9 other Putnam titles & 6 others (16) ...
OPDYCKE, L.E. French Aeroplanes Before the Great War 1st.ed. 1999, d/w, plus GOODALL, M.H. British Aircraft Before the Great War 1st.ed. 2002,...
FLYING REVIEW bound vols. 8-26, 1952-70
AVIATION MAGAZINES Etc. a collection of magazines, booklets, & other aviation ephemera, incl. 100+ Profile Publications, Air Pictorial, Flight M...
MILITARY BOOKS 2 boxes, mostly military interest
MILITARY BOOKS 2 boxes, mostly military interest
MILITARY BOOKS 23 titles, incl. LAWRENCE, T.E. The Seven Pillars... 1935 (2 copies), CHURCHILL, W.S.
MILITARY BOOKS 23 titles, incl. LAWRENCE, T.E. The Seven Pillars... 1935 (2 copies), CHURCHILL, W.S. History of the English Speaking People ...
AVIATION MODELS 18 made & painted scale model kits plus 7 unmade in orig. boxes ...[more]
AVIATION framed signed print of Concorde & Red Arrows by David J. Lawrence, plus vintage airman's goggles, a cap with badge & a model Spitfire i...
BROCHMAND, J.R. D. Caspari Erasmi, Brochmands 'House-Postill'... 1741, Copenhagen, 2 parts in 1 vol. full leather covered wooden boards with le...
VELLUM INDENTURES 15 Devon related vellum indentures late 17th. to early 19th.C.
MARVEL COMICS The Amazing Spiderman. Nos. 83, 126, 138, 139,143, 147, 152, 156, 158-160, 163-165,
MARVEL COMICS The Amazing Spiderman. Nos. 83, 126, 138, 139,143, 147, 152, 156, 158-160, 163-165, 167, 168, 178,184,194, 196-200, 202-229, 237 -23...
MARVEL COMICS Iron Man nos. 1-14, 20-45, 47-171, 187, 190, 192 plus Annuals 6,7 Iron Fist nos. 3-
MARVEL COMICS Iron Man nos. 1-14, 20-45, 47-171, 187, 190, 192 plus Annuals 6,7 Iron Fist nos. 3-8, 11-14, Iron Man and Sub-Mariner 1. (MAY CO...
MARVEL COMICS Fantastic Four nos. 159-160, 166, 168, 170- 172, 177-181, 183-186, 188-189, 192,
MARVEL COMICS Fantastic Four nos. 159-160, 166, 168, 170- 172, 177-181, 183-186, 188-189, 192, 193, 196, 197, 198, 200, 203, 212-214, 216-243, ...
MARVEL COMICS Marvel Two in One nos. 1, 4 - 6, 11-37, 40-100, plus Annuals 4-7, The Thing nos. 1-
MARVEL COMICS Marvel Two in One nos. 1, 4 - 6, 11-37, 40-100, plus Annuals 4-7, The Thing nos. 1-5, 7 9-20, 24. (MAY CONTAIN DUPLICATIONS).
MARVEL COMICS Captain America nos. 150, 159, 162, 170, 171, 176-178, 181, 184-187, 192, 193, 195,
MARVEL COMICS Captain America nos. 150, 159, 162, 170, 171, 176-178, 181, 184-187, 192, 193, 195, 196, 198, 200-204, 206, 212, 213, 222-224, 23...
MARVEL COMICS Incredible Hulk nos. 9-12, 208, 221, 226, 229, 235, 238, 241-256, 259- 262, 264 - 279,
MARVEL COMICS Incredible Hulk nos. 9-12, 208, 221, 226, 229, 235, 238, 241-256, 259- 262, 264 - 279, 281, 282, 285-290, 294, 300, 304, 305, plu...
MARVEL COMICS Dr. Strange Series 2 nos. 1-62, 64-71, Champions nos. 1-17. (MAY CONTAIN DUPLICATIONS).
MARVEL COMICS Avengers nos. 19, 36, 52, 70-72, 83, 112, 147, 153, 155, 157-160, 163, 164, 173,
MARVEL COMICS Avengers nos. 19, 36, 52, 70-72, 83, 112, 147, 153, 155, 157-160, 163, 164, 173, 175, 176, 178-182, 184-191 192--214, 215-220, 2...
MARVEL COMICS Kazar and Dr Doom nos. 1-8, Kazar Lord of the hidden jungle nos 1-20, Kazar the Savage
MARVEL COMICS Kazar and Dr Doom nos. 1-8, Kazar Lord of the hidden jungle nos 1-20, Kazar the Savage nos. 1-26, 28-34, Astonishing tales Kaz...
MARVEL COMICS Sub Mariner nos. 26-72, Prince Namor Sub Mariner nos 1-4, Invaders nos.1-41, Inhumans nos 1-12. (MAY CONTAIN DUPLICATIONS).
MARVEL COMICS X Men nos. 92, 101, 103, 104, 112, 114-177, 181, 186-191, plus Annuals 3-7. (MAY
MARVEL COMICS X Men nos. 92, 101, 103, 104, 112, 114-177, 181, 186-191, plus Annuals 3-7. (MAY CONTAIN DUPLICATIONS).
MARVEL COMICS Rom nos. 1-3, 17-50, 52-54, 57-65, 67, plus Annuals 1,2,3, Rom Space night. nos. 1-
MARVEL COMICS Rom nos. 1-3, 17-50, 52-54, 57-65, 67, plus Annuals 1,2,3, Rom Space night. nos. 1-6, 9-16. Ghost Rider nos. 36, 40, 43-46, 48,...