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A pair of Edwardian silver tapering candlesticks on fluted bases. London. By CR&S. Approx. 21 cms high. Approx. 1050 grams. Est. £80 - £120. ...[...
A collection of Continental silver cutlery. Approx. 66 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
A stylish tapering glass lemonade jug with silver mounts. Approx. 25 cms high. Est. £100 - £150.
A silver mounted egg cup together with a silver pusher etc. Approx. 99 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
A two piece silver christening set together with other cutlery. Approx. 99 grams. Est. £30 - £50.
A silver plated cocktail shaker. Est. £10 - £20.
A set of twelve Continental silver vodka tots. Approx. 250 grams. Est. £40 - £60.
An Edwardian silver two piece cruet on sweeping pedestal base. Birmingham. Approx. 88 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
Three silver OE pattern tablespoons. Approx. 160 grams. Est. £30 - £50.
A fine pair of Georgian silver sugar casters heavily embossed with scrolls and flowers to crested fronts. London 1761. By Samuel Wood. Approx. 19 ...
EXETER: A good quality circular silver drum mustard pot engraved with flowers and leaves. 1873. By Francis Stone. Approx. 144 grams. Est. £150 - £...
A George III engraved silver cream jug decorated with flowers and leaves. London 1809. By John Lias. Approx. 111 grams. Est. £70 - £80.
DUBLIN: A good quality Irish silver cream jug with card cut rim. 1913. By West & Sons. Approx. 125 grams. Est. £100 - £150. ...[more]
A good Victorian silver rattle together with teether. Birmingham 1900. By Hilliard & Thompson. Approx. 45 grams. Est. £120 - £150. ...[more]
An unusual Georgian silver double sided burner on stand. London 1787. By IB. Approx. 500 grams. Est. £300 - £400.
A heavy silver mounted glass teapot stand decorated with scrolls. Sheffield. By EIM. Approx. 15 cms in diameter. Est. £60 - £80.
A George III silver chamber stick with crested side together with matching extinguisher. London 1794. By Hannon & Crouch. Approx. 304 grams. Est. ...
A heavy Georgian silver muffiniere embossed with scrolls and flowers. London 1737. By Samuel Wood. Approx. 79 grams. Est. £80 - £120.
A pair of French silver salts decorated with pierced rims together with BGLs. Approx. 98 grams. Est. £70 - £80.
An unusual engine turned silver and enamelled vesta case. Birmingham. Approx. 39 grams. Est. £60 - £80.
A circular Chinese silver dish decorated with birds in relief. Approx. 23 cms in diameter. Approx. 302 grams. Est. £200 - £300.
A silver embossed sugar caster. London. By EF. Approx. 113 grams. Est. £80 - £120.
A silver embossed top box decorated with figures. Chester. Approx. 112 grams. Est. £40 - £60.
A good set of four silver gilt mounted glass dressing table jars with engraved decoration. London. Est. £150 - £200.
An engine turned silver cigarette box. Birmingham. Approx. 390 grams. Est. £70 - £80.
A silver hinged top jewellery box with fitted interior. Birmingham. By THH. Approx. 175 grams. Est. £60 - £80.
A silver caster of typical form. Birmingham. Approx. 141 grams. Est. £80 - £120.
A silver engine turned card holder with hinged mount. Birmingham. By HM. Approx. 76 grams. Est. £60 - £80.
A Georgian silver stilton scoop. London. By RT. Approx. 110 grams. Est. £70 - £80.
An Edwardian silver tea strainer. Birmingham. By A Bros. Approx. 52 grams. Est. £30 - £40.
An attractive Edwardian silver comport with engraved decoration. London. Approx. 500 grams. Est. £280 - £320.
A silver plated vesta in the form of a pig. Est. £10 - £20.
A silver and enamelled pill box. Birmingham 1926. By Norris Ltd. Approx. 17.5 grams. Est. £50 - £60.
A good silver sovereign and half sovereign case engraved with flowers. Birmingham. By William Adams. Approx. 28 grams. Est. £150 - £200.
A silver pill box in the form of a book with engraved decoration. Approx. 23 grams. Est. £30 - £40.
A novelty silver figure of a bear in seated position with textured body. Approx. 5.5 cms high. Approx. 29 grams. Est. £150 - £200.
A large Victorian Britannia Standard silver kitchen dredger. London. By Goldsmiths & Silversmiths. Approx. 160 grams. Est. £150 - £200. ...[more]
A Chinese silver circular salver with bamboo effect border. Marked verso. Approx. 20 cms in diameter. Approx. 268 grams. Est. £200 - £300.
A South American silver incense burner on stand decorated with flowers and leaves. Assay scrape to base. Approx. 439 grams. Est. £300 - £400.
A silver and MOP fruit knife. Birmingham. Approx. 27 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
A novelty silver engine turned pen. Birmingham. Approx. 9 grams. Est. £10 - £20.
A silver swizzle stick of typical form. Approx. 7 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
A novelty silver toothbrush with shaped handle. Birmingham. Approx. 11 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
A good pair of silver menu holders decorated with hunting scenes. London 1898. Approx. 50 grams. Est. £150 - £200.
A silver scent bottle decorated with flowers and leaves with vacant cartouche. Approx. 18 grams. Est. £60 - £80.
A good heavy George III silver chamber stick with matching snuffer. London 1806. By William Stroud. Approx. 410 grams. Est. £400 - £500.
A good pair of heavy Georgian style trencher salts on spreading bases. London. By JW. Approx. 625 grams. Est. £500 - £800.
A good quality Edwardian silver oval box of shaped form. London. Approx. 95 grams. Est. £30 - £50.
A circular Continental silver pin dish together with a similar smaller example. Approx. 96 grams. Est. £30 - £40.
DAVID ANDERSEN: A set of five silver and enamelled teaspoons. Approx. 50 grams. Est. £30 - £40.
An attractive pierced silver sweet dish. London. Approx. 76 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
A good Continental silver double lipped sauce boat. Approx. 672 grams. Est. £200 - £300.
A bag containing silver cutlery etc. Approx. 224 grams. Est. £30 - £40.
A plain silver buckle together with three silver napkin rings. Approx. 111 grams. Est. £30 - £50.
An Edwardian silver engraved vesta case. Birmingham. By JT. Approx. 12 grams. Est. £20 - £30.
A good George III silver snuffer tray with shaped edges. London 1745. By John Cafe. Approx. 260 grams. Est. £500 - £600.
An unusual miniature silver pepper in the form of a teddy bear in seated position. Birmingham. 1908. By Robert Pring. Approx. 8 grams. Est. £70 - ...
OMAR RAMSDEN: A heavy silver circular dish of typical form on pedestal base. London 1935. Approx. 146 grams. Est. £350 - £450.
A good quality silver letter opener with engraved decoration. Birmingham 1882. By George Unite. Approx. 80 grams. Est. £100 - £150.
A Georgian silver salver with shaped edge. London 1730. Approx. 150 grams. Est. £200 - £300.