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[ALMANACS - PARIS]. Etrennes interessantes des quatre parties du monde. Paris: Langlois, 1796-1804.
Lot of 10 Parisian almanacs in fine contemporary morocco bindings of various colours tooled in gold with initials or decoration and illustrated wi...
Lot of 4 Parisian almanacs in fine contemporary bindings in morocco and coloured gilt leather.32mo, (95 x 55mm). Almanacs comprising 2 years each ...
Lot of 7 Venetian almanacs in contemporary bindings.32mo, (100 x 60mm). 3 annuals: 1776; 1783; 1791, each with frontispiece. Contemporary bindings...
[ALMANACS - VENICE]. Giornale astrometeorologico. Venice: Storti, 1780; 1782; 1783; 1785, 1786;
1789; 1791.Lot of interesting astrological almanacs printed in Venice, together with a curious edition in Trevisan dialect. 7 almanacs, (165 x 105...
[ALMANACS - VIENNA]. Almanac de la cour. Vienna: Trattner, 1780; 1782; 1784; 1785; 1788; 1790.
Lot of 7 interesting Viennese almanacs in fine contemporary bindings.32mo, (95 x 55mm). 6 annuals: 1780, one folding map. Contemporary carta rusti...
Lot of 4 almanacs, two of the Savoy court, one Dutch and one Spanish. 12mo, (123 x 80mm). Frontispiece, 6 engraved plates. Gilt decorated carta ru...
Lot of two almanacs in elegant contemporary bindings including a guide for foreigners travelling to Madrid; annual publication including a calenda...
[ALMANACS]. Almanacco reale del regno delle due Sicilie per l'anno 1820. Naples: Reale tipografia,
1819.Fine lot of almanacs from the first half of the 19th century, including a fine copy bound in morocco with the Bourbon arms.8vo, (175 x 103 mm...
Beautifully decorated family tree of Domenico Aloisio Visconti Aicardi, son of Giovanni Battista and his wife, Ippolita Confalonieri and brother o...
[HERALDRY] COLLINS, Arthur (1682-1760). The Peerage of England; Containing A Genealogical and
Historical Account of All the Peers of England. London: R.Golsing, T.Wotton, 1735.Important work on English nobility and its heraldry.5 vols, 8vo,...
[HERALDRY] VULSON DE LA COLOMBIERE, Marc (d. 1658). La science heroique, traitant de la noblesse,
de l'origine des armes, de leurs blasons, & symboles. Paris: Cramoisy, 1644.Genuine copy of the first edition of this important, richly illustrate...
ARISTOPHANES (446-386 BC). Comoediae undecim. Venice: [Giacomo Pocatela] in colophon Burgofrancho
Papiensem, 1542.A fine sixteenth-century edition of the Latin translation of Aristophanes' comedies by the humanist Andrea Divo.8vo, (158 x 105 mm...
[ERUDITE] ARISTOTLE; AVERROES (1126-1198). Aristotelis opera. Venice: Bernardino Stagnino da Trino,
1489.Incomplete copy but from the libraries of the scholars and Eurydites Jan Gruterius and Friedrich von Grimm of the version of Aristotle with A...
[ARISTOTLE] DOMINICUS DE FLANDRA (1425-1500). Commentaria super libris posteriorum Aristotelis,
Venice: Giorgio Arrivabene, eredi Ottaviano Scoto, 1514 [BOUND WITH:] JOHANNES CANONICUS (14th century). Quaestiones super Physica Aristotelis. Ve...
corruptione Aristotelis...Item questiones Alberti de Saxonia in eosdem libros. Venice: Ottaviano Scoto, 1520.Rare (only one listing on RBH) and im...
[ASTROLOGY]. Breve tratado del usso de las ephemerides, para la Agricultura, navegacion,mudaciones
de ayres y enfermedades . Valencia: , Early 17th century.Important Spanish manuscript collecting 9 works on astrology and astronomy. Three are ext...
[AVICENNA] DELLA TORRE, Giacomo (1360-1414). Super primus primum Avicenne Canonem
expositio. Venice: Lucantonio Giunta, 1520.Commentary on Avicenna in a contemporary binding, with numerous annotations in a single hand. Giacomo d...
BARANZANO, Giovanni Antonio Redento (1590-1622). Uranoscopia seu De coelo in qua universa coelorum
doctrina clarè, dilucidè & brevitur traditur. Geneva: Chouet, 1617-1618.Restored but copy complete with all its parts including the Nova de motu ...
BARELLIER, Jacques (1606 - 1673). Plantae per Galliam, Hispaniam et Italiam observatae. Paris:
Ganeau, 1714.Fine first edition of this monumental botanical work on the plants of southern Europe, in an elegant contemporary binding and copious...
Seligenstadt, Johannes de Colonia, Nicolaus Jenson, 1481.Famous incunable edition of the Bible with commentary by the Franciscan exegete Niccolò d...
Beautiful copy in fine 18th-century binding and from the Larousse library of the first edition of the Decameron in Italian to be printed in France...
An excellent copy of this edition printed by Elzevir after the 1527 Giuntina edition in beautiful Bedford binding; in the lot also a lovely editio...
BOETHIUS, Severinus (465-524 BC). De consolatione & de disciplina scholarium. Venice: Joannes &
Gregorius de Forlivio, 1498.Third part, independent, from the collected works of Boethius printed by Gregoris, containing the famous De consolati...
BOETHIUS, Severinus (465-524 BC). De Arithmetica libri duo. De Musica libri quinque. De Geometria
libri duo. Venice: Joannes & Gregorius de Forlivio, 1497.Second, autonomous part, containing the works on arithmetic, music and geometry of Boethi...
quelques machines mouvantes par le moyen de l'eau, et un discours de la conduite d'ycelle. London: [s.e.], 1644.Incomplete copy but genuine of the...
Sheldonian Theatre, 1677.Large copy of this scarce second edition, of this zoological treatise, greatly expanded and considered the finest and mos...
[CLASSICS] EGNAZIO, Giovanni Battista (1478-1553). In hoc volumine contintentur cesaribus
libri III...Insuper oratio Aristidis de urbe Roma á Scipione Carteromacho latinitate donata. Florence: Giunta, 1519.Lot of four 16th-century works...
COLONNA, Pietro known as GALATINO (1460-1540). De arcanis catholicae veritatis. Frankfurt: Marne,
1612.Dialogical work with the aim of demonstrating, through the use of Kabbalah, that the Hebrew books contained arguments proving the truth of Ca...
[CURIOSA] GOLERIUS, Rodolphus . Breve chiroscopiae compendium. Germany(?): Ambrosus ab aurea, 1646.
Curious illustrated manuscript on chiromancy attributed to Rodolphus Golerius , possibly Rudolf Goclenius (1547-1628) humanist and professor of p...
[CURIOSA] LE NOBLE, Eustache (1643-1711). Dialoghi tra il diavolo zoppo e il diavolo guercio.
Venice: Francesco Storti, 1723.Curious satirical work on the vicissitudes and misadventures of a company of devils in Paris at the beginning of th...
Amsterdam: Frisius, 1664.A curious work on the analysis and description of ancient methods of torture and on various types of bells and rattles, w...
DANTE (1265-1321). Comento di Christophoro Landino fiorentino sopra la Comedia di Danthe Alighieri
poeta fiorentino. Venice: Scoto, 1484.Second edition of Landino's commentary on the Comedy, printed in round characters, large for the text, smal...
DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321); FOSCOLO, Ugo (1778-1827). La Commedia di Dante Alighieri illustrata da
Ugo Foscolo. London: Rolandi, 1842-1843.First edition of the Commedia edited by Foscolo, who had authored the 1825 Discorso sul testo e su le opi...
DANTE; [VOLPI, Giovanni Antonio (1686-1766)]. La divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri. Padua: Comino,
1727.A fine uncut copy with wide margins, the first edition of this important edition of the Divine Comedy with commentary by Giovanni Volpi. This...
Bouts-rimés ('rhyming ends') is a poetic game in which, given a set list of rhyming words to end the verses with, one must write a composition wit...
DURANDUS, Guilluame (1230-1296). Rationale Divinorum Officiorum. Strasbourg: [Johann Prüss], 1486.
Incunable edition of Durante's work on the administration and meaning of liturgy with numerous contemporary annotations and manicules.Folio, (284 ...
DE LA QUINTINYE, Jean Baptiste (1624-1688). Instruction pour les jardins fruitiers et potagers,
avec un traité des orangers et des reflexions sur l'agriculture. Paris: Par la Compagnie des Libraires Associés, 1746-1756.Lot of two gardening wo...
Botanico di Napoli corredato della pianta del medesimo, e di anntazioni. Naples: Tipografia dell'Aquila di Vincenzo Puzziello, 1845.An important c...
[AGRICULTURE] WRIGHT, Lewis. The illustrated book of poultry. London: Cassell, Petter & Galpin,
[c.a 1880].Lot of three works on agriculture4to, (268 x 205mm). 50 chromolithographic plates, illustrations and full-page plates in the text (slig...
[ECONOMY - RICE FARMING] . Consegna dei terreni e fabbriche componenti la tenuta del sig. Girolamo
nob. Giustiniani nei comuni di Piazzola e Villafranca. : , [1859].Report on the state of the Giustinian family's rice field, drawn up on the occas...
DE TORRES Y RIBERA, Antonio (18th cent.). Trattato storico ed economico della natura, spezie, pregj
paesi di origine, e di propagazione usi fatti, e che si fanno si possono del riso. Venice: Albrizzi, 1794.First edition of this scarce treatise, n...
[COMMERCE] SARACENO, Vittorio (XVIII secolo). Trattato aritmetico-pratico o sia conti fatti di
tutto ciò che possa occorrere...Torino: Toscanelli, 1782. [BOUND WITH:] Impronti peso, e valore delle monete d'oro, e d'argento. Turin: Soffietti,...
[ENOLOGY] ACERBI, Giuseppe (1773-1846). Delle viti italiane. Milan: Giovanni Silvestri, 1825.
Extremely rare first edition of Acerbi's treatise in which he scientifically illustrates and classifies a large part of his collection of no less ...
Recurti, 1747.A scarce work, the last copy of which appeared at auction in 1940 (RBH), documenting the author's experiments in cultivating Refosco...
[ENOLOGY] DANDOLO, Vincenzo (1758-1819). Istruzioni pratiche sul modo di ben fare e conservare il
vino. Milan: Stamperia Reale, 1812.Lot of 3 nineteenth-century works on making and storing wine.8vo, (235 x 155 mm). 5 folding plates, uncut (foxi...
[ENOLOGY] ESTIENNE, Charles (1504-1564). Seminario, over Plantario de gli alberi, che si piantano,
con i loro nomi, e de i fruti parimente. [BOUND WITH:] Le erbe, fiori, stirpi che si piantano ne gli horti [BOUND WITH:] Vineto ... quale brevemen...
[ENOLOGY] ESTIENNE, Charles (1504-1564). L'agricoltura, e casa di villa. Venice: Brigonci, 1668.
Lot of three works from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries on agriculture and the cultivation of grapes.4to, (216 x 158mm). Vignette to title...
[ENOLOGY] FABRONI, Adamo (1748-1816). Arte di fare il vino per la Lombardia Austriaca. Florence:
Tofani, 1790.Rare edition of Fabroni's work on enology, considered by Pasteur to be the first modern elaboration of the physical theory of ferment...
travail des vins. Paris: Masson, 1858.Lot of three works on viticulture and agriculture.8vo, (240 x 150mm). Illustrations in the text (spotting). ...
[ENOLOGY] MAUPIN (18th cent.). L'art de faire le vin (1779) [BOUND WITH:] L'art de la vigne (1780)
[WITH:] Procedeé facile...du décuvage des vins (1781). Paris, Lausanne: Musier, Grasset, , 1780-1781.Three works by the agronomist Maupin, whose w...
[ENOLOGY] PAOLETTI, Ferdinando (1717-1801). L'arte di fare il vino perfetto e durevole. Florence:
Stecchi, Pagani, 1774.First edition of this scarce work on enology (appearing only once at auction, at Christie's in 2006, RBH) which includes an ...
First edition of this treatise by Rendella, a jurist and landowner from Apulia, on viticulture and the wine trade in Italy with a section on the r...
[ENOLOGY] VICINI, Giovanni Battista (1710-1782). I vini modanesi, baccanale. Modern: Torri, 1752.
A rare, amusing poetic work on Modenese wines with a list of the varieties mentioned and a paraphrase by Giovanni Battista Vicini, Modenese libert...
Second edition after the first undated Milan edition of 1475, the first to include Matteo Palmieri's continued account to 1481, with mention of Gu...
[FANTASCIENCE] MERCIER, Louis Sebastien (1740-1814). L'anno due mila quattrocento quaranta. Sogno
di cui non vi fu l'eguale. Seguito dall'Uomo di ferro. Genoa: Domenico Porcile, 1798.First Italian translation, rare, of this novel precursor of s...
This work traces the history of the religious military order of the Gaudenti knights, founded in Bologna in 1233 with the aim of placating warring...
First Italian edition of a collection of 118 essays on a variety of subjects ranging from economics to philology to physics and politics. It was o...
Interesting eighteenth-century manuscript on logic.4to, (260 x 190mm). 91 leaves in cursive script on watermarked paper, depicting a bird with spr...
FORESTI, Giacomo Filippo (1434-1520). Supplementum chronicarum. Venice: Bernardino Rizzo da Novara,
1492.Third edition of this important incunable by Foresti, whose chronology of relevant historical facts would serve as inspiration and model for ...
Scarce second edition, after the first of 1521, of this important work on mathematics, here revised and considerably enlarged. It is a well-explai...