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A subscription to the Price Guide is required to view results for auctions ten days or older. Click here for more information
A George III silver cream jug, indistinct makers mark, London 1800, of helmet form with engraved
A George III silver cream jug, indistinct makers mark, London 1800, of helmet form with engraved monogram, 11cm high, 3.4ozt with an Elkington & C...
A Carr’s of Sheffield silver mounted claret jug, Carr’s of Sheffield, Sheffield 2010, the acanthus capped silver mounted handle above plain polish...
A George V silver teapot, Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Co Ltd, Sheffield 1924, the hinged cover above
A George V silver teapot, Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Co Ltd, Sheffield 1924, the hinged cover above shaped plain polished body, stamped to base ‘...
A George V silver coffee pot, Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Co Ltd, Sheffield 1924, the hinged cover
A George V silver coffee pot, Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Co Ltd, Sheffield 1924, the hinged cover above shaped plain polished body, stamped to ba...
A George V silver and enamel cased dressing table set, Adie Brothers Ltd, Birmingham 1930, comprising two clothes bushes, two hair brushes and mir...
A cased Victorian silver butter dish and knife, Josiah Williams & Co, London 1894, the shell shaped dish upon three ball feet, 12cm long, with kni...
A white metal comport, the cast openwork rim with twin handles above lobed body, upon three legs and
A white metal comport, the cast openwork rim with twin handles above lobed body, upon three legs and domed base, 10cm high, 18ozt
A pair of George III sauce tureens and covers, Andrew Fogelberg & Stephen Gilbert, London 1791, of
A pair of George III sauce tureens and covers, Andrew Fogelberg & Stephen Gilbert, London 1791, of shaped boat design with twin reeded handles, up...
A selection of silver and silver mounted items, including a cased set of Sandringham pattern teaspoons, Viner's Ltd, Sheffield 1959, an Edwardian ...
A selection of silver, including a George V silver condiment set, Adie Brothers Ltd, Birmingham
A selection of silver, including a George V silver condiment set, Adie Brothers Ltd, Birmingham 1932, comprising two wet mustards, open salt and p...
A Victorian three piece silver tea service, Thomas Bradbury & Sons, London 1897, comprising sugar
A Victorian three piece silver tea service, Thomas Bradbury & Sons, London 1897, comprising sugar bowl, teapot and milk jug, of plain polished des...
A Victorian silver sugar bowl, Stokes and Ireland Ltd, London 1898, of planished form, upon spreading circular base, 5cm high, with a George V sil...
A Victorian silver sauce boat, Charles Stuart Harris, London 1898, the acanthus capped flying handle
A Victorian silver sauce boat, Charles Stuart Harris, London 1898, the acanthus capped flying handle above shaped rim and plain polished body, upo...
A George III silver mustard pot, Alice & George Burrows II, London 1810, the hinged cover above
A George III silver mustard pot, Alice & George Burrows II, London 1810, the hinged cover above stylised rim and bulbous body, upon four ball feet...
A selection of silver flatware, including a pair of 19th century sugar tongs, of openwork design,
A selection of silver flatware, including a pair of 19th century sugar tongs, of openwork design, stamped possibly ‘TW’ 13cm long, a George V two ...
A set of five Victorian silver fiddle pattern teaspoons, Samuel Hayne and Dudley Cater, London 1843,
A set of five Victorian silver fiddle pattern teaspoons, Samuel Hayne and Dudley Cater, London 1843, of typical plain polished form, 14cm long, a ...
A George III silver Old English pattern sauce ladle, Peter and Ann Bateman, London 1794, of typical form, with a George III silver Kings Pattern s...
A set of five George III silver Hanoverian pattern dessert forks, possibly Solomon Hougham, London
A set of five George III silver Hanoverian pattern dessert forks, possibly Solomon Hougham, London 1802, of typical form, 16.5cm long, with a pair...
A set of five Victorian silver fiddle pattern forks, Henry Holland, London 1844, of typical form,
A set of five Victorian silver fiddle pattern forks, Henry Holland, London 1844, of typical form, 17cm long, with a pair of Victorian silver fiddl...
A set of seven Victorian silver Old English pattern teaspoons, Chawner & Co, London 1879, of typical
A set of seven Victorian silver Old English pattern teaspoons, Chawner & Co, London 1879, of typical form, 13.5cm long, with nine further silver O...
A set of four George III silver Old English bead pattern table spoons, John Lambe, London 1782, of
A set of four George III silver Old English bead pattern table spoons, John Lambe, London 1782, of typical form, 21.5cm long, with a set of three ...
A group of seven Old English pattern spoons, including a set of three George III dessert spoons,
A group of seven Old English pattern spoons, including a set of three George III dessert spoons, Samuel Godbehere, Edward Wigan and James Boult, L...
A pair of 18th century silver Old English pattern table spoons, indistinct makers mark, possibly
A pair of 18th century silver Old English pattern table spoons, indistinct makers mark, possibly 1740, of typical form, 21cm long, with a further ...
A set of six Victorian silver Hanoverian table forks, Charles Boyton, London 1900, of typical
A set of six Victorian silver Hanoverian table forks, Charles Boyton, London 1900, of typical form, 21cm long, gross weight 15ozt (6)
A selection of silver mounted items, including a Victorian silver mounted scent bottle, Arthur
A selection of silver mounted items, including a Victorian silver mounted scent bottle, Arthur Willmore Pennington, Birmingham 1891, 6.5cm high, a...
A large collection of George V silver Fiddle pattern flatware, Thomas Bradbury & Sons Ltd, Sheffield
A large collection of George V silver Fiddle pattern flatware, Thomas Bradbury & Sons Ltd, Sheffield 1924, comprising nine dessert spoons, twelve ...
A George V pair of silver candelabrum, Britton Gould and Co, Birmingham 1929, the triple branch
A George V pair of silver candelabrum, Britton Gould and Co, Birmingham 1929, the triple branch above Corinthian column and stepped beaded square ...
A silver salver, Walker and Hall, Birmingham 1969, the shaped stepped rim above plain polished body,
A silver salver, Walker and Hall, Birmingham 1969, the shaped stepped rim above plain polished body, upon four hoof feet, 26cm wide, 19ozt
A George V silver salver, Thomas Bradbury & Sons Ltd, Sheffield 1932, the gadroon rim above plain
A George V silver salver, Thomas Bradbury & Sons Ltd, Sheffield 1932, the gadroon rim above plain polished body, upon four ball and claw feet, 26c...
A selection of silver and silver coloured items, including a near pair of cased napkin rings,
A selection of silver and silver coloured items, including a near pair of cased napkin rings, William M Hayes, Birmingham 1902-05, of engraved oct...
A Mappin and Webb silver waiter, Mappin and Webb, Sheffield 1955, the shaped rim above engraved body
A Mappin and Webb silver waiter, Mappin and Webb, Sheffield 1955, the shaped rim above engraved body 'Presented to, Miss E Noble, on completion of...
An Edwardian silver goblet, possibly D and M Davis, Birmingham 1907, the fruit and foliate embossed bowl encompassing 'Old Lyme Walty, winner, F J...
A George III silver milk jug, indistinct makers mark, London 1802, the reeded rim above bulbous body
A George III silver milk jug, indistinct makers mark, London 1802, the reeded rim above bulbous body with monogram to front, 10cm high, 4ozt
A selection of silver and white metal items, including a Thistle & Bee, London pear shaped pot,
A selection of silver and white metal items, including a Thistle & Bee, London pear shaped pot, 7cm high, a pair of George V silver bonbon dishes,...
A group of silver and silver plated items, including a cased set of Ela enamel spoons, with openwork
A group of silver and silver plated items, including a cased set of Ela enamel spoons, with openwork stylised crown terminals, decorated in variou...
An Edwardian silver goblet, William Hutton & Sons Ltd, London 1902, the bowl engraved with Latin
An Edwardian silver goblet, William Hutton & Sons Ltd, London 1902, the bowl engraved with Latin lettering, above a lobed pedestal base and emboss...
A continental white metal sugar caster, possibly Dutch, of lighthouse form with pierced screw-off
A continental white metal sugar caster, possibly Dutch, of lighthouse form with pierced screw-off cover and stepped circular base, stamped to base...
A Victorian silver card case, Frederick Marson, Birmingham 1864, of rectangular form with central
A Victorian silver card case, Frederick Marson, Birmingham 1864, of rectangular form with central monogram and date surround by engraved floral de...
A selection of silver, including an Edwardian silver sauce boat, The Alexander Clark Manufacturing
A selection of silver, including an Edwardian silver sauce boat, The Alexander Clark Manufacturing Co, Sheffield 1901, the crimped rim above plain...
A selection of silver items, including a George VI capstan ink well, W I Broadway & Co, Birmingham
A selection of silver items, including a George VI capstan ink well, W I Broadway & Co, Birmingham 1937, engraved to hinged cover (weighted) a con...
An extensive collection of silver plated items, including entrée dishes, teapots, flatware, muffin
An extensive collection of silver plated items, including entrée dishes, teapots, flatware, muffin warmers, etc. (Qty)
A cased set of Mappin and Webb silver plate and mother of pearl handled flat ware, comprising knives
A cased set of Mappin and Webb silver plate and mother of pearl handled flat ware, comprising knives and forks, the blades engraved with floral de...
An early 20th century Chinese white metal presentation cup, engraved ‘Shanghai paper hunt club, 26th December 1913, won by SBM Bremner on Court Co...
A white metal Anglo-Indian bowl, of bulbous form with embossed continuous decoration depicting
A white metal Anglo-Indian bowl, of bulbous form with embossed continuous decoration depicting figures, 7cm high, with two similarly designed salt...
A selection of cased flatware, including a cased set of twelve George V silver apostle style spoons,
A selection of cased flatware, including a cased set of twelve George V silver apostle style spoons, Joseph Rodgers & Sons, Sheffield 1918, 11.5cm...
A George V silver sugar caster, Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Ltd, London 1925, the pierced
A George V silver sugar caster, Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Ltd, London 1925, the pierced pull-off cover above an Art Deco octagonal desig...
A pair of Victorian silver open salts, William Robert Smily, London 1853, of cauldron form with
A pair of Victorian silver open salts, William Robert Smily, London 1853, of cauldron form with embossed floral decoration, upon three hoof feet, ...
A group of four silver decanter labels, A Marston and Co, Birmingham 1969, with scroll and floral
A group of four silver decanter labels, A Marston and Co, Birmingham 1969, with scroll and floral border, 6cm wide, with three further similarly d...
A 20th century Chinese white metal cigarette box, the rectangular box with all over bamboo decoration, stamped to base with character marks and ‘s...
A pair of Edwardian silver toast racks, Joseph Jennens and Co, Birmingham 1909, of arched form
A pair of Edwardian silver toast racks, Joseph Jennens and Co, Birmingham 1909, of arched form upon four pad feet, 7.5cm high, with a pair of Geor...
A George III silver goblet, ‘RB’ Dublin 1791, the floral rim above an embossed garland and
A George III silver goblet, ‘RB’ Dublin 1791, the floral rim above an embossed garland and acanthus leaf decoration, upon pedestal base and spread...
A Victorian silver teapot, John and Henry Lias, London 1844, the cast flower head finial above lobed
A Victorian silver teapot, John and Henry Lias, London 1844, the cast flower head finial above lobed body, upon cast shell style feet, 18cm high, ...
A Victorian silver coffee pot, John and Henry Lias, London 1844, the cast flower head finial above
A Victorian silver coffee pot, John and Henry Lias, London 1844, the cast flower head finial above lobed body, upon cast shell style feet, 22cm hi...
A Victorian silver teapot, Joseph Angell II, London 1862, the cast fruit designed finial above bulbous florally engraved body, with cartouche eng...
A Victorian silver toast rack, John Evans II, London 1844, the cast openwork stylised handle above
A Victorian silver toast rack, John Evans II, London 1844, the cast openwork stylised handle above looped six division rack, upon four cast scroll...
A George V silver tea caddy, George Unite, Birmingham 1912, of Art Deco plain polished octagonal
A George V silver tea caddy, George Unite, Birmingham 1912, of Art Deco plain polished octagonal form with slide removable cover, upon conforming ...
A George V silver sauce boat, Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Ltd, London 1918, the acanthus
A George V silver sauce boat, Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company Ltd, London 1918, the acanthus capped flying handle above plain polished body, u...
An Edwardian silver hip flask, William Neale, Chester 1908, of plain polished rectangular design,
An Edwardian silver hip flask, William Neale, Chester 1908, of plain polished rectangular design, with hinged cover, 10cm wide, 2ozt
A George V silver cigarette case, Thomas William Lack, London 1936, of rectangular form with engine turned decoration to exterior and gilt interio...