Entertainment & other Ephemera and Cigarette & Trade Cards

613 items 613 items
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room Nottingham

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Entertainment & other Ephemera and Cigarette & Trade Cards

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  • ( Lots: 1-614)

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PHILLIPS, Beauties - Modern Paintings (Barribal), complete, medium silks, BDV issue, slight fraying from cuts, G to generally VG, 32

B.A.T., Dutch Royal Family, complete, Queen & Princess Juliana (premium); Juliana & Wilhelmina (both medium), slight staining, G to VG, 3 ...[mor...

BARRATT, Characters from Fairy Stories & Fiction, inc. Clarabelle Cow, Old King Cole (split to bottom edge), The Sandman; incomplete cards (5), FR...

BOY SCOUTS, odds, Baden-Powell (8), inc. inc. Phillips Morse & Semaphore Signalling, CWS Boy Scout Series (no. 11); Wills, Types of Commonwealth F...

CRICKET, complete (3), inc. Drapkin Australian & English Test Cricketers, Boys Magazine, ZAT (with rules); Boys Realm Famous Cricketers, G to VG, ...
