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An Isle of Wight Glass Vase, of globular form with outcurved rim, in a gold and silver iridescent
An Isle of Wight Glass Vase, of globular form with outcurved rim, in a gold and silver iridescent abstract design, paper label, boxed, 16cm high; ...
A Tiffany Murano Glass Thumb Press Bowl by Archimede Seguso, with gilt inclusions, etched mark 'Elsa
A Tiffany Murano Glass Thumb Press Bowl by Archimede Seguso, with gilt inclusions, etched mark 'Elsa Peretti', 19cm diameter, visible chi...
A Pair of Late Victorian Glass Table Lustres, the white opaque grounds with gilt bands, each
A Pair of Late Victorian Glass Table Lustres, the white opaque grounds with gilt bands, each entwined with a blue serpent, hung with prismatic dro...
A Muller Fréres Luneville Cameo Glass Vase, of compressed onion shaped form, decorated in tones of
A Muller Fréres Luneville Cameo Glass Vase, of compressed onion shaped form, decorated in tones of green, purple, blue and brown, signed, 10cm hig...
An Isle of Wight Glass Paperweight, of globular form in a gold and silver abstract design, paper
An Isle of Wight Glass Paperweight, of globular form in a gold and silver abstract design, paper label, boxed, 8cm high; A Similar Baluster Vase a...
An Isle of Wight Glass Vase, of 'lollipop' shape, in a gold and silver iridescent abstract design,
An Isle of Wight Glass Vase, of 'lollipop' shape, in a gold and silver iridescent abstract design, paper label, boxed, 24cm high.scratches to base...
An XVIII Century Green Glass Wine Bottle, of onion form, high nicked base, 21cm high; Another
An XVIII Century Green Glass Wine Bottle, of onion form, high nicked base, 21cm high; Another Onion Shaped Bottle, 26cm high. (2)
An XVIII Century Sealed Green Glass Wine Bottle, of cylindrical form with long neck, the seal
An XVIII Century Sealed Green Glass Wine Bottle, of cylindrical form with long neck, the seal inscribed 'ASGR', 27cm high; Two Other Unsealed Bott...
A Pair of 'Bristol' Blue Glass XIX Century Single Handled Ewers, with brass mounts and one stopper, 20cm high, a Wedgwood blue jasper ware jar and...
An XVIII Century Brown Glass Single Handled Ewer, with compressed body, 22cm high; A Similar Brown
An XVIII Century Brown Glass Single Handled Ewer, with compressed body, 22cm high; A Similar Brown Glass Bottle, 23cm high. (2)
A Pair of Late XIX Century Glass Table Lustres, of typical form decorated in gilt and enamels with
A Pair of Late XIX Century Glass Table Lustres, of typical form decorated in gilt and enamels with floral swags, heart shaped motifs and scrolls, ...
A Harrogate Spa Water Bottle, in green glass, embossed 'Harrogate Bottle at the Royal Pump Room',
A Harrogate Spa Water Bottle, in green glass, embossed 'Harrogate Bottle at the Royal Pump Room', the base 22cm high, a 'R.P. Culley and Co Ld' gr...
An XVIII Century Green Glass Wine Bottle, of onion form, 33cm high; Another, of compressed globular form, 32cm high. (2)GREEN GLASS WINE BOTTLE - ...
A Modern Lalique Glass Chouette 'Owl', in frosted finish, stencil mark, 6.5cm high (boxed); A
A Modern Lalique Glass Chouette 'Owl', in frosted finish, stencil mark, 6.5cm high (boxed); A Lalique Glass 'Hare', frosted finish, stencil mark, ...
A Modern Lalique Glass Cachet, in the 'Naiade' pattern in clear and frosted finish, designed with
A Modern Lalique Glass Cachet, in the 'Naiade' pattern in clear and frosted finish, designed with a mermaid, raised on circular plinth (boxed), st...
A Lalique Glass Model of an Owl, with frosted feather detail, etched Lalique (R) France to lower
A Lalique Glass Model of an Owl, with frosted feather detail, etched Lalique (R) France to lower edge and 'Made in France' label to base, 9cm high...
A Moorcroft Pottery Bowl, painted in the 'Magnolia' pattern with pink flowers against a dark blue
A Moorcroft Pottery Bowl, painted in the 'Magnolia' pattern with pink flowers against a dark blue ground, impressed marks, 19cm diameter; A Moorcr...
A Moorcroft Pottery Mantle Clock, painted in the 'Anemone' pattern with pink and purple flowers
A Moorcroft Pottery Mantle Clock, painted in the 'Anemone' pattern with pink and purple flowers against a dark blue ground, impressed and painted ...
A Moorcroft Pottery Circular Plaque, painted in a trial pattern with a coastal inlet with cliffs,
A Moorcroft Pottery Circular Plaque, painted in a trial pattern with a coastal inlet with cliffs, signed and dated 13/1/99 to underside, 17cm diam...
Three Derby Porcelain Plates, each painted with colourful sprays of summer flowers, gilt gadroon
Three Derby Porcelain Plates, each painted with colourful sprays of summer flowers, gilt gadroon rims, red crown and D marks, 26cm diameter; Three...
A Royal Worcester Porcelain Part Dessert Service, the 'Old Ivory' ground printed and painted with
A Royal Worcester Porcelain Part Dessert Service, the 'Old Ivory' ground printed and painted with floral sprays within fluted and gilt borders, pu...
A Royal Doulton Porcelain Dinner Service in the 'Carlyle' Pattern, with blue and gilt flowers within
A Royal Doulton Porcelain Dinner Service in the 'Carlyle' Pattern, with blue and gilt flowers within a dark green band, printed marks, comprising:...
A Collection of Royal Worcester Porcelain in Blush and Old Ivory, each printed and painted with
A Collection of Royal Worcester Porcelain in Blush and Old Ivory, each printed and painted with flowers, comprising: three flat handled jugs, 12-2...
A Royal Dux Pottery Centrepiece, modelled as a maiden holding a fishing net and seated on a rock
A Royal Dux Pottery Centrepiece, modelled as a maiden holding a fishing net and seated on a rock between two large shells, pink triangle mark, sha...
A Pair of Derby Porcelain Figures of Shakespeare and Milton, after Peter Scheemakers, Shakespeare
A Pair of Derby Porcelain Figures of Shakespeare and Milton, after Peter Scheemakers, Shakespeare with a scroll inscribed in gilt with verses from...
A Moorcroft Pottery Table Lamp, painted in the 'Hibiscus' pattern against a green ground, the shaped
A Moorcroft Pottery Table Lamp, painted in the 'Hibiscus' pattern against a green ground, the shaped bowl and globular stem on ormolu tripod suppo...
A Royal Crown Derby Porcelain Part Tea Service, decorated in the 'Derby Posies' Pattern, comprising:
A Royal Crown Derby Porcelain Part Tea Service, decorated in the 'Derby Posies' Pattern, comprising: two bread and butter plates, sugar bowl, milk...
A Pair of Doulton Lambeth Stoneware Vases, of baluster form, designed by Eliza Simmance and
A Pair of Doulton Lambeth Stoneware Vases, of baluster form, designed by Eliza Simmance and Elizabeth J. Adams, signed in monogram, with panels of...
A Shelley Pottery Vase, of ribbed ovoid form decorated in the "Harmony Orange" colourway, printed
A Shelley Pottery Vase, of ribbed ovoid form decorated in the "Harmony Orange" colourway, printed mark, pattern number 8823/A, 19.5cm high, anothe...
A Collection of Rockingham Porcelain Tea and Coffee Wares, each with floral scrolls or foliate
A Collection of Rockingham Porcelain Tea and Coffee Wares, each with floral scrolls or foliate decoration within blue borders, some with Griffin m...
Six Framed XIX Century Pottery Pot Lids, to include: 'Uncle Toby', 'The Times', 'Dr Johnson', '
Six Framed XIX Century Pottery Pot Lids, to include: 'Uncle Toby', 'The Times', 'Dr Johnson', ' The Ning Po River' etc, 15-19cm diameter (includin...
A Mid XIX Century Coalport Porcelain Part Dessert Service, each painted with named landscape
A Mid XIX Century Coalport Porcelain Part Dessert Service, each painted with named landscape scenes with dark blue, cream and gilt borders, compri...
A Royal Doulton Porcelain Dinner and Tea Service, decorated in the 'Carlisle' pattern with green,
A Royal Doulton Porcelain Dinner and Tea Service, decorated in the 'Carlisle' pattern with green, blue and gilt floral decorated borders, printed ...
A Collection of Rockingham Porcelain Tea and Coffee Wares, each with floral scrolling or foliate
A Collection of Rockingham Porcelain Tea and Coffee Wares, each with floral scrolling or foliate decoration mainly in gilt within cream/grey borde...
A Moorcroft Pottery Powder Bowl and Cover, of circular form, painted in the 'Hibiscus' pattern
A Moorcroft Pottery Powder Bowl and Cover, of circular form, painted in the 'Hibiscus' pattern with yellow and red flowers against a dark blue gro...
A Pair of Davenport Porcelain Pot Pourri Vases and Pierced Covers with Acorn Finials, each of
A Pair of Davenport Porcelain Pot Pourri Vases and Pierced Covers with Acorn Finials, each of circular form with four mask heads to the rims and r...
A Pair of Late XIX Century Moore Brothers Porcelain Comports, each with floral encrusted circular
A Pair of Late XIX Century Moore Brothers Porcelain Comports, each with floral encrusted circular bowl raised on cherub supports and circular base...
A Mid Victorian Staffordshire Pottery Cheese Dome and Stand, of circular form with flower knob,
A Mid Victorian Staffordshire Pottery Cheese Dome and Stand, of circular form with flower knob, painted in enamels with flowers, butterflies and i...
A Mid XIX Century Pottery Barge Teapot and Cover, the brown treacle glaze ground applied with
A Mid XIX Century Pottery Barge Teapot and Cover, the brown treacle glaze ground applied with flowers and inscribed "A Present From a Friend", 33c...
A Pair of Mid XIX Century Porcelain Vases, the shaped green grounds painted with floral sprays in
A Pair of Mid XIX Century Porcelain Vases, the shaped green grounds painted with floral sprays in elaborate cartouches, 21cm high; A Similar Two-H...
A Saltglazed Stoneware Tyg, with greyhound handles and central armorial crest, 14cm high. Crack to
A Saltglazed Stoneware Tyg, with greyhound handles and central armorial crest, 14cm high.Crack to neck of dog on one handle, all dogs feet with so...
A Pair of Late XIX Century Staffordshire Pottery Models of Cows, each standing before a stream
A Pair of Late XIX Century Staffordshire Pottery Models of Cows, each standing before a stream with a milkmaid and boy beside them, 21cm high and ...
Three Graduated Beswick Wall Hanging Kingfishers, model number 729, printed and impressed marks,
Three Graduated Beswick Wall Hanging Kingfishers, model number 729, printed and impressed marks, 12-20cm and a set of five graduated Beswick wall ...
A Brampton Stoneware Large Tankard, the shaped brown ground applied with a hunting scene, trees
A Brampton Stoneware Large Tankard, the shaped brown ground applied with a hunting scene, trees and figures, copper rim, 18cm high; A Doulton Lamb...
A Royal Dux Porcelain Figure Group, modelled as peasants, he with geese held over his shoulder,
A Royal Dux Porcelain Figure Group, modelled as peasants, he with geese held over his shoulder, the rocky oval base entitled 'Retour de Chasse', s...
A Rosenthal Porcelain Figure Group, modelled as two embracing putti, upon a shaped oval base,
A Rosenthal Porcelain Figure Group, modelled as two embracing putti, upon a shaped oval base, printed mark and impressed 655, 42.5cm long.Good con...
A Rockingham Tea Cup and Saucer and a Plate, painted in the Imari palette with fruiting foliage,
A Rockingham Tea Cup and Saucer and a Plate, painted in the Imari palette with fruiting foliage, Griffin marks and a part tea service in the seawe...
VANESSA BEECROFT (b.1969) *ARR A Semi Nude Terracotta Plaque, cast as a lady leaning on a ledge, the
VANESSA BEECROFT (b.1969) *ARR A Semi Nude Terracotta Plaque, cast as a lady leaning on a ledge, the reverse impressed Beecroft 23, 51 x 26cm.
An Extensive L. Bernardaud and Cie, Limoges Porcelain Dinner and Tea Service, decorated in the '
An Extensive L. Bernardaud and Cie, Limoges Porcelain Dinner and Tea Service, decorated in the 'Vieux Rouen' pattern with exotic birds amongst flo...
A Collection of Royal Crown Derby Porcelain Tea and Coffee Wares, all in Imari patterns, comprising:
A Collection of Royal Crown Derby Porcelain Tea and Coffee Wares, all in Imari patterns, comprising: a teacup, saucer and plate, five teacups and ...
A Worcester Porcelain Tazza, the circular shell bowl with entwined three dolphin support and
A Worcester Porcelain Tazza, the circular shell bowl with entwined three dolphin support and shaped base, unmarked, 17cm high; A Hadley Worcester ...
Five Beswick Beatrix Pottery Figures, to include: 'Pickles', 'Old Mr Brown', 'Diggory Diggory
Five Beswick Beatrix Pottery Figures, to include: 'Pickles', 'Old Mr Brown', 'Diggory Diggory Delvet', 'Mr Jackson' and 'Piggling Bland', all with...
A Royal Worcester Porcelain Figure After James Hadley Emblematic of Music and Joy, the maiden
A Royal Worcester Porcelain Figure After James Hadley Emblematic of Music and Joy, the maiden holding the tambourine, rocky circular base, printed...
A Royal Crown Derby Porcelain Caché Pot, decorated in Imari pattern 1128, of shaped hexagonal
A Royal Crown Derby Porcelain Caché Pot, decorated in Imari pattern 1128, of shaped hexagonal form, date code 1908, printed marks, 9.5cm high, two...
A Coalport Garniture of Vases, each of campana two-handled form, painted in panels with floral
A Coalport Garniture of Vases, each of campana two-handled form, painted in panels with floral sprays within dark blue and gilt grounds, 16-23cm h...
Beswick Beatrix Pottery Figures, circa 1950's, to include; 'Hunca Munca' gold backstamp, 'Goody
Beswick Beatrix Pottery Figures, circa 1950's, to include; 'Hunca Munca' gold backstamp, 'Goody Tiptoes', 'Lady Mouse', 'Foxy Whiskered Gentleman,...
A Royal Worcester Coral Handled Jug, with blush ivory ground printed and painted with floral sprays,
A Royal Worcester Coral Handled Jug, with blush ivory ground printed and painted with floral sprays, shape number 1047, date code for 1904, 23cm h...
A Pair of Late XIX Century Porcelain Shaped Oval Cache Pots, each with panels of courting couples in
A Pair of Late XIX Century Porcelain Shaped Oval Cache Pots, each with panels of courting couples in shaped cartouches within dark blue and gilt e...
A Royal Crown Derby Porcelain Plate, decorated in Imari pattern 1128, of shaped circular form,
A Royal Crown Derby Porcelain Plate, decorated in Imari pattern 1128, of shaped circular form, date code for 1980, printed marks, 19cm diameter, a...
A Moorcroft Circular Pottery Plaque, specially commissioned by R & R Collectibles Ltd, tubelined and
A Moorcroft Circular Pottery Plaque, specially commissioned by R & R Collectibles Ltd, tubelined and painted with a hot air balloon over fields an...