JAHAN Damenarmbanduhr Luxuriöses Modell in Weissgold 18K, Lünette verziert mit 16 Brillanten von
Luxuriöses Modell in Weissgold 18K, Lünette verziert mit 16 Brillanten von je 0,07 ct sowie auf dem Uhrband weitere 72 Brillanten von je 0,05 ct und Achtkant-Diamanten verzieren das Zifferblatt. Diamant-Besatz total ca. 5 ct (G/VVS2/1). Uhrwerk Quarz, Armumfang 14,5 cm, Durchmesser 18x18 mm, 49 g. Guter Zustand.
Luxuriöses Modell in Weissgold 18K, Lünette verziert mit 16 Brillanten von je 0,07 ct sowie auf dem Uhrband weitere 72 Brillanten von je 0,05 ct und Achtkant-Diamanten verzieren das Zifferblatt. Diamant-Besatz total ca. 5 ct (G/VVS2/1). Uhrwerk Quarz, Armumfang 14,5 cm, Durchmesser 18x18 mm, 49 g. Guter Zustand.
Rapp Auction 2022
Sale Date(s)
Venue Address
Jewellery, Wristwatches and Pocket Watches, Luxury Bags
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Delivery of Lots and Shipping Order
Wednesday, 4 May to Friday 6 May 2022
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Saturday, 7 May 2022
No lot deliveries, the house remains closed.
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Porcelain, Ceramics and Art Nouveau
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Proper packaging of porcelain and ceramics is very complex and special packaging often must be made. On request, we will take care of professional packing and a smooth and insured shipment of your porcelain or ceramic objects. The costs for the production of the packaging, the time required for the appropriate packaging and the costs for the transport (courier or post) must be paid in full by the buyer and range from CHF 180.- to 1’500.- depending on the format of the shipment and the destination of the recipient. If possible, we recommend that you personally pick up the objects at our auction house Rapp.
After the auction, the lots will be available for collection between 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm on workdays from Monday, 9 May to Wednesday, 18 May 2022. Please use the side entrance to the auction house (on the left-hand side) and register on the third floor.
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Wil, April 2022
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Wil, April 2022
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Bidding Increments (CHF)
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