Interiors Sale 2nd November

Interiors Sale 2nd November 2023

487 items 487 items
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Interiors Sale 2nd November

Interiors Sale 2nd November 2023

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  • 09:00 GMT - 17:00 GMT

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Currency: GBP
Buyer's premium Inc. VAT/sales tax: 24.00%
Online commission inc. VAT/sales tax: 5.94%

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487 items
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A Welsh style oak dresser, with shelves to the rack back, fitted with a cupboard and drawers with carved decoration, width 54ins, depth 21ins, hei...

A Regency mahogany cellarette / teaboy, the top opening to reveal compartments raised on turned column, terminating in four outswept feet , height...

A 19th century mahogany sidetable, with hinged top and drawer, raised on turned legs, 18ins x 12.5ins, height 29ins  TPYLS2AH  ...[more]

A 19th century mahogany work table, with drop flaps, drawer and material covered basket, on turned legs, 24ins x 18ins, height 29ins  PQM6UYB4 .....

A bamboo hall stand, decorated with material printed with peacock feathers and set with tiles, height 74ins, width 29ins, depth 10ins

A late Victorian/Edwardian  shaving stand, with adjustable mirror, raised on turned column, terminating in three outstripped feet, height 55ins ....

A Georgian mahogany serpentine front chest of drawers, fitted four graduated  drawers , raised on bracket feet, having fret work decoration, width...

A 19th century walnut games table raised on turned column, terminating in four outswept feet, width 26ins, height 26ins  together with a chess set...

A reproduction Yew dining room suite , comprising set of 6 (4+2) chairs , extending dining table with extra leaf , width 36ins, length fully exten...

A 19th century mahogany desk, having raising top with ratcheted support, the drawer opening to reveal writing surface and hidden drawers, width 39...

Four assorted trunks /chests  ...[more]

A collection of vintage leather baggage, including, including trunks, suitcases ,holdalls etc, some military examples, pukka case, retailed at Har...
