Art and Antiques

From ancient to modernity, trasures from private consignments and estates.

327 items 327 items
room Vienna

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Art and Antiques

From ancient to modernity, trasures from private consignments and estates.

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  • 10:00 CEST - 18:00 CEST

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Edmund Höd ( 1837-1888) , Grein at the Danube. Oil on board. Framed. Signed. 16 x 30 cm

Lot 122

Aaron Sculpture

Aaron Sculpture, probably after Renaissance original Plaster painted. Damages. 95 cm high. 19Th Century.

Austrian Artist mid of 19th Century, Pair of paintings. Schloss Ort Traunsee and view to Altmünster . Oil on board. In original frames. 19 x 31 cm

Hermes after the Ancient, sitting on a rock. Monumental bronze sculpture. Casted with original patina and verdi gris. On wooden partly gilded base...

Franz Reinhold ( 1816-1893), Villa Plinius Como Lake . Oil on board. In original frame. 14,5 x 19 cm

Pair of Classical Armchairs, in french empire character. Mahagony. Partly gilded and with gilded bronze mounts. Later green tapestry. A pair, 90,5...

Orientalist late 19th Century, Man sitting . Water colour on paper, signed bottom right. Framed. 31 x 24 cm

Artist around 1920, Farm in the Alps . Oil on board. Signed Pausenowsky? . Framed. 50 x 70 cm

Russian Artist around 1900, Portrait of Lev Nikolajewitsch Tolstoi ( 1828-1910 ) Oil on canvas. In a wood carved collectors frame. 100X 80 cm

Eugene Galien Laloue ( 1854-1941)- attributed, Promenaders a la Madelaine . Watercolour on paper. Signed bottom left. Framed. 22 x 31 cm

Neapoletan Artist around 1900, Fisher boads . Signed bottom right. Framed. Oil on canvas. 60 x 120 cm

Franz von Matsch ( 1861-1942)- attributed, Design . Black chalk on paper. 25 x 28 cm

V. Zabehlicky around 1885, View of Salzburg. Oil on canvas. Framed. Signed bottom right. 55 x 70 cm

Medusa in Renassaince Manner, large bronze sculpture with snake head. Bronze cast with original patina. 104 cm high.

Austrian Artist late 19th Century, still life with flowers and pears. Oil on board. Described bottom left. Marie Egner? Framed. 26 x 33 cm.

Lot 136

Wind Lantern

Wind Lantern, with one door. Feet. Gilded metal mounts, open work decorations. Canted. 72 ch high.

Austrian Artist late 19th Century, still life with flowers and apples. Oil on board. Described bottom left. Marie Egner? Framed. 26 x 33 cm.

Alfred Bareis ( 1899-1966), Three watercolours of Colmar and a Allgäu . Monogrammed and dated. Smallest 30 x 20 cm . Framed

Alfred Walter Williams ( 1824-1905), Sheeps in landscape. Oil on canvas. Framed. Signed and dated 1882. 50 x 76 cm

F. Proksch around 1900, Portrait of a girl. Black chalk on paper . Signed. Framed. 38 x 29 cm

Austrian Artist 19th Century, Waiting time. Oil on canvas on board. Signed on the bottom. Frame . 25 x 30 cm

Edward Harrison Comptom ( 1881-1960)- attributed, Stubertal Tirol . Serles Mountains. Watercolour and other techniques on paper. Described bottom ...

Gaby around 1900, Lot of three landscape paintings. Oil on board. Framed. 16 x 21 cm

Josef Kinzel (1852-1952), The wine connaisseur . Oil on wood . Signed. Framed. 26 x 20 cm

Collection of Four Coins, metal partly gilded. In boxes. One dedicated to the industry ball Vienna 1911. The hammer price will go directly to the ...

Marcel Meys ( 1886-1972), Lake Como. Oil on board. Signed , framed. 26 x 17 cm

Lot 147


Rosary, with mother of pearl, chain, silver Cross in box by Cave Rue Saint Honoree, Paris. 19Th Century.

Roman Micromosaic Box, with gold ring and bronze mount. The centre showing the Ponte Salario in Rom. Around 1800. Diameter 4,8 cm, high 1,5 cm.

Henri Guillaume Schlesinger ( 1814-1893)-attributed , Pair of girl portraits , oval in original gilded frames , a pair. 45 x 37 cm

Franz Joseph Order (1830-1916), as officer decoration for the knight order. By V. Mayers Söhne. Gilded enameld, described with Viribus Unitis. Da...

German Enamel Box, rectangular with lid. Copper partly gilded. Rich multicolour enamel paint. German 18th Century. 10 x 5,5 x 4 cm.

Vincenco Irolli ( 1860-1949)-attributed , Boy . Oil on canvas. Framed. Signed. 37 x 47 cm

Lot 154

Snuff Box

Snuff Box, oval shape with lid. Gilded copper with enamel painted landscapes and flowers. German 18th Century. 12,3 x 6,7 x 4 cm.

.Natale Schiavoni (1777-1858)-taste of, portrait of a girl Oil on canvas. 46 x 38 cm.

Lot 156

Snuff Box

Snuff Box, oval with lid. Bronze gilded and multicoloured painted enamel scene. Late 19th Century. 9 x 6,5 x 2,5 cm.

Orientalist 19th Century, View of Istanbul. Signed bottom right and dated 1884. Oil on canvas. Framed. 40 x 75 cm

Lot 158

Snuff Box

Snuff Box, half precious stone, in brown and yellow colours. Gilded copper mount on four round stone feet. Lid. German around 1800. 9,5 x 6 x 4,6 ...

Austrian Artist late 19th Century, Girl with music instruments. Oil on canvas. Signed bottom left Wylli Slie......? . Framed. 68 x 42 cm

Charles Remond (1795-1875)-Circle, pair of paintings with Neapolitan fishers. Oil on canvas. Remains of signature. A pair, framed, 62 x 75 cm.

Ede Lengyel Reinfuss ( 1873- 1942 ) - attributed, In the park . Oil on canvas. Framed. 60 x 40 cm

French Jewelery Box, bronze gilded oval shape with lid. Classical decorations. In the centre enamel picture monogrammed. Late 19th Century. 12 x 9...

Benes Knüpfer ( 1848-1910) , Portrait of a girl . Oil on wood. Signed and dated bottom left. 37 x 28 cm . Framed

Lot 165

Snuff Box

Snuff Box, rectangular shape with lid. Silver with rich multiculoured enamel decorations. Hallmarked inside dated 1933 and gilded. Possibly easter...

Helmut Liesegang ( 1858-1945), Landscape, oil on board.Signed bottom rght. Framed. 39 x 49 cm

Lot 167

Snuff Box

Snuff Box, rectangular form with lid. Gilded copper with painted enamel scenes and flowers. Germany 18th Century. 15,5 x 9 x 7 cm.

Heinrich Bartosch dated 1912, Italian girl in court , oil on canvas, signed and dated bottom left, framed. 44 x 55 cm

Two Chinese Cloisone Boxes, oval shape with lid and feet. Multicoloured enamel with flowers and birds. A pair, 19th Century. 6 x 4,5 x 3 A pair.

Victor Mytteis ( 1874-1936), Styrian Village. Oil on board. Signed. Framed. 38 x 52 cm

Vienna Silver Box, with lid. In letter shape. To be opened. Inside hallmarked and remains of gilding. Rich floral and ornamental engravings with m...

Josef Engelhart ( 1864 - 1941 ) - attributed, Oil Study with girls . Oil on canvas on board. Signed and dated bottom right. Framed. 31 x 32 cm

Lot of two Vienna Enamel Plates, one with allegorical scene. The other with ornaments partly gilded. Multicolours on copper. Late 19th Century. 7,...

Eastern Artist 20th Century, Landscape. Oil on canvas. Signed bottom left unreadable, framed. 34 x 47 cm

Italian Silver Box, rectangular shape. Inside remains of gilding. Lid to be opened. Monogrammed on the underside. With coat of arms, probably Hous...

Spanish Artist around 1900, The attraction . Oil on canvas. Signed bottom right. Framed. 46 x 38 cm

German Silver Box, cartouche shape with lid, hard stone on top. Engraved. Damages. 18Th Century. 6,7 x 5 x 2,3 cm. 44 gramm.

Eringhausen around 1920, coast line. Oil on canvas. Signed, framed. 50 x 70 cm.

Ladies Travel Box, cilindrical shape with lid to be opened. Inside mirror and two sections, partly gilded. Hallmarked. Master sign K. O. Engraved ...

Erhardt around 1920, Two horses. Oil on canvas. Framed. 50 x 60 cm
