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Stamps : Nice box of various albums inc world, GB Channel Islands - Heavy box lots to check through!
Stamps : Great box of GB kiloware definitive and commemorative in large box approx 8 / 10 kgs
Stamps : Large box of mostly GB definitive and commemorative - albums / kiloware - some world and empty albums
Stamps : Box of albums, pages , cover inc world, loose etc.
Stamps : Australia - 3 albums of stamps from 1913 through to modern 2000's all used / fine used - nice collection well presented inc many h/v's
Stamps : Monaco - 2 Folders / albums from early issues to modern - all fine used some good H/v's most part sets but a good collection
Stamps : Japan - scratch album of vintage to modern all used - does have some good collection ...[more]
Stamps : Sweden - album late 1800's - modern all used - 70 pages & useful values & a good collection ...[more]
Stamps : Malaya / Malaysia - great album of fine used - states inc straits, settlements/ Johore, Kelantan to Selangor - well filled a few sets com...
Stamps : Iraq, Oman, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Qatar- Middle Eastern countries in 3 albums well presented from early - modern all used
Stamps : Uganda, Nigeria, Cameroon, Brunei etc. in 3 albums - vintage / modern well filled used - nice lot
Stamps : Netherlands / Holland album 1852 - early 2000's selection 60+ pages includes imperf / perf 1850's / 60's & a good selection from there on...
Stamps : France - collection of fine used from 1840's to modern in album - (late 1970's) approx 60 pages - nice collection
Stamps : Vietnam - collection of fine used of independent state & Central 1950's onward good selection of issues 50+ pages ...[more]
Stamps : 4 Albums of countries vintage - modern approx 50 pages in each album inc. Malta, Vatican, Andorra, USA, Norway, Indonesia etc. all needs ...
Stamps : Album of Morocco, USSR, Portugal, Mozambique plus 4 stock books of odds ( World) ...[more]
Stamps : Box of stamps, GB / World album, stock books loose etc. some mint GB
Stamps : 2 FDC GB album 1990's - 2014, 3 World albums & loose stamps ...[more]
Stamps : Box of stamps, inc stock cards, stock books, albums etc, nice lot
Stamps : Box of covers, commercial foreign / UK etc
Stamps : Box of interesting GB & world many QV Postcards, letters, postal history, bags, single & album, good lot ...[more]
Stamps : Box of 300 GB / CI / New Zealand covers all vgc
Stamps : Vast collection of duplicated Australian 1950's - 2006 in 7 stock books some older cover & file of mint / booklets / cover - banana box ...
Stamps : India, Ceylon, Pakistan, in 2 albums from QV onward all used & recent issues all FU some complete sets but a good selection inc. many hv ...
Stamps : Germany & Austria - 2 albums of used - back to early issues to reasonably modern - nice selection of both countries ...[more]
Stamps : Album of various inc. Gibraltar, Seychelles, Trinidad & Tobago - again QV to modern used - some good sets ...[more]
Stamps : South Africa / Papua New Guinea - good album vintage - modern all used - includes many h/v sets commems etc. officials good let
Stamps : Switzerland - printed album 1800's onward - 1962 fine used 90% complete & in fine condition - nice item ...[more]
Stamps : Spain - 2 albums vintage & modern fine used - good lot & well filled & presented ...[more]
Stamps : Cyprus - nice album 1800's - modern in QV, QEII 1st set some hv & fine used ...[more]
Stamps : 3 albums - well filled & fine used includes Iran, Dubai, Sharjah, Egypt, UAE ...[more]
Stamps : 3 albums - well filled & all fine used of DDR - Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia, Czech Republic & Austria ...[more]
Stamps : Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda nice album QV onward - some hv & sets KGI - QEII all fine used well filled ...[more]
Stamps : Jamaica QV - onward - album of Africa, Belgium Congo etc, then Kenya U T Rhodesia, Zimbabwe well filled fine used ...[more]
Stamps : 2 albums - Israel, Kuwait, Jordan & Mauritius good lot - fine used albums well filled ...[more]
Stamps : 3 albums Isle of Man. Jersey, Malta, Gibraltar fine used inc. some hv's etc
Stamps : Box and Box file of GB mainly then a few India air mail covers, Wembley & 25, covers, Channel Islands cover - interesting lot ...[more]
Stamps : Vast accumulation of world kiloware in black bag - 10 kgs at least all world inc. vintage & modern ...[more]
Stamps : Box of mostly pages - world many older issues - needs inspection
Stamps : Banana box full of stamps - pages, packets, tubs etc. - world mix
Stamps : Box of year packs Canada / NZ boxes, tins, packs all world
Stamps : Tub of stamps - all in countries in packets all used 1000's within good lot
Stamps : 10 Stock books - some new full up with fine used GB & Australia very modern - good selection - duplication ...[more]
Stamps : 8 albums of GB duplicated fine used 1800's - modern includes 1 album including penny reds and twopenny blues
Stamps : Catalogues - Stamps of the world 2015 edition (6), commonwealth (2), Western Europe (1) all good cond. - 1 x world book cover damage ......
Stamps : Catalogues inc. Commonwealth pt 1 2011 then assorted, GB Australia, NZ etc. - good cond. ...[more]
Stamps : St Lucia 1949-52 postage dues duplication - high cat value - used - set & many others - nice lot ...[more]
Stamps : Nice selection f stamps world stock cards, stock book, full sheet of 9p explorers GB - nice lot
Stamps : GB - penny black on cover - red Maltese 4 margin copy - back stamp 28-05-1840 - fine cond.
Stamps : GB penny black of cover - great condition black Maltese cross - 4 margin stamp backstamp dated Leeds 10-04-1841 & Manchester 11-04-1841 -...
Stamps : Ireland - Eire nice collection of early definitives o/pf inc. a couple of seahorses plus some hv commem. sets - fine used
Stamps : GB mint stamps 1970's - 80's definitives & commem. in 3 albums. Face value £80+ ...[more]
Stamps : World collection in 4 albums - inc. commonwealth, china etc. - good lot
Stamps : Hong Kong & Singapore in 2 albums inc. QV onward HK, KGVI onward Singapore & used some sets ...[more]
Stamps : Italy - Vol 1 in Davo, all used 1860-1970 about 60% full good lot ...[more]
Stamps : Poland & Czechoslovakia - 2 vast albums - vintage - modern all used well populated collections of both ...[more]
Stamps : 3 Albums - Siam / Thailand, Greece & Luxembourg - all well filled used - vintage/modern ...[more]
Stamps : Box of stock books - much duplication - GB, commonwealth, world - couple of approval books too
Stamps : France & Belgium - 4 albums all fine used - includes France 2 modern albums Belgium 1 older 1 modern well filled ...[more]
Stamps : Scandinavia - Iceland, Faroes, Denmark, Finland - in 3 albums vintage - modern fine used - well filled albums