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- Japanese Teapot (1)
- Japanese Vase (1)
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- Keyhole Saw (1)
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- Letter Opener (1)
- Letter Rack (1)
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- Longcase clock (1)
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- Sports Magazine (1)
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- Tea Caddy (1)
- Tea Set (1)
- Tea Table (1)
- Tea Set (1)
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- Tenon Saw (1)
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- Toolboxes & Tool Chests (1)
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- Vesta case (1)
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- Wind Instrument (1)
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- Womens Fashion (1)
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- Coffee Service (1)
- Saucers (1)
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- List
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A cloisonne jar and cover having insects and flowers on a green, blue and black ground, 11cm high
A cloisonne jar and cover having insects and flowers on a green, blue and black ground, 11cm high including hardwood stand
A folk art diorama in glass fronted case, the background having a scene of open mouthed cave, with
A folk art diorama in glass fronted case, the background having a scene of open mouthed cave, with forest in foreground with two small figures and...
A Chinese carnelian snuff bottle, carved with flowering prunus having a silver mounted stopper and
A Chinese carnelian snuff bottle, carved with flowering prunus having a silver mounted stopper and spoon with jade top, the silver spoon bearing t...
A pair of grey and red marble table obelisks, 33cm high
A Loetz style vase of opaque lustre green glass within a pewter stand on four feet, 27cm high
A silver plated ice bucket having a flower bud finial, twin lion mask handles with ring pulls, and
A silver plated ice bucket having a flower bud finial, twin lion mask handles with ring pulls, and incised decoration with plastic liner 19cm high
A Victorian black lacquered inkstand, painted with gilt and inlaid with mother of pearl having two
A Victorian black lacquered inkstand, painted with gilt and inlaid with mother of pearl having two inkwells together with an inlaid letter rack
A large, broad-rimmed, textured glass pedestal bowl, in the style of Whitefriars
A pair of gilt ribbon tied pendant oval wall mirrors, with ruffle frames, having foliate aprons 44.
A pair of gilt ribbon tied pendant oval wall mirrors, with ruffle frames, having foliate aprons 44.5cm
A pair of brass lanterns, having strapwork to supports, 40.5cm
A Victorian green glass dump with bubble inclusions, 15cm high
A Royal Copenhagen figure of a Girl with Goose, together with a Lladro figure of a girl with flower basket, a Lladro figure of a goose together wi...
A Chinese blue and white vase, the body painted with chrysanthemums and scrolling tendrils, on
A Chinese blue and white vase, the body painted with chrysanthemums and scrolling tendrils, on pedestal foot, with underglaze blue mark to base, 1...
A Staffordshire porcelaneous figure of a man in hat reclining against a stump with dog, together
A Staffordshire porcelaneous figure of a man in hat reclining against a stump with dog, together with a Staffordshire pottery figure of a woman ca...
A pottery Staffordshire figure of a man leaning on a fruiting vine together with another Staffordshire flatback group of man and woman with flower...
Two Staffordshire spill vases formed of a Scots couple and sleeping girl together with a clock
Two Staffordshire spill vases formed of a Scots couple and sleeping girl together with a clock figure group (3)
A pair of 19th century Derby style candlesticks modelled as Mars and Venus, both in front of brocages, Venus with Cupid by her side, Mars with coc...
A 19th century Staffordshire cow creamer with lid together with a Staffordshire flatback of a
A 19th century Staffordshire cow creamer with lid together with a Staffordshire flatback of a couple, a single Scotsman and a spill vase of man wi...
A Staffordshire pottery figure of a girl with donkey on grassy mound, 25cm high
A Sunderland lustre mug by Scott, Southwick, C.1820 printed enamelled with a sailor's departure
A Sunderland lustre mug by Scott, Southwick, C.1820 printed enamelled with a sailor's departure leaving mother and children, with the verse 'The o...
Three Derby style figures formed as cherubs encrusted with flowers, one stood in front of a brocage with flowered sash on raised base, 14cm high
A continental porcelain figure of a girl with a mandolin and another of a traveller 14cm high
A continental porcelain figure of a girl with a mandolin and another of a traveller 14cm high together with a famille rose bowl with underglaze bl...
A gilt brass carriage clock with enamel dial and black Roman numerals, visible escapement, 15cm
A gilt brass carriage clock with enamel dial and black Roman numerals, visible escapement, 15cm high
A salt glaze loving cup with three handles formed as greyhounds together with two brown glazed
A salt glaze loving cup with three handles formed as greyhounds together with two brown glazed jasperware flagons
A vase with flared rim, painted with green vine, underglaze blue crossed swords mark to base, 14cm
A vase with flared rim, painted with green vine, underglaze blue crossed swords mark to base, 14cm high together with a 19th century pomade pot an...
A Japanese Arita dish, square outline painted to the centre in under glazed blue with island pavilions, 23cm square, under glazed blue marked to t...
A continental porcelain pedestal dish, the bowl formed as a flower encrusted pierced basket, the
A continental porcelain pedestal dish, the bowl formed as a flower encrusted pierced basket, the support surmounted with a boy and girl in 19th ce...
A Royal Doulton Lambeth honest measure inkwell, together with a flagon, vase and a bowl, 7cm high
A Royal Doulton Lambeth honest measure inkwell, together with a flagon, vase and a bowl, 7cm high
A silhouette of a gentleman in ebonised frame, two head and shoulder portraits of women in brass and
A silhouette of a gentleman in ebonised frame, two head and shoulder portraits of women in brass and ebonised frames and a hand coloured photograp...
A pair of 19th century continental porcelain five sconce candelabras modelled as a lady and gentleman in contemporary dress, the sconces applied w...
A cast iron boot scraper with oval tray
An English EPNS tea caddy having an eight point lobed body, 14cm high
A composite table lamp of campana urn form, having twin masks to the shoulders and swag decoration, on stepped base, with pleated shade, 84cm to f...
A brass match strike formed as a fly
After Emile Bruchon, a spelter table lamp formed as a winged cherub holding a flaming torch, stood
After Emile Bruchon, a spelter table lamp formed as a winged cherub holding a flaming torch, stood atop a wheel with butterflies, brass plaque to ...
A pair of ruby glass decanters with etched decoration of fruiting vine together with three matching goblets
A pair of gilt metal and cut glass lustres candlesticks, having arms issuing prismatic drops, 18cm
A pair of gilt metal and cut glass lustres candlesticks, having arms issuing prismatic drops, 18cm high
A set of six cut glass hock glasses, the bowls in various colours, 19.5cm high
A fruitwood wall shelf, the back and support heavily carved and pierced with foliate forms, having
A fruitwood wall shelf, the back and support heavily carved and pierced with foliate forms, having single semi-circular shelf, 26cm high
A James Dixon and Sons silver plated cocktail shaker, a heavy cut glass ashtray, and a silver plated
A James Dixon and Sons silver plated cocktail shaker, a heavy cut glass ashtray, and a silver plated cork stopper
A copper and brass banded jardiniere having lion mask ring pull handles on three paw feet, 24.5cm
A copper and brass banded jardiniere having lion mask ring pull handles on three paw feet, 24.5cm high
A pair of glass candle holders of goblet form, together with a green glass gin bottle having a
A pair of glass candle holders of goblet form, together with a green glass gin bottle having a silver plated stopper
A gilt metal cobalt blue glass double-ended scent bottle, a silver plated topped inkwell and two
A gilt metal cobalt blue glass double-ended scent bottle, a silver plated topped inkwell and stand and two small cobalt blue glass vases
An ebonised lacquered table top chest of drawers, metal bound having gilt painted decoration of
An ebonised lacquered table top chest of drawers, metal bound having gilt painted decoration of birds and a flowering branch 22.5cm high together ...
A Geisha tea set, a Chinese vase together with a Hooper Struve Soda Water siphon together with a
A Geisha tea set, a Chinese vase together with a Hooper Struve Soda Water siphon together with a Singleton of Doncaster bottle with stopper
A large ironstone pedestal bowl, a Japanese vase, a pair of Portuguese candlesticks, an Italian
A large ironstone pedestal bowl, a Japanese vase, a pair of Portuguese candlesticks, an Italian majolica jar together with blue and white plates
A collection of glassware including four decanters, one ring cut and another gilt decorated, ruby
A collection of glassware including four decanters, one ring cut and another gilt decorated, ruby wines, two glasses with green moulded stems etc
A quantity of decorative items comprising mirrored drawers and trinket boxes, letter racks, a pair
A quantity of decorative items comprising mirrored drawers and trinket boxes, letter racks, a pair of large goblets, trinket dishes, paperweights,...
A collection of decorative cushions to include two tapestry cushions with white tassle fringing
A collection of decorative cushions to include two tapestry cushions with white tassle fringing together with two cushions depicting a row of ladi...
A brass fireside companion set comprising tongs, poker and shovel together with an engraved brass
A brass fireside companion set comprising tongs, poker and shovel together with an engraved brass tray, and two brass fire dogs
A large collection of Royal Worcester Evesham tableware together with some Port Meirion Botanic
A large collection of Royal Worcester Evesham tableware together with some Port Meirion Botanic Garden items
A collection of prints and pictures together with ceramics
A large silk cushion, the front embroidered with two bearded iris and a butterfly, having rope
A large silk cushion, the front embroidered with two bearded iris and a butterfly, having rope edging together with two further large embroidered ...
A large collection of World and GB 19th and 20th century stamps in five ring binders and five books,
A large collection of World and GB 19th and 20th century stamps in five ring binders and five books, together with some late 19th century German e...
A collection of Wedgwood Woodland pattern tableware comprising eight consomme cups and stands, two
A collection of Wedgwood Woodland pattern tableware comprising eight consomme cups and stands, two vegetable dishes and covers and plates together...
A collection of ironstone including large plate, two Chinese Tree plates, a lidded tureen with
A collection of ironstone including large plate, two Chinese Tree plates, a lidded tureen with Japanese patterna Mason's Mandalay jug, two Mason's...
A collection of 19th century and later ceramics including tableware, plant pots, decorative plates
A collection of 19th century and later ceramics including tableware, plant pots, decorative plates etc
A brass etched pepper grinder, a set of Salters scales together with a brass oil lamp with etched
A brass etched pepper grinder, a set of Salters scales together with a brass oil lamp with etched shade, a copper kettle, a copper pan and a brass...
A collection of Royal Worcester Evesham tableware comprising serving dishes, tureens plates, cups
A collection of Royal Worcester Evesham tableware comprising serving dishes, tureens plates, cups and saucers