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Mid 19th century Royal Worcester blush ivory tusk jug the handle modelled with foliate design culminating in acanthus leaves, the neck moulded wit...
Early 20th century Royal Worcester blush ivory vase of slender form, large body and twin acanthus
Early 20th century Royal Worcester blush ivory vase of slender form, large body and twin acanthus handles no.2303, Rd. 419211 together with two ju...
Royal Worcester blush ivory sectioned tusk jug, with moulded branch handle, decorated with painted
Royal Worcester blush ivory sectioned tusk jug, with moulded branch handle, decorated with painted and applied flowers, bearing puce mark to base ...
Coalport 'Batwing' pattern china comprising comport on foot, three saucers, slop bowl and cake
Coalport 'Batwing' pattern china comprising comport on foot, three saucers, slop bowl and cake plates
Herend porcelain inkstand on four feet with a central model of a bird on a branch, the wells with
Herend porcelain inkstand on four feet with a central model of a bird on a branch, the wells with liners and lids moulded with flowers, bearing th...
Leeds Creamware pierced chestnut basket with scalloped rim, with interlaced twin handles and artichoke finial
Wedgwood Bizarre after Clarice Cliff vase of 'Red Roofs' pattern 19cm, in original box
Clarice Cliff 'Sungleam Crocus' rectangular trough planter with flared rim on squat supports, stamped to base Royal Staffordshire 29cm wide by 18c...
Orrefors Maja glass bowl together with two wine glasses, designed by Eva Englund hand painted with
Orrefors Maja glass bowl together with two wine glasses, designed by Eva Englund hand painted with fruiting vine and blue rings to the feet, the b...
A 19th century Coalport ink stand, oblong, encrusted with flowers, enriched in gilt, 23cm by 17cm (
A 19th century Coalport ink stand, oblong, encrusted with flowers, enriched in gilt, 23cm by 17cm (without inkwells), together with an oval cerami...
Chinese enamelled metal tray of oval outline, painted with figures in a garden landscape within a
Chinese enamelled metal tray of oval outline, painted with figures in a garden landscape within a surround of fruiting vine, the underside with a ...
An early 20th century Japanese gilt hair ornament decorated with leaves contained in a padded
An early 20th century Japanese gilt hair ornament decorated with leaves contained in a padded case, together with a Chinese bronze mythical beast,...
McIntyre vase in iron red, blue and gilt with trumpet shaped neck, on pedestal foot, early 20th
McIntyre vase in iron red, blue and gilt with trumpet shaped neck, on pedestal foot, early 20th century 16.5 cm (restored)
Royal Crown Derby 'Traditional Imari' teapot, with gilt and peach spout bearing mark to base no.2451
Royal Crown Derby 'Traditional Imari' teapot, with gilt and peach spout bearing mark to base no.2451 23cm length
A salt glaze funnel, a salt glaze jug with reeded handle and a stoneware tankard by A G Hopkin
A salt glaze funnel, a salt glaze jug with reeded handle and a stoneware tankard by A G Hopkin Lambeth 1929, impressed mark and incised signature...
Early 19th century Spode pearl ware blue and white plate, with scalloped edge decorated with pagoda scene within a butterfly and lattice border
Two Lladro clowns measuring 22 and 22.5cm
Lladro figure of a shepherd with ewe and lamb 21cm high, a girl with cockerel 19.5cm and an elephant
Lladro figure of a shepherd with ewe and lamb 21cm high, a girl with cockerel 19.5cm and an elephant with a bunch of flowers tucked behind his ear...
Lacquered brass carriage clock by Taylor & Bligh London, enamel dial with Roman numerals,with key,
Lacquered brass carriage clock by Taylor & Bligh London, enamel dial with Roman numerals,with key, 15cm high, together with a barometer thermomete...
A late 19th century Foley china tea service printed in mauve with classical design of figures in
A late 19th century Foley china tea service printed in mauve with classical design of figures in oval vignettes, urns of flowers and swags with sc...
A Doulton Lambeth wine beaker with silver rim, the tapered body applied with blue and white florets on a brown ground, impressed stamp to undersid...
A set of six blue cut hock glasses on pale green stems
A Chinese blue and white plaque of circular outline painted with songbirds in a blossom tree,
A Chinese blue and white plaque of circular outline painted with songbirds in a blossom tree, printed seal mark and impressed seal mark to undersi...
Three Chinese hardwood vase stands, one with chrysanthemum and leaf pierced apron, on scrolling
Three Chinese hardwood vase stands, one with chrysanthemum and leaf pierced apron, on scrolling legs, with a label for Treevy & Bolton, Keswick, 2...
Two Staunton pattern chess sets, one set with one odd item to make up the set together with a set of
Two Staunton pattern chess sets, one set with one odd item to make up the set together with a set of bone and ebony dominoes
A pair of Dean Sherwin 'Six Towns' cruets and a conical sugar sifter of the same design and a Jazz
A pair of Dean Sherwin 'Six Towns' cruets and a conical sugar sifter of the same design and a Jazz design conical sugar sifter for Moorland
Blakeny Ironstone blue and white rose decorated bowl and toilet bowl of similar design, a circular
Blakeny Ironstone blue and white rose decorated bowl and toilet bowl of similar design, a circular pedestal bowl of primrose design and a shell sh...
Moorland pottery orange lustre glaze coffee set for one comprising, coffee pot, milk jug, sugar
Moorland pottery orange lustre glaze coffee set for one comprising, coffee pot, milk jug, sugar shaker and cup
Dean Sherwin for Moorland, vase, red roofed cottage in a landscape with trees, printed mark and
Dean Sherwin for Moorland, vase, red roofed cottage in a landscape with trees, printed mark and painted D. Sherwin 97 to underside, 18 1/2cm high
Heron Cross pottery vase decorated in pale blue, green, black and apricot with reclining nude
Heron Cross pottery vase decorated in pale blue, green, black and apricot with reclining nude females, 24.5 cm high
Dean Sherwin pottery vase of silver fish design, no. 6/50, of compressed circular outline, 12 1/
Dean Sherwin pottery vase of silver fish design, no. 6/50, of compressed circular outline, 12 1/2cm high by 22cm diameter, together with a small b...
Dean Sherwin plaque, 'Millenium Fantasy' in the style of Clarice Cliff no. 5 of 10, signed, 36cm
Dean Sherwin plaque, 'Millenium Fantasy' in the style of Clarice Cliff no. 5 of 10, signed, 36cm diameter
Manor Ltd figure of Clarice Cliffe 53 of 1500, a Pottery Ladies Clarice Cliffe figure no 586 of 1000
Manor Ltd figure of Clarice Cliffe 53 of 1500, a Pottery Ladies Clarice Cliffe figure no 586 of 1000 and pottery model of an ocean liner 'SS Paci...
A reproduction friction model pink convertible of American style 27cm long, together with a beaded
A reproduction friction model pink convertible of American style 27cm long, together with a beaded clutch bag on chain
A blue and white silk scarf by Nicole Farhi, hand-rolled hem, care label, and scarf sleeve for
A blue and white silk scarf by Nicole Farhi, hand-rolled hem, care label, and scarf sleeve for autumn/winter 2011, approx. 86 cm by 88cm; together...
A Victorian half gallon copper measure with proof mark, 13.5cm
A 19th century bronzed brass candlestick, a leaf cast nozzle and sconce raised on three monopied
A 19th century bronzed brass candlestick, a leaf cast nozzle and sconce raised on three monopied with three griffin heads, on a drum shaped plinth...
An Indian micro-mosaic and carved hardwood box with ivory stringing, the cover carved with a deity
An Indian micro-mosaic and carved hardwood box with ivory stringing, the cover carved with a deity within an oval cartouche, within a surround of ...
A 19th century rosewood and mother of pearl inlaid tea caddy, the indented panels with quarter beading, the interior fitted with two lidded caddie...
A set of seven Thomas Webb crystal wine glasses and two port glasses, cut bowls and panel stems,
A set of seven Thomas Webb crystal wine glasses and two port glasses, cut bowls and panel stems, on circular foot
A Victorian set of mahogany and brass postal scales by Samuel Morden and Co with weights and ivory
A Victorian set of mahogany and brass postal scales by Samuel Morden and Co with weights and ivory plaque denoting the postage rate, on compressed...
A Meersham pipe, the bowl modelled as an Edwardian lady wearing a bonnet with feather trim (damage
A Meersham pipe, the bowl modelled as an Edwardian lady wearing a bonnet with feather trim (damage to the mouth piece), with original case, togeth...
A three-quarter portrait of Mrs Graham, 18th century lady wearing elaborate costume and feathered
A three-quarter portrait of Mrs Graham, 18th century lady wearing elaborate costume and feathered hat, in gilt and ivorine oval frame with strut, ...
A copper sauce pot with iron side handle, a small copper pan with steel handle, Elkington and Co and
A copper sauce pot with iron side handle, a small copper pan with steel handle, Elkington and Co and marked for The White Star Line Restaurant
Handmade glassware for National Trust, from illustrations by Rodney Shackell in original boxes
Handmade glassware for National Trust, from illustrations by Rodney Shackell in original boxes decorated with pastoral scenes, Harvest Time, Mid S...
A part suite of crystal table glass comprising twelve hocks and five brandies
Two crystal serving bowls, five Champagne coupes, preserve pot, sugar and cream, six liqueur glasses
Two crystal serving bowls, five Champagne coupes, preserve pot, sugar and cream, six liqueur glasses
Items of cut glass including two crystal serving bowls, water jug, ice pale, preserve pot, table
Items of cut glass including two crystal serving bowls, water jug, ice pale, preserve pot, table bell, ash tray, sherry or port glasses and a Wedg...
Two silver plated entree dishes and covers of rectangular and oval outline together with a wine
Two silver plated entree dishes and covers of rectangular and oval outline together with a wine coaster with gadroon rim
A silver plated on copper two handled tray of oval outline with pierced gallery, 61cm by 44cm
A silver plated on copper two handled tray of oval outline with pierced gallery, 61cm by 44cm
A Moorcroft table lamp of baluster form, tube lined and glazed in ivory coral and shades of green
A Moorcroft table lamp of baluster form, tube lined and glazed in ivory coral and shades of green with poppies, on a black base, 25.5cm
A Moorcroft table lamp of baluster outline, tube lined and glazed in ivory, pale yellow, pink and
A Moorcroft table lamp of baluster outline, tube lined and glazed in ivory, pale yellow, pink and green in a design of flowers and on a dark brown...
A large vase hand painted with a barn owl amongst ivy to either side, signed Sally Ann Lugg to
A large vase hand painted with a barn owl amongst ivy to either side, signed Sally Ann Lugg to underside, 28cm high by approximately 27cm wide
Two Royal Copenhagen ducks, wren and a pike
An Inuit stone carving of a salmon signed to the underside Johnassie.S, damage and repair to the
An Inuit stone carving of a salmon signed to the underside Johnassie.S, damage and repair to the tail fin, 28cm long, 10cm high
An early 20th century mantel clock of domed outline, the silvered dial with Arabic Roman numerals,
An early 20th century mantel clock of domed outline, the silvered dial with Arabic Roman numerals, on compressed gilt feet by Fattorini and Sons, ...
A reproduction brass skeleton clock by Buren, Swiss made, serial number 120989, 25.5cm high
A gilt carriage clock, French movement, having a porcelain dial with Arabic numerals, exposed
A gilt carriage clock, French movement, having a porcelain dial with Arabic numerals, exposed escapement, 16cm high, with key
A set of six Caithness goblets each etched with wildlife by Dennis Mann including peregrine, otter, hedgehog, buzzard, salmon and trout, each sign...
A pair of silver collared cut glass decanters, Birmingham 1996 33.5cm high, together with a further cut glass decanter, 34cm